
职 务:博士,教授
91.07—99.07: 昆明理工大学理学院教师,副教授
02.07---今: 北京外国语大学国际商学院教师,教授
04.10—07.03: 清华大学经济管理学院博士后
91年来任教过本科课程:概率论, 数理统计, 应用随机过程, 统计学原理,运筹学,高等数学, 高等代数, 概率统计, 统计学, 线性代数.
95年以来开设过的硕士生课程:测度论, 应用数理统计, Markov决策理论, 计量经济学.
08.01—10.12: 国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号: 70771013)“短生命周期产品供应链管理的建模与优化”, 项目主持人.
05.09--07.12: 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(项目编号:2005037045)“供应链管理的协调与优化” , 项目主持人.
05.01--07.12: 国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号:10471141)“生物信息分析中的运筹学方法研究” ,主要承担人.
05.09--08.12: 中科院重要方向项目 “生物信息学中的若干重要问题研究”,主要承担人.
06.11—09.12: 北外十一五211工程标志性成果研究项目“经济全球化中供应链管理面临的若干重要问题研究”, 项目主持人.
04.01--06.12: 国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号:70302003)“供应链设计与管理的建模与优化”.
03.08—04.12: 中科院数学与系统科学院生物信息中心资助项目“基于DNA芯片的SBH测序问题研究".
99.01—02.12: 国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号:39830070) “基因组信息学的研究”.
01.07—02.04: 中国科学院资助的昆明地区教育DEA数据包络分析评价项目.
92.12—02.07: 云南省应用基金项目2项和青年基金项目1项(Markov决策规划).
1) An optimization approach to the reconstruction of PSBH with errors, European Journal of Operational Research (SCI期刊),Vol:182(1), 413-427,2007.
2) Evaluating protein similarity from coarse structures. IEEE/ACM Transactions
on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (SCI期刊), in press, 2007.
3) A two-stage stochastic inventory model of seasonal product supply
chains with multiple echelons in series, 2007 International Conference on Multi-Echelon Inventory Management, Beijing,China, June17 2007.
4) 一类易变质产品供应链联合定价和库存管理的平均收益准则模型, 未来与发展(CSSCI期刊), Vol:58(5),62-65. 2007
5) 方差分析平方和分解分析方法的一种新形式,数学的认识与实践, in press, 2007.
6) A Stochastic Inventory Placement problem for a Multi-echelon Seasonal Product Supply Chain with Multiple Retailers. Lecture Notes in Operations Research ( ISTP检索: BFB26),Vol.6: pp247-257, World Publishing Corporation, 2006.
7) A New Statistical Method for Haplotype Inference from Genotype Data. Proceedings of CASB 2006, pp.7-13, Dallas, Texas, USA , 2006.11.
8)两级串联系统的联合定价与库存控制研究。 Proceedings of ORSC'06, pp477-483, Global-Link Informatics Limited, HongKong, 2006.
9)允许长度估计误差的SBH最优重构问题及其算法,应用数学学报,28(3):368-380, 2005
10)The SNPs haplotype assembly problem of a single individual. Computational Biology and Chemistry(SCI检索:956XI, EI检索), Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 281-287, 2005.
11)常系数非齐次线性微分方程特解的一种公式化解法 -- 高等数学中微分方程教学方法的一种新尝试,大学数学,vol.21,No.5:109-111,2005.
12)Algorithms for the SNP haplotype assembly problem, 高校应用数学学报(A辑),vol.19, pp.515-528,2004.
13) A Statistical Method Based on Markov Chain for Optimal Reconstruction of Haplotype from Genotype Data with SNP, Proceedings of ORSC'04, Vol.3, 1268-1278, Global-Link Publishing Company, HongKong, 2004.
14) 非时齐部分可观察Markov决策规划的最优策略问题,运筹学学报, vol.18.,No.2, pp81-88, 2004.
15) Reconstruction of DNA Sequencing by Hybridization , Bioinformatics(SCI检索:636PA,影响因子:6.701),vol:19 ,No:1, pp14-21, 2003.
16) 杂交测序中的组合优化问题及其计算方法,系统科学与数学,Vol:22,No.3, pp258-269, 2002.
