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陈小平??联系电话:(0551)3606724 E-mail:xpchen@ustc.edu.cn
陈小平 ,教授,博士生导师。1955年10月生于北京。先后获理学学士、工学硕士和工学博士。现任中国科学技术大学计算机系人工智能中心主任,并在7个学术组织中兼职。长期从事人工智能、理论计算机科学和符号逻辑的交叉研究。近年以智能体形式化建模和多机器人系统关键技术为主攻方向,主持国家自然科学基金项目两项、国家863计划项目两项,发表相关论文30余篇。主要成果包括:提出基于“归约蕴含”的认知建模技术,在“意向态度”(motivational attitudes)的形式化研究中取得有鲜明特色的成果;建立国际一流水准的多智能体系统研究-试验平台,包括目前国内唯一的四足机器人团队系统,针对多智能体系统若干关键问题进行了深入的实验探索;组建中国科大机器人足球“蓝鹰”队,成为我国历史上第一支进入RoboCup世界杯赛决赛的队伍,曾在第五届杯赛的四足机器人赛、仿真赛和在线教练赛中同时进入世界8强而成为唯一的“三8强”队伍。
[1] X. Chen. On Deliberative Adaptability. In: Proc. of 2002' National Conference on Theoretical Computer Science. Also in: Computer Science, Vol.29, No.9(S), 49-51
[2] C. Ji and X. Chen. Chance Discovery in a BDI Perspective of Planning: Anticipation, Participation, and Correlation. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Chance Discovery. Oct. 2002. Tokyo
[3] G. Liu and X. Chen, A formal model of multi-agent collaborative systems, Chinese Journal of Computers, Vol.24, No.5, May 2002, 529-535
[4] X. Li, Z. Zhang L. Jiang and X. Chen, WrightEagle 2001-Sony Legged Robot Team. In: A. Birk, S. Coradeschi and S Tadokoro (Eds.), RoboCup-2001: Robot Soccer World Cup V, LNAI-2377, Springer, 2002, 739-742
[5] B. Yang, Y. Yang and X. Chen, et al. WrightEagle Simulator Team. In: Pre-Proceedings of RoboCup-2002 (CD version), Fukuoka, Japan
[6] X. Li, Z. Zhang L. Jiang and X. Chen. WrightEagle 2002-Sony Legged Robot Team, ibid
[7] X. Xing, Q. Li, C. Liu and X. Chen. An Intuitive 3D Monitor system with automatic commentary for RoboCup-2002, ibid
[8] Z. Zhu and X. Chen. A new system of intention consequence Lm5c, Journal of Software, Vol.13, No.7, 2002, 1271-1277
[9] J. Liu, X. Chen, Q. Cai and Y. Fan, Recognition Structure of Uncertainty: A Uniform Framework for Representation, Reasoning and Learning, Journal of Software, Vol.3,No.4, 2002, 649-651
[10] Z. Feng and X. Chen. A real-time algorithm for robot vision and its applications. Proc. of National Conference on Intelligent Robots. Also in: Computer Science, Vol. 29(S), 2002, 120-122
[11] X. Chen. A formal theory of intention consequences(II), Studies in Dialectics of Nature, Vol.18(S), 2002.
[12] X. Chen, Advancements and achievements of international RoboCup research, Technology and Application of Robotics, Jan. 2001, 25-28
[13] J. Liu and X. Chen, A new approach to reasoning about uncertainty, Journal of Software, Vol.12, No.11, Nov. 2001, 1675-79
[14] J. Zhou, R. Hua and X. Chen. A decision algorithm for Lm4c. MINI-MICRO SYSTEMS, Vol.22, No.10, 2001, 1254-1257
[15] Z. Zhu and X. Chen, An inferential system of intention consequence and its decision algorithm, Proc. of 6th Int'l Conf. for Young Computer Scientists, International Academic Publishers, 2001, 276-280
[16] X. Chen, G. Liu and B. Guo, A formal theory of intention consequences, Studies in Dialectics of Nature, Vol.16, No.Sp1, Jun 2000, 28-31
[17] J. Liu, X. Chen, et al, Learning problems in the cognitive structure network, Journal of Nanjing University, Vol.36 (CI), Nov 2000, 18-25
[18] B. Zhang and X. Chen, et al, Agent architecture: A survey on RoboCup-99, Proc. of the 3rd world Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Jun 2000, 194-98
[19] Z. Song and X. Chen, et al, Layered decision-making and planning in ShaoLing team, Proc. of the 3rd world Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Jun 2000, 179-83
[20] G. Liu and X. Chen, Multi-agent collaborative planning and its applications in RoboCup, Proc. of the 3rd world Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Jun 2000, 184-88
[21] B. Zhang, X. Chen, B. Yang and Y. Yang, An agent team for RoboCup simulation league, Proc. of the 3rd world Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Jun 2000, 189-93
[22] G. Liu and X. Chen, An analysis on current research into planning theories, Computer Science, Vol.27, No.4, 2000, 62-66
[23] X. Chen, G. Liu, J. Liu and Q. Cai, Strongly constructive learning of a sort of recursive logic programs, Journal of Computer Research and Development, Vol.37, No.9, Sep 2000, 1058-1063
[24] G. Liu, X. Chen, J. Liu and Q. Cai, An agent-based cooperative learning system, Journal of China University of Science and Technology, Vol.30, No.1, 2000, 113-118
[25] G. Liu, X. Chen, B. Zhang and L. Zhao, An agent-based e-mail automatic handling systems, MINI-MICRO SYSTEMS, Vol.21, No.11, Nov 2000, 1223-1226
Befor 2000
[26] X. Chen and G. Liu, A logic of intention, Proc. of IJCAI-99, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1999, 172-77
[27] G. Liu and X. Chen, A constructive learning method, Journal of Computer Research and Development, 36(S), 1999, 31-34
[28] R. Zhang, X. Chen and G. Liu, An ILP algorithm without restriction of constant ordering, Journal of Software, Vol.10, No.8, Aug. 1999, 868-876
[29] J. Liu, X. Chen, et al, A Chinese dialogue system based on the uncertain reasoning, Proc. of 5th Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium, Tsinghua University Press, Nov 1999, 221-226
[30] X. Chen, G. Liu, et al, Realization of agent-based e-mail automatic handling systems, Proc. of 5th Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, Nov 1999, 439-442
[31] X. Chen, et al, On formalization of intentions, Logic Research: The state of Art, Social Science Reference Press, Beijing, 1999, 98-106
[32] Q. Cai, X. Chen and G. Liu, Cooperative learning of strategies in multi-agent systems, Journal of Tsinghua University, 38(S2) 1998, 48-57
[33] J. Liu, X. Chen, et al, Multi-level strongly constructive learning algorithm of recursive logic programs and its implement, MINI-MICRO SYSTEMS, Vol.19, No.3, Mar 1998, 70-75
[34] X. Chen, G. Liu et al, Intention logics, Computer Science, Vol.24, No.3, 1997, 21-26
[35] X. Chen, Inductive supports based on logic of belief revision, Studies in Dialectics of Nature, Vol.12, 1996, 31-34
[36] X. Chen, et al, An axiomatic system of analogic reasoning, Journal of Software (special issue on 863), Vol.7, Dec 1996, 100-105
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