刘照森 教授 博士
(1) Liu Zhaosen, Susceptinilities of SmPd2Al3 and SmPd2Ga3 studied with a crystal field model and an ab initio approach, Phys. Rev. B 64 144407 (2001)
(2) Z.-S. Liu, M. Divis and V. Sechovsky, Specific heat and magnetic ordering of ErBi studied with crystal-field theory in the mean-field approach, Physica B: Condensed Matter, in press
(3) Z.-S. Liu, M. Divis and V. Sechovsky, The magnetism of PrPd2Ga3, Physica B 393, (2007) 83–87
(4) Liu Zhaosen, Chinese Physics Letters, 24, 207 (2007).
(5) Liu Zhaosen, Chinese Physics Letters, 24, 2052 (2007)
(6) Liu Z S,M. Divis, and V. Sechovsky, Phyics Letters A Physics Letters A 371, 344–347 (2007)
(7) Liu Z. S., H. Eschrig, A theorectical approach for calculating the magneto-resistivities of rare-earth compounds,Physica B, 381/1-2, 294-296 (2006)
(8) Liu Z.S., M. Divis, and V. Sechovsky, A computational model for rare-earth ferrimagnets and antiferromagnets,Physica B 367 (2005) 48-52
(9) Liu Z. S., The susceptibilities and molecular-field constants of rare-earth compounds from mean-field theory,Materials Letters 58 (2004) 3111-3114
(10) Liu Z.S., The magnetic orderings and phase transitions of rare-earth rhodium borides, Solid StateCommunications 131 (2004) 135-139
(11) Liu Z.S., J. -G. Park, Y. S. Kwon, K. A. McEwen, M. J. Bull, Crystal excitations and model calculations of CeTe,J. of Magn. and Magn. Mater.256 (2003)151-157
(12) LiuZ.S., S.L. Guo, Transition temperatures of rare-earth compounds studied with perturbation theory, Phys. Lett. A 314 (2003) 491-497
(13) Liu Z.S. S.L. Guo, The mechanism of ferromagnetic ordering in PrNi3.9Cu1.1, Phys. Lett. A 314 (2003) 244-249
(14) Liu Z.S. and J.-G. Park, The origin of ferromagnetic ordering in PrNi3.9Cu1.1, Physica B 322 (2002) 133-139
(1) Liu Zhaosen, Susceptinilities of SmPd2Al3 and SmPd2Ga3 studied with a crystal field model and an ab initio approach, Phys. Rev. B 64 144407 (2001)
(2) Z.-S. Liu, M. Divis and V. Sechovsky, Specific heat and magnetic ordering of ErBi studied with crystal-field theory in the mean-field approach, Physica B: Condensed Matter, in press
(3) Z.-S. Liu, M. Divis and V. Sechovsky, The magnetism of PrPd2Ga3, Physica B 393, (2007) 83–87
(4) Liu Zhaosen, Chinese Physics Letters, 24, 207 (2007).
(5) Liu Zhaosen, Chinese Physics Letters, 24, 2052 (2007)
(6) Liu Z S,M. Divis, and V. Sechovsky, Phyics Letters A Physics Letters A 371, 344–347 (2007)
(7) Liu Z. S., H. Eschrig, A theorectical approach for calculating the magneto-resistivities of rare-earth compounds,Physica B, 381/1-2, 294-296 (2006)
(8) Liu Z.S., M. Divis, and V. Sechovsky, A computational model for rare-earth ferrimagnets and antiferromagnets,Physica B 367 (2005) 48-52
(9) Liu Z. S., The susceptibilities and molecular-field constants of rare-earth compounds from mean-field theory,Materials Letters 58 (2004) 3111-3114
(10) Liu Z.S., The magnetic orderings and phase transitions of rare-earth rhodium borides, Solid StateCommunications 131 (2004) 135-139
(11) Liu Z.S., J. -G. Park, Y. S. Kwon, K. A. McEwen, M. J. Bull, Crystal excitations and model calculations of CeTe,J. of Magn. and Magn. Mater.256 (2003)151-157
(12) LiuZ.S., S.L. Guo, Transition temperatures of rare-earth compounds studied with perturbation theory, Phys. Lett. A 314 (2003) 491-497
(13) Liu Z.S. S.L. Guo, The mechanism of ferromagnetic ordering in PrNi3.9Cu1.1, Phys. Lett. A 314 (2003) 244-249
(14) Liu Z.S. and J.-G. Park, The origin of ferromagnetic ordering in PrNi3.9Cu1.1, Physica B 322 (2002) 133-139
举报pstwfhsjkg 2017/8/19 9:57:30