
丁南庆,男,1963年生,江苏人。理学博士,南京大学数学系教授, 博士研究生导师。1981年9月进入南京大学数学系读书,1988年7月硕士毕业后留校任教,1993年7月于南京大学获博士学位(在职),1997 年4月晋升教授。主要研究领域是同调代数、交换代数、环论、模论及代数K理论等。自2000年起兼任《Algebra Colloquium》编委。
1. Lixin Mao and Nanqing Ding, Relative cotorsion modules and relative flat modules, Comm. Algebra (to appear).
2. Lixin Mao and Nanqing Ding, Relative FP-projective modules, Comm. Algebra (to appear).
3. Lixin Mao and Nanqing Ding, The cotorsion dimension of modules and rings, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, to appear.
4. Lixin Mao and Nanqing Ding, FP-projective dimensions, Comm. Algebra (to appear).
5. Lixin Mao and Nanqing Ding, Notes On cotorsion modules, Comm. Algebra 33 (2005), 349-360.
6. Lixin Mao, Wenting Tong and Nanqing Ding, On almost precovers and preenvelopes, Acta mathematica scientia (to appear).
7. Lixin Mao, Nanqing Ding and Wenting Tong, New characterizations and generalizations of PP rings, Vietnam J. Math. 33(1)(2005).1-14.
8. Guangshi Xiao, Nanqing Ding and Wenting Tong, Regularity of AP-injective rings, Vietnam J. Math. 32(4)(2004), 399-411.
9. Jianlong Chen, Nanqing Ding and M. F. Yousif, On Noetherian rings with essential socle, J. Austral. Math. Soc. 76(1)(2004), 39-49.
10. Jianlong Chen, Nanqing Ding and M. F. Yousif, On generalizations of PF- rings, Comm. Algebra 32(2)(2004), 521-533.
11. Jianlong Chen, Nanqing Ding and M. F. Yousif, On a generalization of injective rings, Comm. Algebra 31(10)(2003), 5105-5116.
12. Nanqing Ding, M. F. Yousif & Yiqiang Zhou, Modules with annihilator conditions, Comm. Algebra 30(5)(2002).
13. Jianlong Chen, Nanqing Ding, Yuanlin Li and Yiqiang Zhou, On (m, n)-injectivity of modules, Comm. Algebra 29(12)(2001), 5589-5603.
14. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, On regularity of rings, Algebra Colloq. 8(3)(2001), 267- 274.
15. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, On generalizations of injectivity, International Symposium on Ring Theory, edited: G. F. Birkenmeier, J. K. Park and Y. S. Park, 2001, 85-94.
16. Zhang Ji Ping, Wang Jian Pan, Xiao Jie & Ding Nan Qing, The representation theory of groups and algebras (Chinese), Adv. Math. (China) 30(6) (2001), 481-488.
17. Nanqing Ding & Jianlong Chen, On a characterization of perfect rings, Comm. Algebra 27(2)(1999),785-791.
18. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, Characterizations of coherent rings, Comm. Algebra 27(5) (1999),2491-2501.
19. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, On general principally injective rings, Comm. Algebra 27(5) (1999),2097-2116.
20. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, On τ-flat envelopes, Algebra Colloq. 6(2)(1999), 169-176.
21. Nanqing Ding & Jianlong Chen, Relative covers and envelopes (in Chinese), Acta Math. Sinica 41(3)(1998), 609-616.
22. Nanqing Ding, On envelopes with the unique mapping property, Comm. Algebra 24(4)(1996), 1459-1470.
23. Nanqing Ding & Jianlong Chen, Coherent rings with finite self-FP-injective dimension, Comm. Algebra 24(9)(1996), 2963-2980.
24. Nanqing Ding & Jianlong Chen, On copure flat modules and flat resolvents, Comm. Algebra 24(3)(1996), 1071-1081.
25. Nanqing Ding & Jianlong Chen, On homomorphism modules, J. Nanjing University-Math. Biquarterly 13(1)(1996), 32-37.
26. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, On n-coherent rings, Comm. Algebra 24(10)(1996), 3211-3216.
27. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, A note on the existence of envelopes and covers, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 54(2)(1996), 383-390.
28. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, On global dimension and E-syzygies, Algebra Colloq. 3(3)(1996), 273-276.
29. Nanqing Ding & Jianlong Chen, On maximal essential right ideals of rings (in Chinese), Acta Math. Sinica 38(3)(1995), 303-309.
30. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, A note on flatness and injectivity, J. Nanjing University-Math. Biquarterly 12(2)(1995), 148-151.
31. Nanqing Ding, Relatively flat envelopes, Science in China A 37(12) (1994), 1418-1427.
32. Nanqing Ding & Jianlong Chen, Rings whose simple singular modules are YJ-injective, Mathematica Japonica 40(1)(1994), 191-195.
33. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, On the exactness of flat resolvents, Comm. Algebra 22(10)(1994), 4013-4021.
34. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, On a generalization of V-rings and SF-rings, Kobe Journal of Mathematics 11(1994), 101-105.
35. Nanqing Ding & Jianlong Chen, Relative coherence and preenvelopes, Manuscripta Mathematica 81(3/4)(1994), 243-262.
36. Nanqing Ding & Jianlong Chen, The flat dimensions of injective modules, Manuscripta Mathematica 78(2)(1993), 165-177.
37. Nanqing Ding & Jianlong Chen, The homological dimensions of simple modules, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.48(2)(1993), 265-274.
38. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, The weak global dimension of commutative coherent rings, Comm. Algebra 21(10) (1993), 3521-3528.
39. Nanqing Ding, GQF-rings (in Chinese), Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A13 (2)(1992), 230-238. MR 93h: 16027; Zb1.Math.791(1994): 16005.
40. Nanqing Ding, On rings of continuous functions, Proceedings of the first China-Japan International Symposium on Ring Theory, August, 1992, Okayama, Japan, 34-36.
41. Nanqing Ding, On projective equivalence (in Chinese), J. Nanjing University-Math. Biquarterly 9(1)(1992), 81-84. MR 93i:16012; Zb1.Math.821(1995):16002.
42. Nanqing Ding, f.f.p.- Dimension (in Chinese), Acta Math. Sinica 34 (1)(1991), 40-47. MR 92f:16006; Zb1.Math.766(1993):16006.
43. Nanqing Ding, Dual modules of specific modules (in Chinese), J. Math. Res. Exposition 10(3)(1990), 337-340. MR 91f:16012; Zb1. Math. 788(1994): 16005.
44. Nanqing Ding, Duality in coherent rings (in Chinese), J. Nanjing University-Math. Biquarterly 7(1) (1990), 60-66. MR 92a:16006; Zb1. Math.731(1992):16001.
45. Nanqing Ding, The finitely generated dimension of modules (in Chinese), J. Nanjing University-Math. Biquarterly 6(1) (1989), 107-111. MR 90k:16031; Zb1. Math. 686(1990): 16017.
1. 同调代数
2. 交换代数
3. 抽象代数
1.江苏省科技进步叁等奖(第四完成人), 1990;
2. 宝钢教育基金优秀教师奖(独立),1994;
3. 国家教委科技进步叁等奖(第四完成人),1995;
6. 江苏省高等教学成果奖二等奖(第二完成人),2001
1. Lixin Mao and Nanqing Ding, Relative cotorsion modules and relative flat modules, Comm. Algebra (to appear).
2. Lixin Mao and Nanqing Ding, Relative FP-projective modules, Comm. Algebra (to appear).
3. Lixin Mao and Nanqing Ding, The cotorsion dimension of modules and rings, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, to appear.
4. Lixin Mao and Nanqing Ding, FP-projective dimensions, Comm. Algebra (to appear).
5. Lixin Mao and Nanqing Ding, Notes On cotorsion modules, Comm. Algebra 33 (2005), 349-360.
6. Lixin Mao, Wenting Tong and Nanqing Ding, On almost precovers and preenvelopes, Acta mathematica scientia (to appear).
7. Lixin Mao, Nanqing Ding and Wenting Tong, New characterizations and generalizations of PP rings, Vietnam J. Math. 33(1)(2005).1-14.
8. Guangshi Xiao, Nanqing Ding and Wenting Tong, Regularity of AP-injective rings, Vietnam J. Math. 32(4)(2004), 399-411.
9. Jianlong Chen, Nanqing Ding and M. F. Yousif, On Noetherian rings with essential socle, J. Austral. Math. Soc. 76(1)(2004), 39-49.
10. Jianlong Chen, Nanqing Ding and M. F. Yousif, On generalizations of PF- rings, Comm. Algebra 32(2)(2004), 521-533.
11. Jianlong Chen, Nanqing Ding and M. F. Yousif, On a generalization of injective rings, Comm. Algebra 31(10)(2003), 5105-5116.
12. Nanqing Ding, M. F. Yousif & Yiqiang Zhou, Modules with annihilator conditions, Comm. Algebra 30(5)(2002).
13. Jianlong Chen, Nanqing Ding, Yuanlin Li and Yiqiang Zhou, On (m, n)-injectivity of modules, Comm. Algebra 29(12)(2001), 5589-5603.
14. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, On regularity of rings, Algebra Colloq. 8(3)(2001), 267- 274.
15. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, On generalizations of injectivity, International Symposium on Ring Theory, edited: G. F. Birkenmeier, J. K. Park and Y. S. Park, 2001, 85-94.
