
博士 副教授 硕士生导师
清洁生产与循环经济 研究生学位课
物理化学 本科基础课
江苏省自然科学基金面上项目(BK 2006129,主持,2006-2008)“新型树脂基功能材料在水体砷微污染控制中的应用机理研究”
江苏省自然科学基金重点项目(BK 2007717,主研,2007-2009)“一类新型环境功能复合材料的研制、性能及应用研究”
[1] W.M. Zhang, C.H. Hong, B.C. Pan, Q.J. Zhang, P.J. Jiang, K. Jia. Sorption enhancement of 1-naphthol onto a hydrophilic hyper-cross-linked polymer resin. Journal of Hazardous Materials in press
[2] H. Qiu, B.C. Pan, Q.J. Zhang, W.M. Zhang, Q.X. Zhang, Critical review in adsorption kinetic models, Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A in press
[3] K. Jia, B.C. Pan, L. Lv, Q.R. Zhang, X.S. Wang, B.J. Pan, W.M. Zhang, Impregnating titanium phosphate nanoparticles onto a porous cation exchanger for enhanced lead removal from waters, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science in press
[1] W.M. Zhang, Z.W. Xu, B.C. Pan, C.H. Hong, K. Jia, P.J. Jiang, Q.J. Zhang, B.J. Pan, Equilibrium and heat of adsorption of Diethyl phthalate on heterogeneous adsorbents. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2008, 325, 41-47
[2] W.M. Zhang, C.H. Hong, B.C. Pan, L. Lv, Z.W. Xu, Q.J. Zhang, Removal enhancement of 1-naphthol and 1-naphthylamine in single and binary aqueous phase by acid-basic interactions with nonpolar polymer adsorbents. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2008, 158, 293-299
[3] W.M. Zhang, C.H. Hong, B.C. Pan, Z.W. Xu, Q.J. Zhang, Q.R. Zhang. A comparative study of the adsorption properties of 1-naphthylamine by XAD-4 and NDA-702 polymer resins. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical Engineering Aspects 2008, 331, 257-262
[4] Z.W. Xu, W.M. Zhang*, B.C. Pan, C.H. Hong, L. Lv, Q.J. Zhang, B.J. Pan, Q.X. Zhang, Application of the Polanyi potential theory to phthalates adsorption from aqueous solution with hyper-cross-linked polymer resins. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2008, 319, 392-397
[5] B.J. Pan, W.M. Zhang, B.C. Pan, H. Qiu, Q.R. Zhang, Q.X. Zhang, S.R. Zheng, Efficient removal of aromatic sulfonates from wastewater by a recyclable Polymer: 2-naphthalene sulfonate as a representative pollutant. Environmental Science & Technology 2008, 42(19), 7411-7416
[6] Q.R. Zhang, B.C. Pan, B.J. Pan, W.M. Zhang, K. Jia, Q.X. Zhang, Selective sorption of lead, cadmium and zinc ions by a polymeric cation exchanger containing nano-Zr(HPO3S)(2). Environmental Science & Technology 2008, 42, 4140-4145
[7] Q.J. Zhang, B.C. Pan, W.M. Zhang, B.J. Pan, Q.X. Zhang, H.Q. Ren, Arsenate removal from aqueous media by nanosized hydrated ferric oxide (HFO)-loaded polymeric sorbents:Effect of HFO loadings. Industrial & Engineering Chemical Research 2008, 47, 3957-3962
[8] B.J. Pan, B.C. Pan, W.M. Zhang, Q.R. Zhang, Q.X. Zhang, S.R. Zheng, Adsorptive removal of phenol from aqueous phase by using a porous acrylic ester polymer. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2008, 157, 293-299
[9] K. Jia, B.C. Pan, Q.R. Zhang, W.M. Zhang, P.J. Jiang, C.H. Hong, B.J. Pan, Q.X. zhang, Adsorption of Pb2+, Zn2+, and Cd2+ from waters by amorphous titanium phosphate. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2008, 318, 160-166
