
许胤龙??联系电话:(0551)3601013 E-mail:ylxu@ustc.edu.cn
教 授
[1] "非数值并行算法的研究与应用",2002年被中国科学院推荐申报国家自然科学二等奖(个人排名第2,该年度中科院不设奖)。
[2] "并行算法类教学基地建设",2001年度安徽省教学成果一等奖,国家级教学成果二等奖(个人排名第4)。
[3] 指导的博士论文“无线自组网中节能策略的研究”获2006年度中国科学院优秀博士论文,2007年全国优秀博士论文提名奖(学生:王鲲,导师:许胤龙,黄刘生)。
[4] 指导的硕士论文“无线自组网中多播问题的研究”获首届(2008年度)安徽省优秀硕士论文奖(学生:徐晨光,导师:许胤龙)。
[5] 论文“Energy Efficient Cooperative Rate Adaptation in IEEE 802.11-based Multi-hop Networks”,(作者:K. Wang, F. Yang, Q. Zhang, D. Wu,Y. Xu)获the Third International Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks (QShine 2006)(August 7-9 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)最佳论文奖。
[1] Kun Wang, Fan Yang, Qian Zhang, Yinlong Xu, “Analytical Model for Path Capacity Prediction in Multi-hop IEEE 802.11 Networks for QoS Services”, accepted by IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communication.
[2] Kun Wang, Fan Yang, Qian Zhang, Dapeng Oliver Wu, Yinlong Xu, “Distributed Cooperative Rate Adaptation for Energy Efficiency in IEEE 802.11-based Multi-hop Networks”, accepted by IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Tech..
[3] Yinlong Xu and Wei Zhou, “Efficient Request Scheduling Algorithms for All-Optical Networks with Tunable ADMs”, WSEAS Trans. on Communications, 2006, 5(5):840-847.
[4] Chenguang Xu, Yinlong Xu, Minhong Lin and Guanjun Ma, “Scheduling the Transmission for Two-Hop Broadcast in Static Wireless Ad hoc Networks”, WSEAS Trans. on Communications, 2006, 5(5):718-724.
[5] WANG Kun, XU Yinlong, CHEN Guoliang, “A Maximum System Lifetime Routing Protocol for MANET”, Int. J. of Wireless & Mobile Computing (Special Issue), 2005, Issue 2/3.
[6] Ya-feng Wu, Yin-long Xu, Guo-liang Chen, “Approximation Algorithms for Steiner Connected Dominating Set”, J. of Computer Sci. & Tech. 2005, 20 (5): 713-716.
[7] Xiaodong Gu, Guoliang Chen, Yinlong Xu, “Average-case Performance Analysis of a 2D Strip Packing Algorithm—NFDH”, J. of Combinatorial Optimization, 2005, 9:19-34.
[8] Fengfeng Zhou, XU Yin-long, CHEN Guo-liang, “No-wait Scheduling in Single-hop Multi-channel LANs”, Information Processing Letters, 2005, 93:19-24.
[9] XU Yinlong, LI Lin, CHEN Guoliang, WAN Yingyu, Guo Weijun,"Multicasting and Broadcasting in Undirected WDM Networks and QoS Extensions of Multicasting", Int. J. of Foundation of Computer Sci.. 2004, 15(1):187-203.
[10] ZHOU Fengfeng, CHEN Guoliang, XU Yinlong,“Minimizing ADMs on WDM Directed Fiber Trees”,J. of Computer Sci. & Tech., 2003, 18(6):725-731.
[11] WAN Yingyu, CHEN Guoliang, XU Yinlong, “A Note on the Minimum Label Spanning Tree”, Information Processing Letters, 2002, 84(2):99-101.
[12] GU Xiaodong, CHEN Guoliang, XU Yinlong, “Performance Improving for Bin Packing Algorithms: Deep Analysis of Refined Harmonic", J. of Computer Sci. and Tech. 2002, 17(2):213-218.
[13] XU Yinlong, CHEN Guoliang, HUANG Liusheng, WAN Yinyu. "Optimal Bandwidth Utilization of All-optical Ring with a Converter of Degree 4". J. of Computer Sci. & Tech., 2002, 17(4):411-419.
[14] WAN Yingyu, XU Yinlong, GU Xiaodong, CHEN Guoliang, “Efficient Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms on Reconfigurable Mesh”, J. of Computer Sci. and Tech., 2000, 15(2):116-125。
[15] Kun Wang, Yinlong Xu, Liusheng Huang, Guoliang Chen, “GPS based Location Oriented Routing Protocol for MANET”, Chinese J. of Electronics, 2006, 15(1):173-178.
[16] WU Ya-feng, XU Yin-long, CHEN Guo-liang, “On the construction of virtual multicast backbone for wireless ad hoc networks”, MASS’2004.
[17] Kun Wang, Yin-long Xu, Guo-liang Chen,Ya-feng Wu, “Power-Aware On-Demand Routing Protocol for MANET”. ICDCS Workshop’2004.
