
向荣 特聘教授 博士生导师
1989.07-1992.07 上海第二医科大学细胞生物学与实验核医学系,获医学科学博士学位(Ph.D. Degree)
1986.07-1989.07 重庆医科大学临床生物化学专业,获硕士学位
1978.02-1982.02 重庆医科大学,获学士学位
2007.3-至今 南开大学 医学院 教授
2001.5-2007.3 美国Scripps研究中心免疫系,Assistant Professor
1999.5-2001.5 美国Scripps研究中心免疫系资深博士后
1996.5-1999.5 美国Scripps研究中心免疫系博士后
1992.7-1996.5 上海医科大学 助教、副教授
2001 获92届全美肿瘤年会杰出青年科学家奖(AACR-Ortho-Janssen Scholar awarded by the American Association for Cancer Research, Inc.)
1992 无药碱对β-肾上腺素受体作用的研究,获中华人民共和国卫生部的奖励
2000-至今 美国免疫学会会员
1996-至今 美国肿瘤协会会员
1992-1996 中国免疫学会会员
1984-1996 中国生物化学学会会员
1、 Zeng Y, Huebener N, Fest S, Weixler S, Schroeder U, Gaedicke G, Xiang R, Schramm A, Eggert A, Reisfeld RA, Lode HN. Fractalkine (CX3CL1)- and Interleukin-2-Enriched Neuroblastoma Microenvironment Induces Eradication of Metastases Mediated by T Cells and Natural Killer Cells. Cancer Res. Mar 1;67(5):2331-8. 2007
2、 Luo Y, Markowitz D, Xiang R, Zhou H, Reisfeld RA. FLK-1-based minigene vaccines induce T cell-mediated suppression of angiogenesis and tumor protective immunity in syngeneic BALB/c mice.Vaccine. 9;25(8):1409-15. 2007
3、 Kaplan CD, Kruger JA, Zhou H, Luo Y, Xiang R, Reisfeld RA. A novel DNA vaccine encoding PDGFRbeta suppresses growth and dissemination of murine colon, lung and breast carcinoma.Vaccine. 17;24(47-48):6994-7002. 2006
4、 Kruger JA, Kaplan CD, Luo Y, Zhou H, Markowitz D, Xiang R, Reisfeld RA. Characterization of stem cell-like cancer cells in immune-competent mice.Blood. 1;108(12):3906-12. 2006.
5、 Luo Y, Zhou H, Krueger J, Kaplan C, Lee SH, Dolman C, Markowitz D, Wu W, Liu C, Reisfeld RA, Xiang R. Targeting tumor-associated macrophages as a novel strategy against breast cancer.J Clin Invest. 116(8):2132-2141. 2006
6、 Lee SH, Mizutani N, Mizutani M, Luo Y, Zhou H, Kaplan C, Kim SW, Xiang R, Reisfeld RA. Endoglin (CD105) is a target for an oral DNA vaccine against breast cancer.Cancer Immunol Immunother. 55(12):1565-74. 2006
7、 da Silva Correia J, Miranda Y, Austin-Brown N, Hsu J, Mathison J, Xiang R, Zhou H, Li Q, Han J, Ulevitch RJ. Nod1-dependent control of tumor growth.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 7;103(6):1840-5. Epub 2006.
