
王峥涛 男,1956年3月生,生药学教授,博士生导师。
国家药典委员会委员;中华人民共和国药典(英文版) 副主编;
中华医学科技奖和中华医学青年奖评审委员会 委员
香港赛马会中药研究院 技术顾问
主要从事中药材资源、鉴定、活性成分与质量标准研究、有毒中药的研究。获科研奖励 7项, 其中国家科技进步一等奖、三等奖各1项,国家中医药管理局科技进步一等奖2项, 吴阶平-保罗杨森医药学奖1项,首届地奥药学科技奖(中药)1项。"九五"期间,作为华东片组长,高水平完成国家攻关课题“中药材质量标准规范化研究”――龙胆等16个子课题的攻关任务,获国家科技进步二等奖,国家“九五”攻关重大科技成果。
作为主编、副主编、常务编委出版与中药质量相关专著10部,在国内外期刊上发表学术论文260余篇(SCI期刊论文54篇); 主持各类科研项目20余项。培养博士、硕士研究生30余名。先后10余次到日本、英国、美国、德国、意大利、香港、台湾等国家和地区出席国际学术会议,作特邀或大会学术报告。
1、 常用中药材品种整理和质量研究(党参、防风等68个专题),国家科技进步一等奖,1992(第7获奖人)
2、 草豆蔻、肉苁蓉等83类中药材品种鉴定和质量研究,国家科技进步三等奖,1997(第5获奖人)
3、 66种常用中药材质量标准及其对照品的研究,国家科技进步二等奖,2001 (第3获奖人)
4、 常用中药材品种整理和质量研究(党参等12类专题), 国家中医药管理局科技进步一等奖,1991(第3获奖人)
5、 草豆蔻、柴胡等17类中药材品种鉴定和质量研究,国家中医药管理局科技进步一等奖,1996(第3获奖人)
6、 吴阶平-保罗.杨森医药学奖,二等奖,1997
7、 首届地奥药学科技奖(中药)三等奖,1999
8、 常用中药材品种整理和质量研究,国家“八五”攻关重大科技成果,1996
9、 中药材质量标准规范化研究,国家“九五”攻关重大科技成果,2001
1. 徐国钧,陈金泉,王峥涛,徐珞珊,杨显荣,毕培曦. 香港常用有毒中药图鉴. 香港:商务印书馆 1994(第一副主编)
2. 徐国钧,徐珞珊,王峥涛,余伯阳,等. 常用中药材品种整理和质量研究. 南方片,第一册. 福州:福建科技出版社, 1994 (常务编委)
3. 徐国钧,徐珞珊,王峥涛,余伯阳,等. 常用中药材品种整理和质量研究. 南方片, 第二册. 福州:福建科技出版社, 1997 (副主编)
4. 郭济贤,谢培山,王峥涛,齐平. Pharmacopoiea of the People's Republic of China. (English Edition 1995). 北京:化学工业出版社, 1998 (副主编)
5. 国家中医药管理局. 中华本草(精选本),北京:中国中医药出版社,1998(药材专业编委会学术秘书)
6. 徐国钧,徐珞珊,王峥涛. 常用中药材品种整理和质量研究. 南方片, 第三册. 福州: 福建科技出版社, 2000(主编之一)
7. 徐国钧,徐珞珊,王峥涛. 常用中药材品种整理和质量研究. 南方片, 第四册. 福州:福建科技出版社, 2001 (主编之一)
8. 陆如山,等. Pharmacopoiea of the People's Republic of China. (English Edition 2000). 北京:化学工业出版社, 2000 (副主编)
1.WAng ZT, Du Q, Xu GJ, Wang RJ, Fu DZ and Ng TB. Investigations on the Protective Action of Codonopsis pilosula (Dangshen) Extract on Experimentally-Induced Gastric Ulcer in Rats. General Pharmacology 1997; 28(3):469-473
2.Wang ZT, Lau CW, Chan FL, Yao XQ, Chen ZY, He ZD, Huang Y. Vasorelaxant Efects of Cardamonin and Alpinetin from Alpinia henryi K. Schum., Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 2001, 37: 596~606
3.Wang ZT, Ma JY, Tu PF, et al.Chemotaxonomic Study of Codonopsis (Family Campanulaceae) and its Related Genera. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 1995;23(7/8):809
4.Wang ZT, Ng TB and Xu GJ. Recent Advances in Pharmacognosy Research in China. General Pharmacology.1995;26(6):1211-1124.
