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梁九卿教授,博士生导师,1940年5月出生,1984年8月获美国南卡罗莱納大学物理系博士学位。回国以来,致力于理论物理学研究,1992年组织召开了国际量子学术研讨会,著名物理学家杨振宁博士参加研讨会并作了精彩的学术报告。1993年经国务院学位委员会批准为博士生导师,并被中国科学院物理研究所聘为兼职研究员。在凝聚态物理、场论、量子力学等方面取得一系列研究成果,发表重要论文80余篇,迄今被SCI收录近70篇,在Phys. Rev. Lett.上发表论文5篇,获山西省科技进步一等奖3项(89,93,97)。现任山西大学物理电子工程学院院长,物理系主任。理论物理研究所主要带头人。主要学术经历按这里.
1.Rashba spin-orbit interaction induced spin-polarized Andreev-reflection current through adouble Aharonov-Bohm interferometer,Journal of applied physics,104,53721(2008),2008-9,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:4
2.Field-assisted electransport through a symmetric double-well structure with spin-orbit coupling and the Fano-resonance induced spin filtering,Chinese Physics B,17,No.7,2672(2008),2008-8,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:3
3.Electrn resonance-transmission through a driven quantum well with spim-orbit coupling,Chinese Physics B,B17,No.7,6262(2008),2008-8,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:4
4.Nonlinear correction to the boson Josphson-junction model,Phys. Rev. A,78卷,2008-8,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:3
5.Spin rotation and polarization of transport electrons through a tiree-electrode aharonov-bohm ring with sping-orrit coupling,Modern physics Letters B,vol.22,No.17 (2008)1661-1672,2008-8,sci核心B区(一A),排名:4
6.The Consistency of the Adiabatic and Exact Geometric Phases,International Journal of Modern Physics B,Vol.22,No.8 1025-1031,2008-8,sci核心B区(一A),排名:3
7.Scattering effect of atoms through a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical Lattice with a single defect,The European Physical Jiurnal.D,49,161-165,2008-11,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:4
8.Electron transport through double quantun dots with spin-polarization dependent interdot coupling,J.Phys,20(2008)085214,2008-1,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:4
9.One-step generation of cluster states in micromave cavity QED,phys.Rev.,A77,014304(2008),2008-1,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:3
10.Fied-assisted resonance tunneling through a symmetric double-barrier structure with spin-orbit coupling,PHYSICAL REVIEW B,76.035345(2007),2007-9,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:4
11.One-step generation of cluster states in superconducting charge qubits coupled with a nonomechanical resonator,Phys. Rev. A,76 (2007) 024301,2007-8,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:4
12.Period-voltage-driven quantum phase transition of superconducting charge qubits,Phys. Rev. A,76 (2007) 054512,2007-8,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:3
13.Period-voltage-driven quantum phase transition of superconducting charge qubits,Phys. Rev. A,76 (2007) 054512,2007-8,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:3
14.Magnetic-flux-driven quantum phase transition in superconducting qubits coupled with a nonomechanical resonator,Phys. Rev. B,75 (21) 212508,2007-6,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:4
15.Phase separation in the trapped spinor gases with anisotropic spin-spin interaction,Euro. Phys. J. D,44, 541,2007-6,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:3
16.Controllable quantum phase transition in two-component Bose-Einstein condenstates under periodic modulation,Europhysics Letters,79(2006)10001,2007-5,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
17.Quantum tunneling in the adiabatic Dicke model,Phys. Rev. A,76(4)045801,2007-10,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:3
18.Quantum tunneling in the adiabatic Dicke model,Phys. Rev. A,76(4)045801,2007-10,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:3
19.The geometric phase of the quantum systems with slow but finite rate of the external time-dependent field,Chinese Physics,Vol.16 No10,2855-2861,2007-10,sci核心B区(一A),排名:3