8、 Wu W, Luo Y, Sun C, Liu Y, Kuo P, Varga J, Xiang R, Reisfeld R, Janda KD, Edgington TS, Liu C.Targeting cell-impermeable prodrug activation to tumor microenvironment eradicates multiple drug-resistant neoplasms.Cancer Res. 15;66(2):970-80. 2006
9、 Zhou H, Luo Y, Kaplan CD, Kruger JA, Lee SH, Xiang R, Reisfeld RA. A DNA-based cancer vaccine enhances lymphocyte crosstalk by engaging the NKG2D receptor.Blood. 2005
10、Zeng Y, Jiang J, Huebener N, Wenkel J, Gaedicke G, Xiang R, Lode HN. Fractalkine gene therapy for neuroblastoma is more effective in combination with targeted IL-2.Cancer Lett. 18;228(1-2):187-93. 2005
11、Schrama D, Voigt H, Eggert AO, Xiang R, Reisfeld RA, Becker JC.Therapeutic efficacy of tumor-targeted IL2 in LTalpha(-/-) mice depends on conditioned T cells.Cancer Immunol Immunother. 13;:1-6 2005
12、Zhou H, Luo Y, Lo JF, Kaplan CD, Mizutani M, Mizutani N, Lee JD, Primus FJ, Becker JC, Xiang R, Reisfeld RA. DNA-based vaccines activate innate and adaptive antitumor immunity by engaging the NKG2D receptor.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2;102(31):10846-51.. 2005
13、Zhou H, Luo Y, Mizutani M, Mizutani N, Reisfeld RA, Xiang R. T cell-mediated suppression of angiogenesis results in tumor protective immunity.Blood. 15;106(6):2026-32. 2005
14、Xiang R, Mizutani N, Luo Y, Chiodoni C, Zhou H, Mizutani M, Ba Y, Becker JC, Reisfeld RA. A DNA vaccine targeting survivin combines apoptosis with suppression of angiogenesis in lung tumor eradication.Cancer Res. 15;65(2):553-61. 2005
15、Mizutani N, Luo Y, Mizutani M, Reisfeld RA, Xiang R. DNA vaccines suppress angiogenesis and protect against growth of breast cancer metastases.Breast;20:81-91. Review. 2004
16、Reisfeld RA, Niethammer AG, Luo Y, Xiang R. DNA vaccines suppress tumor growth and metastases by the induction of anti-angiogenesis.Immunol Rev. 199:181-90. 2004
17、Zhou H, Luo Y, Mizutani M, Mizutani N, Becker JC, Primus FJ, Xiang R, Reisfeld RA. A novel transgenic mouse model for immunological evaluation of carcinoembryonic antigen-based DNA minigene vaccines.J Clin Invest. 113(12):1792-8. 2004
18、Luo Y, Zhou H, Mizutani M, Mizutani N, Reisfeld RA, Xiang R. Transcription factor Fos-related antigen 1 is an effective target for a breast cancer vaccine.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 22;100(15):8850-5. 2003
19、Luo Y, O'Hagan D, Zhou H, Singh M, Ulmer J, Reisfeld RA, James Primus F, Xiang R. Plasmid DNA encoding human carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) adsorbed onto cationic microparticles induces protective immunity against colon cancer in CEA-transgenic mice.Vaccine. 16;21(17-18):1938-47. 2003
20、Niethammer AG, Xiang R, Becker JC, Wodrich H, Pertl U, Karsten G, Eliceiri BP, Reisfeld RA. A DNA vaccine against VEGF receptor 2 prevents effective angiogenesis and inhibits tumor growth.Nat Med.8(12):1369-75. 2002
21、Xiang, R., Primus, J.F., Ruehlmann, J.M., Niethammer, A.G.,Silletti, S., Lode, H.N.,Dolman, C.S., Gillies, S.D., Reisfeld, R.A. A dual-function DNA vaccine encoding CEA and CD40 ligand trimer induces protective immunity against colon cancer in CEA-transgenic mice. J.Immunol.,167:4560-4565. 2001
22、Xiang, R., Silletti, S., Lode, H.N., Dolman, C.S., Ruehlmann, J.M.,Niethammer, A.G., Pertl, U., Gillies, S.D., Primus, F.J. and Reisfeld, R.A.Protective immunity against human carcino- embryonic antigen (CEA) induced by an oral DNA vaccine in CEA-transgenic mice. Clin. Cancer Res.;3:8565-8645. 2001
23、Xiang, R, Lode, H.N., Chao,T-H., Ruehlmann, J.M., Dolman, C.S.,Rodriguez, F.,Whitton,J.L., Overwijk, W.W., Restifo, N.P. and Reisfeld, R.A. An autologous oral DNA vaccine protects against murine melanoma. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,U.S.A.,;97:5492-5497. 2000
24、Xiang, R., Lode, H.N., Dreier, T., Gillies, S.D., and Reisfeld,R.A. T cell memory against colon carcinoma is long-lived in the absence of antigen. J. Immunol 163:3676-3683. 1999
25、 Xiang, R, Lode, H.N., Dreier, T., Gillies, S.D., and Reisfeld,R.A., Induction of persistent tumor-protective immunity in mice cured of established colon carcinoma metastases. Cancer Research;58:3918-3925. 1998
26、Xiang, R, Lode, H.N., Dolman, C.S., Dreier, T., Varki, N.M., Qian,X., Lo, K., Lan, Y.,Super, M., Gillies, S.D., and Reisfeld,R.A.Elimination of established murine colon carcinoma metastases by antibody-interleukin 2 fusion protein therapy. Cancer Res;57:4948-4955. 1997
1989.07-1992.07 上海第二医科大学细胞生物学与实验核医学系,获医学科学博士学位(Ph.D. Degree)
1986.07-1989.07 重庆医科大学临床生物化学专业,获硕士学位
1978.02-1982.02 重庆医科大学,获学士学位
2007.3-至今 南开大学 医学院 教授
2001.5-2007.3 美国Scripps研究中心免疫系,Assistant Professor
1999.5-2001.5 美国Scripps研究中心免疫系资深博士后
1996.5-1999.5 美国Scripps研究中心免疫系博士后
1992.7-1996.5 上海医科大学 助教、副教授
2001 获92届全美肿瘤年会杰出青年科学家奖(AACR-Ortho-Janssen Scholar awarded by the American Association for Cancer Research, Inc.)
