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姓名:叶茂 性别:男 E-mail:yem_mei29@hotmail.com
系别:软件技术系 职称:副教授/博导 职务:执行系主任
学历:博士 电话:13981910920
叶茂,男,1973.9,副教授, 博导,博士,计算机学会高级会员,电子科技大学软件学院软件技术系执行系主任, 2006教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划获得者。目前主要从事计算机视觉、模式识别、智能信息处理等交叉领域的研究。以下为详细介绍。
博士学位 香港中文大学数学科学研究所,1999.8-2002.7
硕士学位 电子科技大学应用数学系 1995.9-1998.4
学士学位 四川师范大学数学系 1991.9-1995.7
2002.8-至今 成都电子科技大学计算机科学与工程学院任教, 2005年评为副教授,从事盲信号分离、数据挖掘和商业智能系统方面的研究
2005.11-2006.8 澳大利亚昆士兰大学信息科学与技术工程学院, 访问学者,从事高维数据流挖掘方面的理论研究
1999.8-2002.7 香港中文大学数据研究所博士生, 从事常微分方程理论与应用方面的研究
1998.4-1999.7 信息产业部电子第二十九研究所软件组, 高级程序员,从事信息与数据融合方面的研究和软件编制工作
1995.9-1998.4 电子科技大学应用数学系,硕士生, 从事神经网络收敛性理论研究
1991.9-1995.7 四川师范大学数学系本科生
本人今年准备招5个研究生,有意报考或者推免保送我的考生请尽快和我联系。我特别希望招几个有志于视觉计算研究的学生。你的入学考试成绩对我不重要,但你应该是对科学研究有兴趣的人。为了研究生学习不白费时间, 我对硕士生毕业有下面要求:
3. 欢迎数学专业学生报考。
本人今年准备招2个博士研究生,有意报考或者推免保送我的考生请尽快和我联系。我特别希望招几个有志于视觉计算研究的学生。我们从事的是以问题驱动的科学研究, 所以将以追求原创的想法为目标, 我对博士生毕业有下面要求:
2.发表或接收至少一篇IEEE Transactions论文或三篇SCI论文。
3. 欢迎数学专业学生报考。
主持国家自然科学基金一项;参加国家自然科学基金三项;作为第1负责人主持横向课题两项; 现主持四川省科技厅应用基础项目一项; 获教育部2006年新世纪优秀人才支持计划基金资助。共计科研经费近百万元。
目前正进行两个关键的视觉项目,一为基于Symbian的车辆辅助驾驶监控系统, 一为基于视觉异常事件检测系统. 非常有挑战性和有趣, 期待同学们的加入!
(a) 会议服务
国际神经网络研讨会(ISNN2005重庆,ISNN2007南京)程序委员会成员(PC Member)
2006,2008年通讯,电路与系统国际会议(ICCCAS’06桂林)程序委员会成员(PC Member)
第2届高级数据挖掘与应用国际会议(西安ADMA’06)程序委员会成员(PC Member)
(b) 以下期刊常期审稿人: IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, IEEE Trans. Sys. Man. Cybernetics, Part B, Neural Computing & Applications, IEEE Signal Processing Letters等
1. Mao Ye, Xue Li, Maria E. Orlowska, “Projected Outlier Detection in High Dimensional Data Set with Mixed Attributes”, Expert system with Applications. Accepted
2. Yingying Zhu, Mao Ye, “An Intrinsic Subsequence Decomposition Algorithm for Intrusion Detection,” ICNC08. Accepted
3. Mao Ye, Yonguo Liu, Hong Wu, Qihe Liu, “A few on-line algorithms for extracting minor generalized eigenvectors,” IJCNN2008. Accepted
4. Gao Zengan, Mao Ye, “A framework for Data Mining-Based Anti-Money Laundering Research”, Journal of Money Laundering Control, Vol. 10, No.2, 2007
5. Mao Ye, Zhang Yi, K.K.Tan, “A robust and globally convergent PCA algorithm”, Control and Intelligent System. Vol.35, No.2,pp.143-161, 2007.
6. Mao Ye, Zengan Gao, Xue Li, Blind Separation of Positive Signals by Using Genetic Algorithm, ISNN2007, LNCS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.4493. pp.0741-0749.
7. Mao Ye, Xue Li, “An Efficient Measure of Signal Temporal Predictability for Blind Signal Separation”, Neural Processing Letters. Vol.26, No.1, pp. 57-68.
