
Rao. Z. 2004. Fitting a top-down strategy into a traditional reading class. Teacher’s Edition, 11, 12-16.
Rao, Z. 2003. Effect of using a "top-down" strategy on Chinese university
students' comprehension of English readings. Asian Journal of English
Language Teaching,13, 29-44.
Rao, Z. 2002. Bridging the gap between teaching and learning styles in East Asian
contexts. TESOL Journal, 11/2, 5-11.
Rao, Z. 2002. Chinese students' perceptions of communicative approach in EFL
teaching. System, 30/1, 85-105.
Rao, Z. 2002. A close look at the Chinese cultural influence on students' learning
styles and strategies. Asian Englishes, 5/1, 40-63.
Rao. Z. 2002. The middle group of learning-centered teaching. Teacher’s Edition,
9, 24-30.
Rao, Z. 2001. Creating group-centered learning environment in a large EFL
classes. ELI Teaching, 23/1, 16-19.
Rao, Z. 2001. Matching teaching styles and learning styles in East Asian contexts.
Internet TESL Journal, 7/7.
Rao, Z. 2001. Advantages of group-centered learning in large classes. Teacher's
Edition, 6, 8-13.
Rao, Z. 2001. Teaching reading: Fitting a “Top-down” strategy into the Chinese
Context, Guidelines, 23/2, 20-23.
Rao, Z. 2000. The effective use of the mother tongue in EFL teaching. Guidelines,
22/1, 51-60.
Rao, Z. 1999. Modern vs. traditional. English Teaching Forum. 37/3, 27-29.
Rao, Z. 1999. Making the communicative approach work together with the
grammar-translation method in a traditional setting. Guidelines. 21/1, 23-33.
Rao, Z. 1999. An analysis of cultural conflict and its implications for EFL
teaching. Teaching and Learning. 20/1, 35-43.
Rao. Z. 1998. Developing an English teaching program by integrating the
communicative approaches with traditional Chinese methods. Guidelines 20/2, 77-88.
Rao.Z. 1998. Integrating the communicative approaches to the teaching of English
with traditional Chinese methods. ELI Teaching. 28, 15-19
Rao.Z. 1998. Techniques and principles in language teaching. ELI Teaching
29, 37-39.
Rao. Z. 1996. Reconciling communicative approaches to the teaching of English
with traditional Chinese methods. Research in the Teaching of English. 30/4, 458-471.
饶振辉. 2004. 中澳大学生学习观念比较. 《南昌航空工业学院学报》
饶振辉. 2004. 学习策略与教学方法. 《江西师范大学学报》
饶振辉. 2000. 论兼收并容,折衷诸法的必要性和可行性。 《外语与外语
教学》。2000年8期. P, 39 – 41.
饶振辉. 1999. 高师英语专业的素质教育浅探. 《江西师范大学学报》. 1999年第4期. P, 73 – 78.
饶振辉. 1998. 孔子的教育思想与我国的外语教学. 《西安外国语学院学报》. 1998年第2期. P, 48 – 53.
饶振辉. 1998. Some reflections on the clash between the communicative and the grammar-translation method in China. 《江西师范大学学报》. 1999年第4期.
饶振辉. 1997. 突出高师英语专业的师范性. 《外语与外语教学》. 1997年第6期. P, 35 –3.
1. 正在主持全国基础教育研究重点课题《中国学生英语学习策略和方法的实证研究》,经费为1.5万人民币(2004,1 — 2006,1)
2. 正在主持江西省教育科学 “十五” 规划课题,题为《非英语专业大学生英语学习策略研究》, 经费为0.1万元人民币。(2003,5 — 2005,5)
3. 主持并完成一项江西省人文社科研究项目, 题为《融交际教学法和语法翻译法为一体的英语教学法研究》, 经费为0.2万元人民币。(2000,1 — 2001,12)
4. 主持并完成一项澳大利亚政府海外留学生博士基金研究课题, 研究内容为《中国非英语专业大学生英语学习策略调查》, 经费为10万澳大利亚元。(2000,4 — 2003,9)
Rao. Z. 2004. Fitting a top-down strategy into a traditional reading class. Teacher’s Edition, 11, 12-16.
