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Email: sunjh@ustc.edu.cn
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民 族:

出 生 年 月:
籍 贯:
最 后 学 历:
职 称:
职 务:
1979.9-1983.7 南京理工大学化学工程系学习,获学士学位
1986.9-1988.12 南京理工大学化工学院攻读硕士学位,获硕士学位
1996.4-1999.3 日本东京大学工学院攻读博士学位,获博士学位
1989.1-1995.10 安徽理工大学化工系工作,历任讲师、副教授
1999.4-2002.3 受聘于日本科学技术厅,在日本国立消防研究所工作,任研究员
2002.4- 在中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室从事教学和科研工作,教授、博导
l 中国消防协会学术委员会委员
l 安徽省消防协会常务理事
l 中国城市规划学会城市安全与防灾学术委员会委员
l 《中国科学技术大学学报》、《工程力学》、《安全与环境学报》、《安全》等杂志编委
l 8th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science、2003 International Symposium on Fire Science and Fire-Protection Engineering等国际重要学术会议组委会执行委员、委员
l 科技部国际科技合作计划评价专家
l 安徽省安全生产专家组专家
l 火焰微观结构及其加速传播机理研究
l 多参数耦合的火蔓延与突变规律研究
l 危险化学品热自燃动力学机理及其热危险性评价方法研究
1. 揭示了典型可燃粉尘云(金属和有机粉尘)中传播火焰的微观结构,建立了单一微粒子燃烧的物理模型和火焰结构模型;从理论和实验上揭示了可燃粉尘云爆炸下限比可燃气体爆炸下限低的本质规律,完善了贫燃极限附近气-固非均相火焰传播理论;揭示了典型云雾火焰微观结构特征及火焰从层流向湍流转变的动力规律;
2. 共同创建了基于火灾双重性规律与统计理论相耦合的火灾风险评估的理论体系和方法学,实现火灾风险的量化及动态评估;
3. 构建了危险化学物品热自燃危险性评价的均温、非均温理论模型,建立了用直接迭代法和根据分歧理论发展的数值分析法计算非均温系统的热爆炸临界参的方法;建立了评价危险化学品热自燃危险性的小药量实验方法;
4. 解决了过期发射药安全改型粉碎的理论问题和实际技术问题,成功地将过期发射药通过改型后制备出了安全、高能、储存性能优良的09-II系列浆状炸药,为国家军需物资的战略储备安全提供了理论依据和技术保障。
2002年4月回国后,主持了中科院“百人计划”项目、973项目子课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目等国家和省部级重要科研课题10余项。近5年,在Combustion and Flame, Fire Safety Journal、《科学通报》等国内外高水平学术期刊发表学术论文80余篇,其中SCI收录28篇,EI收录论文6篇(不计重复)。撰写学术著作2部。部分研究成果已被应用于国家的重大工程中和公益项目,取得了显著的社会效益和经济效益。
2 主持或参加的国家级重大科研项目(2002年4月回国后)
l 973项目子课题(2001CB4096006),基于火灾动力学和小样本统计理论耦合的火灾风险评估方法学,2002.4-2006.10
l 国家自然科学基金面上项目(50576093),瓦斯、煤尘复合火焰微观结构及其加速传播机理研究,2006.1-2008.12,
l 奥运科技专项子课题(2002BA904B11),化学品相关紧急事故处理及决策支持信息系统研究,2002.4-2005.12
l 国家自然科学基金委重点项目(50536030),多参数耦合的火灾动力学演化与突变研究,2006.1-2009.12
l 国家自然科学基金委重大国际合作研究项目(50320120156),热-力耦合作用下重大建筑火灾安全的基础研究,2003.1-2006.12
l 国家科技部“十五”攻关滚动项目(2004BA803B05-06), 合肥市公共安全应急示范试点研究,2005.1-2006.6
2 教学工作
l 1993年获国家科技进步一等奖
l 2001年入选中国科学院《引进国外杰出人才》计划(百人计划)
l 2005年中国科学院“百人计划”终期评估获得“优秀百人”称号
l 2006年国家科技进步二等奖(公示中)
l 《化学物质热危险性评价》(科学出版社,2005, 5)
l 《火灾风险评估方法学》(科学出版社,2004, 6)
1. Peng Chen, Jin-Hua Sun,X ue-chao He, Behavior of Flame Spread,Downward over Thick Wood Sheets and Heat Transfer Analysis, Journal of FIRE SCIENCES, 2007,25 (1) 5-21, SCI:126BX
2. Si-ning Chen, Jinhua Sun, Guanquan Chu,Small scale experiments on boiling liquid expanding vapor explosions:Vessel over-pressure Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 2007, 20 (1) 45-51 SCI:128LY
3. Qingsong Wang, Jinhua Sun, Chunhua Chen,Thermal Stability of Delithiated LiMn2O4 with Electrolyte for Lithium-Ion Batteries Journal fo The Electrochemical Society 2007, 154 (4)
, A263-A267, SCI:144JL
4. Yi Liu, Jinhua Sun, Dongliang Chen,Flame propagation in hybrid mixture of coal dust and methane,Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2007, 20 (4-6), 691-697, SCI: 27DH, EI: 073710808273