8. Mao Ye, Xue Li, Maria E. Orloswka, “Supervised Dimensionality Reduction on Data Stream”, Proceedings of FKSD2007, The Fourth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, Vol.1, pp. 674-678.
9. Mao Ye, Xu-Qian Fan, Xue Li, “A class of self-stabilizing MCA Learning algorithms”, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks. Vol. 17, No. 5, pp.1634-1638, 2006
10. Mao Ye, “Global convergence analysis of a ‘Non-negative ICA’ algorithm”, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks. Vol. 17, No. 1, pp.253-256. JANUARY 2006.
11. Xiaorong Pu, Mao Ye, etc, “A New Neural Network to Extract Topics in Dynamical Text”, in Chinese, Computer Science, Vol.33, No.1, pp.246-248. JANUARY 2006
12. Mao Ye, Xue Li, Chengfu Yang, Zengan Gao, “Convergence analysis of a discrete-time one-unit ICA algorithm”, ISNN2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.3971, pp.1140-1146. April 2006.
13. Mao Ye, Xu-Qian Fan, “Convergence Analysis of a Discrete Time Online Algorithm for LDA”, ICSAS06, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B, Complementarity Issue. pp.440-445. May 2006
14. Mao Ye, Xu-Qian Fan and Qi-He Liu, “Monotonic Convergence of a Geodesic Nonnegative ICA Algorithm”, The 13th International Conference on Neural Information Processing,Hongkong, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4232, pp.1098-1106..
15. Zhang Yi, Mao Ye, J. C. Lv and K. K. Tan, "Convergence analysis of a deterministic discrete time system of Oja's PCA learning algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. Vol.16, No. 6, pp 1318-1328. Nov. 2005.
16. Mao Ye, “Global convergence analysis of a self-stabilized MCA learning algorithm”, Neurocomputing. Vol. 67C pp 321-327. July 2005.
17. Mao Ye, Zhang Yi, “Complete Convergence of Competitive Neural Networks with Different Time Scales ,” Neural processing letters. Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 53 - 60. February 2005.
18. Mao Ye, Zhang Yi, Jianchen Lv, “A globally convergent PCA learning algorithm,” Neural Computing and Application. Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 18-24. March 2005.
19. Qi-he Liu, Fan Li, Fan Min, Mao Ye and Guo-wei Yang, “An Efficient Knowledge Reduction Algorithm Based on New Conditional Information Entropy,” in Chinese, Control and Decision. Vol.20, No.8, pp.878-882. August 2005.
20. Mao Ye, “Robust beamforming by a globally convergent MCA neural network”, Advances in Neural Networks – ISNN 2005: Second International Symposium on Neural Networks, Chongqing, China, May 30 - June 1, 2005, Proceedings, Part I Lecturer notes in computer science. Vol. 3497, pp. 1034-1042, April 2005
21. Mao Ye, “Multistability of Competitive Neural Networks With Different Time Scales”, ICCCAS’05. pp.939-943, June 2005
22. ChengfuYang, Mao Ye, Jin Zhao, “Document Clustering Based On Nonnegative Sparse Matrix Factorization,” 2005 International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'05). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3611 Springer 2005, pp. 557-563. August 2005
23. Zhao Jin, Mao Ye, Zhang Yi, Chengfu Yang, “A novel neural network method to separate one channel sounds”. 11th signal processing national conference. Chinese Journal of Signal processing. (suppl) 2005.
24. Xiaorong Pu, Zhang Yi, Ziming Zheng, Wei Zhou, Mao Ye: Face Recognition Using Fisher Non-negative Matrix Factorization with Sparseness Constraints. Advances in Neural Networks – ISNN 2005: Second International Symposium on Neural Networks, Chongqing, China, May 30 - June 1, 2005, Proceedings, Part II Lecturer notes in computer science. Vol. 3497, pp. 112-117, April 2005
25. Mao Ye, “Existence and asymptotic stability of relaxation discrete shock profiles,” Mathematics of Computation, 2004. Vol.73, pp.1261-1296.
26. Mao Ye, “Numerical boundary layers of conservation laws with relaxation extension,” Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2004. Vol. 51(2-3), pp. 385-405.
27. Mao Ye, “High order relaxation schemes on phase transition equations,” Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2004. Vol.2. No.2, pp.48-53.
28. Mao Ye, Yong Cheng, “Hierarchical clustering algorithm based on distribution model,” in Chinese, Journal of UESTC, 2004. Vol. 33. No.2, pp.171-175.