Rao, Z. 2003. Effect of using a "top-down" strategy on Chinese university
students' comprehension of English readings. Asian Journal of English
Language Teaching,13, 29-44.
Rao, Z. 2002. Bridging the gap between teaching and learning styles in East Asian
contexts. TESOL Journal, 11/2, 5-11.
Rao, Z. 2002. Chinese students' perceptions of communicative approach in EFL
teaching. System, 30/1, 85-105.
Rao, Z. 2002. A close look at the Chinese cultural influence on students' learning
styles and strategies. Asian Englishes, 5/1, 40-63.
Rao. Z. 2002. The middle group of learning-centered teaching. Teacher’s Edition,
9, 24-30.
Rao, Z. 2001. Creating group-centered learning environment in a large EFL
classes. ELI Teaching, 23/1, 16-19.
Rao, Z. 2001. Matching teaching styles and learning styles in East Asian contexts.
Internet TESL Journal, 7/7.
Rao, Z. 2001. Advantages of group-centered learning in large classes. Teacher's
Edition, 6, 8-13.
Rao, Z. 2001. Teaching reading: Fitting a “Top-down” strategy into the Chinese
Context, Guidelines, 23/2, 20-23.
Rao, Z. 2000. The effective use of the mother tongue in EFL teaching. Guidelines,
22/1, 51-60.
Rao, Z. 1999. Modern vs. traditional. English Teaching Forum. 37/3, 27-29.
Rao, Z. 1999. Making the communicative approach work together with the
grammar-translation method in a traditional setting. Guidelines. 21/1, 23-33.
Rao, Z. 1999. An analysis of cultural conflict and its implications for EFL
teaching. Teaching and Learning. 20/1, 35-43.
Rao. Z. 1998. Developing an English teaching program by integrating the
communicative approaches with traditional Chinese methods. Guidelines 20/2, 77-88.
Rao.Z. 1998. Integrating the communicative approaches to the teaching of English
with traditional Chinese methods. ELI Teaching. 28, 15-19
Rao.Z. 1998. Techniques and principles in language teaching. ELI Teaching
29, 37-39.
Rao. Z. 1996. Reconciling communicative approaches to the teaching of English
with traditional Chinese methods. Research in the Teaching of English. 30/4, 458-471.
饶振辉. 2004. 中澳大学生学习观念比较. 《南昌航空工业学院学报》
饶振辉. 2004. 学习策略与教学方法. 《江西师范大学学报》
饶振辉. 2000. 论兼收并容,折衷诸法的必要性和可行性。 《外语与外语
教学》。2000年8期. P, 39 – 41.
饶振辉. 1999. 高师英语专业的素质教育浅探. 《江西师范大学学报》. 1999年第4期. P, 73 – 78.
饶振辉. 1998. 孔子的教育思想与我国的外语教学. 《西安外国语学院学报》. 1998年第2期. P, 48 – 53.
饶振辉. 1998. Some reflections on the clash between the communicative and the grammar-translation method in China. 《江西师范大学学报》. 1999年第4期.
饶振辉. 1997. 突出高师英语专业的师范性. 《外语与外语教学》. 1997年第6期. P, 35 –3.
1. 正在主持全国基础教育研究重点课题《中国学生英语学习策略和方法的实证研究》,经费为1.5万人民币(2004,1 — 2006,1)
2. 正在主持江西省教育科学 “十五” 规划课题,题为《非英语专业大学生英语学习策略研究》, 经费为0.1万元人民币。(2003,5 — 2005,5)
3. 主持并完成一项江西省人文社科研究项目, 题为《融交际教学法和语法翻译法为一体的英语教学法研究》, 经费为0.2万元人民币。(2000,1 — 2001,12)
4. 主持并完成一项澳大利亚政府海外留学生博士基金研究课题, 研究内容为《中国非英语专业大学生英语学习策略调查》, 经费为10万澳大利亚元。(2000,4 — 2003,9)
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