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一、 简历
(一) 大学以上学历
82年09月—86年07月 大连理工大学船舶工程系   本科生
86年09月—89年07月 大连理工大学船舶工程系   硕士生
92年10月—95年10月 日本广岛大学海洋工程系   博士生
(二) 国外主要学术任职和科研工作经历
95年11月—96年10月 新加坡国立大学土木系    博士后
96年10月—99年06月 新加坡高性能计算研究院   高级工程师
99年07月—04年06月 新加坡高性能计算研究院   总工程师
03年07月—04年06月 新加坡国家科技局      博士导师
04年04月—04年06月 新加坡国家科技局      科学家
(三) 国内主要学术任职和科研工作经历
89年07月—92年10月 大连理工大学        助教、讲师
03年12月—现在   大连理工大学        教授
04年04月—现在   大连理工大学        博士导师
04年07月—现在   大连理工大学        系科研副主任
04年07月—现在   大连理工大学        船池实验室主任
2.《Journal of Hydrodynamics》编委
4. 中国造船工程学会第六届船舶力学学术委员会副主任委员
5. 国际计算力学学会成员
6. “工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室”学术委员会成员
7. 军船抗冲击学组成员
8. 船舶与海洋工程省重点实验室主任
6. 船舶试验水池主任
1    船舶与海洋工程
2    水中兵器
3    计算力学
1. 人头脑颈复合体有限元模型的开发
2. 外科手术中不同阶段开口状态的力学解释
1.    水下爆炸
2.    流固耦合
3.    水动力学
4.    结构冲击
5.    计算力学 
1. Z. Zong, Information-Theoretic Methods for Estimating Complicated Probability Distributions, Elsevier, 2006
(see URL: http://www.amazon.com/Information-Theoretic-Complicated-Probability-Distributions-Engineering/dp/0444527966/ref=sr_11_1/002-7159181-6588060?ie=UTF8
2. Z. Zong and Y. Y. Zhang Advanced differential quadrature methods, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2008
1. Z. Zong, “Dynamic plastic response of a free-free floating beam to an underwater explosion bubble,” Journal of Fluid and Structures (available online) (2005).
2. KY Lam, J Zhang and Z. Zong ”A numerical study of wave propagation in poroelastic medium by use of localized differential quadrature method”, Applied Mathematical Modelling,28(5), 487-511 (2004).
3. *H. Gu, Z. Zong and K.C. Hung, “A modified superconvergent patch recovery method and its application to large deformation problems,” Finite Elements in Analysis & Design, 40/5-6 pp 665-687 (2004) .
4. Z. Zong, “A Complex Variable Boundary Collocation Method for Plane Elastic Problems”, Computational Mechanics, 31(3-4), 284-292 (2003).
5. *Z. Zong, “A variable order approach to improve differential quadrature accuracy in dynamic analysis”, Journal of Sound and Vibration 266(2), 307-323 (2003).
6. *Z. Zong, “Dynamic plastic response of a submerged free-free beam to underwater gas bubble,” Acta Mechanica, 161 (3-4), 179-194, (2003)
7. MB Liu, GR Liu, KY Lam KY and Z Zong, ‘Meshfree particle simulation of the detonation process for high explosives in shaped charge unlined cavity configurations,’ Shock Waves, 12 (6): 509-520 (2003).
8. MB Liu, GR Liu, KY Lam, Z Zong. “Smoothed particle hydrodynamics for numerical simulation of underwater explosion.” Computational Mechanics, 30 (2), 106-118, (2003).
9. *MB Liu, GR Liu, Z Zong, KY Lam, “Computer simulation of high explosive explosion using smoothed particle hydrodynamics methodology,” Computers & Fluids 32 (3), 305-322 (2003).
10. KY Lam, Z Zong and QX Wang, ”Dynamic response of a laminated pipeline on the seabed subjected to underwater shock”, Composites Part B, 34 (1),59-66 (2003).
11. *Z Zong, K. Y Lam “A localized differential quadrature method and its application to the 2D wave equation”, Computational Mechanics, 29 (4-5), 382-391 (2002).
12. *KY Lam, QX Wang and Z Zong, ”A non-linear fluid-structure interaction analysis of near-bed submarine pipelines in current,” Journal of Fluids and Structures, 16 (8), 1177-1191, (2002).
13. *Z Zong and KY Lam,” Biodynamic response of shipboard sitting subject to ship shock motion”, Journal of Biomechanics, vol 35(1), 35-43 (2002)*.
14. KY Lam, Z Zong, QX Wang, ”Probabilistic failure of a cracked submarine pipeline subjected to underwater shock”, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, vol. 123, 134-140 (2001).
15. *Z Zong, KY Lam, ”Viscoplastic Response of a circular plate to an underwater explosion shock”, Acta Mechanica, 148 (1-4), 93-104 (2001).
