姓名:杨秋波 性别:女 职称:副主任医师
职务: 招生院所:附属口腔医院
招生类型:科学学位(硕) 招生专业:口腔基础医学(硕)
1. 198209-198807:北京大学口腔医学院 学士
2. 198809-199409:北京大学口腔医学院 主治医师
3. 199504-199903:日本国鹿儿岛大学 博士
4. 200004-200303:美国阿拉巴马大学伯明汗分校 博士后
5. 200309-200705:首都医科大学口腔医学院 副主任医师 硕导
1. 林梅,杨秋波*,杨圣辉.牙龈卟啉单胞菌对铁和亚铁血红素的摄取机制. 北京口腔医学. 2007,15(2):118-120.无
2. 张荃 杨秋波* 杨圣辉.牙龈卟啉单胞菌HA2 基因与牙周病关系的研究. 北京口腔医学 . 2007,15(4):181-185.无
3. 张绮霞,杨秋波*,杨圣辉.牙龈卟啉单胞菌血红素结合蛋白的研究. 北京口腔医学. 2006,14(2):149-151.无
4. Ping Zhang,Qiu-Bo Yang,Daniel F.Balkovetz,Janina P.Lewis,John D.Clements,Suzanne M.Michalek,Jannet Katz*.Effectiveness of the B subunit of cholera toxin in potentiating immune responses to the recombinant hemagglutinin/adhesin domain of the gingipain Kgp From Porphyromonas gingivalis . Vaccine. 2005,23(27-30):4734-4744.SCI
5. Ping Zhang,Qiu-Bo Yang,Dante J.Marciani,Michael Martin,John D.Clements,Suzanne M.Michalek,Jannet Katz*.Effectiveness of the quillaja saponin semi-synthetic analog GPI-0100 in potentiating mucosal and systemic responses to recombinant HagB from Porphyromonas gingivalis. Vaccine. 2003,21(27-30):4459-71.SCI
6. Jannet Katz*,Qiu-Bo Yang,Ping Zhang,Jan Potempa,James Travis,Suzanne M.Michalek,Daniel F. Balkovetz.Hydrolysis of epithelial junctional proteins by Porphyromonas gingivalis gingipains. . Infect Immun.. 2002,70(5):2512-8.SCI
7. Qiu-Bo Yang,Michael Martin,Suzanne M.Michalek,Jannet Katz*.Mechanisms of monophosphoryl lipid A augmentation of host responses to recombinant HagB from Porphyromonas gingivalis. . Infect Immun.. 2002,70(7):3557-65.SCI
8. Qiu-Bo Yang*.Expression of interleukin-1 a and interleukin-1 receptor antagonist in human gingival keratinocytes. . Journal of Japanese Society of Periodontology. 1999,41(2):87-98.无
9. Qiu-Bo Yang,Yuichi Izumi,Mutsumi Minami,Takeshi Sueda*.Changes in Interleukin-1a, Interleukin-1 b and Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist levels in gingival crevicular fluid from adult periodontitis patients. . Journal of Japanese Society of Periodontology. 1997,39(3):375-381.无
职务: 招生院所:附属口腔医院
招生类型:科学学位(硕) 招生专业:口腔基础医学(硕)
1. 198209-198807:北京大学口腔医学院 学士
2. 198809-199409:北京大学口腔医学院 主治医师
3. 199504-199903:日本国鹿儿岛大学 博士
4. 200004-200303:美国阿拉巴马大学伯明汗分校 博士后
5. 200309-200705:首都医科大学口腔医学院 副主任医师 硕导
1. 林梅,杨秋波*,杨圣辉.牙龈卟啉单胞菌对铁和亚铁血红素的摄取机制. 北京口腔医学. 2007,15(2):118-120.无
2. 张荃 杨秋波* 杨圣辉.牙龈卟啉单胞菌HA2 基因与牙周病关系的研究. 北京口腔医学 . 2007,15(4):181-185.无
3. 张绮霞,杨秋波*,杨圣辉.牙龈卟啉单胞菌血红素结合蛋白的研究. 北京口腔医学. 2006,14(2):149-151.无
4. Ping Zhang,Qiu-Bo Yang,Daniel F.Balkovetz,Janina P.Lewis,John D.Clements,Suzanne M.Michalek,Jannet Katz*.Effectiveness of the B subunit of cholera toxin in potentiating immune responses to the recombinant hemagglutinin/adhesin domain of the gingipain Kgp From Porphyromonas gingivalis . Vaccine. 2005,23(27-30):4734-4744.SCI
5. Ping Zhang,Qiu-Bo Yang,Dante J.Marciani,Michael Martin,John D.Clements,Suzanne M.Michalek,Jannet Katz*.Effectiveness of the quillaja saponin semi-synthetic analog GPI-0100 in potentiating mucosal and systemic responses to recombinant HagB from Porphyromonas gingivalis. Vaccine. 2003,21(27-30):4459-71.SCI
6. Jannet Katz*,Qiu-Bo Yang,Ping Zhang,Jan Potempa,James Travis,Suzanne M.Michalek,Daniel F. Balkovetz.Hydrolysis of epithelial junctional proteins by Porphyromonas gingivalis gingipains. . Infect Immun.. 2002,70(5):2512-8.SCI
7. Qiu-Bo Yang,Michael Martin,Suzanne M.Michalek,Jannet Katz*.Mechanisms of monophosphoryl lipid A augmentation of host responses to recombinant HagB from Porphyromonas gingivalis. . Infect Immun.. 2002,70(7):3557-65.SCI
8. Qiu-Bo Yang*.Expression of interleukin-1 a and interleukin-1 receptor antagonist in human gingival keratinocytes. . Journal of Japanese Society of Periodontology. 1999,41(2):87-98.无
9. Qiu-Bo Yang,Yuichi Izumi,Mutsumi Minami,Takeshi Sueda*.Changes in Interleukin-1a, Interleukin-1 b and Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist levels in gingival crevicular fluid from adult periodontitis patients. . Journal of Japanese Society of Periodontology. 1997,39(3):375-381.无