29. K.J.Huang, Mao Ye, Y.C.Li, “A globally convergent learning algorithm”, in Chinese, Computer Science, 2004.5. Vol. 31(5) pp. 153-156.
30. X.S.Zhang, Mao Ye, Y.D.Wang, Y.C.Li, “Neural Networks for Adaptive Beamforming”, in Chinese, Computer Science, 2004.11. Vol. 31(11) pp.205-207.
31. Mao Ye, Zhang Yi, “On the discrete time dynamics of the MCA neural networks”, 2004 International Symposium on Neural Networks, Lecture notes in computer science, Vol. 3173. pp. 815-821
32. Mao Ye, Zhang Yi, “Global convergence analysis of a PCA learning algorithm,” The second International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS’04), Chengdu, 2004.6,Vol.2. pp.1052-1056.
33. J.C.Lv, Mao Ye, Zhang Yi, "Convergence analysis of OJA+ algorithm", 2004 International Symposium on Neural Networks, 2004.8, Lecture notes in computer science, Vol. 3173. pp. 812-815.
34. J.C.Lv, Mao Ye, Zhang Yi, “Analysis of PCA Neural Networks”, in Chinese, Computer Science, 2004.10
35. Mao Ye, “A clustering algorithm based on similarity self-merging,” in Chinese, Proceeding of conference of theoretical computer (2003), Vol. 16(supp), pp.113-119
36. Mao Ye, “Analysis and numerical methods for conservation laws,” Ph.D thesis, Institute of mathematics science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002
37. Mao Ye, “Asymptotic convergence of a monotone flow,” in Chinese, Journal of UESTC, 1997. vol.26. No.5 557-559
38. Mao Ye, S.M.Zhong, “Easy to learn and use Visual C++5.0”, in Chinese, Book, Publishing house of UESTC, 1999.
系别:软件技术系 职称:副教授/博导 职务:执行系主任
学历:博士 电话:13981910920
叶茂,男,1973.9,副教授, 博导,博士,计算机学会高级会员,电子科技大学软件学院软件技术系执行系主任, 2006教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划获得者。目前主要从事计算机视觉、模式识别、智能信息处理等交叉领域的研究。以下为详细介绍。
博士学位 香港中文大学数学科学研究所,1999.8-2002.7
硕士学位 电子科技大学应用数学系 1995.9-1998.4
学士学位 四川师范大学数学系 1991.9-1995.7
2002.8-至今 成都电子科技大学计算机科学与工程学院任教, 2005年评为副教授,从事盲信号分离、数据挖掘和商业智能系统方面的研究
2005.11-2006.8 澳大利亚昆士兰大学信息科学与技术工程学院, 访问学者,从事高维数据流挖掘方面的理论研究
1999.8-2002.7 香港中文大学数据研究所博士生, 从事常微分方程理论与应用方面的研究
1998.4-1999.7 信息产业部电子第二十九研究所软件组, 高级程序员,从事信息与数据融合方面的研究和软件编制工作
1995.9-1998.4 电子科技大学应用数学系,硕士生, 从事神经网络收敛性理论研究
1991.9-1995.7 四川师范大学数学系本科生
本人今年准备招5个研究生,有意报考或者推免保送我的考生请尽快和我联系。我特别希望招几个有志于视觉计算研究的学生。你的入学考试成绩对我不重要,但你应该是对科学研究有兴趣的人。为了研究生学习不白费时间, 我对硕士生毕业有下面要求:
3. 欢迎数学专业学生报考。
本人今年准备招2个博士研究生,有意报考或者推免保送我的考生请尽快和我联系。我特别希望招几个有志于视觉计算研究的学生。我们从事的是以问题驱动的科学研究, 所以将以追求原创的想法为目标, 我对博士生毕业有下面要求:
2.发表或接收至少一篇IEEE Transactions论文或三篇SCI论文。
3. 欢迎数学专业学生报考。
主持国家自然科学基金一项;参加国家自然科学基金三项;作为第1负责人主持横向课题两项; 现主持四川省科技厅应用基础项目一项; 获教育部2006年新世纪优秀人才支持计划基金资助。共计科研经费近百万元。
目前正进行两个关键的视觉项目,一为基于Symbian的车辆辅助驾驶监控系统, 一为基于视觉异常事件检测系统. 非常有挑战性和有趣, 期待同学们的加入!
