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姓名:王晓良 性别:男 职称:研究员
职务: 招生院所:化学生物学与药学院
招生类型:科学学位(博) 科学学位(硕)
招生专业:神经生物学(博) 药理学(硕)
1. 中国药理学会常务理事 生化与分子药理专业委员会 主任
2. 北京神经科学会 理事
3. 中国药学会副理事长 老年药学专业委员会主任
4. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology 顾问编委
5. 《中国新药杂志》 副主编
6. 《中国药学年鉴》 副主编
7. 《中国药学杂志》 副主编
8. 《药学学报》 主编
9. 中国神经科学学会理事 神经药理专业委员会主任
10. 中华医学会理事
1. 198009-198210:中国协和医科大学 获理学硕士
2. 198408-198709:德国埃森大学 受体药理专业获博士学位
3. 198710-198810:德国埃森大学 离子通道药理博士后研究
4. 199810- :中国医学科学院药物研究所 研究员
5. 200404- :中国医学科学院药物研究所;首都医科大学 研究员
1. Chongyang Han, Angelika Lampert, Anthony M Rush6,Sulayman D Dib-Hajj, Xiaoliang Wang*.Temperature dependence of erythromelalgia mutation L858F insodium channel Nav1.7. Molecular pain. 2007,3(3):1-10.SCI
2. Ying Peng, Shaofeng Xu, Guiquan Chen, Timothy J. Seabrook, Ling Wang, Yipu Feng, and Xiaoliang Wang*.L-3-n-butylphthalide improves cognitive impairment induced by chronic cerebral hypoperfusion in rats. . Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. . 2007,321:902-910.SCI
3. 周红义,韩重阳,王晓良*.温度和胞内钠、ATP及酸碱度对心室肌细胞钙交换电流的调节. 生理学报 . 2006,58(2):136-140.
4. 张海霞,李正斌,王晓良*.大脑中动脉栓赛模型大鼠的中枢电压依赖性钾通道mRNA表达的改变。. 药学学报. 2006,41(4):328-332.
5. Liao-Liao Li, Li-Na Sun, Hong-Yi Zhou, Zheng-Bin Li, Xiao-Liang Wang*. Selective alteration of expression of Na+-Ca2+ exchanger isoferms after transient focal cerebral ischemia in rats. Neuroscience Lett. 2006,404:249-253.SCI
6. 刘斌,王晓良*.蛋白质组学在阿尔采末病中的研究进展. . 生理科学进展. 2006,37:11-16.
7. Yuming Zhao, Lina Sun, Hongyi Zhou, Xiaoliang Wang*.Voltage-dependent potassium channels are involved in glutamate-induced apoptosis of rat hippocampal neurons. . Neuroscience Lett. 2006,398:22-27.SCI
8. 李正斌,王晓良*.花生四烯酸敏感和机械牵张门控的双孔钾通道TREK的研究进展. 药学学报. 2006,41(3):193-196.
9. Yi Zhang, Ling Wang, Jiang Li, Xiaoliang Wang*..2-(1-Hydroxypentyl)-benzoate Increases Cerebral Blood Flow and Reduces Infarct volume in Rats Model of Transient Focal Cerebral Ischemia.. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 2006,317(3):973-979.SCI
10. Chong-Bo Zhong, Ya-Ping Pan, Xiao-Yong Tong, Xiang-Hua Xu, Xiao-Liang Wang*.Delayed rectifier potassium currents and Kv2.1 mRNA increase in hippocampal neurons of scopolamine-induced memory deficient rats. . Neuroscience Letters. 2005,373:99-104.SCI
11. Zheng-Bin Li, Hai-Xia Zhang, Liao-Liao Li, Xiao-Liang Wang*.Enhanced expressions of arachidonic acid-sensitive tandem-pore domain potassium channels in rat experimental acute cerebral ischemia . Biophy Biochem Res Commu. 2005,327:1163-1169.SCI
12. 彭英,徐少锋,王玲,冯亦璞,王晓良*.手性丁基苯酞对暂时性局部脑缺血大鼠脑梗死体积的影响.. 中国新药杂志. . 2005,14(4):420-423.
13. 李了了,王玲,冯楠,王晓良*.一种简单可靠的大鼠蛛网膜下腔出血模型的建立. 药学学报 . 2005,40(12):1096-1098.
