性别: 男
从事基础数学中复分析研究,研究方向有:单(多)复变函数,复域中的微分方程, 复动力系统,值分布理论。
1. Gao L.Y.,On m admissible components of solutions,Complex Variables,1998, 35(4):
2. Gao L.Y.,Some results of algebroid solutions of complex ADE,Indian J.Pure & Appl. Math.,2001,32(7):1041-1050.
3. Gao L.Y.,On the growth of meromorphic solutions of A.D.E,Acta Math. Scientia,2002,
4. Gao L.Y.,On value distribution of differential monomial of algebroid functions,Indian J.Pure & Appl.Math.,2003,34(5):799-804.
5. Gao L.Y.,m-entire admissible components of solutions of a type of a system of ADE., Kyungpook Math.J.,1998,38(2):341-350.
6. Gao L.Y.,Meromorphic solutions of systems of extraordinary ADE in the complex domain, Kyungpook Math.J.,2000,40(1):77-85.
7. Gao L.Y.,Meromorphic admissible solutions of ordinary differential equations,
Contemporary Math.,1999,20(2): 273-280.
8. Gao L.Y.,On Some generalized higher-order ADE with admissible algebroid solutions,
Indian Math.J.,2001,43(2):163-175.
9. Gao L.Y., Admissible meromorphic solutions of a system of complex ADE,Novi Sad J.of Math.,1999,29(1):61-67.
10. Gao L.Y.,Some malmquist type theorems of higher-order partial differential equations On C^m, Soochow Journal of Mathematics, 2007,33(1): 111-126
11. Gao L.Y.,m components-admissible solutions of systems of higher-order partial differential equations on C^n, Acta Math.Appl.Sinica, 2008,24(2):211-220.
12. Gao L.Y., On the growth of components of meromorphic solutions of systems of complex differential equations, Acta Math.Applied Sinica, 2005,21(3):499-504.
13. Gao L.Y.,Algebraic solutions of algebraic differential equations,Appl.Math. J.
Chinese Univ.Ser.B,2005,20(1):45-50.
14. Gao L.Y.,On a result of meromorphic solutions of a system of differential equations,Math.Res.and Expos.,2001,21(2):171-176.
15. Gao L.Y.,Admissible meromorphic solutions of a type of higher-order differential
equations,Math. Res. and Expos.,2003,23(3):443-448.
16.Gao L.Y.,Generalized higher-order ADE with admissible algebroid solutions, Northeastern Math. Journal,2001,17(2):159-168.
17. Gao L.Y.,On the behaviour of solutions of higher-order ADE, J.of Math., 2002,22(2): 159-168.
18. Gao L.Y.,Meromorphic solutions of systems of ADE,J.of Math.1998,18(2): 229-234.
19. Gao L.Y.,Admissible meromorphic solutions of a system of higher-order ADE,J.of
20. Gao L.Y., On algebroid solutions of generalized complex differential equations,
Quart.J.of Math.,2001,16(1):20-25.
21. Gao L.Y.,Value distribution of differential polynomials,J.of Math.2003, 23(1):
22. Gao L.Y.,Supplement to “On the conjecture of Gackstatter and Laine concering
ADE”,Quart.J.of Math.,2003,18(3):230-233.
23. Gao L.Y.,Meromorphic solutions of a type of higher-order partial differential equations,J.Math.Res.Expostion,2007,27(2):273-281.
24. Gao L.Y., On the form of systems of complex differential equations,J.of Math,2004, 24(4):365-369.
25. Gao L.Y., The analytic form of solutions of a type of algebraic differential equations, Pure and Applied Mathmatics,2005,21(4):305-309.
26. Gao L.Y.,Admissible solutions of a class of systems of higher-order partial differential equations on C^n,J.of Math,2007,27(2):127-134。
27. Gao L.Y.,The growth of solutions of systems of complex non-linear algebraic differential
equations, Acta Math. Scientia,to appear.
28. Gao L.Y.,On m-Nonadmissible components of solutions of systems of differential equations, Math. Study,1998,32(2):116-121.
29. Gao L.Y.,Non admissible solutions of systems of general differential equations in the complex domain, J.of Mathematics,1999,19(1):23-28.