20.Simulation of the superradiant quantum phase transition in the superconducting change qubits inside a caviry,Phys.Rev.A,76,055803(2007),2007-1,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:3
21.Spin-polarization-dependent quantum transport through a um-dot array,Physica B,387,172-178(2007),2007-1,sci核心B区(一A),排名:3
22.Quantum transport through two series Aharonov-Bohm interferometers with zero total magnetic flux,Chinese Physics,16,No.7,(2007),2007-1,sci核心B区(一A),排名:4
23.Spin-polarized quantum transport through an Aharonov-Bohm quantum-dot-ring,Chinese Physics,16,No.7,(2007),2007-1,sci核心B区(一A),排名:3
24.Quantum Transport Through a Mesoscopic AB Ring with Three Leads,Modern Physics Letters B,Volume 20,Number 21,2006-9,sci核心B区(一A),排名:2
25.Oscillations of quantum transport through double-AB rings with magnetic impurity,Physica Scripta,vol.74 243-246,2006-7,sci核心B区(一A),排名:2
26.Ground-state properties of one-dimensional ultracold Bose gases in a hard-wall trap,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,73, 063617 1-7,2006-6,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:3
27.time-eveolving disemtamglement in a spin-boson model,physics letters A,359(2006)245-280,2006-6,sci核心B区(一A),排名:4
28.Thermal and ground-state entanglememt in the supermolecular dimer[Mn]2,Phys.Lett.A,358,381-385(2006),2006-6,sci核心B区(一A),排名:3
29.Berry phase of nuclear in GaAs semiconductor,Phys.Lett.A,359,138-142(2006),2006-6,sci核心B区(一A),排名:4
30.Entanglement in the supermolecular dimer [Mn4]2,Chinese Physics,Vo15,No 12,282,2006-5,sci核心B区(一A),排名:4
31.Density distributions for trapped one -dimensional spinor gases,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,73,053605 1-6,2006-5,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:3
32.Spin-polarized transport through a coupled double-quantum-dot,Phys.Lett.A,358,39-46,2006-4,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
33.Dynamics and geometric phase of two spins with exchange coupling in a rotation magnetic field,Phys.Lett.A,356,206-209(2006),2006-3,sci核心B区(一A),排名:2
34.Quantum correlation of many atoms in spinor Bose-Einstsin codensates,Commun.Thys.,45,287-293(2006),2006-3,sci核心B区(一A),排名:2
35.Entanglement between nuclear spin and field mode in GaAs semiconductors,Eur.Phys.J.B,51 (2006) 25,2006-2,sci核心B区(一A),排名:4
36.Photon-assisted electron transmission resonance through a quantum well with spin-orbit coupling,Phys. Rev. B,,B73,85307,2006-2,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:3
37.The implementation of read-in and decoding a number based on Grover,s algorithm in Mn4 SMM,PHYSICS LETTERS A,353(2006)205-209,2006-2,sci核心B区(一A),排名:2
38.Critical property of the geometric phase in the Dicke model,Phys. Rev. A,74 (2006) 054101,2006-11,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:3
39.Periodic spin domains of spinor Bose-Einstein condensates in an optical lattice,Ann.Phys.,321,950-957(2006),2006-1,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
40.Short-time decoherence of a quantum Hadamard gate with Josephson charge qubits,Physica B,381(2006)1-5,2006-1,sci核心B区(一A),排名:4
41.Entanglement dynamics in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates,Chinese Physics,15,1161-1171(2006),2006-1,sci核心B区(一A),排名:2
42.Short-time decoherence of a quantum Hadmard gate with Josephson charge qubits,Physica B,381,1-5(2006),2006-1,sci核心B区(一A),排名:4
43.Quantum phase teansition of entanglement in heisenberg spin model with quantized field,Eur.Phys.j.d,39,313-320(2006),2006-1,sci核心B区(一A),排名:4
44.Unconventional quantum phase transition in the finite-size Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model,New Jounal of Physics,8,297(2006),2006-1,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