5. CHEN Xianfeng, SUN Jinhua, LU Shouxiang,etal. Influence of rarefaction wave on premixed flame structure and propagation behavior PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE, 2007, 17 (3) 328-333, SCI:163WM
6. CHEN Xianfeng, SUN Jinhua, LIU Yi,etal, Microstructure of premixed propane/air flame in the transition from laminar to turbulent combustion Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007 52 (5), 685-691, SCI:161WN
7. Q. S. Wang, J. H. Sun,G. Q. Chu,etal. EFFECT OF LiPF6 ON THE THERMAL BEHAVIORS OF FOUR ORGANIC SOLVENTS FOR LITHIUM ION BATTERIES,Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2007,89 (1) 245-250,SCI:189LZ
8. Qingsong Wang,Jinhua Sun,Enhancing the safety of lithium ion batteries by 4-isopropyl phenyl diphenyl phosphate,Materials Letters,2007 61 (16) 3338-3340,SCI:177IF
9. Qingsong Wang,Jinhua Sun,Chunhua Chen,Enhancing the thermal stability of LiCoO2 electrode by 4-isopropyl phenyl diphenyl phosphate in lithium ion batteries,Journal of power Sources,2006 162 (2) 1363-1366,SCI: 116SB,EI:064610245959
10. Chen sining,Sun jinhua,Chen dongliang,The application of the high-speed photography in the experiments of Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosions,Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering,v 6279 PART 1, 27th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics, 2007, p 62791,EI:071710574554
11. Dongliang Chen,Jinhua Sun,Sining Chen, etal. Guanquan Chu Experimental study on the flame behaviors of premixed methane/air mixture in horizontal rectangular ducts Proc. of SPIE,2007 6279 627943-1; 627943-6,EI:071510574632
12. Qingsong Wang,Jinhua Sun, Xiaolin Yao,etal. Micro calorimeter study on the thermal stability of lithium-ion battery electrolytes, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 19(5), 561-569, 2006
13. Chu Guanquan,Sun Jinhua, The Effect of Pre-movement Time and Occupant Density on Evacuation Time, Journal of Fire Sciences, 24(3), 237-259, 2006.
14. Sun Jinhua, Dobashi Ritsu and Hirano Toshisuke, Velocity and number density profiles of particles across upward and downward flame propagating through iron particle clouds, J. Loss Prevention, .19(2-3), 135-141, 2006.
15. Qingsong Wang, Jinhua Sun, Xiaolin Yao, Chunhua Chen. Study on the Kinetics Properties of Lithium Hexafluorophosphate Thermal Decomposition Reaction, Solid State Ionics, 177(1-2)137-140, 2006.
16. Qingsong Wang, Jinhua Sun, Xiaolin Yao, Chunhua Chen. Thermal behavior of lithiated graphite with electrolyte in lithium ion batteries, Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 153(2) A329-333, 2006. SCI: 001NK
17. Qingsong Wang, Jinhua Sun, Xiaolin Yao, Chunhua Chen. C80 calorimeter studies on the thermal behavior of LiPF6 solutions, Journal of Solution Chemistry, 35(2)175-185, 2006.
