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姓  名:李小俚 (男) 民  族:汉族
出生年月:1970.10.1 政治面貌:
所属单位:自动化系 现有职称:教授
最高学历:博士 导师身份:博士生导师
毕业院校:哈尔滨工业大学 毕业时间:1998.8
个人主页: 更新日期:2008-05-26
Neuroscience and Neural Engineering
Bio-signal Processing
Intelligent Monitoring and Diagnoses in Manufacturing
Manufacturing Process and System
2006.1-2008.12 25万元 负责人 正在进行
基于脑电高频振动相位耦合的癫痫发作预测研究 2007.1-2009.12 6万元 负责人 正在进行
时滞混沌系统的控制与同步应用研究 2003.1-2005.12 22万元 负责人 完成
4、Medical ResearchConical, UK
Analysis of Information Flow among Cells with Graphical Modelling
2006.9-2007.6 £2 千 负责人 正在进行
Business Plan Competition of 2006,Neural Oscillation Analysis Software
2006.6-2006.12 £2 千 负责人 完成
6、英国Wellcome Trust, UK
Prediction of epileptic seizure with intelligent techniques
2004.1-2004.9 £ 1万元 负责人 完成
Intelligent integrated monitoring, diagnosis and control of manufacturing processes/compensation
of workpiece errors 1998.10-2000.10 HK$60万元 负责人 完成
Use of wavelet techniques and fuzzy neural network for tool wear monitoring in turning processes
1998.12-1999.6 HK$10万元 负责人 完成
Multiple wavelet transform and fuzzy radial basis function neural network for monitoring
wear condition of machine tool 2000.1-2000.6 HK$4万元 负责人 完成
模糊理论在机械制造的应用研究 1993.1-1994.12 2万元 主要参加人 完成
11、国防基金 刀具磨损检测和智能刀具更换 1995.1-1997.12 5万元 主要参加人 完成
A Model-based learning strategy incorporating on machine inspection for the compensation of
workpiece errors in CNC machining 1998.1-2000.12 HK$75万元 主要参加人 完成
E-Monitoring and Intelligent Diagnosis of Plastic Injection Molding Machines
2002.1-2003.12 HK$100万元 主要参加人 完成
14、Advantage West Midlands (AWM),UK.
Computional Intelligence and Application 2003.1-2007.3 £260万元 参加人 正在进行
1、S. He, Xiaoli Li, Application of a Swarm-based Artificial Neural Network to Ultrasonic Detector Based Machine Condition Monitoring, Accepted by Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems (Jan. 2007)
2、 John A. Bullinaria, Xiaoli Li, An Introduction to Computational Intelligence Techniques for Robot Control, Industrial Robot (in press).
3、 Halim Bassiuny, Xiaoli Li, Flute Breakage Detection during End Milling using Hilbert-Huang Transform and Smoothed Nonlinear Energy Operator, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 47: 1011-1020, 2007.
4、 Xiaoli Li, Jin Li, Xin Yao, A Wavelet-Based Pre-processing Technique for Mass Spectrometry, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 37: 509-516, 2007.
5、G. Ouyang, Xiaoli Li, Yan Li, X.P. Guan, Application of Wavelet-based Similarity Analysis to Epileptic Seizures Prediction, Computers in Biology and Medicine,37: 430-437, 2007.
6、Xiaoli Li, Xin Yao, John R. G. Jefferys and John Fox, Interaction Dynamics of Neuronal Oscillations Analysed using Wavelet Transforms, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 160: 178-185, 2007(SCI 收录, 136RL).
7、 Xiaoli Li, S. K. Tso, X. P. Guan, Improving Automatic Detection of Defects in Castings by Applying Wavelet Technique. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 53 (6): 1927-1934, 2006 (SCI 收录, 113ZK).