45.The implementation of Grover,s algorithm in optically driven quantum dots,J.Phys.Condens.Matter,18,9975-9986(2006),2006-1,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
46.Spin-polarized quantum transport through a T-shape quantum dor-array:Modle of spin splitter,Phys.Rev.B,74,144302(2006),2006-1,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
47.Quantnm effects of many atoms in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates,Chin.Phys.Lett.,23,No.8,2004(2006),2006-1,sci核心B区(一A),排名:2
48.Measurement induced dephasing and suppression of persistent current in alattic ring,Physics Letter A,Vol.346 P115-120,2005-7,sci核心B区(一A),排名:3
49.Numerical simulation on tunnel splitting of Bose-Einstein condensate in muilt-well potentials,Euro. Phys. J. D(1.692),36卷33-39页,2005-7,sci核心B区(一A),排名:2
50.Dynamics of Dipolar spinor condensates,J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.,38卷2569-2578页,2005-7,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
51.Persistent Current Induced by Both AB and AC Effects in a Polyacetylene Ring,International Journal of Modern Physics B,vol. 19 No. 14 P2251-2259,2005-6,sci核心B区(一A),排名:3
52.Neutronic studies of the coupled moderators for spallation neutron sources,Chinese Physics(1.347),vol No 3. March 2005,2005-5,sci核心B区(一A),排名:2
53.Interplay between anisotropic exchange coupling and the swap operation in the two-qubit Heisenberg XY model,PHYSICS LETTERS A,339(2005)472-477,2005-3,sci核心B区(一A),排名:2
54.Quantum transport through a double Aharonov-Bohm interferometer in the presence of Andreev reflection,Physcal Reviev B,Vol.72 P205310-1-12,2005-11,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:4
56.Spin-polarized transport through a double Aharonov-Bohm ring in the presence of magnetic impurity,Chinese Physics(1.347),Vol.14 No.1,2005-1,sci核心B区(一A),排名:3
57.Energy spectra of D-centres quantum dots in a Gaussian potential,PHYSICS LETTERS A(1.324),335(2005)451-456,2005-1,sci核心B区(一A),排名:2
58.Quantum phase transition two-component Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices,PHYSICS LETTERS A(1.324),335(2005)310-315,2005-1,sci核心B区(一A),排名:4
59.Decoherence and entanglement in coherent quantum tunneping of magnetiation with dissipation,The European Physical Journal B(1.457),J.B43,125-129(2005),2005-1,sci核心B区(一A),排名:4
60.Controllable persistent atom current of Bose-Einstein condensates in an optical lattice ring,Commun Thero.Phys.,43,819-822,(2005),2005-1,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
61.Superfluidity of spin-1 bosons in optical lsttices,Phys.Rev.A,A71,053607,(2005),2005-1,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
62.Phase diagram of two-species Bose-Einstein condensates in an optical lattice,Phys.Rev.A,A71,053608(2005),2005-1,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
63.Magnetic soliton and soliton collisions of spinor Bose-Einstein condensates in an optical lsttice,Phys.Rev.A,A71,053611(2005),2005-1,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:4
64.Tunneling of spinor Bose-Einstrin condensates in optical lattice,Theor.Phya.,44,837-839(2005),2005-1,sci核心B区(一A),排名:2
65.EPR spectrum via entangled states for an exchange-coupled dimer of singlemolecule magnets,Eur.Phys.J.B,44,469-479(2005),2005-1,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
66.Spin current and shot noise in single-molecule quantum dots with a phonon node,Phys.Rev.B,72,075351(2005),2005-1,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
67.Spin-polarized transport through a coupled double-dot,Eur.Phys.,J.B43,421-427(2005),2005-1,sci核心B区(一A),排名:2
68.Adiabatic population transfer in effective three-level system driven by laser beams,Chinese Physics(1.347),13(9) 1442,2004-9,sci核心B区(一A),排名:2
69.Time evolution of entanglement and Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states in two-mode Bose-Einstein condensates-,Physical Review A(2.589),70,034304 (2004),2004-9,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