[10]B.C. Pan, Q.J. Zhang, B.J. Pan, W.M. Zhang, W. Du, H.Q. Ren, Removal of aromatic sulfonates from aqueous media by aminated polymeric sorbents: Concentration-dependent selectivity and the application. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2008, 116, 63-69
[11]Q.J. Zhang, B.C. Pan, X.Q. Chen, W.M. Zhang, B.J. Pan, Q.X. Zhang, L. Lv, X.S. Zhao, Preparation of polymer-supported hydrated ferric oxide based on Donnan membrane effect and its application for arsenic removal. Science in China B-Chemistry 2008, 51(4), 379-385
[12]P.J. Jiang, B.J. Pan, B.C. Pan, W.M. Zhang, Q.R. Zhang, A comparative study on lead sorption by amorphous and crystalline zirconium phosphates. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical Engineering Aspects 2008, 322, 108-112
[13]Q.R. Zhang, W. Du, B.C. Pan, B.J. Pan, W.M. Zhang, Z.W. Xu, Q.J. Zhang, and Q.X. Zhang, A comparative study on Pb2+, Zn2+ and Cd2+ sorption onto zirconium phosphate supported by a cation exchanger. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2008, 152, 469-475
[14]W. Du, B.C. Pan, P.J. Jiang, Q.R. Zhang, W.M. Zhang, B.J. Pan, Q.J. Zhang, Q.X. Zhang, Selective sorption and preconcentration of tartaric acid using a copper(II)-bound polymeric ligand exchanger. Chemical Engineering Journal 2008, 139, 63-68
[1] W.M. Zhang, Z.W. Xu, B.C. Pan, Q.J. Zhang, W. Du, Q.R. Zhang, K. Zheng, Q.X. Zhang, J.L. Chen, Adsorption enhancement of laterally interacting phenol/aniline mixtures onto nonpolar adsorbents. Chemosphere 2007, 66(11), 2044-2049
[2] W.M. Zhang, Q.J. Zhang, B.C. Pan, L. Lv, B.J. Pan, Z.W. Xu, Q.X. Zhang, X.S. Zhao, W. Du, Q.R. Zhang, Modeling synergistic adsorption of phenol/aniline mixtures in the aqueous phase onto porous polymer adsorbents. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2007, 306, 216-221
[3] W.M. Zhang, Z.W. Xu, B.C. Pan, L. Lv, Q.J. Zhang, Q.R. Zhang, Q.X. Zhang, Assessment on the removal of Dimethyl phthalate from aqueous phase using a hydrophilic hyper-cross-linked polymer resin NDA-702. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2007, 311, 382-390
[4] W.M. Zhang, Z.W. Xu, B.C. Pan, Q.J. Zhang, Q.R. Zhang, W. Du, B.J. Pan, Q.X. Zhang, Cooperative effect of lateral acid-base interaction on 1-naphthol/1-naphthylamine binary adsorption onto nonpolar polymer adsorbents. Separation and Purification Technology 2007, 55, 141-146
[5] B.C. Pan, W. Du, W.M. Zhang, X. Zhang, Q.R. Zhang, B.J. Pan, L. Lv, Q.X. Zhang, J.L. Chen, Improved adsorption of 4-nitrophenol onto a novel hyper-cross-linked polymer. Environmental Science & Technology 2007, 41(14), 5057-5062
[6] B.C. Pan, Q.R. Zhang, W. Du, W.M. Zhang, Q.J. Zhang, Selective heavy metals removal from waters by amorphous zirconium phosphate. Behavior and mechanism. Water Research 2007, 41(14), 3103- 3111