8、Xiaoli Li, Temporal Structure of Neuronal Population Oscillations with Empirical Model Decomposition, Phy. Lets. A, 356(3): 237-241, 2006 (SCI 收录, 072NA)
9、Xiaoli Li, Gaoxiang Ouyang, X. P. Guan, R. Du, Ram Position Control in Plastic Injection Molding Machines with Higher-order Iterative Learning, Control and Intelligent Systems, 34(1): 64-71, 2006(EI 收录).
10、J. Li, Z. Shi, Xiaoli Li, Genetic Programming with Wavelet-Based Indicators for Financial Forecasting, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control,28(3): 285-297,2006 (SCI 收录, 075PG)
11、 Xiaoli Li, G. Ouyang, Nonlinear Similarity Analysis for Epileptic Seizures Prediction. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 64(8):1666-1678, 15 April 2006 (SCI 收录, 022HF).
12、 Xiaoli Li, Xin Yao, Multi-scale Statistical Process Monitoring in Machining,IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, 52(3): 922-924, 2005 (SCI 收录, 933RR).
13、 *Xiaoli Li, Du R, Denkena B, Imiela J, Tool Breakage Monitoring using Motor Current Signals for Machine Tools with Linear Motors, IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, 52(5): 1403-1408, 2005 (SCI 收录, 969MA).
14、Xiaoli Li, R. Du, Condition Monitoring Using Latent Process Model with an Application to Sheet Metal Stamping Processes, ASME Trans. J. Manuf. Sci.Engg., 127(2): 376-385, 2005 (SCI 收录, 928FQ)
15、 Xiaoli Li, Development of Current Sensor for Cutting Force Measurement in Turning, IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, 54(1): 289-296, 2005(SCI 收录, 887ZA).
16、Xiaoli Li, P.G. Kapiris, J. Polygiannakis, K.A. Eftaxias, X. Yao, Fractal Spectral Analysis of Pre-epileptic Seizures Phase: in Terms of Criticality, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2:11-16, 2005.
17、 P.G. Kapiris, J. Polygiannakis, Xiaoli Li, X. Yao, K.A. Eftaxias, Similarities in Precursory Features in Seismic Shocks and Epileptic Seizures, Europhys. Lett.,69(4): 657–663, 2005 (SCI 收录, 900LS).
18、 Xiaoli Li, Gaoxiang Ouyang, Xin Yao, Xinping Guan, Dynamical Characteristics of Pre-epileptic Seizures in Rats with Recurrence Quantification Analysis,Physics Letters A , 333: 164–171, 2004(SCI 收录, 874LL)
19、 Xiaoli Li, R. Du. X. P. Guan, Utilization of Information Maximum for Condition Monitoring in a Machining Process and a Water Pump, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 9(4): 711-714, 2004 (SCI 收录, 882AA)
20、 Xiaoli Li and H. Li, X. Guan, R. Du, Fuzzy Estimation of Feed-cutting Force from Current Measurement - a Case Study on Tool Wear Monitoring, IEEE Trans.Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews, 34 (4):506-512, 2004 (SCI 收录, 865GC).
21、 Xiaoli Li, Xinping Guan, Time-frequency Analysis based Minor Cutting Edge Fracture Detection during End Milling, Mechanical System and Signal Processing, 18: 1485-1496, 2004 (SCI 收录, 834UZ)
22、B Bedkena, HK Tonshoff, Xiaoli Li, Imiela J, Lapp C, Analysis and Control/monitoring of the Direct Linear Drive in End Milling. Int. Journal of Production Research, 42(24): 5149-5166, 2004 (SCI 收录, 878ZY)
23、 Hua Changchun; Guan Xinping; Xiaoli Li; Shi Peng, Adaptive Observer-based Control for a Class of Chaotic Systems, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 22(1):103-110, 2004 (SCI 收录, 823AT).
