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姓名: 汪峻峰 性别: 男 出生年月: 1963-1-23
职称: size=12 学科专业: 建筑化学及相关新型建筑材料
工作单位: 德国格拉路公司
办公电话: 0049-(0)201-572117 联系电话: 资料不详
毕业院校: 资料不详
研究方向: 新型化学建材的科研,生产,质量管理和应用
科研项目: 下述新型化学建材的科研,生产,质量管理和应用 1. 内外墙装修材料 1.1 无机涂料和砂浆(水泥、石灰、石膏等)。 1.2 有机涂料和砂浆(分散剂型、硅酸盐型、硅酮型等) 2.防水材料 2.1 无机防水材料(刚性水泥基防水材料—防水砂浆和混凝土) 2.2 有机防水材料 2.2.1 揉性水泥基防水材料 2.2.2 环氧树脂防水材料。 2.2.3 沥青防水材料 3.瓷砖粘结材料 3.1 无机瓷砖粘结剂(白色,快干型,及揉性等) 3.2 有机瓷砖粘结剂(分散剂型,环氧树脂型等) 3.3 填缝材料(无机,有机,刚性+揉性,各种颜色等) 4.建筑物的保养与修缮 4.1 无机砂浆(粗、中、细砂浆、加气砂浆等) 4.2 有机涂料与砂浆(建筑物的表面结构保护) 5.建筑地面 5.1 无机砂浆(自流平水泥,高强、耐磨工业地面用砂浆等) 5.2 有机砂浆(环氧树脂,聚氨脂,改性硅酸盐型等) 6.混凝土外加剂 6.1 普通混凝土外加剂(减水剂,加气剂,促凝剂,缓凝剂等)和超塑化剂等 6.2 降铬剂。 7.木材保护和建筑物防火剂
获奖成果: LIST OF PUBLICATIONS: 1. Determination of the parameter of ettringite cell (in chinese); 3rd Chinese Symposiurn on Silikate Chemistry, Liuzhou/China. November 1986 2. Investigation on chrom-contained slag (in chinese); 1st Chinese Young Schlars SYMPOSIUM ON Materials Science, Shenyang/ China, April 1987 3. The chrom-contained slag a a row material of cement production (in german); 10th International Conference on Building Materials (10 ibausil), section 1, Weimar/Germany, May 1988, pp. 220-224 4. Investigation on quick cement in system CaO-SiO2—Al2O3—Fe2O3—SO3—CaF2(in german); 11th International Conference on Building Materials (11. ibausil), Weimar/ Germany, May 1991 and Tonind. Ztg, vol. 117, no. 4, 1993, pp. 166-175 5. Investigations of pore structure of quick cement; 9th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, vol, New Delhi/ India, November 1992, pp. 370-376 6. Bing-effect beteen blast furnace slag-gypsum-portland cement-mortar and conventional masonry mortar and restoring plaster (in german); 3rd International Colloquiu on Materials Science and Restoration, vol.2 Esslingen/ Germany, Dezember 1992, pp. 1285-1293 7. Inestigation on high-sulfat-resistant injection and joim mortars (in germn); Project report of Sanitation of historical buildings (Bundesministerium fur Forschung und Technologie-BMFT), March 1993 8. Investigation on the setting behaviour of quick cements from the system C3S-CllA7. CaF2—C2SC2(A, F); 3rd Beijing In ternational Symposium on Cement and Concrete; Beijing /China, October 1993, pp. 377-380 9. Investigtion on high-sulfat-resistant and initial swelling cements; 3rd Beijing International Symposium on Cement and Concrete, Beijing/China, October 1993, PP.353-355 10. Investigation on the early hydration of quick cements from the system CllA7. CaF2—C2S—C2—(A, F); Advanced Cement Based Materials, vol. 1, 1993, PP.77-82 11. Investigation on a slight expansive special mortar (in german); Workshop “Mortar I nSanitation of Monument”, Fulda/Germany, April 1993 and Bautenschutz+Bausanierung, 16/1993,pp. 76-78 12. The Carbonization of quick cement and the formation of the CaCO3—modifications-calcite, vaterite und aragonite- (in german); Wiss. Z. Hochsch. Archit. Bauwes. Weimar 39(1993)—3, pp. 225-229 13. Pore structure of quick cement; Zement-Kalk-Gips, 9/1994, pp. 548-552 14. Properties of three newly developed quick cements; Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 24, 1994, pp. 801-812 15. Investigation on quick cement and special mortar (in german); Dissertation of Geology Dept, Philipps- University Marburg/Germany, 1994 16. Applications of Ma terials Science and Technology of Chinese Young S cientists, Xian /China, October 1995 (only abstract) 17. Investigations of a new superplasticixer, Concrete Precasting Plant and Technology (Betonwerk+Fertigteil-Technik), ISSUE 11/1995, pp.98-104 18. Microstructure and resistance against chemical attack of high performance concrete; 18th Internationa Conference on Cement Microscopy, Housten/USA, April 1996, pp. 205-214 19. Investigation on a high per formance cementitious binder (in german); Chemistry of construction materials Today – Fact Model Application, Diss. Dr Darmstadt GmbH, Duck und Verlag, Darmstadt/ Germany, 1996, pp. 155-161 20. A newly developed protective agent to efflorescence and it’s applications in coloourful paving-stone (in grman); Workshop “Chemistry of construction materials”, Fulda/Germany, November 1996 21. Applications of self-levelling mortar in floor fiel (in german); 4th International Colloquium on Materials Science and Restoration, Esslingen/Germany, December 1996 22. Investigation on high performance cementitious binder and it’s applications; 10th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Goteborg/Sweden, July 1997 23. Applications of a-semihydrate gypsum in dry ready mixed mortar (in german); 13th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Goteborg/Sweden, July 1997 24. High performance cement (in German); 13th International Conference on Building Materials (13, ibausil), Weimar/Germany, September 1977 25. A newly developed superplasticizer for high performance mortar and concrete; 5th CANMET/ACT International Conference on superplasticizer and other chernical admixtures in concrete, Venice/Italy, O ctober 1997 IN PREPARATION –ASBOOK (in german): 1.Chemical Building Materials-production & application I. Dry ready mixed mortars 2. Chemical Building Materials – production & application II. Paint and plasters PATENTS: 1. Process of concrete or mortar production (Verfahren zum Herstellen)
其他信息: 1984.8 — 1989.6 中国北京建材院水泥所 1989.7 — 1993.6 德国锡根大学化学系建筑化学专业 博士生 1991.9 — 1993.2 德国马尔堡大学地质系矿物学专业 (第二专业) 1993.7 — 1994.10 德国雄堡公司技术项目负责人 1994.11 — 1997.6 德国雄堡公司实验室主任从1997.7至今 德国格拉路尔公司技术主管,公司全权代理人 协会成员 1.美国混凝土协会(1995 - 1996) 2.德国化学家协会 – 建筑化学委员会德国格拉路尔公司:中型建材生产公司,现有员工约240名,1998年营业额约1.1亿马克专业
备 注: 通信地址 Dr. Jun-Feng Wang Burgstrasse 5545289 Essen Germany(德国) 电话和传真:0049-(0)201-572117 e-mail: wangjunfeng@cityweb.de
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