[7] B.C. Pan, Q.R. Zhang, W.M. Zhang, B.J. Pan, W. Du, L.Lv, Q.J. Zhang and Q.X. Zhang. Highly effective removal of heavy metals by polymer-based zirconium phosphate. a case study of lead ion. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2007, 310, 99-105
[8] K. Zheng, B.C. Pan, Q.J. Zhang, W.M. Zhang, B.J. Pan, Y.H. Han, Q.R. Zhang, W. Du, Z.W. Xu, Q.X. Zhang. Enhanced adsorption of p-nitroaniline from water by a carboxylated polymeric adsorbent. Separation and Purification Technology 2007, 57, 248-254
[9] K. Zheng, B.C. Pan, Q.J. Zhang, Y.H Han, W.M. Zhang, B.J. Pan, Z.W. Xu, Q.R. Zhang, W. Du and Q.X. Zhang Enhanced removal of p-chloroaniline from aqueous solution by a carboxylated polymeric sorbent. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2007, 143, 462- 468
[10]潘丙才*, 张庆建, 陈新庆, 张炜铭, 潘丙军, 张全兴, L. Lv, X.S. Zhao, 基于Donnan膜效应的树脂基水合氧化铁的制备及对砷的吸附性能研究.中国科学B-化学, 2007, 37(5), 426-431
[1] 张炜铭,许正文,张庆建,潘丙才,杜伟,张庆瑞,张全兴,陈金龙,一种治理邻苯二甲酸二乙酯废水并从中回收邻苯二甲酸二乙酯的方法,专利号: ZL 200610097239.0
[2] 张炜铭,潘丙才,许正文,张庆建,杜伟,张庆瑞,潘丙军,洪昌红,张全兴,陈金龙,一种引入表面功能基团强化吸附树脂再生性能的方法,专利号: ZL 200710019265.6
[3] 陈金龙,张炜铭,张波,张全兴,鲁俊东,潘丙才,李爱民,费正皓,H酸生产废水的净化和资源回收利用的方法,专利号: ZL 200510037697.0
[4] 潘丙才 陈新庆 张炜铭 潘丙军 沈威 张庆建 杜伟 张全兴 陈金龙, 一种树脂基除砷吸附剂的制备方法. 专利号: ZL 200510095177.5
[5] 张全兴、潘丙才、郑 凯、张炜铭、刘 波、刘福强、陈金龙,对苯二甲酸生产废水的治理及其资源的回收方法,专利号:ZL 2005 1 0037696.6
[6] 陈金龙,张波, 张全兴,张庆建,张炜铭,鲁俊东,李爱民,翟建平,苯胺类废水的生物处理方法. 专利号: ZL 200510094495.X
[7] 潘丙才,张庆瑞,潘丙军,杜伟,张炜铭,张庆建,许正文,郑凯,张全兴,一种对重金属具有高选择性的树脂基吸附剂及其制备方法,专利号: ZL 200610041365.4
[8] 李爱民, 陆朝阳, 刘伟, 费正皓, 蒋珍茂, 周家艳, 张炜铭, 龙超, 陈金龙, 张全兴. 溴氨类活性染料生产废水的治理与资源回收方法. 专利号: ZL 200410014646.1
博士 副教授 硕士生导师
清洁生产与循环经济 研究生学位课
物理化学 本科基础课
江苏省自然科学基金面上项目(BK 2006129,主持,2006-2008)“新型树脂基功能材料在水体砷微污染控制中的应用机理研究”
江苏省自然科学基金重点项目(BK 2007717,主研,2007-2009)“一类新型环境功能复合材料的研制、性能及应用研究”
[1] W.M. Zhang, C.H. Hong, B.C. Pan, Q.J. Zhang, P.J. Jiang, K. Jia. Sorption enhancement of 1-naphthol onto a hydrophilic hyper-cross-linked polymer resin. Journal of Hazardous Materials in press
[2] H. Qiu, B.C. Pan, Q.J. Zhang, W.M. Zhang, Q.X. Zhang, Critical review in adsorption kinetic models, Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A in press
[3] K. Jia, B.C. Pan, L. Lv, Q.R. Zhang, X.S. Wang, B.J. Pan, W.M. Zhang, Impregnating titanium phosphate nanoparticles onto a porous cation exchanger for enhanced lead removal from waters, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science in press
[1] W.M. Zhang, Z.W. Xu, B.C. Pan, C.H. Hong, K. Jia, P.J. Jiang, Q.J. Zhang, B.J. Pan, Equilibrium and heat of adsorption of Diethyl phthalate on heterogeneous adsorbents. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2008, 325, 41-47
[2] W.M. Zhang, C.H. Hong, B.C. Pan, L. Lv, Z.W. Xu, Q.J. Zhang, Removal enhancement of 1-naphthol and 1-naphthylamine in single and binary aqueous phase by acid-basic interactions with nonpolar polymer adsorbents. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2008, 158, 293-299
[3] W.M. Zhang, C.H. Hong, B.C. Pan, Z.W. Xu, Q.J. Zhang, Q.R. Zhang. A comparative study of the adsorption properties of 1-naphthylamine by XAD-4 and NDA-702 polymer resins. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical Engineering Aspects 2008, 331, 257-262