(a) 会议服务
国际神经网络研讨会(ISNN2005重庆,ISNN2007南京)程序委员会成员(PC Member)
2006,2008年通讯,电路与系统国际会议(ICCCAS’06桂林)程序委员会成员(PC Member)
第2届高级数据挖掘与应用国际会议(西安ADMA’06)程序委员会成员(PC Member)
(b) 以下期刊常期审稿人: IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, IEEE Trans. Sys. Man. Cybernetics, Part B, Neural Computing & Applications, IEEE Signal Processing Letters等
1. Mao Ye, Xue Li, Maria E. Orlowska, “Projected Outlier Detection in High Dimensional Data Set with Mixed Attributes”, Expert system with Applications. Accepted
2. Yingying Zhu, Mao Ye, “An Intrinsic Subsequence Decomposition Algorithm for Intrusion Detection,” ICNC08. Accepted
3. Mao Ye, Yonguo Liu, Hong Wu, Qihe Liu, “A few on-line algorithms for extracting minor generalized eigenvectors,” IJCNN2008. Accepted
4. Gao Zengan, Mao Ye, “A framework for Data Mining-Based Anti-Money Laundering Research”, Journal of Money Laundering Control, Vol. 10, No.2, 2007
5. Mao Ye, Zhang Yi, K.K.Tan, “A robust and globally convergent PCA algorithm”, Control and Intelligent System. Vol.35, No.2,pp.143-161, 2007.
6. Mao Ye, Zengan Gao, Xue Li, Blind Separation of Positive Signals by Using Genetic Algorithm, ISNN2007, LNCS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.4493. pp.0741-0749.
7. Mao Ye, Xue Li, “An Efficient Measure of Signal Temporal Predictability for Blind Signal Separation”, Neural Processing Letters. Vol.26, No.1, pp. 57-68.
8. Mao Ye, Xue Li, Maria E. Orloswka, “Supervised Dimensionality Reduction on Data Stream”, Proceedings of FKSD2007, The Fourth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, Vol.1, pp. 674-678.
9. Mao Ye, Xu-Qian Fan, Xue Li, “A class of self-stabilizing MCA Learning algorithms”, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks. Vol. 17, No. 5, pp.1634-1638, 2006
10. Mao Ye, “Global convergence analysis of a ‘Non-negative ICA’ algorithm”, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks. Vol. 17, No. 1, pp.253-256. JANUARY 2006.
11. Xiaorong Pu, Mao Ye, etc, “A New Neural Network to Extract Topics in Dynamical Text”, in Chinese, Computer Science, Vol.33, No.1, pp.246-248. JANUARY 2006
12. Mao Ye, Xue Li, Chengfu Yang, Zengan Gao, “Convergence analysis of a discrete-time one-unit ICA algorithm”, ISNN2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.3971, pp.1140-1146. April 2006.
13. Mao Ye, Xu-Qian Fan, “Convergence Analysis of a Discrete Time Online Algorithm for LDA”, ICSAS06, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B, Complementarity Issue. pp.440-445. May 2006
14. Mao Ye, Xu-Qian Fan and Qi-He Liu, “Monotonic Convergence of a Geodesic Nonnegative ICA Algorithm”, The 13th International Conference on Neural Information Processing,Hongkong, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4232, pp.1098-1106..
15. Zhang Yi, Mao Ye, J. C. Lv and K. K. Tan, "Convergence analysis of a deterministic discrete time system of Oja's PCA learning algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. Vol.16, No. 6, pp 1318-1328. Nov. 2005.
16. Mao Ye, “Global convergence analysis of a self-stabilized MCA learning algorithm”, Neurocomputing. Vol. 67C pp 321-327. July 2005.
17. Mao Ye, Zhang Yi, “Complete Convergence of Competitive Neural Networks with Different Time Scales ,” Neural processing letters. Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 53 - 60. February 2005.
18. Mao Ye, Zhang Yi, Jianchen Lv, “A globally convergent PCA learning algorithm,” Neural Computing and Application. Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 18-24. March 2005.
19. Qi-he Liu, Fan Li, Fan Min, Mao Ye and Guo-wei Yang, “An Efficient Knowledge Reduction Algorithm Based on New Conditional Information Entropy,” in Chinese, Control and Decision. Vol.20, No.8, pp.878-882. August 2005.
