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1989, 本科,武汉大学管理学院国际金融专业
2003, MBA, 澳大利亚迪金大学(Deakin University, Australia)
2006, 博士, 澳大利亚迪金大学(Deakin University, Australia)
2006- 副教授,中南财经政法大学
2006 研究员,澳大利亚迪金大学
2004-2005 助教, 澳大利亚迪金大学
2003-2005 助理研究员,澳大利亚迪金大学
1993 – 2001 经济师,副科长, 中国银行湖北省分行
国际期刊Construction Management and Economics 和 International Journal of Strategic Property Management 审稿人,
CIOB (Chartered Institute of Building) 会员,
PRPRS (Pacific Rim Property Research Society) 会员
1. Liu, C. and Song, Y. (2004) Comparison of Multifactor Productivity Indicators for Real Estate Sectors Using the OECD Input-Output Database. Journal of the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society, 10(4), 487-507.
2. Liu, C., Song, Y. and Langston, C. (2005) Economic Indicator Comparisons of Multinational Real Estate Sectors Using the OECD Input-Output Database. The International Journal of Construction Management, 4(1), 59-75.
3. Song, Y., Liu, C. and Langston, C. (2005) A Linkage Measure Framework for the Real Estate Sector. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 9(3) 121-143.
4. Song, Y. and Liu, C. (2005) Economic Performance Analysis of the Australian Property Sector in the 1990s Using the Input-output Tables, Journal of the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society. 11(4), 412-425.
5. Liu, C. and Song, Y. (2005) Multifactor Productivity Measures of Construction Sectors using OECD Input-Output Database. Journal of Construction Research, 6(2), 209-222. (EI)
6. Song, Y., Liu C., and Langston, C. (2006) Linkage Measures of the Construction Sector Using the Hypothetical Extraction Method, Construction Management and Economics, 24(6), 579-589.(EI)
7. Song, Y., Liu C., and Langston, C. (2006) Linkage measures of the real estate sector considering the effect of capital, International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 10(3), 131-143.
8. Song, Y., Liu C., and Langston, C. (2006) Extending construction linkage measures by the consideration of the impact of capital, Construction Management and Economics, 24(11),1207-1216.(EI)
9. Song, Y. and Liu C. (2006) The Australian Construction Linkages in the 1990s, Architectural Science Review. 49 (4), 408-417. (EI)
10. Song, Y. and Liu C. (2007) An Input–Output Approach for Measuring Real Estate Sector Linkages, Journal of Property Research. 24(1), 71-91.
11. Song, Y., Liu C., and Langston, C. (2007) A Linkage Analysis of the Real Estate Sector Using the Hypothetical Extraction Method, Journal of Application Input-output Analysis, (接受待发表).
1. Liu, C., Song, Y. and Itoh, Y. (2004) An Input-Output Table Perspective on Measuring Construction Productivity. Annual Selected Papers on Construction Management Research, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Tokyo. 397-408.
2. Song, Y., Liu, C. and Langston, C. (2004) Economic Analyses on Multinational Real Estate and Construction Sectors. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of Australian University Building Education Association, (CD-ROM), Newcastle. 303-320.
3. Song, Y., Liu, C. and Langston, C. (2005) Comparisons on Linkages of Construction and Real Estate Sectors in OECD Countries. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of Australian University Building Education Association, (CD-ROM), Brisbane.
4. Song, Y., Liu, C. and Langston, C. (2006) Comparing Linkages of Real Estate and Construction by the consideration of the impact of capital, the 31th Annual Meeting of Australian University Building Education Association,( CD-ROM) 16 pages, Sydney.
5. Song, Y, Root, D and Liu, C (2006) Economic Drive Effects of the South African Construction Sector: 1993-2002, the 31th Annual Meeting of Australian University Building Education Association,( CD-ROM), 17 pages, Sydney.
6. Du, J, Song, Y, Liu, C and Picken, D (2006) An Empirical Study on Job satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Construction Managers, The Fifth Wuhan International Conference on e-business , 1794-1800, Wuhan. (ISTP 索引).
7. Song, Y, Liu, C and Li, Huimin (2007) Economic Drive Effect Comparisons of the Construction Sector between China and South Africa, The Sixth Wuhan International Conference on e-business , 2946-2953, Wuhan. (ISTP 索引).
8. Song, Y, and Liu, C (2007) Multifactor Productivity Analysis with Considering the Impacts of Capital, The Sixth Wuhan International Conference on e-business , 2960-2967, Wuhan. (ISTP 索引).
9. Du, Janjan, Song, Y, Liu, C and Picken, D (2007) Variance Analyses of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment vs. Demographic Variables ---A study on Construction Managers in Wuhan, The Sixth Wuhan International Conference on e-business , 1332-1337, Wuhan. (ISTP 索引).
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