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姓名: 赵宗彬
办公室电话: 0411-84709795-22
电子邮箱地址: zbzhao@dlut.edu.cn
1990.9-1993.7 中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所,获理学硕士学位
1998.3-2001.8 中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所,获理学博士学位
2001.11-2003.12 大连理工大学化学工程博士后流动站,博士后
2004.1-今   大连理工大学化工学院,副教授
2007.6-今   大连理工大学化工学院,博士生导师
Carbon, Fuel, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Thermal Acta,《催化学报》,《化学学报》,《化工学报》,《燃料化学学报》,《材料科学与工艺》等刊物审稿人
1. 碳基功能材料
2. 新能源材料
3. 纳米材料
4. 煤化工
1. 国家自然科学基金项目:《基于碳材料耦合等离子体燃煤烟气硫氮脱除的基础研究》(No.20876026),2009.01-2011.12;
2. 国家自然科学基金项目:《氧化介质辅助下碳纳米管三维立体结构的构筑及功能研究》(No.50672013),2007.01-2009.12;
3. 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目"973计划项目——“气化煤气与热解煤气共制合成气的多联产应用的基础研究”子课题:《无相变工艺匹配脱硫净化-有机硫的催化转化研究》(No.2005CB221203-06),2005.12-2010.11;
4. 国家自然科学基金项目:《煤基炭纳米管的填充及其管内化学反应特性的研究》(No.20276012),2003.01-2005.12;
1. 碳基纳米材料的可控制备、有序组装、应用探索
2. 光电催化纳米材料的合成与应用
3. 新型功能材料耦合物理外场消除大气污染物
4. 煤炭的洁净利用
1. Qu JY, Zhao ZB, Qiu JS, Gogotsi Y. Self-assembly of carbon nanotube polyhedrons inside microchannels. Chemical Communications, 2008, 24: 2741-2743(cover image).
2. Zhiyu Wang, Zongbin Zhao, Jieshan Qiu A general strategy for synthesis of silver dendrites by galvanic displacement under hydrothermal conditions. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2008,69(5-6):1296-1300.
3. ZM Gao, TJ Bandosz, ZB Zhao, M Han, CH Liang, JS Qiu Investigation of the Role of Surface Chemistry and Accessibility of Cadmium Adsorption Sites on Open-Surface Carbonaceous Materials. Langmuir 2008, 24, 11701-11710.
4.  K Kante, JS Qiu, ZB Zhao, C Yu, TJ Bandosz. Development of surface porosity and catalytic activity in metal sludge/waste oil derived adsorbents: effect of heat treatment. Chem. Eng. J., 2008, 2008, 138(1-3), 155-165.
5.  K Kante, JS Qiu, ZB Zhao, C Yu, TJ Bandosz. Role of oil derived carbonaceous phase in the performance of sewage sludge based materials as media for desulfurization of digester gas. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2008, 254(8):2385-2395.
6.  ZY Wang, ZB Zhao, JS Qiu. Carbon Nanotube Templated Synthesis of CeF3 Nanowires. Chemistry of Material. 2007,19:3364-3366.
7.  JS Qiu, ZY Wang, ZB Zhao, TH Wang. Synthesis of double-walled carbon nanotubes from coal in hydrogen-free atmosphere. Fuel, 2007, 86(1-2): 282-286.
8.  Wang ZY, Zhao ZB, Qiu JS. Synthesis of branched carbon nanotubes from coal. Carbon, 2006, 44 (7): 1321-1324.
9.  Zhao ZB, Qu JY, Qiu JS, Wang XZ, Wang ZY. Water-assisted fabrication of aligned microsized carbon tubes made of self-assembled muti-wall carbon nanotubes. Chemical Communications. 2006, 6: 594-596 (hot paper, cover image).
10. ZY Wang, ZB Zhao, JS Qiu. In-situ synthesis of super-long Cu nanowires inside carbon nanotubes with coal as carbon source. Carbon, 2006,44(9):1845-1847.
11. Zhao ZB, Li W, Qiu JS, Wang XZ, Li BQ. Influence of Na and Ca on the emission of NOx during coal combustion. Fuel, 2006, 85 (5-6): 601-606.
