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性 别:男
籍 贯:安徽蚌埠
单位:中国科学技术大学 热科学和能源工程系
电话:0551 3600127
传真:0551 3606459
1994.9-1998.7 中国科学技术大学 热科学和能源工程系 本科
1998.9-2003.2 中国科学技术大学 热科学和能源工程系 博士
2003-至今 中国科学技术大学 热科学和能源工程系 讲师,副教授
2004.10-2005.2 德国Dresden Technical University, 访问学者
2005.3-2006.4 德国Dresden Technical University, 洪堡研究员
2007.4 新西兰Massey University, 访问学者
2008)..6 澳大利亚Curtin University of Technology, 访问学者
2008)..9-2009.9 日本东京大学, 日本学术振兴会特别研究员
1. 宏观和微观交通流模型的研究
1.1 提出了一种各向异性的交通流宏观速度梯度模型
1.2 提出了一种既考虑前后车车距又考虑前后车速度差影响的全速度差车辆跟驰模型
1.3. 提出了一种考虑前车速度效应的元胞自动机模型
2. 三相交通流理论的研究
3. 交通瓶颈诱导的交通流复杂动态特性的研究
4. 对机动车辆和非机动车、行人相互作用的研究
4.1. 行人穿越道路对交通流的影响。研究发现,当行人的冒险系数很大时,会引起交替的行人流和机动车流:当行人通过时,会导致车辆排队;而当排队车辆启动后,则会造成行人排队。反之,若行人的冒险系数较小,则行人流和机动车流都不会产生排队现象。我们还对此问题做了相关解析分析,分析结果与模拟结果是一致的。
4.2. 狭窄通道中,单个车辆在行人流中的运动行为。我们研究了车辆平均速度和最大速度之间的关系。我们发现存在一个临界最大速度值,当车辆最大速度大于临界最大速度时,车辆运动将会出现时快时慢现象。
4.3 采用多值元胞自动机模型对自行车流进行了模拟研究,研究发现,当考虑随机因素的影响,自行车流从自由流到拥挤流的相变仍可以保持二阶相变。
1. Jiang R, Wu QS, Jia B, Intermittent unstable structures induced by incessant constant
disturbances in the full velocity difference car-following model. Physica D 237, 467 (2008).
2. Yuan YM, Jiang R, Wang R, Wu QS, Zhang JQ, Spontaneous symmetry breaking in totally asymmetric
simple exclusion processes on two intersected lattices. J.Phys.A 41, 035003 (2008).
3. Jiang R, Hu MB, Jia B, Wang R, Wu QS. Enhancing highway capacity by homogenizing traffic flow.
Transportmetrica 4, 51-61 (2008).
4. Jiang R, Hu MB, Jia B, Wang R, Wu QS Spontaneous symmetry breaking and periodic structure
in a multilane system. Phys.Rev.E 76, 036116 (2007).
5. Jiang R, Wang R, Hu MB, Jia B, Wu QS. Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a two-lane
system with parallel update. J.Phys.A 40, 9213-9225 (2007).
6. Tang CF, Jiang R, Wu QS, Wiwatanapataphee B, Wu YH, Mixed Traffic Flow in Anisotropic Continuum Model.
Transpn.Res.Rec. 1999, 13-22 (2007)
7. Yuan YM, Jiang R, Wang R, Hu MB, Wu QS, Totally asymmetric simple exclusion process with a shortcut.
J.Phys.A 40, 12351-12364 (2007).
8. Gao K, Jiang R, Hu SX, Wang BH, Wu QS. Cellular-automaton model with velocity adaptation
in the framework of Kerner's three-phase traffic theory. Phys.Rev.E 76, 026105 (2007).
9. Jiang R, Hu MB, Jia B, Wang R, Wu QS. Phase transition in a mixture of adaptive cruise
control vehicles and manual vehicles. Euro.Phys.J.B 58, 197-206 (2007).
10. Hu MB, Wang WX, Jiang R, Wu QS, Wu YH. The effect of bandwidth in scale-free network traffic.
EPL 79, 14003 (2007).
11. Liu Z, Hu MB, Jiang R, Wu QS, Wu YH. Method to enhance traffic capacity for scale-free networks.
Phys.Rev.E 76, 037101 (2007).
12. Jiang R, Hu MB, Jia B, Wang R, Wu QS. Spatiotemporal congested traffic patterns in macroscopic
version of the Kerner-Klenov speed adaptation model. Phys. Lett. A 365, 6-9 (2007).
13. Hu MB, Wang WX, Jiang R, Wu QS, Wu YH, Phase transition and hysteresis in scale-free network traffic,
Phys.Rev.E 75, 036102 (2007).
14. Jiang R, Wang R, Wu QS, Two-lane totally asymmetric exclusion processes with particle creation
and annihilation. Physica A 375, 247-256 (2007).
15. Jiang R, Wu QS, Pedestrian behaviors in a lattice gas model with large maximum velocity.
Physica A 373, 683-693 (2007).