16. *Z Zong, KY Lam, ”Bayesian Estimation of 2-dimensional complicated distributions”, Structural Safety, 23:(2) 105-121 (2001).
17. Z Zong, KY Lam, “Dynamic plastic response of a submarine oil pipeline to an underwater explosion bubble”, Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 67(4), 758-762 (2000)
18. Z Zong, KY Lam, “The flexural response of a submarine pipeline to an underwater explosion bubble”, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering -Transactions of the ASME.122 (3), 194-199 (2000)
19. Z Zong, KY Lam, T Gan, “Limiting performance analysis of underwater shock isolation of a system with biodynamic response using genetic algorithm”, Shock And Vibration 7 (5), 321-332 (2000)
20. *Z Zong and KY Lam, “Bayesian estimation of complicated distributions”, Structural Safety 22(1), 81-95 (2000).
21. Z Zong and KY Lam, “Hydrodynamic influence on ship-hull vibration close to water bottom”, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 37 (4), 363-374 (2000)
1. Z. Zong and K.C. Hung, “Computational mechanics of underwater explosion and its effects on the survivability of submarines.” Submarine & ASW ASIA 2003 International Conference, 4th-5th March, Singapore, 2003.
2. Z Zong, KY Lam and T Vergis, “Simulation based synthesis of performance and survivability of submersibles”, the third Submarine and Anti-Submarine Warfare Annual Conference, London, 2000.
1. Z. Zong, H. P. Lee & C Lu, “A structural intensity approach for assessing impact injury of the human head.” The 6th Weapon Effects Seminar, DSTA, Singapore, April 30, 2004.
2. JZ Li, TZ Chen, Z Zong and KC Hung, ’Dynamic response of the human body to transient dynamic loading’ in Sports Dynamics: Discovery and Application, edited by A. Subic, P. Trivailo and F. Alam. RMIT University, Melbourne, 2003, pp. 223-228. 
3. Z. Zong and K.C. Hung, “Computational mechanics of underwater explosion and its effects on the survivability of submarines.” Submarine & ASW ASIA 2003 International Conference, 4th-5th March, Singapore, 2003.
4. T.Z. Chen, Z. Zong and K.C.hung, ”Vibration analysis of poroelastic bar,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Scientific and Engineering Computation, 587-589, Singapore, 2002.
5. H. Gu and Z. Zong, ”Recovery based submodeling finite element analysis,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Scientific and Engineering Compoutation, 655-658, Singapore, 2002.
6. Z Zong and KC Hung, ”A feasibility study of supercavitating ships”, Proceedings of the Inaugural International Conference on Port And Maritime R&D and Technology, vol.2, 767-773, Singapore, 2001.
7. Z Zong and KC Hung, “Numerical simulation of breaking waves using VOF method”, Proceedings of the Inaugural International Conference On Port And Maritime R&D And Technology, vol 1, 229-233, Singapore, 2001.
8. Z Zong, KC Hung and KY Lam, “Modeling and simulation of human body response to ship shock motion,” 71st Shock and Vibration Symposium, Arlington , VA, USA, 7 November 2000, Washington DC, United States. United States, 2000
9. Gong SW, Zong Z, Lam KY, Lee KL,” Effect of close-in explosion on submerged structures in shallow water,” US/Singapore workshop on Computational Mechanics and Simulation of Underwater Explosion Effects held in Washington DC 1-2 Nov 2000
10. Lam, K Y, Z Zong, M B Liu and G R Liu, “Numerical simulation of underwater shock using SPH methodology.” US/Singapore Workshop on Computational Mechanics and Simulation of Underwater Explosion Effects, 1-2 November 2000, Washington DC, United States. United States, 2000
11. Z Zong, KY Lam and T Vergis, “Simulation based synthesis of performance and survivability of submersibles”, the third Submarine and Anti-Submarine Warfare Annual Conference, London, 2000.
12. Z Zong, KY. Lam and KH. Tan, “Optimisation of underwater shock isolation using GA (genetic algorithm) with biodynamic response considered”, 1st Conference: Local Defence R & D Partnership, Singapore, 2000.
13. KY. Lam, QX. Wang and Z Zong, “Fracture risk prediction of submarine pipelines subjected to the underwater shock”, 1st Conference: Local Defence R & D Partnership, Singapore, 2000.
GR. Liu, MB. Liu, Z Zong, KY Lam, ”Numerical simulation of underwater explosion by SPH”, Proceedings of the Advances in Computational Engineering & Sciences, edited by S N Atluri & F W Brust, pp.1475-1480. United States: Tech Science Press, 2000.
1. 国际离岸与极地工程协会 (ISOPE)最佳论文奖
获奖论文: A study of crack monitoring of ship structures
2. 新加坡国防科技奖
获奖项目:The Underwater Shock Technology (水下冲击波技术)
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