
英文名字:Chen Zong-Xuan
研究领域:复分析, 复域差分, 复域微分方程
1. 2003.11—现在, 华南师范大学数学科学学院, 任教授, 博导.
2. 2007.3-2008.3 韩国釜山大学数学系, 从事研究工作, 任访问教授.
2. 1992.9—2003.11, 江西师范大学数学与信息科学学院,曾任副教授, 教授, 博导, 院长.
3. 2002.9—2003.9 韩国釜山大学数学系, 从事研究工作, 任招聘教授.
4. 1980.12—1992.9, 南昌职业技术师范学院教书, 曾任助教, 讲师.
5. 1968.7—1980.12, 南昌化纤厂工作.
(1) 国家人事部与国家教育部联合授予的《全国模范教师》称号(2001年).
(2) 获国务院颁发的《政府特殊津贴》(1997年)
(3) 获《国家教育部自然科学奖》二等奖 (2002年)
(4) 获《江西省科技进步奖》二等奖(项目领头人)(2000年)
(1)主持进行国家自然科学基金项目:“复域差分, 差分方程与微分方程的解析性质” (2009年1月-2011年12月)
(3)主持完成国家自然科学基金项目:“复系数微分方程解的不动点与复振荡理论。” (编号19761002)(1998年1月-2000年12月)
(4)主持完成了国家自然科学基金项目:“超越系数非齐次线性微分方程复振荡。” (编号 19461003)(1995年1月-1997年12月)
2. 获得二项国际科技项目:
(1) 2002年9月-2003年8月获韩国科协智力联合基金资助项目:The Properties of solutions of differential equations with meromorphic coefficients
(No.021-1-9). 为中方主持人.
“The complex oscillation of solutions of differential equations ”
(No.072-1-3-0164). 为中方主持人.
出版专著《线性微分方程复振荡理论》(主编人为:高仕安, 陈宗煊, 陈特为)(1998年3月出版), 华中理工大学出版社
(1)Chen Zong-Xuan, Shon Kwang Ho, On zeros and fixed points of differences of meromorphic functions。J.Math. Anal.Appl. SCI, 344(2008),373-383.
(2) Jiang Liangying, Chen Zongxuan, Estimates for the hyper-order of solutions of certain linear differential equations,Acta Math. Sci.28B(2008)393-400(SCI)
(3)陈宗煊, 关于二阶线性周期微分方程的次正规解, 中国科学(A), 37(3)(2007),361-374。
(4)Chen Zong-Xuan,Gao Shi-An and Shon Kwang Ho, On the Dependent Property of Solutions for Higher Order Periodic Differential Equations,
Acta Math. Sci.27B(4)(2007), 743-752.(SCI)
(5)Chen Zong-Xuan,Gao Shi-An,Oncomplex oscillation property of solutions
for higher order periodic differential equations,J. Ineq.and Appl.,(美国)Vol.
2007(2007), ID58189,13 pages. (SCI)
(6)Chen Zongxuan, Shon Kwang Ho, On subnormal solutions of second order linear periodic differential equations,Science in China Series A, Vol.50(6) (2007), 786-800. (SCI)
(7)Jin Tu, Zong-Xuan Chen, Zeros of solutions of certain second order linear differential equation , J. Math. Anal. Appl.(美国)332(2007) 279–291.(SCI)
(8) Chen ZongXuan, Shon Kwang Ho, The growth of solutions of differential equations with coefficients of small growth in the disc, J. Math. Anal. and Appl. Vol. 297 (2004)(美国) 285-304. (SCI)
(9).Chen Zongxuan ,The growth of solutions of where the order (Q)=1,Science in China (series A),Vol.45, (2002) No.3, 290-300. (ISSN: 1006-9283) (SCI)
(10). Chen Zong-xuan, On the hyper-order of solutions of some second order linear differential equations,
Acta Math. Sinica English Series , Vol.18, (2002) No.1, 79-88. (ISSN:1439-8516) (SCIE)
(11). 陈宗煊,关于微分方程f"+e-zf′+Q(z)f=0的解的增长性,《中国科学》 Vol.31(9)(2001)775-784