30. Gao L.Y.,Sun Daochun, Meromorphic solutions of systems of ADE, Journal of Mathematics,
31.Gao L.Y.,A result of systems of nonlinear complex algebraic differential equations, Acta Math. Scientia,to appear.
32. 高凌云,复微分方程组m分量-可允许解,数学年刊,1997,18(2):149-154。
33. 高凌云,常微分方程亚纯允许解,数学年刊,1999,20(2):221-228。
34. 高凌云,两类复微分方程组的可允许解,数学学报,2000,43(1):149-156。
35. 高凌云,具有允许解的代数微分方程组的形式,系统科学与数学,2004,24(1):96-101.
36. 高凌云,单值亚纯解和有限多支解的增长性,系统科学与数学, 2004,24(3):303-310.
37. 高凌云,复微分方程组亚纯解的一些结果,数学杂志,2002,22(1):111-115.
38. 高凌云,高阶微分方程允许解的存在性,数学杂志,2003,23(3):383-384.
39. 高凌云,代数微分方程组允许解的值分布,系统科学与数学,2007,27(4):629-632.
40. 高凌云, C^n中高阶偏微分方程的代数体解,数学物理学报,2008,28(5):856-862.
41. 高凌云,一类复微分方程组解的级,数学杂志,2005,25(2):157-159.
42. 高凌云,一类复微分方程的代数体函数可允许解,数学研究,1997,30(3):272-277.
43. 高凌云,关于МОХОНЪКО不等式的精确性,纯粹数学与应用数学,1997,13(2):44-49.
1.高凌云, 从一反例谈起,大学数学, 2004, 20(3): 74-77.
2.高凌云, 数学分析教学的一些思考,大学数学, 2007, 23(5): 13-16.
3.高凌云, 高等数学教学中的问题与探索, 中山大学学报论丛, 2006, 26(4):194-197.
● 国家自然科学基金项目《多复变量和非阿基米德分析中的问题》(批准号:19971052)
● 国家自然科学基金项目《亚纯函数正规族及相关课题研究》(批准号:10471065)。
● 广东省自然科学基金项目《复非线性微分方程及相关课题研究》(批准号:04010474)。
从事基础数学中复分析研究,研究方向有:单(多)复变函数,复域中的微分方程, 复动力系统,值分布理论。
1. Gao L.Y.,On m admissible components of solutions,Complex Variables,1998, 35(4):
2. Gao L.Y.,Some results of algebroid solutions of complex ADE,Indian J.Pure & Appl. Math.,2001,32(7):1041-1050.
3. Gao L.Y.,On the growth of meromorphic solutions of A.D.E,Acta Math. Scientia,2002,
4. Gao L.Y.,On value distribution of differential monomial of algebroid functions,Indian J.Pure & Appl.Math.,2003,34(5):799-804.
5. Gao L.Y.,m-entire admissible components of solutions of a type of a system of ADE., Kyungpook Math.J.,1998,38(2):341-350.
6. Gao L.Y.,Meromorphic solutions of systems of extraordinary ADE in the complex domain, Kyungpook Math.J.,2000,40(1):77-85.
7. Gao L.Y.,Meromorphic admissible solutions of ordinary differential equations,
Contemporary Math.,1999,20(2): 273-280.
8. Gao L.Y.,On Some generalized higher-order ADE with admissible algebroid solutions,
Indian Math.J.,2001,43(2):163-175.
9. Gao L.Y., Admissible meromorphic solutions of a system of complex ADE,Novi Sad J.of Math.,1999,29(1):61-67.
10. Gao L.Y.,Some malmquist type theorems of higher-order partial differential equations On C^m, Soochow Journal of Mathematics, 2007,33(1): 111-126
11. Gao L.Y.,m components-admissible solutions of systems of higher-order partial differential equations on C^n, Acta Math.Appl.Sinica, 2008,24(2):211-220.
12. Gao L.Y., On the growth of components of meromorphic solutions of systems of complex differential equations, Acta Math.Applied Sinica, 2005,21(3):499-504.
13. Gao L.Y.,Algebraic solutions of algebraic differential equations,Appl.Math. J.
Chinese Univ.Ser.B,2005,20(1):45-50.
14. Gao L.Y.,On a result of meromorphic solutions of a system of differential equations,Math.Res.and Expos.,2001,21(2):171-176.