24、 Xiaoli Li, Ruxu Du, Monitoring Machining Processes based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and Statistical Process Control, International Journal of Wavelets,Multiresolution and Information Processing, 2 (3): 299-311, 2004
25、 Tonshoff HK, Xiaoli Li, Lapp C, Application of Fast Haar Transform and Concurrent Learning to Tool-breakage Detection in Milling, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 8(3): 414-418, 2003 (SCI 收录, 723FV)
26、 Xiaoli Li, A Brief Review: Acoustic Emission Method for Tool Wear Monitoring during Turning, Int. J. Machine Tools and Manufacture, 42: 157-165, 2002 (SCI收录, 498GM).
27、 Xiaoli Li, Ruxu Du, Analysis and Compensation of Workpiece Errors in Turning,International Journal of Production Research, 40(7): 1647-1667, 2002 (SCI 收录,550PE)
2001 年前国际学术期刊论文
28、Xiaoli Li, Real Time Tool Wear Condition Monitoring in Turning, International Journal of Production Research. 39(5): 981-992, 2001 (SCI 收录, 411EG).
29、Xiaoli Li, Detection of Tool Flute Breakage in End Milling using Feed-motor Current Signatures, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 6(4): 491-498,2001 (SCI 收录, 511ZY)
30、Xiaowei Ma, Xiaoli Li, Hong Qiao. Fuzzy Neural Network-based Real-time Self-reaction of Mobile Robot in Unknown Environments. Mechatronics. 11(8):1039-1052, 2001 (SCI 收录, 495TN)
31、 Xiaoli Li, Real-time Prediction of Workpiece Errors for a CNC Turning Centre,International Journal Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Part: 1 Errors Measurement and Identification, 17(9): 649-653, 2001 (SCI 收录, 436FQ)
32、Xiaoli Li, Real-time Prediction of Workpiece Errors for a CNC Turning Centre,International Journal Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Part: 2 Modeling and Estimation of Thermally Induced Errors, 17(9): 654-658, 2001 (SCI 收录,436FQ)
33、Xiaoli Li, Real-time Prediction of Workpiece Errors for a CNC Turning Centre,International Journal Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Part: 3 Cutting Force Estimation using Current Sensors, 17(9): 659-664, 2001 (SCI 收录, 436FQ)
34、 Xiaoli Li, Real-time Prediction of Workpiece Errors for a CNC Turning Centre,International Journal Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Part: 4 Cutting Force-induced Errors. 17(9): 665-669, 2001 (SCI 收录, 436FQ)
35、 Xiaoli Li, Patri K. Venuvinod, Djordjevich, Alexandar Z. Liu, Predicting Machining Errors in Turning using Hybrid Learning, International Journal Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 18:863-872, 2001 (SCI 收录, 507AK)
36、 Xiaoli Li, Djordjevich, Alexandar, K. V. Patri, Current Sensor-based Feed Cutting Force Intelligent Estimation and Tool Wear Condition Monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Industry Electronics, 47(3): 697-702, 2000 (SCI 收录, 325UV)
37、 Xiaoli Li, S. K Tso, Jun Wang, Real Time Tool Condition Monitoring using Wavelet Transforms & Fuzzy Techniques. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man,and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews, 30(3): 352-357 2000 (SCI 收录, 376LG)
38、 Shupin Ji, Xiaoli Li, R. Du, Tolerance Synthesis Using of Second-order Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation and Genetic Algorithm for Tolerance Design.International J. of Production Research. 38(15): 3471-3483, 2000 (SCI 收录,358VA)
39、 Xiaoli Li, J. Wu, Wavelet Analysis of Acoustic Emission Signals in Boring.Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Proceeding of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers Part B, 214(5): 421-424, 2000 (SCI 收录, 327BY)
40、 Shuping Ji, Xiaoli Li, Yuli Ma, Optimal Tolerance Allocation based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation and Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 16: 451-468, 2000 (SCI 收录, 331VE)