20. Mao Ye, “Robust beamforming by a globally convergent MCA neural network”, Advances in Neural Networks – ISNN 2005: Second International Symposium on Neural Networks, Chongqing, China, May 30 - June 1, 2005, Proceedings, Part I Lecturer notes in computer science. Vol. 3497, pp. 1034-1042, April 2005
21. Mao Ye, “Multistability of Competitive Neural Networks With Different Time Scales”, ICCCAS’05. pp.939-943, June 2005
22. ChengfuYang, Mao Ye, Jin Zhao, “Document Clustering Based On Nonnegative Sparse Matrix Factorization,” 2005 International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'05). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3611 Springer 2005, pp. 557-563. August 2005
23. Zhao Jin, Mao Ye, Zhang Yi, Chengfu Yang, “A novel neural network method to separate one channel sounds”. 11th signal processing national conference. Chinese Journal of Signal processing. (suppl) 2005.
24. Xiaorong Pu, Zhang Yi, Ziming Zheng, Wei Zhou, Mao Ye: Face Recognition Using Fisher Non-negative Matrix Factorization with Sparseness Constraints. Advances in Neural Networks – ISNN 2005: Second International Symposium on Neural Networks, Chongqing, China, May 30 - June 1, 2005, Proceedings, Part II Lecturer notes in computer science. Vol. 3497, pp. 112-117, April 2005
25. Mao Ye, “Existence and asymptotic stability of relaxation discrete shock profiles,” Mathematics of Computation, 2004. Vol.73, pp.1261-1296.
26. Mao Ye, “Numerical boundary layers of conservation laws with relaxation extension,” Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2004. Vol. 51(2-3), pp. 385-405.
27. Mao Ye, “High order relaxation schemes on phase transition equations,” Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2004. Vol.2. No.2, pp.48-53.
28. Mao Ye, Yong Cheng, “Hierarchical clustering algorithm based on distribution model,” in Chinese, Journal of UESTC, 2004. Vol. 33. No.2, pp.171-175.
29. K.J.Huang, Mao Ye, Y.C.Li, “A globally convergent learning algorithm”, in Chinese, Computer Science, 2004.5. Vol. 31(5) pp. 153-156.
30. X.S.Zhang, Mao Ye, Y.D.Wang, Y.C.Li, “Neural Networks for Adaptive Beamforming”, in Chinese, Computer Science, 2004.11. Vol. 31(11) pp.205-207.
31. Mao Ye, Zhang Yi, “On the discrete time dynamics of the MCA neural networks”, 2004 International Symposium on Neural Networks, Lecture notes in computer science, Vol. 3173. pp. 815-821
32. Mao Ye, Zhang Yi, “Global convergence analysis of a PCA learning algorithm,” The second International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS’04), Chengdu, 2004.6,Vol.2. pp.1052-1056.
33. J.C.Lv, Mao Ye, Zhang Yi, "Convergence analysis of OJA+ algorithm", 2004 International Symposium on Neural Networks, 2004.8, Lecture notes in computer science, Vol. 3173. pp. 812-815.
34. J.C.Lv, Mao Ye, Zhang Yi, “Analysis of PCA Neural Networks”, in Chinese, Computer Science, 2004.10
35. Mao Ye, “A clustering algorithm based on similarity self-merging,” in Chinese, Proceeding of conference of theoretical computer (2003), Vol. 16(supp), pp.113-119
36. Mao Ye, “Analysis and numerical methods for conservation laws,” Ph.D thesis, Institute of mathematics science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002
37. Mao Ye, “Asymptotic convergence of a monotone flow,” in Chinese, Journal of UESTC, 1997. vol.26. No.5 557-559
38. Mao Ye, S.M.Zhong, “Easy to learn and use Visual C++5.0”, in Chinese, Book, Publishing house of UESTC, 1999.
- 电子科技大学教学资源
- 叶茂老师课程教学资源
- 电子科技大学:数字信号处理方法与实现
- 电子科技大学:数学建模
- 电子科技大学:电路分析基础(复习)
- 电子科技大学:形式语言与自动机
- 电子科技大学:电磁场与电磁波(一)
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- 电子科技大学:《纳米电子学与自旋电子学》课程教学资源(课件讲稿,陈勇、文歧业)
- 西安电子科技大学:《固体物理》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第四章 固体能带论——固体中电子的状态和能谱 §4-1 固体电子的共有化和能带
- 西安电子科技大学:《固体物理》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第四章 固体能带论——固体中电子的状态和能谱 §4-3 能态密度 4-4-1 近自由电子模型
- 西安电子科技大学:《固体物理》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第四章 固体能带论——固体中电子的状态和能谱 §4-7 电子的有效质量
- 西安电子科技大学:《固体物理》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第四章 固体能带论——固体中电子的状态和能谱 §4-4-2 近自由电子模型
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