1992 无药碱对β-肾上腺素受体作用的研究,获中华人民共和国卫生部的奖励
2000-至今 美国免疫学会会员
1996-至今 美国肿瘤协会会员
1992-1996 中国免疫学会会员
1984-1996 中国生物化学学会会员
1、 Zeng Y, Huebener N, Fest S, Weixler S, Schroeder U, Gaedicke G, Xiang R, Schramm A, Eggert A, Reisfeld RA, Lode HN. Fractalkine (CX3CL1)- and Interleukin-2-Enriched Neuroblastoma Microenvironment Induces Eradication of Metastases Mediated by T Cells and Natural Killer Cells. Cancer Res. Mar 1;67(5):2331-8. 2007
2、 Luo Y, Markowitz D, Xiang R, Zhou H, Reisfeld RA. FLK-1-based minigene vaccines induce T cell-mediated suppression of angiogenesis and tumor protective immunity in syngeneic BALB/c mice.Vaccine. 9;25(8):1409-15. 2007
3、 Kaplan CD, Kruger JA, Zhou H, Luo Y, Xiang R, Reisfeld RA. A novel DNA vaccine encoding PDGFRbeta suppresses growth and dissemination of murine colon, lung and breast carcinoma.Vaccine. 17;24(47-48):6994-7002. 2006
4、 Kruger JA, Kaplan CD, Luo Y, Zhou H, Markowitz D, Xiang R, Reisfeld RA. Characterization of stem cell-like cancer cells in immune-competent mice.Blood. 1;108(12):3906-12. 2006.
5、 Luo Y, Zhou H, Krueger J, Kaplan C, Lee SH, Dolman C, Markowitz D, Wu W, Liu C, Reisfeld RA, Xiang R. Targeting tumor-associated macrophages as a novel strategy against breast cancer.J Clin Invest. 116(8):2132-2141. 2006
6、 Lee SH, Mizutani N, Mizutani M, Luo Y, Zhou H, Kaplan C, Kim SW, Xiang R, Reisfeld RA. Endoglin (CD105) is a target for an oral DNA vaccine against breast cancer.Cancer Immunol Immunother. 55(12):1565-74. 2006
7、 da Silva Correia J, Miranda Y, Austin-Brown N, Hsu J, Mathison J, Xiang R, Zhou H, Li Q, Han J, Ulevitch RJ. Nod1-dependent control of tumor growth.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 7;103(6):1840-5. Epub 2006.
