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曹念文男,校聘教授,硕士生导师, 1967.4生, 安徽青阳人。1999年毕业于中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所,获理学博士学位。1999-2002年,日本东京电力中央研究所 特别契约研究员;2002-2004年,美国阿拉斯加大学地球物理研究所Assistant Professor; 2004-今,南京信息工程大学 校聘教授;2007-2008年,美国纽约城市大学 高级访问学者。主要从事激光﹑大气激光遥感﹑大气气溶胶﹑大气微量元素监测﹑光在大气或液体媒介中散射偏振特性及成像研究。发表文章30余篇,被SCI 收录近10篇。Email: nwcao@yahoo.com.cn
2.2006-2009, <<对流层气溶胶光学厚度的激光雷达数据空间反演>>,江苏省教育厅项目, 项目主持人。
33.“Measurement of tropospheric O3, SO2 and aerosol from a volcanic emission event using new multi-wavelength differential-absorption lidar techniques”, N. Cao1 , S. Li3, T. Fukuchi2, T. Fujii2, R.L. Collins3, Z. Wang1 and Z. Chen1, Applied Physics B: 85,163-167 (2006).
32. “Error analysis for NO2 DIAL measurement in the troposphere”, Nianwen Cao, Takashi Fujii, Tetsuo Fukuchi, Shusheng Li, Applied Physics B:laser and optics (2006). Volume 82, Number.1, January 2006, page141-148
31. “Measurement of SO2, NO2 and O3 in the Lower Troposphere by DIAL and Airborne in-situ Methods”, Takashi Fujii, Tesuo Fukuchi, Nianwen Cao, Takuya Nayuki, Hiroshi Hayami, and Koshichi Nemoto, p263-266, 21 ILRC.
30. “An Eye safe Lidar for Studies of Urban Ice Fog”, Nianwen Cao, Richard L. Collins and Catherine F. Cahill, p 253-255,21 ILRC.
29. “Differential absorption lidar system for simultaneous measurement of O3 and NO2: system development and measurement error estimation”, Tetsuo Fukuchi, Takuya Nayuki, Nianwen Cao, Takashi Fujii, Koshichi Nemoto, Opt. Eng. 42 (1) 98-104 (January 2003).
28. Development of a laser radar using LDS dye and sum frequency generation for NO2 measurement, Hideto Mori 1, Takuya Nayuki 2, Nianwen Cao 2, Tetsuo Fukuchi 2, Takashi Fujii 2, Koshichi Nemoto 2, Nobuo Takeuchi 2, Electrical Engineering in Japan Volume 144, Issue 2 , Pages 26 - 33 Published Online: 6 May 2003
27. “Trace atmospheric SO2 measurement by multi-wavelength curve-fitting and wavelength- optimized dual differential absorption lidar”, Takashi Fujii, Tetsuo Fukuchi, Nianwen Cao, oshichi Nemoto, and Nobuo Takeuchi, Applied Optics/ Vol. 43, No. 3/ 20 January 2002.
26. “Sum-frequency-generation system for differential absorption lidar measurement of atmospheric nitrogen dioxide”, Takuya Nayuki, Tetsuo Fukuchi, Nianwen Cao, Hideto Mori, Takashi Fujii, Koshichi Nemoto, and Nobuo Takeuchi, Applied Optics, 41(18), 3659-3664 (June 2002)
25. “Development of an Eye-Safe Lidar for Studies of Urban Ice Fog” N. Cao, R. L. Collins and C. F. Cahill, p 75-76, 53rd Arctic Science Conference. (AAAS 53 rd Arctic Science Conference , Fairbanks, AK, 18-21 September, 2002.)
24. “Tropospheric O3 measurement by simultaneous differential absorption lidar and null profiling and comparison with sonde measurement”, Tetsuo Fukuchi, Takashi Fujii, Nianwen Cao, Koshichi Nemoto and Nobuo Takeuchi, Opt. Eng.40(9) 1944- 1949(September 2001)
23.“Multiwavelength lidar system for measurement of trace SO2, O3,and NO2 in the lower troposphere’’, Tetsuo Fukuchi, Nianwen Cao, Takuya Nayuki, Takashi Fujii, Koshichi Nemoto and Nobuo Takeuchi, CLEO/Pacific Rim 2001.