5.Wang ZT, Ng TB, Yeung HW and Xu GJ. Immunomodulatory Effect of a Polysaccharide_Enriched Preparation of Codonopsis pilosula Roots. Gen. Pharmacology 1996;27:1347-1350
6. Asafu-Adjaye EB, Wong SK ,…, Wang ZT, Benzezar B.As Determination of Ginsenosides (Ginseng Saponins) in Dry Root Powder from Panax ginseng, Panax quinuefolius, and Selected Commercial Products by Liquid Chromatography: Interlaboratory Study. Journal of AOAC International, 2003; 86 (6):1112-1123
7. Bi ZM, Wang ZT, Xu LS. A New Triterpene from the Orchid Pholidota yunnanensis. Chinese Chemical Letters.2004;15(10):1179-1181
8. Bi ZM, WANG ZT, XU LS. Chemical Constituents of Dendrobium moniliforme. Acta Botanica Sinica 2004, 46 (1): 124-126
9. Bi ZM, Wang ZT, Xu LS. Two new Eritepenes from the orchid Pholidota yunnanensis Rolfe. Journal of Intergrative Plant Biology. 47 (1): 116-119. 2005
10. Bi ZM, Yang L, Wang ZT, Xu LS, Xu GJ. A New Bibenzyl Derivative from Dendrobium moniliforme. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2002; 13(6):535~536
11. Cai JN, Basnet P, Wang ZT, Komatsu K, Xu LS, and Tani T. Coumarins from the fruits of Cnidium monnieri, Journal of Natural Products. 2000; 63(4):485-488
12. Dai Y, Ye WC, Wang ZT, Matsuda H, Kubo M, But PPH. Antipruritic and antinociceptive effects of Chenopodium album L. in mice. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2002, 81: 245~250
13. Ding XY, Wang ZT, Zhou KY, Xu LS, Xu H, and Wang YQ. Allele-specific primers for diagnostic PCR authentication of Dendrobium officinale. Planta Med, 2003; 69(6): 587-8.
14. Ding XY, Xu LS,Wang ZT, Zhou KY, Xu H, Wang YQ. Authentication of Stem of Dendrobium officinale by rDNA ITS region Sequences. Planta Medica, 2002,68: 191~192
15. Ding ZQ, Dai Y, Wang ZT. Hypouricemic Action of Scopoletin Arising from Xanthine Oxidase Inhibition and Uricosuric Activity. Planta med 2005; 71: 183-185
16. Feng Y, Zhang L, Cai JN, Wang ZT, Xu LS, Zhang ZX, Analysis of Cnidium monnieri fruits in different regions of China, Talanta, 2001, 53: 1155~1162
17. Fu LJ, Dai Y, Wang ZT, Zhang M. Inhibition of Experimental Allergic Rhinits by the n-butanol fraction from the anomalous fruits of Gleditsia sinensis. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 2003; 26: 974-977.
18. Fu RZ, Wang J, Zhang YB, Wang ZT, But PP, Li N, Shaw PC. Differentiation of medicinal Codonopsis species from adulterants by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. Planta Med 1999; 65(7):648-650
19. Gong YQ, Fan Y, Liu L, Wu DZ, Chang ZL, Wang ZT. Erianin induces a JNK/SAPK-dependent metabolic inhibition in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. In Vivo, 2004; 18 (2):223-228
20. Gong YQ, Fan Y, Wu DZ, Yang H, Hu ZB, Wang ZT. In vivo and in vitro evaluation of erianin, a novel anti-angiogenic agent. European Journal of Cancer, 2004, 40(10): 1554-1565
21. Ji LL, Zhang M, Sheng YC, Wang ZT. Pyrrolizidine alkaloid clivorine induces apoptosis in human normal liver L-02 cells and reduces the expression of p53 protein. Toxicology in Vitro, 2005;19(1):41-46.