17) Neural Networks Approach to DNA SBH, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium ISORA'02, 2002:312-320, World Publishing Corporation.
18) Continuous Time Discounted Markov Decision Processes with Stochastic Termination and Unbounded Rewards, In Proceedings of the sixth conference of operation research society, 2000, 2:880 -888, Global-Link Publishing Company, Hong Kong.
19) Continuous Time Markov Decision Processes with Unbounded Rewards under Discounted Criterion, 应用概率统计, vol:13, pp1-9,1997.
20) Multi-objective Discounted Semi-Markov Decision Processes with Constraints, Proceedings of The Second Asian Mathematical Conference (ISTP检索:BM17Z),World Scientific Publishing , Singapore,1998:551-556.
21) An Optimal Control Structure for Multi-period Production Planning Problem with Returned Products Remanufacturing. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (SCI期刊),accepted ,2007.
22) A Fast Haplotype Inference Method for Large Population Genotype Data, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (SCI期刊),in revision,2007.
23) A Multi-Echelon Quick Response Inventory Model with Transshipment between
Retailers, in submission, 2007.
24) A Serial Mixed Produce-to-Order and Produce-in-Advance Inventory Model with Multiple Retailers, in submission,2006.
25) A Fast Approach to Measure the Protein Structure Similarity from the Global Shape View. Technical Report, IAM-R003 (2005), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS, 2005.
26)具有随机回收和需求的回收库存控制最优策略结构,Technical Report,School of Economics and Managements, Tsinghua University, 2005.
27) 张继红等,《信贷资产组合管理》,译著,人民大学出版社,2006.
供应链管理, 金融预测与风险分析, Markov决策规划,生物信息中的优化和统计问题,神经网络及最优化理论
职 务:博士,教授
91.07—99.07: 昆明理工大学理学院教师,副教授
02.07---今: 北京外国语大学国际商学院教师,教授
04.10—07.03: 清华大学经济管理学院博士后
91年来任教过本科课程:概率论, 数理统计, 应用随机过程, 统计学原理,运筹学,高等数学, 高等代数, 概率统计, 统计学, 线性代数.
95年以来开设过的硕士生课程:测度论, 应用数理统计, Markov决策理论, 计量经济学.
08.01—10.12: 国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号: 70771013)“短生命周期产品供应链管理的建模与优化”, 项目主持人.
05.09--07.12: 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(项目编号:2005037045)“供应链管理的协调与优化” , 项目主持人.
05.01--07.12: 国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号:10471141)“生物信息分析中的运筹学方法研究” ,主要承担人.
05.09--08.12: 中科院重要方向项目 “生物信息学中的若干重要问题研究”,主要承担人.
06.11—09.12: 北外十一五211工程标志性成果研究项目“经济全球化中供应链管理面临的若干重要问题研究”, 项目主持人.
04.01--06.12: 国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号:70302003)“供应链设计与管理的建模与优化”.
03.08—04.12: 中科院数学与系统科学院生物信息中心资助项目“基于DNA芯片的SBH测序问题研究".
99.01—02.12: 国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号:39830070) “基因组信息学的研究”.
01.07—02.04: 中国科学院资助的昆明地区教育DEA数据包络分析评价项目.
92.12—02.07: 云南省应用基金项目2项和青年基金项目1项(Markov决策规划).
1) An optimization approach to the reconstruction of PSBH with errors, European Journal of Operational Research (SCI期刊),Vol:182(1), 413-427,2007.
2) Evaluating protein similarity from coarse structures. IEEE/ACM Transactions
on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (SCI期刊), in press, 2007.
3) A two-stage stochastic inventory model of seasonal product supply
chains with multiple echelons in series, 2007 International Conference on Multi-Echelon Inventory Management, Beijing,China, June17 2007.
4) 一类易变质产品供应链联合定价和库存管理的平均收益准则模型, 未来与发展(CSSCI期刊), Vol:58(5),62-65. 2007
5) 方差分析平方和分解分析方法的一种新形式,数学的认识与实践, in press, 2007.
6) A Stochastic Inventory Placement problem for a Multi-echelon Seasonal Product Supply Chain with Multiple Retailers. Lecture Notes in Operations Research ( ISTP检索: BFB26),Vol.6: pp247-257, World Publishing Corporation, 2006.