72.Generation of Bell states in two-component Bose-Einstein condenstates,Chinese Physics(1.347),Vol 13 No 7 P988-989,2004-7,sci核心B区(一A),排名:3
73.Spin-polarized quantum transport through a quantum dot in time-varying magnetic field,Physics Letter A(1.324),Vol 329 P55-59,2004-7,sci核心B区(一A),排名:2
74.Quantum tunneling of mesoscoopic spin in Bose-Einstein condenstates,international jounal of modern physics B(0.473),18,8,1179-1189,2004-7,sci核心B区(一A),排名:2
75.Spin current in double quantum dot,Chinese Physics(1.185),13,6,938-941,2004-6,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:4
76.realization of adiabatic population transfer in a three-level system by using LR Hermition invariants theory,Chinese Physics(1.185),13,6,865-870,2004-6,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:3
79.Dynamics of Molecular magnet Fe8 Interacting with an Injecting Spin-Polarized Electron,Modern Physics Letters B,Vol 18 NO 11 P479-483,2004-5,sci核心B区(一A),排名:4
80.Spin Dynamics of Supramolecular Dimer [Mn4]2 Interacting With a Spin-polarized Electron,Chinese Physics Letter(1.095),Vol 21 No 4 P598-600,2004-4,sci核心B区(一A),排名:4
81.Probing ladder spectrum arising from motion in a two-dimensional lattice driven by in-plane constant forces,PHYSICAL REVIEW B(3.327),69,073306,2004-2,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:6
82.Transport of Spin-Polarized Current Through a Mesoscopic Ring with Two Leads Induced by Aharonov-Bohm and Aharonov-Casher Phases,Chinese Physics Letter(1.095),Vol 21 No 11 P 2093-2096,2004-11,sci核心B区(一A),排名:3
83.Critical macroscopic quantum effects in quantum nuctation,Europhysics Letter(2.075),68(4),473-479,2004-10,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:1
84.Soliton collision in a ferromagnetic spin chain driven by a magnetic filed,Chn. Phys. Lett.,21, 443,2004-1,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:3
85.Exact soliton solution of Spin Chain with a external magnetic field in linear wave background,Annals of Physics,312, 128-136,2004-1,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:5
86.Calculation of tunnel splitting in a biaxial spin particle with an applied magnetic field,Eur.Phys.J.,B40,87,2004-1,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:3
87.Energy spectra of an exciton in a Gaussian potential and magnetic field,Physics Letters A(1.324),323(2004) 132-137,2004-1,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
88.Dynamics and Berry phase of two-species Bose-Einstein condensates,Phys.Rev.A,A69,023611(2004),2004-1,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
89.Soliton solution of continuum magnetization equation in a conducting ferromagnet with a spin-polarized current,Phys.Rev.E,E69,066611(2004),2004-1,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:3
90.Exact soliton solution and inelastic two-soliton collision in a spin chain driven by a time-dependent magnetic field,Physical Review E(2.397),2003,68, 036102,2003-9,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:4
91.Bifurcation of a periodic instanton and quantum-classical transition in the biaxial nano-ferromagnet with a magnetic field along hard axis,Chin. Phys.(1.185),2003年12卷,905,2003-8,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:3
92.电子在周期驱动耦合量子阱中的振荡,物理学报,(2003) 52第八期186,2003-8,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:4
93.Time-evolution of atomic inversion in a standing wave light,Chinese Optics letter,(2003)1 85 第八,2003-8,一级学科主学报(一B),排名:2
94.Energy spectrum and Superfluid-Mott Insulator Phase transition of Ultracold Bosons in Optical Lattice,International Journal of Modern Physics B(0.473),17,2003-8,sci核心B区(一A),排名:2
95.Larmor precession and dwell time of a particle scattered by a quantum well,PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES (1.107),19(4): 328-331 200,2003-7,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