22. Ji LL, Zhao XG, Chen L, Zhang M, Wang ZT. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids clivorine inhibits human normal liver L-02 cells growth and activates p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in L-02 cells. Toxicon. 2002, 40(12):1685~1690
23. Li JX, Shi Q, Xiong QB, Prasain JK, Tezuka Y, Hareyama T, Wang ZT, Tanaka K, Namba T, and Kadota S. Tridulusamide A and B, New Hepatoprotective Lignanamides from the Fruits of Tribulus terrestris: indications of Cytoprotective Activity in Murine Hepatocyte Culture. Planta Medica, 1998; 64: 628~631
24. Li YG, Chen M, Chou GX, Wang ZT, Hu ZB. Ruggedness/robustness evaluation and system suitability test on assay of Ginsenosides in Asian Ginseng and American Ginseng in United States Pharmacopoeia XXVI by High-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2004, 35:1083-1091
25. Li YG, Liu H, Heyden YV, hen M, Wang ZT, Hu ZB. Robustness tests on the United States Pharmacopoeia XXVI HPLC assay for ginsenosides in Asian and American ginseng using an experimental design. Analytica Chimica Acta 2005, 536: 29–38
26. Li YG. Zhang F, Wang ZT, Hu ZB. Identification and chemical profiling of monacolins in red yeast rice using high-performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detector and mass spectrometry. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2004, 35:1101-1112
27. Li YS, Wang ZT, Zhang M, Chen JJ and Luo SD. Two new norsesquiterpenes from Ligularia lapathifolia. Natural Product Reseach, 2004, 18 (2): 99~104
28. Li YS, Wang ZT, Zhang M, Luo SD, Chen JJ. A new pinoresinol-type lignan from Ligularia kanaitizensis. Nat Prod Res. 2005; 19 (2):125-9
29. Li YS, Wang ZT, Zhang M, Zhou H, Chen JJ, Luo SD. New Eremophilane-Type Sesquiterpenes from Ligularia lapathifolia. Planta Med. 2004, 70(3):239-243.
30. Lin G, Cui YY, Liu XQ, Wang ZT. Species differences in the in vitro metabolic activation of the hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids clivorine. Chem Res Toxicol, 2002, 15(11): 1421~1428
31. Lin G, Rose P, Chatson KB, Hawes EM, Zhao XG, Wang ZT. Characterization of two structural forms of otonecine-type pyrrolizidine alkaloids from Ligularia hodgsonii by NMR Spectroscopy. J. Nat. Prod. 2000, 63:857-860
32. Lin G, Zhou KY, Zhao XG, Wang ZT, But . PPH. Determination of Hepatotoxic Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids by On-line High Performance Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry with an Electrospray Interface. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 1998; 12: 1445-1456
33. Lowe PR, Sadler IH, Wang ZT, et al. Reassignment of the Sterochemistry of Oblonginine. Phytochemistry 1998; 47 (5):887-890
34. Ma JY, Wang ZT, Xu LS, et al. A New Sesquiterpene Glucoside From Ixeris denticulata f. pinnatipartita. phytochemistry, 1999; 50:113-115.
35. Ma JY, Wang ZT, Xu LS, et al. Sesquiterpene Lactones From Ixeris sonchifolia. Phytochemistry 1998,48(1):201~203
36. Ng TB, Ling JML, Wang ZT, et al. Examination of Coumarin, Flavonoids and Polysaccharopeptide for Antibacterial Activity. General Pharmacology 1996; 27(4):1237-1240
37. Ng TB, Liu F and Wang ZT, Antioxidative activity of natural products from plants. Life Science. 2000,66(8):709-723
38. Ng TB, Liu F, Lu YH, Cheng CHK, Wang ZT. Antioxidant activity of compounds from the medicinal herb Aster tataricus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 2003; 136:109-115.