[18] 许胤龙,陈国良,万颖瑜,“WDM全光网中路由和波长分配算法研究进展”,计算机学报, 2003,26(11):1409-1423。
[19] 许胤龙,陈国良,“WDM全光网中路由和波长分配算法研究”,2001年全国计算机学会开放式并行与分布计算学术会议 特邀报告。
教 授
[1] "非数值并行算法的研究与应用",2002年被中国科学院推荐申报国家自然科学二等奖(个人排名第2,该年度中科院不设奖)。
[2] "并行算法类教学基地建设",2001年度安徽省教学成果一等奖,国家级教学成果二等奖(个人排名第4)。
[3] 指导的博士论文“无线自组网中节能策略的研究”获2006年度中国科学院优秀博士论文,2007年全国优秀博士论文提名奖(学生:王鲲,导师:许胤龙,黄刘生)。
[4] 指导的硕士论文“无线自组网中多播问题的研究”获首届(2008年度)安徽省优秀硕士论文奖(学生:徐晨光,导师:许胤龙)。
[5] 论文“Energy Efficient Cooperative Rate Adaptation in IEEE 802.11-based Multi-hop Networks”,(作者:K. Wang, F. Yang, Q. Zhang, D. Wu,Y. Xu)获the Third International Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks (QShine 2006)(August 7-9 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)最佳论文奖。
[1] Kun Wang, Fan Yang, Qian Zhang, Yinlong Xu, “Analytical Model for Path Capacity Prediction in Multi-hop IEEE 802.11 Networks for QoS Services”, accepted by IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communication.
[2] Kun Wang, Fan Yang, Qian Zhang, Dapeng Oliver Wu, Yinlong Xu, “Distributed Cooperative Rate Adaptation for Energy Efficiency in IEEE 802.11-based Multi-hop Networks”, accepted by IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Tech..
[3] Yinlong Xu and Wei Zhou, “Efficient Request Scheduling Algorithms for All-Optical Networks with Tunable ADMs”, WSEAS Trans. on Communications, 2006, 5(5):840-847.
[4] Chenguang Xu, Yinlong Xu, Minhong Lin and Guanjun Ma, “Scheduling the Transmission for Two-Hop Broadcast in Static Wireless Ad hoc Networks”, WSEAS Trans. on Communications, 2006, 5(5):718-724.
[5] WANG Kun, XU Yinlong, CHEN Guoliang, “A Maximum System Lifetime Routing Protocol for MANET”, Int. J. of Wireless & Mobile Computing (Special Issue), 2005, Issue 2/3.
[6] Ya-feng Wu, Yin-long Xu, Guo-liang Chen, “Approximation Algorithms for Steiner Connected Dominating Set”, J. of Computer Sci. & Tech. 2005, 20 (5): 713-716.
[7] Xiaodong Gu, Guoliang Chen, Yinlong Xu, “Average-case Performance Analysis of a 2D Strip Packing Algorithm—NFDH”, J. of Combinatorial Optimization, 2005, 9:19-34.
[8] Fengfeng Zhou, XU Yin-long, CHEN Guo-liang, “No-wait Scheduling in Single-hop Multi-channel LANs”, Information Processing Letters, 2005, 93:19-24.
[9] XU Yinlong, LI Lin, CHEN Guoliang, WAN Yingyu, Guo Weijun,"Multicasting and Broadcasting in Undirected WDM Networks and QoS Extensions of Multicasting", Int. J. of Foundation of Computer Sci.. 2004, 15(1):187-203.
[10] ZHOU Fengfeng, CHEN Guoliang, XU Yinlong,“Minimizing ADMs on WDM Directed Fiber Trees”,J. of Computer Sci. & Tech., 2003, 18(6):725-731.
[11] WAN Yingyu, CHEN Guoliang, XU Yinlong, “A Note on the Minimum Label Spanning Tree”, Information Processing Letters, 2002, 84(2):99-101.
[12] GU Xiaodong, CHEN Guoliang, XU Yinlong, “Performance Improving for Bin Packing Algorithms: Deep Analysis of Refined Harmonic", J. of Computer Sci. and Tech. 2002, 17(2):213-218.
[13] XU Yinlong, CHEN Guoliang, HUANG Liusheng, WAN Yinyu. "Optimal Bandwidth Utilization of All-optical Ring with a Converter of Degree 4". J. of Computer Sci. & Tech., 2002, 17(4):411-419.
[14] WAN Yingyu, XU Yinlong, GU Xiaodong, CHEN Guoliang, “Efficient Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms on Reconfigurable Mesh”, J. of Computer Sci. and Tech., 2000, 15(2):116-125。
[15] Kun Wang, Yinlong Xu, Liusheng Huang, Guoliang Chen, “GPS based Location Oriented Routing Protocol for MANET”, Chinese J. of Electronics, 2006, 15(1):173-178.
[16] WU Ya-feng, XU Yin-long, CHEN Guo-liang, “On the construction of virtual multicast backbone for wireless ad hoc networks”, MASS’2004.
[17] Kun Wang, Yin-long Xu, Guo-liang Chen,Ya-feng Wu, “Power-Aware On-Demand Routing Protocol for MANET”. ICDCS Workshop’2004.
[18] 许胤龙,陈国良,万颖瑜,“WDM全光网中路由和波长分配算法研究进展”,计算机学报, 2003,26(11):1409-1423。
[19] 许胤龙,陈国良,“WDM全光网中路由和波长分配算法研究”,2001年全国计算机学会开放式并行与分布计算学术会议 特邀报告。
- 中国科学技术大学教学资源
- 许胤龙老师课程教学资源
- 中国科学技术大学:力学(推荐下载)
- 中国科学技术大学:C语言(ppt课件)
- 中国科学技术大学:电路原理
- 中国科学技术大学:核磁共振在生物学中的应用
- 中国科学技术大学:数值模拟新发展(英文版)
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- 中国科学技术大学出版社:《简明复分析》书籍教材PDF电子版(共六章)
- 中国科学技术大学:《并行计算 Parallel Computing》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第三篇 并行数值算法 第十章 线性方程组的求解
- 中国科学技术大学:《并行计算 Parallel Computing》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第四篇 并行程序设计 第十二章 并行程库设计基础
- 中国科学技术大学:《并行计算 Parallel Computing》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第四篇 并行程序设计 第十四章 分布存储系统并行编程
- 中国科学技术大学:《并行计算 Parallel Computing》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第二篇 并行算法的设计 第四章 并行算法的设计基础
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