
1.Y.-Q.Gong,Y.Fan,D.Z.Wu,H.Yang.Z.-B.Hu,Z.-T.Wang. In vivo and in vitro evaluation of erianin , a novel anti-angiogenic agent. European Journal of Cancer. 40(2004)1554-1565
2.Yi Fan,Da-Zheng Wu, Yan-Qing Gong,Ji-Yan Zhou,Zhi-Bi Hu. Effects of calycosin on the impairment of barrier function induced by hypoxia in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. European Journal of Pharmacology. 481(2003)33-40
3.Hong Yang,Gui-Xin Chou,Zheng-Tao Wang,Yue-Wei Guo,Zhi-Bi Hu,Luo-Shan Xu. Two new compounds from Dendrobium chrysotoxum.Helvetica Chimica Acta. 2004;87(2):394-399
4.Yong-guo Li,Ming Chen,Gui-xin Chou,Zheng-tao Wang,Zhi-bi-Hu. Ruggedness/robustness evaluation and system suitability test on United States Pharmacopoeia XXVI assay ginsenosides in Asian and American ginseng by hing-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Pharnaceutical and Biomedical Analysis.35(2004)1083-1091
5.Yong-guo Li,Fang Zhang,Zheng-tao Wang,Zhi-bi-Hu. Identification and chemical profiling of monacolins in red yeast rice using high-performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detector and mass spectrometry. Journal of Pharnaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 35(2004)1101-1112
6.Hong Yang,Gui-Xin Chou,Zheng-Tao Wang,Zhi-Bi Hu,Luo-Shan Xu. Two new fluorenones from dendrobium chrysotoxum. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research2004;6(1):35-38
7.M.Du,X.J.Wu,J.Ding,Z.B.Hu,K.N.White&C.J.Branford-White. Astragaloside IV and polysaccharide production by hairy roots of Astragalus membranaceus in bioreacters. Biotechnology.Letter. 25(2003)1853-1856
8.He Qing,Zhu En-yuan,Wang Zheng-tao,Xu Luo-shan,Hu Zhi-bi. Flavones Isolated from Codonopsis xundianensis. Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2004;13(3):212-213
9.WU Xiao-Jun, Du Min, WENG Ying-Qi, LIU Di, HU Zhi-Bi. UGPase of Astragalus membranaceus: cDNA Cloning ,Analyzing and Expressing in Excherichia coli .植物学报. 2002; 44(6):689-693
10.ZHENG Zhen-Gui, ZHOU Yu, LIU Di, HU Zhi-Bi. Cell growth and ajmalicine accumulation in a full habituated Catharanthus roseus cell line C20hi. 植物学报.2002,44(10):1146-1150
11.赵淑娟,刘涤,胡之璧. 植物次生代谢基因工程中国生物工程杂志. 2003;23(7):52-56
12.祝冬青,吴哓俊,郑珍贵,胡之璧.长春花生物碱生物合成的分子机理国外医药·植物药分册. 2004;19(3):93-99
13.徐虹,王峥涛,胡之璧. 中药DNA分子鉴定技术的发展与应用世界科学技术-中医药现代化. 2003;5(3):24-30
14.杨虹,王顺春,王峥涛,胡之璧. 铁皮石斛多糖的研究中国药学杂志. 2004;39(4):254-256
15.罗春霞,林平川,谷丽华,吴弢,吴大正,王峥涛,胡之璧. 高效液相色谱法测定黄芪中毛蕊异黄酮-7-O-b-D-葡萄吡喃糖苷的含量中国中药杂志. 2003;28(7):603-606
16.吴弢,王国艳,侴桂新,谷丽华,王峥涛,胡之璧. HPLC法测定紫菀中紫菀酮的含量中国中药杂志. 2003;28(8):738-740
17.吴大正, 胡之璧. 黄芪皂苷甲对组胺引起的大鼠脑软膜微血管内皮增加的影响. 中国中药杂志. 2001;26(12):850-853
18.吴大正, 樊懿,韩志芬,胡之璧. 水蛭素对凝血酶造成的血管内皮细胞单层通透性增高的抑制作用. 上海中医药杂志. 2002; (8):43-45
19.樊懿, 吴大正, 龚燕晴, 胡之璧, 盛民立. 当归补血汤对低渗造成的血管内皮细胞单层通透性增高的抑制作用.中药材. 2001;24(11):806-808
20.吴大正, 樊懿, 胡之璧.阿魏酸对大鼠脑微血管内皮跨膜电阻的影响. 华西药学杂志. 2001;16(2):98-100
21.樊懿, 吴大正, 胡之璧. 黄芪甲甙对组胺引起的血管内皮细胞单层通透性增高的作用.中国中医基础医学杂志. 2001;7(2):36-38