41、 Xiaoli Li, Shen Dong, K. V. Patri, Hybrid Learning for Tool Wear Monitoring,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 16(5): 303-307,2000 (SCI 收录, 312CT)
42、 Xiaoli Li, K. V. Patri, M. K. Cheng, Feed Cutting Force Estimation from the Current Measurement with Hybrid Learning, International Journal Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 16: 859-862, 2000 (SCI 收录, 370XE)
43、 Zhipin Ye, Xiaoli Li, C. Dang, Optimization of Main Parts of Hydroelectric Sets using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm, Journal Materials Processing Technology, 105:152-160, 2000 (SCI 收录, 356RY)
44、 Xiaoli Li, Xinping Guan, Hongrui Wang, Identification of Tool Wear States with Fuzzy Classification, International Journal Computer Integrated Manufacturing.12(6): 503-509, 1999 (SCI 收录, 253XP)
45、 Xiaoli Li., On-line Detection of the Breakage of Small Diameter Drills using Current Signature Wavelet Transform, International Journal Machine Tools & Manufacture, 39(1): 157-164, 1999 (SCI 收录, 124HX)
46、 Xiaoli Li, Shen Dong, Zhejun Yuan, Discrete Wavelet Transform for Tool Breakage Monitoring, International Journal Machine Tools & Manufacture. 39:1935 –1944,1999 (SCI 收录, 235WK)
47、Xiaoli Li, SK Tso, Drill Wear Monitoring based on Current Signals, Wear, 231(2):172-178, 1999 (SCI 收录, 226PM)
48、 Yingxue Yao, Xiaoli Li, Zhejun Yuan, Tool Wear Detection with Fuzzy Classification and Wavelet Fuzzy Neural Network, International Journal Machine Tools & Manufacture, 39: 1525-1538, 1999 (SCI 收录, 220NB)
49、 Xiaoli Li, K. V. Patri, Wavelet Packet Transforms of Acoustic Emission Signals for Tool Wear Monitoring, International Journal for Manufacturing Science & Technology, 1(2): 89-93, 1999
50、 Xiaoli Li, Zhejun Yuan, Tool Wear Monitoring with Wavelet Packet Transform-fuzzy Clustering Method, Wear, 219(2): 145-154 1998 (SCI 收录,134EB)
51、 Xiaoli Li, Real-time Detection of the Breakage of Small Diameter Drills with Wavelet Transform, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 14(8): 539-543,1998 (SCI 收录, 122BV)
52、 Yan Cui, Xiaoli Li, Huaxin Peng, Zhongkai Yao, Interface Characterization of the Discontinuously Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites based on Wavelet Analysis of Acoustic Emission Behaviour, Chinese Science Bulletin, 43(9): 791-792, 1998(SCI 收录, ZX144)
53、 Xiaoli Li, Yingxue Yao, Zhejun Yuan, On-line Tool Condition Monitoring using Wavelet Fuzzy Neural Network, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 8(4):271-276, 1997 (SCI 收录, XQ111)
54、 Huihua Wu, Xiaoli Li, Xinpin Guan, Networking Property During Epileptic Seizure with Multi-channel EEG Recordings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Springer-Verlag, 3973: 573-578, 2006 (SCI 收录, BET87)
55、 Xiaoli Li, Wavelet Spectral Entropy for Indication of Epileptic Seizure in Extracranial EEG., Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Neural Information Processing, Springer-Verlag, 4234: 66-73, 2006 (SCI 收录, BFG63)
56、 Xiaoli Li, Xin Yao, Application of Fuzzy Similarity to Prediction of Epileptic Seizures using EEG Signals, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,Springer-Verlag, 3613: 645-652, 2005 (SCI 收录, BDA15).
57、 Yan Li, Xiaoli Li, Gaoxiang Ouyang, Xinping Guan, Strength and Direction of Phase Synchronization of Neural Networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Springer-Verlag, 3496: 314-319, 2005 (SCI 收录, BCN38)
58、 Suyuan Cui, Xiaoli Li, Gaoxiang Ouyang, Xinping Guan, Detection of Epileptic Spikes with Empirical Mode Decomposition and Nonlinear Energy Operator,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 3498: 445-450, 2005 (SCI收录, BCN43)
59、 Xiaoli Li, Xin Yao, John Jefferys, John Fox, Computational Neuronal Oscillation with Morlet Wavelet Transform, 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Shanghai, SEP 1-4 /2005.