39. Tan AM, Li YS, Yang H, Wang ZT. Two New Pyrrolizidines from Liqularia Lankongensis. Chinese Chemical Letters. 15 (1): 68-70. 2004
40. Tan AM, Wang ZT, He HP, Zhang M, Hao XJ. New pyrrolizidine alkaloids from ligularia tsangchanensis. Heterocycles 2003, 66: 1195 - 1198
41. Tang J, Wang ZT, Teruaki Akao, Norio Nakamura, Masa Hattori. Two new lactones metabolized from isoline by rat liver microsomes. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2003, 14(12): 1271-1274
42. Tang J, Zhang M, Wang ZT, Akao T., Nakamura N, Hattori M, Xu GJ. Preparation and Characterization of Two New Putative Metabolites of Isoline. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines. 2003; 1: 21-23
43. Tang J, Zhang M, Wang ZT, Akao Teruaki, Nakamura Norio, Hattori Masao. Simultaneous determination of isoline and its two major metabolites using high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Analytical Toxicology,2004; 28(1): 11-5.
44. Wang CH, Wang ZT, Bligh SWA, White KN, Branford-White CJ. Pharmacokinetics and Tissue Distribution of Gentiopicroside Following Oral and Intravenous Administration in Mice. European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, 2004, 29:199-203
45. Wu T, Bligh SWA, Gu LH, Wang ZT, Liu HP, Cheng XM, Branford-White CJ, Hu ZB. Simultaneous determination of six isoflavonoids in commercial Radix Astragali by HPLC-UV. Fitoterapia 2005; 76 (2): 157-165
46. Yang H, Chou GX, Wang ZT, Guo YW, Hu ZB, Xu LS. Two new compounds from Dendrobium chrysotoxum. Helvetica Chimica Acta,2004, 87 (2):394-399
47. Yang H, Chou GX, Wang ZT, Hu ZB and Xu LS. Two new fluorenones from Dendrobium Chrysotoxum. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research 2004, 6 (1):35-38
48. Yang L, Zhang CF, Yang H, Zhang M, Wang ZT, Xu LS. Two New Alkaloids from Dendrobium chrysanthum Heterocycles 2005; 65 (3): 633-636
49. Zhang CF, Nakamura N, Tewtrakul S, Hattori M, Sun QS, Wang ZT, and Fujiwara T. Sesquiterpenes and Alkaloids from Lindera chunii and Their Inhibitory Activities against HIV-1 Integrase. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2002, 50(9): 1195~1200
50. Zhang M, Wang ZT, Qin HL, Zhao XG, XU GJ, Li JX, Namba T. Two New Dibenzofurans from the Underground Parts of Ligularia intermedia, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2002, 13(7):620~622
51. Zhang YB, Ngan FN , Wang ZT, Ng TB, But PPH, Shaw PC, Wang J. Random Primed Polymerase Chain Reaction Differentiates Codonopsis pilosula from Different Localities. Planta Medica 1999;65:157-160
52. Zhang YB, Wang J, Wang ZT, But PP, Shaw PC. DNA microarray for identification of the herb of Dendrobium species from Chinese medicinal formulations. Planta Med. 2003, 69 (12):1172-4.