96.Dynamic Localization Conditions of Bloch Electrons in Two-Modeac Field,Physica Scripta(0.748),2003年68期,374,2003-7,sci核心B区(一A),排名:2
97.Instanton and solitons in a monolyer film of ferromagnetic grains with biaxial anisotropy,Annals of Physics.(2.014),2003年,308卷, 652,2003-7,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
98.Influence Of Entanglement Degree On Squeezing and Photon Antibunching In The Two-Photon Jaynes-Cummings Model,International Journal of Modern Physics C(0.784),2003 (6) 14,1-9,2003-7,sci核心B区(一A),排名:3
99.Eenergy-band structure and instrinsic coherent properties in two weakly linked Bose-Einstein condensates,Phys. Rev. A(2.986),2003, 67, 65601,2003-7,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:3
100.Influence Of Entanglement Degree On Squeezing and Photon Antibunching In The Two-Photon Jaynes-Cummings Model,International Journal of Modern Physics C(0.784),2003 (6) 14,1-9,2003-7,sci核心B区(一A),排名:2
101.Neutronics studies of solid targets for spallation neutron source using Monte Carlo simulation,Chinese Physics(1.185),(2003)12第六期 599,2003-6,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
102.Larmor precession and dwell time of a relativistic particle scattered by a rectangular quantum well,JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL (1.406),36(23): 6563-6570,2003-5,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:4
103.Thermal entanglement in spin-dimer V4+ with a strong magnetic field,CHINESE PHYSICS LETT,2003, Vol 20, Iss,2003-4,排名:2
104.Periodic instantons and domain structure in a ferromagnetic film,THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B(1.741),36,215-220,2003-12,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
105.Calculation of heat deposition and the temperature distribution of the target bombarded by high-energy protons using Monte-Carlo simulation and finite element method,Chinese Physics(1.185),(2003)12 1383 第,2003-12,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:4
106.Periodic instantons and domain structure in a ferromagnetic film,THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B(1.741),36,215-220,2003-12,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
107.Quantum phase transition of condensed bosons in optical lattices,Physical review A(2.986),2003年68期,043605,2003-10,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
108.Tunneling splitting in biaxial spin models investigated with spin-coherent state path integrals,Phys. Rev. B(3.07),2003年, 67卷, 1044,2003-10,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
109.Thermal entanglement in Spin-dimer V4 With a Magnetic Field,International Journal of Modern Physics B(0.604),2003(10)17,2129,2003-10,sci核心B区(一A),排名:2
110.纠缠度对双光子Jaynes-Cumming模型的压缩效应及光子反聚束效应的影响,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA(1.182),2003 (10) 2393,2003-10,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:4
111.Solitons in a Heisenberg spin chain with an easy axis under an oscillating magnetic field,Chin. Phys. Lett(1.036),2003,V20 No.139,2003-1,sci核心B区(一A),排名:3
112.Thermal Entanglement in Spin-dimer V4 With a Strong Magnetic Field,Chinese Physics Letters(1.036),2003 (4) 20,452-45,2003-1,sci核心B区(一A),排名:2
113.Rabi oscillations in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates with a coupling drive,COMMUN THEOR PHYS,2002, Vol 38, Iss,2003-1,排名:5
114.Solitons in a Heisenberg Spin Chain with an Easy Axis Under an Oscillating,Chin Phys lett,20(2003)1,39 1D,2003-1,排名:3
115.Crossover from quantum tunneling to classical hopping of barrier transition in nano-magnets,Physics Lett A,299,586-592 5D,2002-9,排名:2
116.Antiperiodic wave functions of Schrodinger cat states for nano-magnets and the realization of macros,Phys. lett. A,66, 010301,2002-5,排名:2