16. Jiang R, Hu MB, Jia B, Wang R, Wu QS. The effects of reaction delay in the Nagel-Schreckenberg
traffic flow model. Euro.Phys.J.B 54, 267-273 (2006).
17. Jiang R, Wu QS, The adaptive cruise control vehicles in the cellular automata model.
Phys.Lett. A 359, 99-102 (2006).
18. Jiang R, Wu QS, Phase transition at an on-ramp in the Nagel–Schreckenberg traffic flow model.
Physica A 366, 523-529 (2006).
19. Jiang R, Helbing D, Shukla PK, Wu QS, Inefficient emergent oscillations in
intersecting driven many-particle flows. Physica A 368, 567-574 (2006).
20. Jiang R, Wu QS, Interaction between vehicle and pedestrians in a narrow channel.
Physica A 368, 239-246 (2006).
21. Helbing D, Jiang R, Treiber M,Analytical investigation of oscillations in intersecting
flows of pedestrian and vehicle traffic. Phys.Rev.E 72, 046130 (2005).
22. Jiang R, Wu QS, Toward an improvement over Kerner-Klenov-Wolf three-phase cellular automaton model.
Phys.Rev.E 72, 067103 (2005).
23. Jiang R, Wu QS, First order phase transition from free flow to synchronized flow in a
cellular automata model. Euro.Phys.J.B 46, 581-584 (2005).
24. Jia B, Jiang R, Wu QS, Hu MB, Honk effect in the two-lane cellular automaton model for traffic flow.
Physica A 348, 544-552 (2005).
25. Jia B, Jiang R, Wu QS, Traffic behavior near an off ramp in the cellular automaton traffic model.
Phys.Rev.E 69, 056105 (2004).
26. Jiang R, Wu QS, Spatial-temporal patterns at an isolated on-ramp in a new cellular
automata model based on three-phase traffic theory. J.Phys.A 37, 8197-8213 (2004).
27. Jiang R, Jia B, Wang XL, Wu QS, Dangerous situations in the velocity effect model.
J.Phys. A 37, 5777-5787 (2004).
28. Jiang R, Wu QS, Extended speed gradient model for mixed traffic. Transpn.Res.Rec. 1883, 78-84 (2004).
29. Jiang R, Wu QS, Study on propagation speed of small disturbance from a car-following approach.
Transpn.Res.B 37, 85-99 (2003).
30. Li XB, Jiang R, Wu QS, Cellular automata model simulating complex spatiotemporal
structure of wide jams. Phys.Rev.E 68, 016117 (2003).
31. Jiang R, Wang XL, Wu QS, Dangerous situations within the framework of the Nagel-Schreckenberg model.
J.Phys.A 36, 4763-4769 (2003).
32. Jiang R, Wu QS, Cellular automata models for synchronized traffic flow. J.Phys.A 36, 381-390 (2003).
33. Jiang R, Hu MB, Jia B, Wu QS, Realistic bus route model considering the capacity of the bus.
Euro.Phys.J.B 34, 367-372 (2003).
34. Jiang R, Wu QS, First- and second-order phase transitions from free flow to synchronized flow.
Physica A 322, 676-684 (2003).
35. Jia B, Jiang R, Wu QS, The traffic bottleneck effects caused by the lane closing in the cellular automata model.
Int.J.Mod.Phys.C 14, 1295-1303 (2003).
36. Jiang R, Wu QS, Zhu ZJ, A new continuum model for traffic flow and numerical tests,
Transpn. Res. B 36, 405-419 (2002).
37. Jiang R, Wu QS, Wang BH, Cellular automata model simulating traffic interactions between on-ramp
and main road. Physical Review E 66, 036104 (2002).
38. Jiang R, Wu QS, Li XB, Capacity drop due to the traverse of pedestrians.
Physical Review E 65, 036120 (2002).
39. Li XB, Wu QS and Jiang R, Cellular automaton model considering the velocity effect of
a car on the successive car, Phys.Rev.E 64, 066128 (2001)
40. Jiang R, Wu QS, Zhu ZJ, Full velocity difference model for car-following theory.
Phys. Rev. E 64, 017101 (2001).
1. 同步交通流的机理研究,国家自然科学基金,主持,2009.1-2011.12
2. 交通流相变特性的机理研究,国家自然科学基金,主持,2005.1-2007.12
3. 交通流复杂动力学特性及相关交通管控策略研究,高等学校全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项资金, 主持,2007.1-2010.12
4. 基于三相交通理论的交通流动力学特性研究, 中国科学院优秀博士学位论文获得者科研启动专项资金,主持,2006.9-2008.12
5. 混合交通流的建模与分析, 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,主持,2007-2010
6. 大城市交通拥堵瓶颈的基础科学问题研究, 973项目,学术骨干,2006-2011
7. 城市交通系统的非线性动力学特性研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,学术骨干,2006.1-2009.12
8. 交通流同步交通相性质的机理研究, 北京交通大学交通运输智能技术与系统教育部重点实验室开放课题, 主持,2005.1-2006.12
9. 混合交通流研究,教育部留学回国基金,主持,2007-2009
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