程学礼,男,1975年6月生,讲师。2002年毕业于曲阜师范大学化学系,获理学硕士学位。毕业后来到泰山学院化学系工作,主要从事化学信息学方面的研究和教学工作。在《Journal of Molecule Structure》、《Chinese Journal of Chemistry》、《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》等杂志发表多篇科研论文,作为第二研究人参加国家自然科学基金项目;曾获泰山学院中青年优秀教学成果二等奖、山东省高校优秀科研成果三等奖等荣誉称号。
1.浅谈网络背景下大学生的自我意识. 教育教学专集,2008
3. Gaussian程序在化学教学中的应用.泰山学院学报,2007年12月
6.积极应对“考研热”,切实提高教学质量.泰山学院学报28卷 教育教学专辑,2006
1. Vibrational mode analysis for the multi-channel reaction of CH3O + CO.Chemical Physics Letters, 353 (2002) 281-289
2. Reaction Mechanism Investigation Using Vibrational Mode Analysis for Multichannel Reaction of CH3O + CO. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2002, 20, 738-745
3. Mechanistic investigation and frequencies mode analysis for the reaction of O (3P) with CHClF radical. Journal of Molecule Structure (Theochem), 617 (2002) 69-76.
4. Existence of hydrogen bonding between the hydrogen sulfide and hydroperoxy radical: H2S·HO2. Journal of Molecule Structure (Theochem), 586 (2002) 149-157
5. Investigation on mechanism of the decomposition reaction of CH3OF with vibrational mode analysis. Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 59 (2003) 2553-2559.
6. Mechanistic investigation on the multi-channel reaction of Cl + CH2CO. Journal of Molecule Structure (Theochem), 620 (2003) 207-214 (No. 3).
7. Vibrational mode analysis for the multi-channel reaction of CH3CCH + H. Journal of Molecule Structure (Theochem), 685 (2004) 109-115.
8. Reaction mechanism for the F+CH2CO reaction system based on density functional theory and vibrational mode analysis. Journal of Molecule Structure (Theochem) 638 (2003) 27-35.
9. Vibratioanl analysis for multi-channel reactions of o-pyridyl radical based on DFT methods. Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 60 (2004) 907-914.
10. Theoretical studies on p-pyridyl radical decomposition reactions. Journal of Molecule Structure (Theochem) 678 (2004) 17-21.
11. Mechanistic and dynamic investigations for multi-channel reaction of CH3O2+NO. Journal of Molecule Structure (Theochem), 725 (2005) 103-109.
12. Reaction mechanism of decomposition system of m-pyridyl radical: a theoretical investigation. Journal of Molecule Structure (Theochem), 2005, 731: 89-99.
13. Dynamic Investigation and Reaction Mechanism for Multi-channel Decomposition Reactions of p-pyridyl Radical. Computers and Applied Chemistry, 2006,23(6) :527-530.
1. 泰山学院首届中青年教学竞赛二等奖 2004.12
2. 泰安市第六届青年科技奖 2003.07
3. “多通道键断裂电子转移反应的理论研究” 山东省优秀硕士学位论文 2004.07
4. “多通道电子转移反应的机理研究” 山东省高校优秀科研成果奖励三等奖,第一位 2005.12
5.“自由基反应的机理研究” 山东省高校优秀科研成果奖励三等奖,第一位 2006.11
1.浅谈网络背景下大学生的自我意识. 教育教学专集,2008
3. Gaussian程序在化学教学中的应用.泰山学院学报,2007年12月
6.积极应对“考研热”,切实提高教学质量.泰山学院学报28卷 教育教学专辑,2006
1. Vibrational mode analysis for the multi-channel reaction of CH3O + CO.Chemical Physics Letters, 353 (2002) 281-289
2. Reaction Mechanism Investigation Using Vibrational Mode Analysis for Multichannel Reaction of CH3O + CO. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2002, 20, 738-745
3. Mechanistic investigation and frequencies mode analysis for the reaction of O (3P) with CHClF radical. Journal of Molecule Structure (Theochem), 617 (2002) 69-76.
4. Existence of hydrogen bonding between the hydrogen sulfide and hydroperoxy radical: H2S·HO2. Journal of Molecule Structure (Theochem), 586 (2002) 149-157
5. Investigation on mechanism of the decomposition reaction of CH3OF with vibrational mode analysis. Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 59 (2003) 2553-2559.
6. Mechanistic investigation on the multi-channel reaction of Cl + CH2CO. Journal of Molecule Structure (Theochem), 620 (2003) 207-214 (No. 3).
7. Vibrational mode analysis for the multi-channel reaction of CH3CCH + H. Journal of Molecule Structure (Theochem), 685 (2004) 109-115.
8. Reaction mechanism for the F+CH2CO reaction system based on density functional theory and vibrational mode analysis. Journal of Molecule Structure (Theochem) 638 (2003) 27-35.
9. Vibratioanl analysis for multi-channel reactions of o-pyridyl radical based on DFT methods. Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 60 (2004) 907-914.
10. Theoretical studies on p-pyridyl radical decomposition reactions. Journal of Molecule Structure (Theochem) 678 (2004) 17-21.
11. Mechanistic and dynamic investigations for multi-channel reaction of CH3O2+NO. Journal of Molecule Structure (Theochem), 725 (2005) 103-109.
12. Reaction mechanism of decomposition system of m-pyridyl radical: a theoretical investigation. Journal of Molecule Structure (Theochem), 2005, 731: 89-99.
13. Dynamic Investigation and Reaction Mechanism for Multi-channel Decomposition Reactions of p-pyridyl Radical. Computers and Applied Chemistry, 2006,23(6) :527-530.
1. 泰山学院首届中青年教学竞赛二等奖 2004.12
2. 泰安市第六届青年科技奖 2003.07
3. “多通道键断裂电子转移反应的理论研究” 山东省优秀硕士学位论文 2004.07
4. “多通道电子转移反应的机理研究” 山东省高校优秀科研成果奖励三等奖,第一位 2005.12
5.“自由基反应的机理研究” 山东省高校优秀科研成果奖励三等奖,第一位 2006.11