22. “DIAL measurement of daytime variations of vertical Tropospheric O3 concentration profiles’’, Nianwen Cao, Tetsuo Fukuchi, Takuya Nayuki, Takashi Fujii, Koshichi Nemoto and Nobuo Takeuchi, CLEO/Pacific Rim 2001
21. “Simultaneous profiling of O3 and NO2 in the lower troposphere by multi-wavelength DIAL’’, Tetsuo Fukuchi, Takuya Nayuki, Nianwen Cao, Takashi Fujii, Koshichi Nemoto and Nobuo Takeuchi, SPIE’s 46th Annual Meeting。
20. “DIAL measurement of NO2 profiles and measurement error evaluation”, Nianwen Cao, Tetsuo Fukuchi, Takashi Fujii, Koshichi Nemoto and Nobuo Takeuchi, Annual meeting of Laser Society of Japan (January, 30, 2001)
19. “A Sum-frequency Generation System for Measurement of Nitrogen Dioxide”, Takuya Nayuki, Tetsuo Fukuchi, Takashi Fujii, Koshichi Nemoto, Nianwen Cao, and Nobuo Takeuchi, Annual meeting of Laser Society of Japan (January, 30, 2001)
18. “Ozone profiling in the lower troposphere by DIAL and measurement error evaluation”, Tetsuo Fukuchi, Takashi Fujii, Takuya Nayuki, Koshichi Nemoto, Nianwen Cao and Nobuo Takeuchi, Annual meeting of Laser Society of Japan (January, 30, 2001).
17. Takashi Fujii, Tetsuo Fukuchi, Nianwen Cao, Naohiko Goto, Koshichi Nemoto, and Nobuo Takeuchi : "1 ppb-order Atmospheric SO_2 Measurement by Multiwavelength DIAL, Advances in Laser Remote Sensing", A. Dabas, C. Loth, J. Pelon, ed.,(selected papers of 20ILRC), 447-450 (2001).
16..“Tropospheric profiling of SO2 and ozone by multi-wavelength DIAL”, Tetsuo Fukuchi, Takashi Fujii, Nianwen Cao, SPIE. (International conference in Sendai, Japan, 2000).
15. “NO2 vertical concentration monitoring by DIAL with high accuracy,” Nianwen Cao, Takashi Fujii, Tetsuo Fukuchi, Koshichi Nemoto, and Nobuo Takeuchi, SPIE (International conference in Sendai, Japan, 2000).
14. “DIAL measurement of O3 in the lower troposphere and measurement error evaluation”, Tetsuo Fukuchi, Takashi Fujii, Takuya Nayuki, Koshichi Nemoto, Nianwen Cao and Nobuo Takeuchi, The Japan Society of Applied Physics (September, 4, 2000).
13. “It is analyzed quantitatively that the polarization technique improves the image contrast and imaging range”, Nianwen Cao, Yujun Zhang and Wenqing Liu, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2000, 19(1).
12.“Measurement and calculation for the depolarization of Scattering light”, Nianwen Cao, Wenqing Liu, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 1999, 18 (2).
11. “The ultra short Raman Laser pulse of intermediate infrared wavelength generated in optical waveguide”, Nianwen Cao, Wenqing Liu, SPIE, 1999, [3615-38].
10. “The calculation for the furthest imaging range of underwater objects”, Nianwen Cao, Wenqing, Liu, Journal of Chinese Laser, 1999, 38 (1).
9. “Optical Multi-channel Spectrum-meter and its Application”, Nianwen Cao, Wenqing Liu, Laser & Photonics progress, 1999, 12(1).
8. “The theory expressing the relation between the contrast for image underwater and image ange”, Nianwen Cao, Wenqing Liu, ACTA OPTICA SINICA, 1999, 20 (3).
7. “Experimental comparison between the Circular polarization imaging and the linear polarization imaging”, Nianwen Cao, Wenqing Liu, ACTA PHOTONICA SINICA, 1998, 27(6).
6. “The improvement of conversion efficiency of Raman Laser with Optics waveguide”, Nianwen Cao, Yiqian Yuan, Peilin Wang, and Wenqing Liu, Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics, 1998, 15(1).
5. “White light polarization image for underwater objects”, Nianwen Cao, Wenqing Liu, Chinese Journal of Quantum electronics, 1998, 16(1).
4. “The scattering and depolarization of the light in high polymers”, Nianwen Cao, Wenqing Liu, ACTA PHOTONOCA SINICA, 1998, 28(1).
3. “The generation of quarter wave plate”, Nianwen Cao, Wenqing Liu, Chinese Journal of uantum electronics, 1997, 12 (5).
2. “Laser polarization image of underwater objects”, Nianwen Cao, Wenqing Liu, Chinese Journal of Quantum electronics, 1997, 14(6).
1. “Image enhancement by polarization discrimination in turbid medium”, Wenqing Liu, Nianwen Cao and Nobuo Takeuchi, SPIE, 1997, Vol, 3121.
11.AAAS 53 rd Arctic Science Conference, 第53届北极科学大会(发表论文2篇),2002年9月,美国阿拉斯加州 Fairbanks 市。
10.21 ILRC 国际会议(发表论文3篇),2002年7月,加拿大,愧北克。
9.CLEO/Pacific Rim 2001. 第4届太平洋地区CLEO国际会议(发表论文2篇),2001年7月,日本千叶县。
6.SPIE 国际会议(发表论文2篇),2000年10月,日本东北大学,仙台市。
4.SPIE 国际会议,1999年9月,日本福井大学,福井县。
  • 南京信息工程大学教学资源
  • 曹念文老师课程教学资源
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