16. Zhang Ji Ping, Wang Jian Pan, Xiao Jie & Ding Nan Qing, The representation theory of groups and algebras (Chinese), Adv. Math. (China) 30(6) (2001), 481-488.
17. Nanqing Ding & Jianlong Chen, On a characterization of perfect rings, Comm. Algebra 27(2)(1999),785-791.
18. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, Characterizations of coherent rings, Comm. Algebra 27(5) (1999),2491-2501.
19. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, On general principally injective rings, Comm. Algebra 27(5) (1999),2097-2116.
20. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, On τ-flat envelopes, Algebra Colloq. 6(2)(1999), 169-176.
21. Nanqing Ding & Jianlong Chen, Relative covers and envelopes (in Chinese), Acta Math. Sinica 41(3)(1998), 609-616.
22. Nanqing Ding, On envelopes with the unique mapping property, Comm. Algebra 24(4)(1996), 1459-1470.
23. Nanqing Ding & Jianlong Chen, Coherent rings with finite self-FP-injective dimension, Comm. Algebra 24(9)(1996), 2963-2980.
24. Nanqing Ding & Jianlong Chen, On copure flat modules and flat resolvents, Comm. Algebra 24(3)(1996), 1071-1081.
25. Nanqing Ding & Jianlong Chen, On homomorphism modules, J. Nanjing University-Math. Biquarterly 13(1)(1996), 32-37.
26. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, On n-coherent rings, Comm. Algebra 24(10)(1996), 3211-3216.
27. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, A note on the existence of envelopes and covers, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 54(2)(1996), 383-390.
28. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, On global dimension and E-syzygies, Algebra Colloq. 3(3)(1996), 273-276.
29. Nanqing Ding & Jianlong Chen, On maximal essential right ideals of rings (in Chinese), Acta Math. Sinica 38(3)(1995), 303-309.
30. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, A note on flatness and injectivity, J. Nanjing University-Math. Biquarterly 12(2)(1995), 148-151.
31. Nanqing Ding, Relatively flat envelopes, Science in China A 37(12) (1994), 1418-1427.
32. Nanqing Ding & Jianlong Chen, Rings whose simple singular modules are YJ-injective, Mathematica Japonica 40(1)(1994), 191-195.
33. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, On the exactness of flat resolvents, Comm. Algebra 22(10)(1994), 4013-4021.
34. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, On a generalization of V-rings and SF-rings, Kobe Journal of Mathematics 11(1994), 101-105.
35. Nanqing Ding & Jianlong Chen, Relative coherence and preenvelopes, Manuscripta Mathematica 81(3/4)(1994), 243-262.
36. Nanqing Ding & Jianlong Chen, The flat dimensions of injective modules, Manuscripta Mathematica 78(2)(1993), 165-177.
37. Nanqing Ding & Jianlong Chen, The homological dimensions of simple modules, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.48(2)(1993), 265-274.
38. Jianlong Chen & Nanqing Ding, The weak global dimension of commutative coherent rings, Comm. Algebra 21(10) (1993), 3521-3528.
39. Nanqing Ding, GQF-rings (in Chinese), Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A13 (2)(1992), 230-238. MR 93h: 16027; Zb1.Math.791(1994): 16005.
40. Nanqing Ding, On rings of continuous functions, Proceedings of the first China-Japan International Symposium on Ring Theory, August, 1992, Okayama, Japan, 34-36.
41. Nanqing Ding, On projective equivalence (in Chinese), J. Nanjing University-Math. Biquarterly 9(1)(1992), 81-84. MR 93i:16012; Zb1.Math.821(1995):16002.
42. Nanqing Ding, f.f.p.- Dimension (in Chinese), Acta Math. Sinica 34 (1)(1991), 40-47. MR 92f:16006; Zb1.Math.766(1993):16006.
43. Nanqing Ding, Dual modules of specific modules (in Chinese), J. Math. Res. Exposition 10(3)(1990), 337-340. MR 91f:16012; Zb1. Math. 788(1994): 16005.
44. Nanqing Ding, Duality in coherent rings (in Chinese), J. Nanjing University-Math. Biquarterly 7(1) (1990), 60-66. MR 92a:16006; Zb1. Math.731(1992):16001.
45. Nanqing Ding, The finitely generated dimension of modules (in Chinese), J. Nanjing University-Math. Biquarterly 6(1) (1989), 107-111. MR 90k:16031; Zb1. Math. 686(1990): 16017.
1. 同调代数
2. 交换代数
3. 抽象代数
1.江苏省科技进步叁等奖(第四完成人), 1990;
2. 宝钢教育基金优秀教师奖(独立),1994;
3. 国家教委科技进步叁等奖(第四完成人),1995;
6. 江苏省高等教学成果奖二等奖(第二完成人),2001