60、 Jin Li, Xiaoli Li, Xin Yao, Cost-sensitive Classification with Genetic Programming, Proceedings of 2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation,2114-2121, 2005 (EI 收录)
61、 Gaoxiang Ouyang, Lijuan Xie, Huanwen Chen, Xiaoli Li, Xinping Guan, Huihua Wu, Automated Prediction of Epileptic Seizures in Rats with Recurrence Quantification Analysis, 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Shanghai, SEP 1-4 2005.
62、Xiaoli Li, Xinping Guan, Yan Li, A Hybrid Radial Basis Function Neural Network for Dimensional Error Predictional in End Milling. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 3174: 743-748, 2004 (SCI 收录, BAT68)
63、 Xiaoli Li, Jin Li, Xin Yao, Complexity and Synchronization of EEG with Parametric Modelling, IEEE Workshop on Life Science Data Mining, 34-38, 1-4 Nov. 2004, Brighton, UK.
64、 Xiaoli Li, John Polygiannakis, Panayiotis Kapiris et al., Evolving Towards a Biological or Geophysical Catastrophic Event: Emergence of Isomorphic Precursory Alterations in Scaling Parameters in terms of Intermittent Criticality, 4th International Conference on Fractals and Dynamic Systems in Geoscience,Munich, on May 19- 22, 2004
65、 Gaoxiang Ouyang, Xiaoli Li, Xinping Guan, Zhiqiang Zhang, Xiuling Zhang,Ruxu Du, Ram Velocity Control in Plastic Injection Molding Machines with Neural Network Learning Control. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Springer-Verlag, 3174: 169-174, 2004 (SCI 收录, BAT68)
66、 Gaoxiang Ouyang, Xiaoli Li, Xinping Guan, Use of Fuzzy Similarity Index for Epileptic Seizure Prediction. The 5th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, pp. 5351-5355, June 14-18, 2004, Hangzhou, China, (EI 收录)
67、 Yuan Hao, Jin Li, Xiaoli Li. Application of Scaling and Criticality to Stock Data,Proceedings of the 2004 UK workshop on Computatinal Intelligence,198-204,UKCI-2004, Loughborough, 6-8 Sept 2004.
68、 Xiaoli Li, Xinping Guan, Ruxu Du, Using Damping Time for Epileptic Seizures Detection in EEG, Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems 2003 (including biological systems) : 255-258, 2003 (ISTP 收录, BY50P)
69、 R. Du, Y. Liu, Y. Xu, Xiaoli Li, Y. S. Wong, G. S. Hong, Tool Condition Monitoring using Transition Fuzzy Probability, Metal Cutting and High Speed Machining, edited by D. Dudzinski, A. Molinari and H. Schulz, Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, pp. 375 - 381, 2002.