[4] Z.W. Xu, W.M. Zhang*, B.C. Pan, C.H. Hong, L. Lv, Q.J. Zhang, B.J. Pan, Q.X. Zhang, Application of the Polanyi potential theory to phthalates adsorption from aqueous solution with hyper-cross-linked polymer resins. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2008, 319, 392-397
[5] B.J. Pan, W.M. Zhang, B.C. Pan, H. Qiu, Q.R. Zhang, Q.X. Zhang, S.R. Zheng, Efficient removal of aromatic sulfonates from wastewater by a recyclable Polymer: 2-naphthalene sulfonate as a representative pollutant. Environmental Science & Technology 2008, 42(19), 7411-7416
[6] Q.R. Zhang, B.C. Pan, B.J. Pan, W.M. Zhang, K. Jia, Q.X. Zhang, Selective sorption of lead, cadmium and zinc ions by a polymeric cation exchanger containing nano-Zr(HPO3S)(2). Environmental Science & Technology 2008, 42, 4140-4145
[7] Q.J. Zhang, B.C. Pan, W.M. Zhang, B.J. Pan, Q.X. Zhang, H.Q. Ren, Arsenate removal from aqueous media by nanosized hydrated ferric oxide (HFO)-loaded polymeric sorbents:Effect of HFO loadings. Industrial & Engineering Chemical Research 2008, 47, 3957-3962
[8] B.J. Pan, B.C. Pan, W.M. Zhang, Q.R. Zhang, Q.X. Zhang, S.R. Zheng, Adsorptive removal of phenol from aqueous phase by using a porous acrylic ester polymer. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2008, 157, 293-299
[9] K. Jia, B.C. Pan, Q.R. Zhang, W.M. Zhang, P.J. Jiang, C.H. Hong, B.J. Pan, Q.X. zhang, Adsorption of Pb2+, Zn2+, and Cd2+ from waters by amorphous titanium phosphate. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2008, 318, 160-166
[10]B.C. Pan, Q.J. Zhang, B.J. Pan, W.M. Zhang, W. Du, H.Q. Ren, Removal of aromatic sulfonates from aqueous media by aminated polymeric sorbents: Concentration-dependent selectivity and the application. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2008, 116, 63-69
[11]Q.J. Zhang, B.C. Pan, X.Q. Chen, W.M. Zhang, B.J. Pan, Q.X. Zhang, L. Lv, X.S. Zhao, Preparation of polymer-supported hydrated ferric oxide based on Donnan membrane effect and its application for arsenic removal. Science in China B-Chemistry 2008, 51(4), 379-385
[12]P.J. Jiang, B.J. Pan, B.C. Pan, W.M. Zhang, Q.R. Zhang, A comparative study on lead sorption by amorphous and crystalline zirconium phosphates. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical Engineering Aspects 2008, 322, 108-112
[13]Q.R. Zhang, W. Du, B.C. Pan, B.J. Pan, W.M. Zhang, Z.W. Xu, Q.J. Zhang, and Q.X. Zhang, A comparative study on Pb2+, Zn2+ and Cd2+ sorption onto zirconium phosphate supported by a cation exchanger. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2008, 152, 469-475
[14]W. Du, B.C. Pan, P.J. Jiang, Q.R. Zhang, W.M. Zhang, B.J. Pan, Q.J. Zhang, Q.X. Zhang, Selective sorption and preconcentration of tartaric acid using a copper(II)-bound polymeric ligand exchanger. Chemical Engineering Journal 2008, 139, 63-68