(12). Chen ZongXuan, Shon KwangHo, On conjecture of R. Bruck concerning the entire function sharing one value CM with its derivative, Taiwanese J. of Math., Vol.8(2)(2004)p.235-244 (ISSN:1027-5487) SCI
(13). Chen ZongXuan, Shon KwangHo On the growth of solutions of class of higer order differential equations, Acta Math. Scientia Vol. 24(2004)p.52-60, (ISSN:0252-9602) SCIE
(14). Chen Zong-Xuan and Shon Kwang Ho, On the growth and fixed points of solutions of second order differential equations with meromorphic coefficients, Acta Math. Sinica English Series, Vol。21, No。4, (2005.8)753-764,
(ISSN:1439-8516) SCIE
(15). Chen Zong-Xuan and Shon Kwang Ho, On the entire function sharing one value CM with k-th derivatives,J.Korean Math. Soc。Vol。42,No。1,(2005)85-99
(ISSN:0304-9914) SCIE
(16). Chen Zong-Xuan, On the growth of solutions of a class of higher order diffential equations, Chin Ann of Math., Vol. 24B:4(2003), 501-508. (ISSN:0252-9599) SCIE
(17). Chen Zong-xuan and Gao Shi-an,The complex oscillation of certain non-homogeneous linear differential equations with transcendental entire coefficents, J.Math.Anal.Appl.(USA)1993, vol.179, No.2,403-416,(ISSN: 0022-247X). SCI
(18). Chen Zong-xuan,On the complex oscillation theory of , Proc. Of E.M.S.(U.K.), Vol. 36, 1993, 447-461.(SCI) (ISSN: 0013-0915)
(19). Chen Zong-xuan and Yang Chung-Chun,On the zeros and hyper-order of meromorphic solutions of linear differential equations,Ann. Acad. Sci. Fen. Math. (Finland),1999, Vol. 24.215-224, (ISSN: 1239-629X).(SCIE)
(20). Chen Zong-xuan and Yu Jiarong, The zeros and order of meromorphic solutions of , Chin Ann of Math.,1998, Vol. 19B:4, 433-444.(ISSN: 0252-9599). SCIE
英文名字:Chen Zong-Xuan
研究领域:复分析, 复域差分, 复域微分方程
1. 2003.11—现在, 华南师范大学数学科学学院, 任教授, 博导.
2. 2007.3-2008.3 韩国釜山大学数学系, 从事研究工作, 任访问教授.
2. 1992.9—2003.11, 江西师范大学数学与信息科学学院,曾任副教授, 教授, 博导, 院长.
3. 2002.9—2003.9 韩国釜山大学数学系, 从事研究工作, 任招聘教授.
4. 1980.12—1992.9, 南昌职业技术师范学院教书, 曾任助教, 讲师.
5. 1968.7—1980.12, 南昌化纤厂工作.
(1) 国家人事部与国家教育部联合授予的《全国模范教师》称号(2001年).
(2) 获国务院颁发的《政府特殊津贴》(1997年)
(3) 获《国家教育部自然科学奖》二等奖 (2002年)
(4) 获《江西省科技进步奖》二等奖(项目领头人)(2000年)
(1)主持进行国家自然科学基金项目:“复域差分, 差分方程与微分方程的解析性质” (2009年1月-2011年12月)
(3)主持完成国家自然科学基金项目:“复系数微分方程解的不动点与复振荡理论。” (编号19761002)(1998年1月-2000年12月)
(4)主持完成了国家自然科学基金项目:“超越系数非齐次线性微分方程复振荡。” (编号 19461003)(1995年1月-1997年12月)
2. 获得二项国际科技项目:
(1) 2002年9月-2003年8月获韩国科协智力联合基金资助项目:The Properties of solutions of differential equations with meromorphic coefficients
(No.021-1-9). 为中方主持人.
“The complex oscillation of solutions of differential equations ”
(No.072-1-3-0164). 为中方主持人.
出版专著《线性微分方程复振荡理论》(主编人为:高仕安, 陈宗煊, 陈特为)(1998年3月出版), 华中理工大学出版社
(1)Chen Zong-Xuan, Shon Kwang Ho, On zeros and fixed points of differences of meromorphic functions。J.Math. Anal.Appl. SCI, 344(2008),373-383.