53. Zhao ZL, Wang ZT, Xu LS, Zhou KY. Studies on the molecular markers of rhizomes of some Alpinia species. Planta Medica, 2002, 68(6): 574~576
54. Zhou TS, Ye WC, Wang ZT, et al. b-Carboline alkaloids from hypodemabium aquamuloso-pilosum. Phytochem. 1998; 49(6):1807-1809
国家药典委员会委员;中华人民共和国药典(英文版) 副主编;
中华医学科技奖和中华医学青年奖评审委员会 委员
香港赛马会中药研究院 技术顾问
主要从事中药材资源、鉴定、活性成分与质量标准研究、有毒中药的研究。获科研奖励 7项, 其中国家科技进步一等奖、三等奖各1项,国家中医药管理局科技进步一等奖2项, 吴阶平-保罗杨森医药学奖1项,首届地奥药学科技奖(中药)1项。"九五"期间,作为华东片组长,高水平完成国家攻关课题“中药材质量标准规范化研究”――龙胆等16个子课题的攻关任务,获国家科技进步二等奖,国家“九五”攻关重大科技成果。
作为主编、副主编、常务编委出版与中药质量相关专著10部,在国内外期刊上发表学术论文260余篇(SCI期刊论文54篇); 主持各类科研项目20余项。培养博士、硕士研究生30余名。先后10余次到日本、英国、美国、德国、意大利、香港、台湾等国家和地区出席国际学术会议,作特邀或大会学术报告。
1、 常用中药材品种整理和质量研究(党参、防风等68个专题),国家科技进步一等奖,1992(第7获奖人)
2、 草豆蔻、肉苁蓉等83类中药材品种鉴定和质量研究,国家科技进步三等奖,1997(第5获奖人)
3、 66种常用中药材质量标准及其对照品的研究,国家科技进步二等奖,2001 (第3获奖人)
4、 常用中药材品种整理和质量研究(党参等12类专题), 国家中医药管理局科技进步一等奖,1991(第3获奖人)
5、 草豆蔻、柴胡等17类中药材品种鉴定和质量研究,国家中医药管理局科技进步一等奖,1996(第3获奖人)
6、 吴阶平-保罗.杨森医药学奖,二等奖,1997
7、 首届地奥药学科技奖(中药)三等奖,1999
8、 常用中药材品种整理和质量研究,国家“八五”攻关重大科技成果,1996
9、 中药材质量标准规范化研究,国家“九五”攻关重大科技成果,2001
1. 徐国钧,陈金泉,王峥涛,徐珞珊,杨显荣,毕培曦. 香港常用有毒中药图鉴. 香港:商务印书馆 1994(第一副主编)
2. 徐国钧,徐珞珊,王峥涛,余伯阳,等. 常用中药材品种整理和质量研究. 南方片,第一册. 福州:福建科技出版社, 1994 (常务编委)
3. 徐国钧,徐珞珊,王峥涛,余伯阳,等. 常用中药材品种整理和质量研究. 南方片, 第二册. 福州:福建科技出版社, 1997 (副主编)
4. 郭济贤,谢培山,王峥涛,齐平. Pharmacopoiea of the People's Republic of China. (English Edition 1995). 北京:化学工业出版社, 1998 (副主编)
5. 国家中医药管理局. 中华本草(精选本),北京:中国中医药出版社,1998(药材专业编委会学术秘书)
6. 徐国钧,徐珞珊,王峥涛. 常用中药材品种整理和质量研究. 南方片, 第三册. 福州: 福建科技出版社, 2000(主编之一)
7. 徐国钧,徐珞珊,王峥涛. 常用中药材品种整理和质量研究. 南方片, 第四册. 福州:福建科技出版社, 2001 (主编之一)
8. 陆如山,等. Pharmacopoiea of the People's Republic of China. (English Edition 2000). 北京:化学工业出版社, 2000 (副主编)
1.WAng ZT, Du Q, Xu GJ, Wang RJ, Fu DZ and Ng TB. Investigations on the Protective Action of Codonopsis pilosula (Dangshen) Extract on Experimentally-Induced Gastric Ulcer in Rats. General Pharmacology 1997; 28(3):469-473
2.Wang ZT, Lau CW, Chan FL, Yao XQ, Chen ZY, He ZD, Huang Y. Vasorelaxant Efects of Cardamonin and Alpinetin from Alpinia henryi K. Schum., Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 2001, 37: 596~606
3.Wang ZT, Ma JY, Tu PF, et al.Chemotaxonomic Study of Codonopsis (Family Campanulaceae) and its Related Genera. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 1995;23(7/8):809
4.Wang ZT, Ng TB and Xu GJ. Recent Advances in Pharmacognosy Research in China. General Pharmacology.1995;26(6):1211-1124.