[1] W.M. Zhang, Z.W. Xu, B.C. Pan, Q.J. Zhang, W. Du, Q.R. Zhang, K. Zheng, Q.X. Zhang, J.L. Chen, Adsorption enhancement of laterally interacting phenol/aniline mixtures onto nonpolar adsorbents. Chemosphere 2007, 66(11), 2044-2049
[2] W.M. Zhang, Q.J. Zhang, B.C. Pan, L. Lv, B.J. Pan, Z.W. Xu, Q.X. Zhang, X.S. Zhao, W. Du, Q.R. Zhang, Modeling synergistic adsorption of phenol/aniline mixtures in the aqueous phase onto porous polymer adsorbents. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2007, 306, 216-221
[3] W.M. Zhang, Z.W. Xu, B.C. Pan, L. Lv, Q.J. Zhang, Q.R. Zhang, Q.X. Zhang, Assessment on the removal of Dimethyl phthalate from aqueous phase using a hydrophilic hyper-cross-linked polymer resin NDA-702. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2007, 311, 382-390
[4] W.M. Zhang, Z.W. Xu, B.C. Pan, Q.J. Zhang, Q.R. Zhang, W. Du, B.J. Pan, Q.X. Zhang, Cooperative effect of lateral acid-base interaction on 1-naphthol/1-naphthylamine binary adsorption onto nonpolar polymer adsorbents. Separation and Purification Technology 2007, 55, 141-146
[5] B.C. Pan, W. Du, W.M. Zhang, X. Zhang, Q.R. Zhang, B.J. Pan, L. Lv, Q.X. Zhang, J.L. Chen, Improved adsorption of 4-nitrophenol onto a novel hyper-cross-linked polymer. Environmental Science & Technology 2007, 41(14), 5057-5062
[6] B.C. Pan, Q.R. Zhang, W. Du, W.M. Zhang, Q.J. Zhang, Selective heavy metals removal from waters by amorphous zirconium phosphate. Behavior and mechanism. Water Research 2007, 41(14), 3103- 3111
[7] B.C. Pan, Q.R. Zhang, W.M. Zhang, B.J. Pan, W. Du, L.Lv, Q.J. Zhang and Q.X. Zhang. Highly effective removal of heavy metals by polymer-based zirconium phosphate. a case study of lead ion. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2007, 310, 99-105
[8] K. Zheng, B.C. Pan, Q.J. Zhang, W.M. Zhang, B.J. Pan, Y.H. Han, Q.R. Zhang, W. Du, Z.W. Xu, Q.X. Zhang. Enhanced adsorption of p-nitroaniline from water by a carboxylated polymeric adsorbent. Separation and Purification Technology 2007, 57, 248-254
[9] K. Zheng, B.C. Pan, Q.J. Zhang, Y.H Han, W.M. Zhang, B.J. Pan, Z.W. Xu, Q.R. Zhang, W. Du and Q.X. Zhang Enhanced removal of p-chloroaniline from aqueous solution by a carboxylated polymeric sorbent. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2007, 143, 462- 468
[10]潘丙才*, 张庆建, 陈新庆, 张炜铭, 潘丙军, 张全兴, L. Lv, X.S. Zhao, 基于Donnan膜效应的树脂基水合氧化铁的制备及对砷的吸附性能研究.中国科学B-化学, 2007, 37(5), 426-431
[1] 张炜铭,许正文,张庆建,潘丙才,杜伟,张庆瑞,张全兴,陈金龙,一种治理邻苯二甲酸二乙酯废水并从中回收邻苯二甲酸二乙酯的方法,专利号: ZL 200610097239.0
[2] 张炜铭,潘丙才,许正文,张庆建,杜伟,张庆瑞,潘丙军,洪昌红,张全兴,陈金龙,一种引入表面功能基团强化吸附树脂再生性能的方法,专利号: ZL 200710019265.6
[3] 陈金龙,张炜铭,张波,张全兴,鲁俊东,潘丙才,李爱民,费正皓,H酸生产废水的净化和资源回收利用的方法,专利号: ZL 200510037697.0
[4] 潘丙才 陈新庆 张炜铭 潘丙军 沈威 张庆建 杜伟 张全兴 陈金龙, 一种树脂基除砷吸附剂的制备方法. 专利号: ZL 200510095177.5
[5] 张全兴、潘丙才、郑 凯、张炜铭、刘 波、刘福强、陈金龙,对苯二甲酸生产废水的治理及其资源的回收方法,专利号:ZL 2005 1 0037696.6
[6] 陈金龙,张波, 张全兴,张庆建,张炜铭,鲁俊东,李爱民,翟建平,苯胺类废水的生物处理方法. 专利号: ZL 200510094495.X
[7] 潘丙才,张庆瑞,潘丙军,杜伟,张炜铭,张庆建,许正文,郑凯,张全兴,一种对重金属具有高选择性的树脂基吸附剂及其制备方法,专利号: ZL 200610041365.4
[8] 李爱民, 陆朝阳, 刘伟, 费正皓, 蒋珍茂, 周家艳, 张炜铭, 龙超, 陈金龙, 张全兴. 溴氨类活性染料生产废水的治理与资源回收方法. 专利号: ZL 200410014646.1