14. Xianghua Xu, Yaping Pan, Xiaoliang Wang*.Alterations in the expression of lipid and mechano-gated two-pore domain potassium channel genes in rat brain following chronic cerebral ischemia.. Molecular Brain Research. 2004,120(2) :205-209.SCI
15. ZHANG Wei, JIN Hong-Wei, WANG Xiao-Liang*. Effects of presenilins and β-amyloid precursor protein on the delayed rectifier potassium channels in the cultured rat hippocampal neurons. . Acta Pharmacol Sini.. 2004,25(2):181-185.SCI
16. 潘雅萍,徐向华,王晓良*.钾通道调节剂的高通量筛选模型. . 药学学报. . 2004,39(2): :85-88.
17. 张海霞,王晓良*. 氧敏感钾离子通道的功能、亚型及氧敏感的可能机制. . 中国药理学通报. 2004,20(8);:841-844.
18. Peng Y, Zeng XK, Feng YP, Wang XL*.Antiplatelet and Antithrombotic Activity of L-3-n-butylphthalide in Rats. Journal Cardiovascular Pharmacology. 2004,6(43):876-881.SCI
19. Haixia Zhang, Wei Zhang, Hongwei Jin, Xiaoliang Wang*.Galantamine blocks cloned Kv2.1, but not Kv1.5 potassium channels.. Molecular Brain Research . 2004,131:136-140.SCI
20. Yi Zhang, Ling Wang, Liying Zhang, Xiaoliang Wang*. Effects of 2-(1-hydroxypentyl)-benzoate on Platelet Aggregation and Thrombus formation in rats. . Drug Development Research.. 2004,63:174-180.SCI
21. 张炜, 金宏伟,徐少锋,屈林涛,王晓良*.他克林对培养大鼠海马神经元延迟整流钾电流和瞬间外向钾电流的影响. 药学学报. 2004,39(2):93-96.
22. 张炜,金宏伟,张海霞,徐少峰,于海波,王晓良*.雌激素对Kv2.1钾电流及大鼠海马神经元延迟整流钾电流的影响. 药学学报 . 2004,39(9):686-690.
23. 金宏伟,张炜,屈林涛,王晓良*. Kv4.2通道电流与大鼠海马神经元瞬间外向钾电流特性的比较. 生理学报. 2003,55(6):711-716.
24. 张炜,金宏伟,王晓良*..普罗帕酮对钾通道亚型Kv4.2和Kv4.3电流的影响. 中国药理学通报 . 2003,19(8):867-871.
25. Yajun Ren, Xianghua Xu, Xiaoliang Wang*.Altered mRNA expression of ATP-sensitive and inwardly rectifier potassium channel subunits in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat heart and aorta. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences. 2003,93:478-483.SCI
26. Yaping Pan, Xianghua Xu, and Xiaoliang Wang*.Rivastigmine blocks voltage-activated K+ currents in dissociated rat hippocampal neurons . British Journal of Pharmacolog. 2003,140:907-912.SCI
27. CHANG Qing , WANG Xiao-Ling*.Effects of chiral 3-n-butylphthalide on apoposis induced by transient focal cerebral ischemia in rats.. Acta Pharmacol Sini.. 2003, 24(8):796-804.SCI
28. Ya-Ping Pan, Xiang-Hua Xu, Xiao-Liang Wang*.Galantamine blocks delayed rectifier, but not transient outward potassium current in rat dissociated hippocampal pyramidal neurons. . Neuroscience Letters. 2003,336 :37-40.SCI
29. 潘雅萍,徐向华,王晓良*.B-淀粉样肽(25-35)致记忆障碍大鼠中枢双孔钾通道mRNA表达的改变.. 药学学报 . 2003,38(10):721-724.
30. Lu J, Tong XY, Wang XL*.Altered gene expression of Na+-Ca2+ exchanger isoforms NCX1,NCX2 and NCX3 in chronic ischemic rat brain.. Neuroscience Letters. 2002,332:21-24.SCI
31. Xiang-Hua Xu, Ya-Ping Pan, Xiao-Liang Wang*.mRNA expression alterations of inward rectifier potassium channels in rat brain with cholinergic impairment. Neuroscience Letters. 2002,322 :25 – 28.SCI
32. Jing Lu, Yong Liang, Xiaoliang Wang*.Effects of Amiloride and KB-R7943 on Outward Na+/Ca2+ Exchange Current in Guinea Pig Ventricular Myocytes.. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology . 2002,40:106-111.SCI
1. 《 应用分子药理学》,主编,中国协和医科大学出版社,200502
1. 卫生部有突出贡献专家 2004
2. 中华医学科技奖 三等奖 2002
3. 北京市人民政府科学技术奖 二等奖第二名 2002
4. 99年获卫生部科技进步 三等奖第一名 1999
5. 求是基金会杰出青年学者奖 199809
6. 政府特殊津贴专家 1995
7. 国家首届杰出青年科学基金 1994
  • 首都医科大学教学资源
  • 王晓良老师课程教学资源
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