7) A New Statistical Method for Haplotype Inference from Genotype Data. Proceedings of CASB 2006, pp.7-13, Dallas, Texas, USA , 2006.11.
8)两级串联系统的联合定价与库存控制研究。 Proceedings of ORSC'06, pp477-483, Global-Link Informatics Limited, HongKong, 2006.
9)允许长度估计误差的SBH最优重构问题及其算法,应用数学学报,28(3):368-380, 2005
10)The SNPs haplotype assembly problem of a single individual. Computational Biology and Chemistry(SCI检索:956XI, EI检索), Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 281-287, 2005.
11)常系数非齐次线性微分方程特解的一种公式化解法 -- 高等数学中微分方程教学方法的一种新尝试,大学数学,vol.21,No.5:109-111,2005.
12)Algorithms for the SNP haplotype assembly problem, 高校应用数学学报(A辑),vol.19, pp.515-528,2004.
13) A Statistical Method Based on Markov Chain for Optimal Reconstruction of Haplotype from Genotype Data with SNP, Proceedings of ORSC'04, Vol.3, 1268-1278, Global-Link Publishing Company, HongKong, 2004.
14) 非时齐部分可观察Markov决策规划的最优策略问题,运筹学学报, vol.18.,No.2, pp81-88, 2004.
15) Reconstruction of DNA Sequencing by Hybridization , Bioinformatics(SCI检索:636PA,影响因子:6.701),vol:19 ,No:1, pp14-21, 2003.
16) 杂交测序中的组合优化问题及其计算方法,系统科学与数学,Vol:22,No.3, pp258-269, 2002.
17) Neural Networks Approach to DNA SBH, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium ISORA'02, 2002:312-320, World Publishing Corporation.
18) Continuous Time Discounted Markov Decision Processes with Stochastic Termination and Unbounded Rewards, In Proceedings of the sixth conference of operation research society, 2000, 2:880 -888, Global-Link Publishing Company, Hong Kong.
19) Continuous Time Markov Decision Processes with Unbounded Rewards under Discounted Criterion, 应用概率统计, vol:13, pp1-9,1997.
20) Multi-objective Discounted Semi-Markov Decision Processes with Constraints, Proceedings of The Second Asian Mathematical Conference (ISTP检索:BM17Z),World Scientific Publishing , Singapore,1998:551-556.
21) An Optimal Control Structure for Multi-period Production Planning Problem with Returned Products Remanufacturing. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (SCI期刊),accepted ,2007.
22) A Fast Haplotype Inference Method for Large Population Genotype Data, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (SCI期刊),in revision,2007.
23) A Multi-Echelon Quick Response Inventory Model with Transshipment between
Retailers, in submission, 2007.
24) A Serial Mixed Produce-to-Order and Produce-in-Advance Inventory Model with Multiple Retailers, in submission,2006.
25) A Fast Approach to Measure the Protein Structure Similarity from the Global Shape View. Technical Report, IAM-R003 (2005), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS, 2005.
26)具有随机回收和需求的回收库存控制最优策略结构,Technical Report,School of Economics and Managements, Tsinghua University, 2005.
27) 张继红等,《信贷资产组合管理》,译著,人民大学出版社,2006.
供应链管理, 金融预测与风险分析, Markov决策规划,生物信息中的优化和统计问题,神经网络及最优化理论
- 北京外国语大学教学资源
- 张继红老师课程教学资源
- 更多课件(包)>>
- 北京外国语大学:“输出驱动——输入促成假设”与大学英语教学改革(文秋芳)
- 北京外国语大学:《经济数学 Mathematics in Economics》课程教学资源(课件讲稿,上)第4章 二元函数(二元函数微积分)
- 北京外国语大学:《经济数学 Mathematics in Economics》课程教学资源(课件讲稿,上)第4章 二元函数(多元函数的极值及其求法)
- 北京外国语大学:《经济数学 Mathematics in Economics》课程教学资源(课件讲稿,下)概率 Probability 排列组合
- 北京外国语大学:《运筹学 Operations Research》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)线性代数 Linear Programming(主讲:陈曦)
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