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日冕加热以及太阳风的加热加速至今仍是太阳和空间物理学中最核心而仍未得到完满解答的问题。研究界已有的共识是这两者都和源于太阳的等离子体波动紧密相关。在博士阶段,我专注于太阳低层大气即色球—过渡区—日冕这一高度非均匀的系统中磁流体波动的传播问题的研究,以了解日冕加热或太阳风加速所需能量由太阳大气底部向上输运的机制。在Aberystwyth大学太阳系物理组工作期间,我参与开发并独立拓展了针对多维多流体磁化等离子体流动的数值程序,对太阳低层大气以及太阳风中能动量的输运问题进行了系统的研究,着重探讨基于等离子体波动及湍流的太阳风加热加速机制。至今共发表国际SCI论文18篇(其中第一作者论文13篇),其中在Astrophys. J., Astron. Astrophys., J. Geophys. Res.三杂志上共发表论文12篇(第一作者8篇)。曾应美国地球物理协会(AGU)通讯Eos编辑邀请撰写书评2篇;曾为Aberystwyth大学物理系3年级本科生授课。
1992.09-1996.07 中国科学技术大学 近代物理系 核物理与核技术专业理学学士
1996.09-2001.12 中国科学技术大学 地球和空间科学学院 空间物理专业理学博士
2009.06 山东大学威海分校空间科学与物理学院 教授
2002.07-2009.03 Post-Doctoral Research Assistant,
Institute of Mathematics and Physics,
Aberystwyth University, UK
1.Bo Li, and Xing Li, Angular momentum transport in a multicomponent solar wind with differentially flowing, thermally anisotropic ions, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2009, accepted
2.Bo Li, and Xing Li, Effects of non-WKB Alfven waves on a multicomponent solar wind with differential ion flow, Astrophysical Journal, 682, 667-678 (2008)
3.Huw Morgan, Silvano Fineschi, Shadia Rifai Habbal, and Bo Li, In Situ Spectroscopy of the Solar Corona, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 482, 981-987 (2008)
4.Bo Li, and Xing Li, Propagation of non-Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin Alfven waves in a multicomponent solar wind with differential ion flow, Astrophysical Journal, 661, 1222-1233 (2007)
5.Xing Li, Quanming Lu, and Bo Li, Ion pickup by finite amplitude parallel propagating Alfven waves, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 661, L105-L108 (2007)
6.Bo Li, Shadia Rifai Habbal, and Xing Li, Angular momentum transport and proton–alpha particle differential streaming in the solar wind, Astrophysical Journal, 661, 593-601 (2007)
7.B. Li, and X. Li, Effects of alpha particles on the angular momentum loss from the Sun, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 456, 359-365 (2006)
8.Bo Li, Xing Li, and Nicolas Labrosse, A global 2.5-dimensional three fluid solar wind model with alpha particles, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, A08106, doi:10.1029/2005JA011303 (2006)
9.N. Labrosse, X. Li, and B. Li, On the Lyman alpha and beta lines in solar coronal streamers, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 455, 719-723 (2006)
10.Bo Li, and Xing Li, Alfvenic-turbulence-heated magnetic loops: effects of lateral expansion and magnetic twist, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 364(1839), 533-536, doi:10.1098/rsta.2005.1715 (2006)
11.Bo Li, Shadia Rifai Habbal, Xing Li, and Chris Mountford, Effect of the latitudinal distribution of temperature at the coronal base on the interplanetary magnetic field configuration and the solar wind flow, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, A12112, doi:10.1029/2005JA011332 (2005)
12.S. T. Wu, B. Li, S. Wang, and Huinan Zheng, A three-dimensional analysis of global propagation of Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in a structured solar atmosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, A11102, doi:10.1029/2005JA011056 (2005)
13.Bo Li, Xing Li, You-Qiu Hu, and Shadia R. Habbal, A two-dimensional Alfven wave-driven solar wind model with proton temperature anisotropy, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, A07103, doi:10.1029/2003JA010313 (2004)
14.Li, Bo, Zheng, Hui-Nan, and Wang, Shui, Three-dimensional propagation of Magnetohydrodynamic waves in the solar chromosphere and corona, Chinese Physics Letters, 19(11), 1639-1642 (2002)
15.Li, Bo, Zheng, Hui-Nan, and Wang, Shui, Propagation of disturbances in the solar chromosphere and corona (II), Chinese Astronomy & Astrophysics, 26(4), 458-468 (2002)
16.Zheng, Hui-Nan, Wang, Shui, Wu, S. T., and Li, Bo, Magnetoacoustic waves in the solar stratified atmosphere, Chinese Physics Letters, 18(12), 1624-1627 (2001)
17.Li, Bo, and Wang, Shui, Propagation of Alfven waves in multi-layer solar atmosphere model, Chinese Astronomy & Astrophysics, 25(4), 446-455 (2001)
18.Li, Bo, and Wang, Shui, Propagation of disturbances in the solar chromosphere and corona, Chinese Astronomy & Astrophysics, 25(2), 194-202 (2001)
19.王水, 李波, 赵寄昆, 日冕物质抛射, 天文学进展, 18(3), 192-208 (2000)
1.B. Li and X. Li, Angular momentum transport and proton-alpha differential streaming in the low-latitude fast solar wind, in SOHO-17: 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond, ESA SP-617, CDROM, p.96.1 (2006)
2.N. Labrosse, X. Li, and B. Li, The Lyman α and Lyman β lines in solar coronal streamers, in SOHO-17: 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond, ESA SP-617, CDROM, p.93.1 (2006)
3.Zheng, Huinan, Wang, Shui and Li, Bo, Magnetoacoustic waves in solar stratified atmosphere, in Stellar Astrophysics - A Tribute to Helmut A. Abt, eds: K. S. Cheng, Kam Ching Leung, and T. P. Li, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht Hardbound, p.301-303 (2003)
1.Bo Li, Invited Book Review of “The Heliosphere through the Solar Activity Cycle”, Andre Balogh, Louis J. Lanzerotti, & Steven T. Suess (Eds.), Springer & Praxis, New York, SBN 978-3-540-74301-9, xxvi + 286pp., 2008, Eos, Vol 89, no 41, 7 Oct 2008
2.Bo Li, Invited Book Review of “Discovering the Solar System”, second edition, Barrie W.Jones, Wiley, Chichester, West Sussex, England, ISBN 978-0-470-01830-9, xvi+453 pp., 2007, Eos, Vol 89, no 22, 27 May 2008
  • 山东大学威海分校教学资源
  • 李波老师课程教学资源
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