(2) Jiang Liangying, Chen Zongxuan, Estimates for the hyper-order of solutions of certain linear differential equations,Acta Math. Sci.28B(2008)393-400(SCI)
(3)陈宗煊, 关于二阶线性周期微分方程的次正规解, 中国科学(A), 37(3)(2007),361-374。
(4)Chen Zong-Xuan,Gao Shi-An and Shon Kwang Ho, On the Dependent Property of Solutions for Higher Order Periodic Differential Equations,
Acta Math. Sci.27B(4)(2007), 743-752.(SCI)
(5)Chen Zong-Xuan,Gao Shi-An,Oncomplex oscillation property of solutions
for higher order periodic differential equations,J. Ineq.and Appl.,(美国)Vol.
2007(2007), ID58189,13 pages. (SCI)
(6)Chen Zongxuan, Shon Kwang Ho, On subnormal solutions of second order linear periodic differential equations,Science in China Series A, Vol.50(6) (2007), 786-800. (SCI)
(7)Jin Tu, Zong-Xuan Chen, Zeros of solutions of certain second order linear differential equation , J. Math. Anal. Appl.(美国)332(2007) 279–291.(SCI)
(8) Chen ZongXuan, Shon Kwang Ho, The growth of solutions of differential equations with coefficients of small growth in the disc, J. Math. Anal. and Appl. Vol. 297 (2004)(美国) 285-304. (SCI)
(9).Chen Zongxuan ,The growth of solutions of where the order (Q)=1,Science in China (series A),Vol.45, (2002) No.3, 290-300. (ISSN: 1006-9283) (SCI)
(10). Chen Zong-xuan, On the hyper-order of solutions of some second order linear differential equations,
Acta Math. Sinica English Series , Vol.18, (2002) No.1, 79-88. (ISSN:1439-8516) (SCIE)
(11). 陈宗煊,关于微分方程f"+e-zf′+Q(z)f=0的解的增长性,《中国科学》 Vol.31(9)(2001)775-784
(12). Chen ZongXuan, Shon KwangHo, On conjecture of R. Bruck concerning the entire function sharing one value CM with its derivative, Taiwanese J. of Math., Vol.8(2)(2004)p.235-244 (ISSN:1027-5487) SCI
(13). Chen ZongXuan, Shon KwangHo On the growth of solutions of class of higer order differential equations, Acta Math. Scientia Vol. 24(2004)p.52-60, (ISSN:0252-9602) SCIE
(14). Chen Zong-Xuan and Shon Kwang Ho, On the growth and fixed points of solutions of second order differential equations with meromorphic coefficients, Acta Math. Sinica English Series, Vol。21, No。4, (2005.8)753-764,
(ISSN:1439-8516) SCIE
(15). Chen Zong-Xuan and Shon Kwang Ho, On the entire function sharing one value CM with k-th derivatives,J.Korean Math. Soc。Vol。42,No。1,(2005)85-99
(ISSN:0304-9914) SCIE
(16). Chen Zong-Xuan, On the growth of solutions of a class of higher order diffential equations, Chin Ann of Math., Vol. 24B:4(2003), 501-508. (ISSN:0252-9599) SCIE
(17). Chen Zong-xuan and Gao Shi-an,The complex oscillation of certain non-homogeneous linear differential equations with transcendental entire coefficents, J.Math.Anal.Appl.(USA)1993, vol.179, No.2,403-416,(ISSN: 0022-247X). SCI
(18). Chen Zong-xuan,On the complex oscillation theory of , Proc. Of E.M.S.(U.K.), Vol. 36, 1993, 447-461.(SCI) (ISSN: 0013-0915)
(19). Chen Zong-xuan and Yang Chung-Chun,On the zeros and hyper-order of meromorphic solutions of linear differential equations,Ann. Acad. Sci. Fen. Math. (Finland),1999, Vol. 24.215-224, (ISSN: 1239-629X).(SCIE)
(20). Chen Zong-xuan and Yu Jiarong, The zeros and order of meromorphic solutions of , Chin Ann of Math.,1998, Vol. 19B:4, 433-444.(ISSN: 0252-9599). SCIE