70、XW Ma, Xiaoli Li, YL Ma, HG Cai, Real-time Self-reaction of Mobile Robot with Genetic Fuzzy Neural Network in Unknown Environment, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 4: 3313-3318, 1998(EI 收录)
71、 Zhejun Yuan, Yingxue Yao, Xiaoli Li, An Improved Fuzzy Neural Network for Tool Condition Monitoring, Advanced Design and Manufacture in the Global Manufacturing Era, 2: 830-834, 1997 (ISTP 收录, BM36B)
72、 李岩, 李小俚, 欧阳高翔, 关新平, 基于贝叶斯估计的神经网络间信息流研究, 科学通报 (已录用)
73、李小俚, 欧阳高翔, 关新平, 李岩, 非线性时间序列动力学相似性分析, 信号处理, 2006, 22(2): 168-171
74、 谢丽娟, 贺达仁, 李小俚, 欧阳高翔, 陈焕文, 谢光荣, 癫痫预测方法的分析与研究, 医学与哲学, 2006, 27(2): 37-40
75、 李小俚, 欧阳高翔, 关新平, 李岩, 基于EEG 模糊相似性的癫痫发作预测,中国生物医学工程学报, 2006, 25(3): 346-350
76、 关新平, 何宴辉, 唐英干, 李小俚, 随机扰动下一类混沌系统的同步, 系统工程与电子技术, 2004, 2: 70-72
77、 王清明, 董申, 李小俚, 基于小波分析的钻头破损检测, 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2000, 6: 77-80
78、 姬舒平, 李小俚, 马玉林, 虚拟环境下的设计质量保证技术, 航空制造技术,1999, 1: 35-37
79、李小俚, 关新平, 小波技术与工程信号处理, 燕山大学学报, 1999,1:40-43
80、 马玉林, 姬舒平, 李小俚, 基于智能技术的计算机辅助公差设计, 高技术通讯, 1999, 3:59-62
81、 李小俚, 姚英学, 李晓钧, 袁哲俊, A Fuzzy Neural Network for Drilling Tool Condition Monitoring. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 1999, 2: 88-90
82、 李小俚, 姚英学, 袁哲俊, 李薇, 自动化加工刀具破损监测系统. 航空制造技术, 1998, 4: 9-10
83、 周道远, 李小俚, 顾海峰, 荣涵锐, 马玉林, 加工误差智能预报技术, 航空制造技术, 1998, 6: 27-29
84、 李小俚, 姚英学, 袁哲俊, 基于小波模糊神经网络刀具监控系统研究, 机械工程学报, 1998, 1: 59-63
85、 崔岩, 李小俚, 彭华新, 姚忠凯, 基于声发射小波分析的非连续增强金属基复合材料界面表征, 科学通报, 1998, 6: 96-97
86、 李小俚, 王洪瑞, 宾兴, 先进制造技术中的敏捷制造, 燕山大学学报, 1998, 2:29-32
87、 李小俚, 田淑艳, 关新平, 刀具状态智能监控技术, 高技术通讯, 1998, 1:58-62
88、 陈美华, 周道远, 李小俚, 加工误差智能建模与预报技术的发展应用, 云南工业大学学报, 1998, 3: 8-11
89、 李小俚, 姚英学, 袁哲俊, 特种回转面刀具成形数学模型, 工具技术, 1997, 1:17-18
90、 李小俚, 袁哲俊, 姚英学, 拉刀齿升量的模糊优化设计, 工具技术, 1997, 2:7-9
91、 李小俚, 袁哲俊, 李薇, 加工中心切削速度的检测. 机械制造, 1997, 6: 41-42
92、 李小俚, 姚英学, 袁哲俊, 加工中心刀具破损监控系统的研制, 制造技术与机床, 1997, 1: 11-14
93、李小俚, 姚英学, 袁哲俊, On-line Tool Condition Monitoring with Improved Fuzzy Neural Network. High Technology Letters, 1997, 1: 30-33
94、杨青, 姚英学, 李小俚, 袁哲俊, 马玉林, 模糊神经技术在刀具故障检测中的应用. 高技术通讯, 1997, 4: 37-40
95、李小俚, 王扬, 袁哲俊, 董新伟, 小波分析及其在刀具监控系统中的应用, 高技术通讯, 1997, 5: 18-21
95、李小俚, 万光珉, 磨削表面烧伤的智能监控, 昆明理工大学学报, 1997, 3:50-53
97、朱银周, 李小俚, 姜荣奇, 内燃机阀门压缩弹簧模糊优化设计, 云南工业大学学报, 1997, 2: 32-35
98、李小俚, 朱银周, 万光珉, 切削40CrNiMo 钢刀具磨损模糊模式识别, 云南工业大学学报, 1996, 2: 35-40
99、万光珉, 李小俚, 金属切削刀具模糊可靠性研究, 机械设计与制造, 1995, 3:4-7
100、李小俚, 万光珉, 金属切削刀具磨损模糊模式识别, 昆明理工大学学报, 1995,5: 26-31
101、李小俚, 朱银周, 应用模糊图论制定机械加工工艺路线, 云南工业大学学报,1995, 1: 25-32
102、万光珉, 李小俚, 用模糊模式识别方法识别金属切削刀具的磨损, 工具技术,1994, 7: 36-40
1、 Xiaoli Li, Complexity and Synchronization Measures of EEG with a Time Varying Parametric Model, (Chapter 5), Life Science Data Mining, edited by Stephen Wong & Chung-Sheng Li, World Scientific Press, Jan. 2007.