12.  JS Qiu, HZ Zhang, CH Liang, JW Li, ZB Zhao. Co/CNF Catalysts Tailored by Controllingthe Deposition of Metal Colloids onto CNFs: Preparation and Catalytic Properties. Chem. Eur. J. 2006, 12:2147-2151.
13.  JS Qiu, YL An, ZB Zhao,YF Li, Y Zhou. Catalytic Synthesis of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes from Coal Gas by CVD Method. Fuel Processing Technology, 2004, 85: 913-920.
14. Zhao ZB, Li W, Qiu JS, Li BQ. Effect of Na, Ca and Fe on the evolution of nitrogen species during pyrolysis and combustion of model chars. Fuel, 2003, 82(15-17): 1839-1844.
15. Zhao ZB, Qiu JS, Li W, HK Chen, B Li. Influence of Mineral Matter in Coal on Decomposition of NO over Coal Chars and Emission of NO during Char Combustion. Fuel, 2003, 82(8): 949-957
16.  ZB Zhao, W Li, JS Qiu, B Li. Catalytic Effect of Na-Fe on NO-char reaction and NO Emission during Coal Char Combustion. Fuel, 2002, 81: 2343-2348
17.  Li YF, Qiu JS, Zhao ZB, Wang TH, Wang YP, Li W. Bamboo-shaped Carbon Tubes from Coal. Chemical Physics Letters, 2002, 366(5/6): 544-550
18. Zhiyu Wang, Zongbin Zhao, Jieshan Qiu. Selective Synthesis of carbon nanotubes with different morphologies from coal 231st American Chemical Society National Meeting, 26 March, 2006, Atlanta, GA, USA.
19. Zongbin Zhao, Wenya Deng, Jieshan Qiu, Lin Shen. Controlled Fabrication of Ag Nanoparticles Encapsulated inside Hollow Metal Oxide Microspheres. The 14th International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds (ISIC 14) June 12-15, 2007 Seoul, Korea.
20. Qu Jiangying, Zhao Zongbin, Qiu Jieshan, Wang Xuzhen. Synthesis of micro/nano ZnO plates, rods and corns with hydrothermal method. 14th ISIC, 2007, Korea.
21. Zhiyu Wang, Zongbin Zhao, Jieshan Qiu. Synthesis and in-situ filling of CNTs from coal by arc discharge method Proceeding of Carbon’2004, Providence, U.S. 11-16 July.
22. Zhiyu Wang, Zongbin Zhao, Jieshan Qiu. Synthesis of very long nanowires and nanorodes encapsulated in carbon nanotubes Proceeding of Carbon’2005, Gyeongju, Korea, 3-7 July.
23.  Qu Jiangying, Zhao Zongbin, Qiu Jieshan, Wang Xuzhen. Synthesis of micro-sized carbon strips via in situ self-assembly of carbon nanotubes. Carbon 2006, Scotland.
24. Zhiyu Wang, Zongbin Zhao, Jieshan Qiu. Branched carbon nanotubes from coal Proceeding of Carbon’2006, Scotland City of Aberdeen, 16-21, July.
25. Tianjun Sun, Zongbin Zhao, Jieshan Qiu Synthesis of carbon nanotubes from pitch with arc-jet method, Proceeding of Carbon’2004, Providence, U.S. 11-16 July.
2 2007年大连市优秀论文(第一)
 博士 3,硕士 4
 博士 2,硕士 3
每年招收硕士研究生2-3名(优秀生可直接申请硕博连读);招生专业为:化学工艺、功能材料。欢迎对纳米材料、功能材料、纳米催化、环境保护有兴趣的考生报考;热爱科研,并从中获得充实和享受,全面提升综合科研能力。 本人所在团队是大连理工大学化工学院炭素材料研究室,学术带头人是国家杰出青年基金获得者邱介山教授。在国家基金委、教育部、学校985、辽宁省科委、大连市科委的共同支持下,炭素材料研究室形成了自己独特的研究特色和良好的研究基础,科研实力雄厚,实验仪器齐全,在国内外享有较高的学术声誉。欢迎加入,共创辉煌!
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