117.Intrinsic localized states and nonlinear excitations of Bloch electrons in electric fields,Phys. Rev. B,65, 033102,2002-5,排名:2
118.Quantum computing of molecular magnet Mn12,Phys. Rev. A,66, 010301,2002-5,排名:4
119.Quantum tunneling of Bose-Einstein condensates inoptical lattices under gravity,Phys. Rev. Lett.,88,170408,2002-5,排名:4
120.Suppression of quantum phase interference in the molecular magnet Fe8with dipolar-dipolar interactio,Phys. Rev. B,66, 092401,2002-5,排名:2
121.Larmor precession and tunneling time of relativistic neutral spinning particle through an arbitrary,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2002,65,024101,2002-2,排名:2
122.Berry Phase in an Effective SU(1,1) System,ModernPhys.Lett.B,16:783,2002-1,排名:3
123.Crossover from Quantum Tunneling to Classical Hopping of Barrier Transition in Nano-Magnets,Phys.Lett.A,299:586,2002-1,排名:2
124.Lamor precession and tunneling time of a relativistic neutral spinning particle through an arbitrary,Phys.Lett.A,65:024101,2002-1,排名:2
125.Larmor Procession and tunneling time of non-relativistic neutral spin-1/2 particle trough an arbitra,Chin.Phys.Lett,19:10,2002-1,排名:3
126.Rati Oscillations in Two-Component Bose-Einstein Condeusates with a Coupling Drine,Commin.Theor.Phys,38:547,2002-1,排名:5
127.Lamor precession and tunnelling time of a non-relativistic neutral spin-1/2 particle through an arbi,chinese physics lett,19(1),10-13 (2D),2002-1,排名:3
128.Dynamics of a superlattice with an impurity in a dc-ac electric field,Physics Lett A,292(02)275-280,2002-1,排名:5
129.Larmor Precession and Barrier Tunneling Time of a Neutral Spinning Particle - Art. No. 042112,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2001, Vol 6404, Is,2001-1,排名:2
130.Quasi-Energy Bands of the Dimerized Chain with Alternating Site Energies Driven by AC Field,PHYSICA SCRIPTA,2001, Vol 63, Iss,2001-1,排名:3
131.Tunnel Splitting and Quantum Phase Interference in Biaxial Ferrimagnetic Particles at Excited-States,PHYSICAL REVIEW B,2001, Vol 6413, Is,2001-1,排名:3
132.Larmor precession and barrier tunneling time of a neutral spinning particle,Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, an,v 64 n 4 October 2,2001-1,排名:2
133.Effects of Arbitrarily Directed Field on Quantum Phase Interference in Biaxial Ferrimagnetic Particl,PHYSICS LETTERS A,2001, Vol 282, Iss,2001-1,排名:2
134.The Aharonov-Casher Phase and Persistent Current in a Polyacetylene Ring,JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-C,2001, Vol 13, Iss,2001-1,排名:2
135.Aharonov-Casher phase and persistent current in a polyacetylene ring,Journal of Physics Condensed Matter,13 4 Jan 2001 IOP,2001-1,排名:2
136.Macroscopic Quantum Phase Interference in Antiferromagnetic Particles,JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-C,2000, Vol 12, Iss,2000-1,排名:3
137.Tunnel Splitting in Biaxial Spin Particles as a Function of Applied Magnetic-Field,PHYSICAL REVIEW B,2000, Vol 62, Iss,2000-1,排名:3
138.Dynamic Localization Versus Photon-Assisted Transport in Semiconductor Superlattices Driven by DC-AC,PHYSICAL REVIEW B,2000, Vol 61, Iss,2000-1,排名:4
139.Macroscopic quantum coherence in small antiferromagnetic particles and quantum interference effects,Physica B:Condensed,v 270 n 1-2 Oct 1,1999-1,排名:3
140.Adiabatic Transfer of Atomic Level-Occupation Probability Induced by Kerr-Like Medium,OPT COMMUN,Vol 160, Iss 4-6,,1999-1,排名:3
141.Adiabatic transfer of atomic level-occupation probability induced by Kerr- like medium,Optics Communication,v 160 n 4-6 Feb 15,1999-1,排名:3
142.Periodic instantons and domain structure in a ferromagnetic film,THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B(1.741),36,215-220,sci核心A区(特二级),排名:2
  • 山西大学教学资源
  • 梁九卿老师课程教学资源
举报cucdc网友 2010/5/25 3:59:41


举报cucdc网友 2009/3/27 6:54:38


举报cucdc网友 2008/9/1 11:12:02


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