18. Jinhua Sun, Ritsu Dobashi and Toshisuke Hirano, Structure of flames propagating through aluminum particles cloud and combustion process of particles, J. Loss Prevention, 19(6), 561-569, 2006
19. Chu Guanquan, Sun Jinhua, Chen Sining Effect of Pre-evacuation Time and Exit Width on Evacuation, Chinese Science Bulletin,
20. Chen peng, Sun Jinhua, He Xuechao, Behavior of Flame Spread Downward over Thick Wood Sheets and Heat transfer analysis, J. of Fire Science, 24(4),2006
21. Qingsong Wang,Jinhua Sun, Guanquan Chu Xiaolin Yao, Chunhua Chen, Effect of LiPF6 on the thermal behaviors of four organic solvents for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2006, in press
22. Chu Guanquan, Sun Jinhua, Chen Sining, Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Evacuees in Building Fires, Building and 2006,in press
23. Chen peng, Sun Jinhua, He Xuechao, Behavior of Flame Spread Downward over Thick Wood Sheets and Heat transfer analysis, J. of Fire Science, 2006,in press
24. 陈思凝,孙金华,褚冠全,陈先锋,锅炉沸腾液体膨胀蒸汽爆炸的小尺寸模拟实验,热能动力工程, 21(2),132-135,2006(EI)
25. Jinhua Sun, Zhanhui Sun, Qingsong Wang, Hui Ding, Tong Wang and Changsheng Jiang, Catalytic effects of inorganic acids on the decomposition of ammonium nitrate, J. Hazardous Materials, B127, 204-210, 2005.
26. Qingsong Wang, Jinhua Sun, Xiaolin Yao, Chunhua Chen, Thermal Stability of LiPF6/EC+DEC Electrolyte with charged electrodes for lithium ion batteries, Thermochimica Acta,437:12-16, 2005.
27. Qingsong Wang, Jinhua Sun, Xiaolin Yao, Chunhua Chen, Isopropyl phenyl diphenyl phosphate as flame-retardant additive for lithium-ion battery electrolyte,Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters,8(9), 467-470, 2005.
28. Jinhua Sun, Ping Lu and Kazutoshi Hasegawa, Cause analysis of the fire and explosion of asphalt-salt mixture in a nuclear wastes processing plant, Fire safety Journal, 40(5), 411-424, 2005.
29. SUN Jinhua, LIU Yi, WANG Qingsong &CHEN Peng, Experimental study on interference effect of rarefaction wave to laminar propagating flame, Chinese Science Bulletin, 50(9) 919-922, 2005
30. Xin-Rui Li, Jin-Hua Sun, Hiroshi Koseki, and Kazutoshi Hasegawa, Experimental Determination of the Minimum Onset Temperature of Run-away Reaction from a Radioactive Salt Disposal in Asphalt, Journal of Hazardous Materials, A120, 51-56, 2005.
31. X.L. Yao, S. Xie, C.H. Chen, Q.S. Wang, J.H. Sun, Y.L. Li, S.X. Lu, Comparative study of trimethyl phosphite and trimethyl phosphate as electrolyte additives in lithium ion batteries, Journal of Power Source, 144, 170-175, 2005.
32. X.L. Yao, S. Xie, C.H. Chen, Q.S. Wang, J.H. Sun, Y.L. Li, S.X. Lu, Comparisons of graphite and spinel Li1.33Ti1.67 O4 as anode materials for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 50(19), 4076-4081, 2005.
33. Jinhua Sun, Xinrei Li, Kazutoshi Hasegawa, Guangxuan, Liao, Thermal Hazard Evaluation of Complex Reactive Substance Using Calorimeters and Dewar Vessel,J. Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 76(2004) 883-893, 2004.
34. Ping Lu, Guangxuan Liao, Jinhua Sun, Peide Li, Experimental Research on Index Gas of the Coal Spontaneous Combustion at Low-temperature Stage, J. Loss Prevention, 17(2004) 243-247, 2004.
35. Mahong Yu, Yongfu Li, Jinhua Sun, Kazutoshi Hasegawa, Evaluation on Thermal Explosion by Slightly Exothermic Interface Reaction, J. Hazardous Materials, B113(2004) 165-174.
36. Wang Qingsong, Sun Jinhua, Fault Tree Analysis and Countermeasures for Lithium-ion Battery Explosion, Progress in safety science and technology IV. 2014-2018, 2004. (EI).
37. Chen Shining, Sun Jinhua and Wang Qingshong, Experimental investigation of the Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion, Progress in safety science and technology IV. 2154-2158, 2004. (EI)
38. 孙金华,卢平,刘义,空气中悬浮金属微粒子的燃烧特性,南京理工大学学报,29(5),582-586,2005,(EI)
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