5.Wang ZT, Ng TB, Yeung HW and Xu GJ. Immunomodulatory Effect of a Polysaccharide_Enriched Preparation of Codonopsis pilosula Roots. Gen. Pharmacology 1996;27:1347-1350
6. Asafu-Adjaye EB, Wong SK ,…, Wang ZT, Benzezar B.As Determination of Ginsenosides (Ginseng Saponins) in Dry Root Powder from Panax ginseng, Panax quinuefolius, and Selected Commercial Products by Liquid Chromatography: Interlaboratory Study. Journal of AOAC International, 2003; 86 (6):1112-1123
7. Bi ZM, Wang ZT, Xu LS. A New Triterpene from the Orchid Pholidota yunnanensis. Chinese Chemical Letters.2004;15(10):1179-1181
8. Bi ZM, WANG ZT, XU LS. Chemical Constituents of Dendrobium moniliforme. Acta Botanica Sinica 2004, 46 (1): 124-126
9. Bi ZM, Wang ZT, Xu LS. Two new Eritepenes from the orchid Pholidota yunnanensis Rolfe. Journal of Intergrative Plant Biology. 47 (1): 116-119. 2005
10. Bi ZM, Yang L, Wang ZT, Xu LS, Xu GJ. A New Bibenzyl Derivative from Dendrobium moniliforme. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2002; 13(6):535~536
11. Cai JN, Basnet P, Wang ZT, Komatsu K, Xu LS, and Tani T. Coumarins from the fruits of Cnidium monnieri, Journal of Natural Products. 2000; 63(4):485-488
12. Dai Y, Ye WC, Wang ZT, Matsuda H, Kubo M, But PPH. Antipruritic and antinociceptive effects of Chenopodium album L. in mice. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2002, 81: 245~250
13. Ding XY, Wang ZT, Zhou KY, Xu LS, Xu H, and Wang YQ. Allele-specific primers for diagnostic PCR authentication of Dendrobium officinale. Planta Med, 2003; 69(6): 587-8.
14. Ding XY, Xu LS,Wang ZT, Zhou KY, Xu H, Wang YQ. Authentication of Stem of Dendrobium officinale by rDNA ITS region Sequences. Planta Medica, 2002,68: 191~192
15. Ding ZQ, Dai Y, Wang ZT. Hypouricemic Action of Scopoletin Arising from Xanthine Oxidase Inhibition and Uricosuric Activity. Planta med 2005; 71: 183-185
16. Feng Y, Zhang L, Cai JN, Wang ZT, Xu LS, Zhang ZX, Analysis of Cnidium monnieri fruits in different regions of China, Talanta, 2001, 53: 1155~1162
17. Fu LJ, Dai Y, Wang ZT, Zhang M. Inhibition of Experimental Allergic Rhinits by the n-butanol fraction from the anomalous fruits of Gleditsia sinensis. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 2003; 26: 974-977.
18. Fu RZ, Wang J, Zhang YB, Wang ZT, But PP, Li N, Shaw PC. Differentiation of medicinal Codonopsis species from adulterants by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. Planta Med 1999; 65(7):648-650
19. Gong YQ, Fan Y, Liu L, Wu DZ, Chang ZL, Wang ZT. Erianin induces a JNK/SAPK-dependent metabolic inhibition in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. In Vivo, 2004; 18 (2):223-228
20. Gong YQ, Fan Y, Wu DZ, Yang H, Hu ZB, Wang ZT. In vivo and in vitro evaluation of erianin, a novel anti-angiogenic agent. European Journal of Cancer, 2004, 40(10): 1554-1565
21. Ji LL, Zhang M, Sheng YC, Wang ZT. Pyrrolizidine alkaloid clivorine induces apoptosis in human normal liver L-02 cells and reduces the expression of p53 protein. Toxicology in Vitro, 2005;19(1):41-46.
22. Ji LL, Zhao XG, Chen L, Zhang M, Wang ZT. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids clivorine inhibits human normal liver L-02 cells growth and activates p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in L-02 cells. Toxicon. 2002, 40(12):1685~1690
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