8、 Wu W, Luo Y, Sun C, Liu Y, Kuo P, Varga J, Xiang R, Reisfeld R, Janda KD, Edgington TS, Liu C.Targeting cell-impermeable prodrug activation to tumor microenvironment eradicates multiple drug-resistant neoplasms.Cancer Res. 15;66(2):970-80. 2006
9、 Zhou H, Luo Y, Kaplan CD, Kruger JA, Lee SH, Xiang R, Reisfeld RA. A DNA-based cancer vaccine enhances lymphocyte crosstalk by engaging the NKG2D receptor.Blood. 2005
10、Zeng Y, Jiang J, Huebener N, Wenkel J, Gaedicke G, Xiang R, Lode HN. Fractalkine gene therapy for neuroblastoma is more effective in combination with targeted IL-2.Cancer Lett. 18;228(1-2):187-93. 2005
11、Schrama D, Voigt H, Eggert AO, Xiang R, Reisfeld RA, Becker JC.Therapeutic efficacy of tumor-targeted IL2 in LTalpha(-/-) mice depends on conditioned T cells.Cancer Immunol Immunother. 13;:1-6 2005
12、Zhou H, Luo Y, Lo JF, Kaplan CD, Mizutani M, Mizutani N, Lee JD, Primus FJ, Becker JC, Xiang R, Reisfeld RA. DNA-based vaccines activate innate and adaptive antitumor immunity by engaging the NKG2D receptor.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2;102(31):10846-51.. 2005
13、Zhou H, Luo Y, Mizutani M, Mizutani N, Reisfeld RA, Xiang R. T cell-mediated suppression of angiogenesis results in tumor protective immunity.Blood. 15;106(6):2026-32. 2005
14、Xiang R, Mizutani N, Luo Y, Chiodoni C, Zhou H, Mizutani M, Ba Y, Becker JC, Reisfeld RA. A DNA vaccine targeting survivin combines apoptosis with suppression of angiogenesis in lung tumor eradication.Cancer Res. 15;65(2):553-61. 2005
15、Mizutani N, Luo Y, Mizutani M, Reisfeld RA, Xiang R. DNA vaccines suppress angiogenesis and protect against growth of breast cancer metastases.Breast;20:81-91. Review. 2004
16、Reisfeld RA, Niethammer AG, Luo Y, Xiang R. DNA vaccines suppress tumor growth and metastases by the induction of anti-angiogenesis.Immunol Rev. 199:181-90. 2004
17、Zhou H, Luo Y, Mizutani M, Mizutani N, Becker JC, Primus FJ, Xiang R, Reisfeld RA. A novel transgenic mouse model for immunological evaluation of carcinoembryonic antigen-based DNA minigene vaccines.J Clin Invest. 113(12):1792-8. 2004
18、Luo Y, Zhou H, Mizutani M, Mizutani N, Reisfeld RA, Xiang R. Transcription factor Fos-related antigen 1 is an effective target for a breast cancer vaccine.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 22;100(15):8850-5. 2003
19、Luo Y, O'Hagan D, Zhou H, Singh M, Ulmer J, Reisfeld RA, James Primus F, Xiang R. Plasmid DNA encoding human carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) adsorbed onto cationic microparticles induces protective immunity against colon cancer in CEA-transgenic mice.Vaccine. 16;21(17-18):1938-47. 2003
20、Niethammer AG, Xiang R, Becker JC, Wodrich H, Pertl U, Karsten G, Eliceiri BP, Reisfeld RA. A DNA vaccine against VEGF receptor 2 prevents effective angiogenesis and inhibits tumor growth.Nat Med.8(12):1369-75. 2002
21、Xiang, R., Primus, J.F., Ruehlmann, J.M., Niethammer, A.G.,Silletti, S., Lode, H.N.,Dolman, C.S., Gillies, S.D., Reisfeld, R.A. A dual-function DNA vaccine encoding CEA and CD40 ligand trimer induces protective immunity against colon cancer in CEA-transgenic mice. J.Immunol.,167:4560-4565. 2001
22、Xiang, R., Silletti, S., Lode, H.N., Dolman, C.S., Ruehlmann, J.M.,Niethammer, A.G., Pertl, U., Gillies, S.D., Primus, F.J. and Reisfeld, R.A.Protective immunity against human carcino- embryonic antigen (CEA) induced by an oral DNA vaccine in CEA-transgenic mice. Clin. Cancer Res.;3:8565-8645. 2001
23、Xiang, R, Lode, H.N., Chao,T-H., Ruehlmann, J.M., Dolman, C.S.,Rodriguez, F.,Whitton,J.L., Overwijk, W.W., Restifo, N.P. and Reisfeld, R.A. An autologous oral DNA vaccine protects against murine melanoma. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,U.S.A.,;97:5492-5497. 2000
24、Xiang, R., Lode, H.N., Dreier, T., Gillies, S.D., and Reisfeld,R.A. T cell memory against colon carcinoma is long-lived in the absence of antigen. J. Immunol 163:3676-3683. 1999
25、 Xiang, R, Lode, H.N., Dreier, T., Gillies, S.D., and Reisfeld,R.A., Induction of persistent tumor-protective immunity in mice cured of established colon carcinoma metastases. Cancer Research;58:3918-3925. 1998
26、Xiang, R, Lode, H.N., Dolman, C.S., Dreier, T., Varki, N.M., Qian,X., Lo, K., Lan, Y.,Super, M., Gillies, S.D., and Reisfeld,R.A.Elimination of established murine colon carcinoma metastases by antibody-interleukin 2 fusion protein therapy. Cancer Res;57:4948-4955. 1997