2、 Xiaoli Li, X. Guan, D. Ru, Using Damping Time for Epileptic Seizures Detection in EEG (pp. 255-258), Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems (Edited by Feng and Carson), Elsevier Ltd, 2003
3、 Xiaoli Li, Fuzzy Neural Network & Wavelet for Tool Condition Monitoring (Chapter 15). Computational Intelligence in Manufacturing Handbook, edited by J. Wang and A. Kusiak, CRC Press USA, Dec. 2000.
4、 李小俚, 董申著, 先进制造中的智能监控技术, 科学出版社, 182 页, 1999.
5、 万光珉, 李小俚, 模糊理论在机械制造中的应用, 云南科学技术出版社, 325页, 1997.
培养硕士研究生18 名 (海外5 名),其中已毕业7 名,在校8 名。培养博士研究生4 名,在校4 名。在已经毕业的硕士研究生中,其中1 名学生的论文被燕山大学评为“2005 年度优秀硕士学位论文一等奖”,1 名学生毕业于英国的Cambridge University。
(1) Associate Editor for "International Journal of Tomography & Statistics” (2007-).
(2) Assistant Editor for “International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics
(3) Member of the programme committee of the 2007 International Conference on Data
Mining (DMIN07), 25 - 28 June 2007, Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, USA
(4) Member of the programme committee of the 2007 International Symposium on Neural
Network, June 3-7, 2007, Nanjing, China.
(5) Member of the programme committee of the 2007 International Conference on
Intelligent Computing, August 21–24, 2007, Qingdao, China
(6) Member of the programme committee of the 2006 International Conference on Data
Mining (DMIN06), 26 - 29 June 2006, Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, USA,
(7) Member of programme committee Member and special session chair of 2006 IEEE
Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 16-21 July 2006, Vancouver, British Columbia,
(8) Member of the programme committee and special session chair of the 2006
International Symposium on Neural Network, May 28-June 1, Chendu, China.
(9) Member of the Technical Program Committee for 2006 International Conference on
Communications,Circuits and Systems, 25-28, June 2006 Guilin,China
(10) Member of the programme committee of the 2005 International Symposium on Neural
Network, May 30-June 1, Chongqing, China.
(11) Member of the programme committee of the First International Conference on Natural
Computation, 27 - 29 August 2005, Changsha, China.
(12) Member of the programme committee of the 2004 International Symposium on Neural
Network, August 19-21, Dalian, China.
Medical Engineering & Physics
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
Biomedical Signal Processing & Control
IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Learning
IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics
IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems
IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics
IEEE Trans. Automation Science and Engineering
ASME Trans. Manufacturing Science and Engineering
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing
Control and Intelligent Systems
Advances in Complex System
Nonlinear Dynamics
International Journal of Tomography & Statistics
1988-1994 昆明理工大学机械系本科和硕士教育
1995-1998 哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院博士教育
1998-2000 哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院助理教授
2002-至今 燕山大学电气工程学院教授
2003-至今 燕山大学控制科学与工程专业博士生导师
1998.11-2000.10 香港城市大学制造工程与工程管理系Research Fellow
2000.11-2002.10 德国Hannover 大学洪堡学者
2003.9-2006.9 英国Birmingham 大学计算机学院Research Fellow
联 系 人:李小俚
举报cucdc网友 2009/5/1 21:55:22


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