15. Gao L.Y.,Admissible meromorphic solutions of a type of higher-order differential
equations,Math. Res. and Expos.,2003,23(3):443-448.
16.Gao L.Y.,Generalized higher-order ADE with admissible algebroid solutions, Northeastern Math. Journal,2001,17(2):159-168.
17. Gao L.Y.,On the behaviour of solutions of higher-order ADE, J.of Math., 2002,22(2): 159-168.
18. Gao L.Y.,Meromorphic solutions of systems of ADE,J.of Math.1998,18(2): 229-234.
19. Gao L.Y.,Admissible meromorphic solutions of a system of higher-order ADE,J.of
20. Gao L.Y., On algebroid solutions of generalized complex differential equations,
Quart.J.of Math.,2001,16(1):20-25.
21. Gao L.Y.,Value distribution of differential polynomials,J.of Math.2003, 23(1):
22. Gao L.Y.,Supplement to “On the conjecture of Gackstatter and Laine concering
ADE”,Quart.J.of Math.,2003,18(3):230-233.
23. Gao L.Y.,Meromorphic solutions of a type of higher-order partial differential equations,J.Math.Res.Expostion,2007,27(2):273-281.
24. Gao L.Y., On the form of systems of complex differential equations,J.of Math,2004, 24(4):365-369.
25. Gao L.Y., The analytic form of solutions of a type of algebraic differential equations, Pure and Applied Mathmatics,2005,21(4):305-309.
26. Gao L.Y.,Admissible solutions of a class of systems of higher-order partial differential equations on C^n,J.of Math,2007,27(2):127-134。
27. Gao L.Y.,The growth of solutions of systems of complex non-linear algebraic differential
equations, Acta Math. Scientia,to appear.
28. Gao L.Y.,On m-Nonadmissible components of solutions of systems of differential equations, Math. Study,1998,32(2):116-121.
29. Gao L.Y.,Non admissible solutions of systems of general differential equations in the complex domain, J.of Mathematics,1999,19(1):23-28.
30. Gao L.Y.,Sun Daochun, Meromorphic solutions of systems of ADE, Journal of Mathematics,
31.Gao L.Y.,A result of systems of nonlinear complex algebraic differential equations, Acta Math. Scientia,to appear.
32. 高凌云,复微分方程组m分量-可允许解,数学年刊,1997,18(2):149-154。
33. 高凌云,常微分方程亚纯允许解,数学年刊,1999,20(2):221-228。
34. 高凌云,两类复微分方程组的可允许解,数学学报,2000,43(1):149-156。
35. 高凌云,具有允许解的代数微分方程组的形式,系统科学与数学,2004,24(1):96-101.
36. 高凌云,单值亚纯解和有限多支解的增长性,系统科学与数学, 2004,24(3):303-310.
37. 高凌云,复微分方程组亚纯解的一些结果,数学杂志,2002,22(1):111-115.
38. 高凌云,高阶微分方程允许解的存在性,数学杂志,2003,23(3):383-384.
39. 高凌云,代数微分方程组允许解的值分布,系统科学与数学,2007,27(4):629-632.
40. 高凌云, C^n中高阶偏微分方程的代数体解,数学物理学报,2008,28(5):856-862.
41. 高凌云,一类复微分方程组解的级,数学杂志,2005,25(2):157-159.
42. 高凌云,一类复微分方程的代数体函数可允许解,数学研究,1997,30(3):272-277.
43. 高凌云,关于МОХОНЪКО不等式的精确性,纯粹数学与应用数学,1997,13(2):44-49.
1.高凌云, 从一反例谈起,大学数学, 2004, 20(3): 74-77.
2.高凌云, 数学分析教学的一些思考,大学数学, 2007, 23(5): 13-16.
3.高凌云, 高等数学教学中的问题与探索, 中山大学学报论丛, 2006, 26(4):194-197.
● 国家自然科学基金项目《多复变量和非阿基米德分析中的问题》(批准号:19971052)
● 国家自然科学基金项目《亚纯函数正规族及相关课题研究》(批准号:10471065)。
● 广东省自然科学基金项目《复非线性微分方程及相关课题研究》(批准号:04010474)。