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诸葛海教授现任国家重大基础研究计划973"语义网格的基础理论、模型与方法研究"项目首席科学家。湖南科技大学名誉教授。2001年入选中国科学院百人计划,任中国科学院智能信息处理重点实验室主任。IEEE Senior Member。他早期提出语义与知识网格的核心科学问题并开展了系统的创新。在Communications of the ACM, IEEE Computer, IEEE Intelligent Systems, IEEE Transactions等权威国际学术刊物上发表论文60余篇、专著2部,其中《The Knowledge Grid》是该领域的第一部专著。应邀在GCC2003,WAIM 2004, MMAS2004和AIS-ADM2005等系列国际会议上做特邀报告。成果被国外同行大量引用和评论。他多次担任关于语义与知识网格的国际刊物专辑的客座编辑和国际会议主席,促进了该领域的形成和发展。担任国际学术刊物Journal of Systems and Software领域主编,Future Generation Computer Systems副主编,Journal of Computer Science and Technology领域编委,Electronic Commerce Research and Applications副编辑和 Information and Management编委。获2004年中国科学院优秀研究生导师奖。在国际学术刊物所发表的评估报告中列软件工程与系统领域Top 1学者(1999-2004)。2004
[1] H.Zhuge, China’s E-Science Knowledge Grid Environment, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 19(1)   (2004)13-17.
[2] H.Zhuge, Semantics, Resource and Grid, Future Generation Computer Systems, 20 (1) (2004) 1- 5. (Editorial of the Special issue of Semantic Grid and Knowledge Grid).
[3] H.Zhuge, Resource Space Model, Its Design Method and Applications,Journal of Systems and Software, 72 (1) (2004) 71-81.
[4] H.Zhuge and R.Jia, Semantic Link Network Builder and Intelligent Browser, Concurrency andComputation: Practice and Experience, abstract is available at http://aspen.ucs.indiana.edu/CandCPandE/.
[5] H.Zhuge, Semantic Space Grid: Model, Method and Platform, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, abstract is available at http://aspen.ucs.indiana.edu/CandCPandE/.
[6] H.Zhuge, Fuzzy Resource Management in Semantic Grid: Model and Platform, Journal of Systems and Software, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jss.
[7] H.Zhuge, Retrieve Images by Understanding Semantic Links and Clustering Image Fragments,Journal of Systems and Software, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jss.
[8] Mario Cannataro and Domenico Talia, Semantics and Knowledge Grids: Building the Next-Generation Grid, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Volume 19, Issue 1 (January/February), 2004, Pages 56-63.
[9] H. Zhuge and X.Shi, Eco-Grid: A Harmoniously Evolved Interconnection Environment, Communications of the ACM, Sept. 2004.
[10] H.Zhuge and X.Shi, Fighting Epidemics in the Information and Knowledge Age, IEEE Computer, 36(10) (2003)114-116.
[11] H.Zhuge and Y.Sun, A Computing Model for SLN, GCC03 (2nd International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing, Shanghai, China, Nov. 2003), LNCS 2975.
[12] H.Zhuge, Active e-Document Framework ADF: Model and Platform, Information and Management, 20 (43) (2003) 1-11.
[13] H.Zhuge and J.Liu, A Fuzzy Online Collaborative Assessment Approach for Knowledge Grid, Future Generation Computer Systems, 20 (1) (2004) 101-112.
[14] H.Zhuge and Y.Li, Semantic-Profile-based Document Logistics for Cooperative Research, Future Generation Computer Systems, 20 (1) (2004) 47-60.
[15] H.Zhuge and Y.Sun, Theory and Algorithm for Rule Base Refinement, IEA/AIE-2003, June, UK, Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNAI 2718, pp. 187–196, 2003.
[16] H.Zhuge, Workflow-based cognitive flow management for distributed team cooperation, Information and Management, 40 (5) (2003) 419-429.
[17] H.Zhuge and J.Liu, KGOL: A Knowledge Grid Operation Language, ACM SIGPLAN Notice, 38 (4) (2003) 57-66.
[18] H.Zhuge, Clustering Soft-Devices in Semantic Grid, IEEE Computing in Science and Engineering, 4 (6) (2002) 60-62.
[19] H.Zhuge, A Knowledge Grid Model and Platform for Global Knowledge Sharing, Expert Systems with Applications, 22 (4) (2002) 313-320.
[22] H.Zhuge, A Knowledge Flow Model for Peer-to-Peer Team Knowledge sharing and Management, Expert Systems with Applications, 23 (1) (2002)23-30.
[20] H.Zhuge, Distributed Team Knowledge Management by Incorporating Knowledge Flow and Knowledge Grid, Journal of Universal Computer Science, (2002) 218-223, http://www.know-center.at/en/downloads/iknow02/hzhuge.pdf, Springer-verlag.
[21] H.Zhuge, Knowledge Flow Management for Distributed Team Software Development, Knowledge-based Systems, 15 (8) (2002) 465-471
[22] H.Zhuge and Y.Li, VEGA-KGCL: A Knowledge-Grid-based Cooperative Learning Environment, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 2436, pp.192-202, 2002.
[23] H.Zhuge and X.Shi, Communication Cost of Cognitive Co-operation for Team Development, Journal of Systems and Software, 57 (3) (2001) 227-233.
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