1.Y.-Q.Gong,Y.Fan,D.Z.Wu,H.Yang.Z.-B.Hu,Z.-T.Wang. In vivo and in vitro evaluation of erianin , a novel anti-angiogenic agent. European Journal of Cancer. 40(2004)1554-1565
2.Yi Fan,Da-Zheng Wu, Yan-Qing Gong,Ji-Yan Zhou,Zhi-Bi Hu. Effects of calycosin on the impairment of barrier function induced by hypoxia in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. European Journal of Pharmacology. 481(2003)33-40
3.Hong Yang,Gui-Xin Chou,Zheng-Tao Wang,Yue-Wei Guo,Zhi-Bi Hu,Luo-Shan Xu. Two new compounds from Dendrobium chrysotoxum.Helvetica Chimica Acta. 2004;87(2):394-399
4.Yong-guo Li,Ming Chen,Gui-xin Chou,Zheng-tao Wang,Zhi-bi-Hu. Ruggedness/robustness evaluation and system suitability test on United States Pharmacopoeia XXVI assay ginsenosides in Asian and American ginseng by hing-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Pharnaceutical and Biomedical Analysis.35(2004)1083-1091
5.Yong-guo Li,Fang Zhang,Zheng-tao Wang,Zhi-bi-Hu. Identification and chemical profiling of monacolins in red yeast rice using high-performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detector and mass spectrometry. Journal of Pharnaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 35(2004)1101-1112
6.Hong Yang,Gui-Xin Chou,Zheng-Tao Wang,Zhi-Bi Hu,Luo-Shan Xu. Two new fluorenones from dendrobium chrysotoxum. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research2004;6(1):35-38
7.M.Du,X.J.Wu,J.Ding,Z.B.Hu,K.N.White&C.J.Branford-White. Astragaloside IV and polysaccharide production by hairy roots of Astragalus membranaceus in bioreacters. Biotechnology.Letter. 25(2003)1853-1856
8.He Qing,Zhu En-yuan,Wang Zheng-tao,Xu Luo-shan,Hu Zhi-bi. Flavones Isolated from Codonopsis xundianensis. Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2004;13(3):212-213
9.WU Xiao-Jun, Du Min, WENG Ying-Qi, LIU Di, HU Zhi-Bi. UGPase of Astragalus membranaceus: cDNA Cloning ,Analyzing and Expressing in Excherichia coli .植物学报. 2002; 44(6):689-693
10.ZHENG Zhen-Gui, ZHOU Yu, LIU Di, HU Zhi-Bi. Cell growth and ajmalicine accumulation in a full habituated Catharanthus roseus cell line C20hi. 植物学报.2002,44(10):1146-1150
11.赵淑娟,刘涤,胡之璧. 植物次生代谢基因工程中国生物工程杂志. 2003;23(7):52-56
12.祝冬青,吴哓俊,郑珍贵,胡之璧.长春花生物碱生物合成的分子机理国外医药·植物药分册. 2004;19(3):93-99
13.徐虹,王峥涛,胡之璧. 中药DNA分子鉴定技术的发展与应用世界科学技术-中医药现代化. 2003;5(3):24-30
14.杨虹,王顺春,王峥涛,胡之璧. 铁皮石斛多糖的研究中国药学杂志. 2004;39(4):254-256
15.罗春霞,林平川,谷丽华,吴弢,吴大正,王峥涛,胡之璧. 高效液相色谱法测定黄芪中毛蕊异黄酮-7-O-b-D-葡萄吡喃糖苷的含量中国中药杂志. 2003;28(7):603-606
16.吴弢,王国艳,侴桂新,谷丽华,王峥涛,胡之璧. HPLC法测定紫菀中紫菀酮的含量中国中药杂志. 2003;28(8):738-740
17.吴大正, 胡之璧. 黄芪皂苷甲对组胺引起的大鼠脑软膜微血管内皮增加的影响. 中国中药杂志. 2001;26(12):850-853
18.吴大正, 樊懿,韩志芬,胡之璧. 水蛭素对凝血酶造成的血管内皮细胞单层通透性增高的抑制作用. 上海中医药杂志. 2002; (8):43-45
19.樊懿, 吴大正, 龚燕晴, 胡之璧, 盛民立. 当归补血汤对低渗造成的血管内皮细胞单层通透性增高的抑制作用.中药材. 2001;24(11):806-808
20.吴大正, 樊懿, 胡之璧.阿魏酸对大鼠脑微血管内皮跨膜电阻的影响. 华西药学杂志. 2001;16(2):98-100
21.樊懿, 吴大正, 胡之璧. 黄芪甲甙对组胺引起的血管内皮细胞单层通透性增高的作用.中国中医基础医学杂志. 2001;7(2):36-38