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姓 名: 范丽珍
所在系所: 材料学系
职 务: 干部
职 称: 讲师
通信地址: 北京科技大学
邮 编: 100083
办公地点: 主楼301/科技楼203
电 话: 010-62332100
传 真: 010-6233
邮 箱: fanlizhen@mater.ustb.edu.cn
? 锂离子二次电池电解质:塑晶电解质、复合型聚合物电解质及离子液体等; ? 锂离子二次电池正极材料:LiMPO4 (M:Fe, Mn等),5V正极材料等; ? 锂离子二次电池负极材料:多孔炭、石墨、Sn、Si等; ? 超级电容器电极材料:炭材料、导电聚合物、过渡金属氧化物及复合材料; ? 有机/无机功能复合材料; ? 纳米材料的制备与表征。在研项目: (1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:多孔铸型炭/导电聚合物复合材料制备及电化学储能研究(范丽珍负责, 2009.1-2011.12,项目号: 50873015); (2) 国家自然科学基金青年基金:塑晶材料作为聚合物电解质新型固态增塑剂的研究(范丽珍负责, 2008.1-2010.12,项目号: 50702006); (3) 教育部“新世纪优秀人才”计划:结构可控炭/过渡金属氧化物复合型超级电容器电极材料的研究 (范丽珍负责,2009.1-2011.12); (4) 北京市“科技新星”计划(B类):新型碳载导电聚合物超级电容器电极材料及器件应用(范丽珍负责, 2007.10-2010.9,项目号: 2007B026); (5) 教育部博士点基金(新教师类):聚合物/塑晶材料复合型全固态电解质的研究 (范丽珍负责, 2008.1-2010.12,项目号: 20070008026); (6) 教育部留学归国人员科研启动基金:聚合物电解质材料(范丽珍负责,2008.1-2010.12)。
1. L.-Z. Fan, X.-L. Wang, and F. Long. All-solid-state polymer electrolyte with plastic crystal Materials for Rechargeable Li-ion Battery. J. Power Sources, 189(1), 775-778 (2009). DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2008.07.083  2. L.-Z. Fan, X.-L. Wang, F. Long, and X. Wang. Enhanced ionic conductivities in composite polymer electrolytes by using succinonitrile as a plasticizer. Solid State Ionics, 179 (27-32), 1772-1775 (2008). DOI: 10.1016/j.ssi.2008.01.035  3. X.-L. Wang, Q. Cai, L.-Z. Fan, T. Hua, Y. H. Lin, and C.-W. Nan. Gel-based composite polymer electrolytes with novel hierarchical mesoporous silica network for lithium batteries. Electrochim. Acta 53 (27): 8001-8007 (2008). DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2008.05.082 4. X.-L. Wang, L.-Z. Fan, Z.-H. Xu, Y.-H. Lin, and C.-W. Nan. Temperature dependent ionic transport properties in composite solid polymer electrolytes. Solid State Ionics. 179 (27-32): 1310-1313 (2008). DOI: 10.1016/j.ssi.2008.01.045 5. X.-L. Wang, L.-Z. Fan, A. Mei, F. Y. Ma, Y.-H. Lin, and C.-W. Nan. Ionic transport behavior in poly(ethylene oxide)-poly (propylene oxide)-poly (ethylene oxide) and LiCiO4 complex. Electrochim. Acta 53 (5): 2448-2452 (2008). DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2007.10.022 6. L.-Z. Fan, Y.-S. Hu, A. J. Bhattacharyya, and J. Maier. Succinonitrile as a versatile additive for polymer electrolytes. Adv. Funct. Mater. 17(15), 2800–2807 (2007). DOI: 10.1002/adfm.200601070 7. L.-Z. Fan, Y.-S. Hu, J. Maier, P. Adelhelm, B. Smarsly, and M. Antonietti. High electroactivity of polyaniline in supercapacitors by using a hierarchically porous carbon monolith as a support. Adv. Funct. Mater. 17(16), 3083–3087 (2007). DOI: 10.1002/adfm.200700518 8. L.-Z. Fan and J. Maier. High-performance polypyrrole electrode materials for redox supercapacitors. Electrochem. Commun. 8(6), 937–940 (2006). DOI: 10.1016/j.elecom.2006.03.035 9. L.-Z. Fan and J. Maier. Composite effects in poly(ethylene oxide)-succinonitrile based all-solid electrolytes. Electrochem. Commun. 8(11), 1753–1756 (2006). DOI: 10.1016/j.elecom.2006.08.017 10. C.-W. Nan, L.-Z. Fan, Y. H. Lin, and Q. Cai. Enhanced ionic conductivity of polymer electrolytes containing nanocomposite SiO2 particles. Phys. Rev. Lett. 91(26), 266104 (2003). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.266104 11. L.-Z. Fan, C.-W. Nan, S. J. Zhao. Title: Effect of modified SiO2 on the properties of PEO-based polymer electrolytes. Solid State Ionics, 164 (1-2): 81-86 (2003). DOI: 10.1016/j.ssi.2003.08.004 12. L.-Z. Fan, C.-W. Nan, and M. Li. Thermal, electrical and mechanical properties of (PEO)16LiClO4 electrolytes with modified montmorillonites. Chem. Phys. Lett. 369 (5-6): 698-702 (2003). DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2614(03)00043-5 13. L.-Z. Fan, Z. M. Dang, C.-W. Nan, and M. Li. Thermal, electrical and mechanical properties of plasticized polymer electrolytes based on PEO/P(VDF-HFP) blends. Electrochim. Acta, 48(2): 205-209 (2002).  DOI:10.1016/S0013-4686(02)00603-5  14. L.-Z. Fan, C.-W. Nan, and Z. M. Dang. Effect of modified montmorillonites on the ionic conductivity of (PEO)16LiClO4 electrolytes. Electrochim. Acta, 47 (21): 3541-3544 (2002). DOI: 10.1016/S0013-4686(02)00325-0
? 2009年:北京科技大学优秀论文奖:发表在刊物Adv. Funct. Mater.上的文章影响因子在北京科技大学排名第一 ? 2008年:教育部“新世纪优秀人才” ? 2007年:北京市“科技新星” ? 2007年:全国材料科学技术名词审定委员会特聘专家 ? 2007年:Forschungsstipendium der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (德国洪堡研究奖) ? 2006年:Participation Award to the 18th meeting of Nobel Prize Winners (德国林岛) ? 2005年:JST Postdoctoral fellowship from Japan Science and Technology agency (日本) ? 2004年:SONY internship (日本) ? 2003年:清华大学第八届“航天海鹰杯”学术新秀提名
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