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姓 名 欧阳冶华 性 别 男
出生年月 1952-12-07 民 族 汉族
工作单位 资源环境学院 籍 贯 湖北武汉
职 称 副教授 职 务 NONE
毕业学校 Pensylvania State Univ,USA 毕业专业 Mineral Science
最终学历 研究生 最终学位 博士
通信地址 http://xbop.objectis.net 联系电话 13349953328
电子邮件 zxo102@gmail.com
1994-1996: Post-Doctor Fellow, The College of Earth and Mineral Science,Pennsylvania State University. U.S.A
1992-1994: Ph.D. The College of Earth and Mineral Science. Pennsylvania State University. U.S.A
1991 - 1992: M.S. The College of Earth and Mineral Science. Pennsylvania State University. U.S.A
. Ouyang etc, Characterization of Hydraulic Fracture with Inflated Dislocation Moving Within a Semi-Infinite Medium, 中国矿大学报(英文版), 2006, accepted
欧阳治华等, 正兴铁矿后期回采围岩破坏规律的数值模拟,武汉科技大学,2006, accepted
欧阳治华等, 现代物流PUT/PICK电子配送系统,物流科技, 2006, accepted
欧阳治华等, 基于应变耦合渗流模型的裂隙岩体弹性模量研究, 岩石力学与工程学报, 2006, submitted
Z. Ouyang A Poroelastic PKN Hydraulic Fracture Model Incorporating Dislocation Theory, 河南焦作会议, 2006, accepted
欧阳治华等. 基于GDAS中间件技术互联网架构下有限元数值模拟的研究. 第二届全国岩土与工程学术大会论文集上册. 湖北:科学出版社. 2006:458~464
欧阳治华等. GDAS 中间件技术在数字矿山中的应用, ISSN1671-2900 CN 43-1347/TD. 采矿技术.第七届全国采矿学术会议论文集.第6卷 第3期 pp 504-507, Sept. 2006
Z. Ouyang A Theoretical Model of Rock Mass Modulus Evaluation, International Conference, IWMST, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, 2006
Z. Ouyang, D. Elsworth, et al “Theory of Volumetuic Moving Dislocation in Poroelastic Halfspace and Characterization of Magma Intrusion Events”, Journal of China University of Geosciences, Volume 16 No.1, pp 58-65, March 2005
欧阳治华, GDAS应用服务器的B/S结构学校机房管理系统设计与应用,教育信息化,2005 11
Elsworth, D., Liu, J. and Ouyang, Z. (2000) Some approaches to determine the potential influence of longwall mining on ground water resources. Proc. Int. Land Reclam. and Mine Drainage Conf. And 3rd Int. Conf. on the Abatement of Acidic Drainage, Bu. Mines Special Publication SP 06D-644,Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania, April, pp. 172 - 179.
Ouyang, Z. and Elsworth, D. (1995) Design charts for flow into a mined panel. Proc. 34th U.S. Symp. R. Mechs., ed. B. Haimson, Madison, Wisconsin, June, pp. 729 - 732.
Ouyang, Z. and Elsworth, D. (1993) Evaluation of groundwater flow into mined panels. Int. J. R. Mechs. Min. Sci. & Geomechs. Abstr. Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 71 - 80. ISSN 0148-9062
Ouyang, Z. and Elsworth, D. (1991). A phenomenological failure criterion for brittle rock. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Vol. 24, pp. 133 - 153. ISSN 0723-2632
Zhihua, O. and Elsworth, D. (1989). An adaptive characteristics method for advective-diffusive transport. Appl. Math. Model., Vol. 13, pp 682-692. ISSN 0307-904X
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