职 称:教授
办公地点:理工楼 7S09室
电子邮箱: scw@ruc.edu.cn
电 话: 0086-10-62511571
传 真: 0086-10-62517887
1994年 University of Science and Technology of China,
Bachelor of Science, Physics
1997年 University of Science and Technology of China,
Master of Science, Physics
2004年 Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA Ph.D., Physics
1998年9月至2004年2月 Department of Physics, Boston College,
Chestnut Hill,MA Research Assistant
2004年3月至现在 Department of Physics, Boston University,MA
Research Associate
1. Experiment on Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
2. Operation of synchrotron beamline with Ultra-Violate and X-Ray radiation
3. Theory and experiment in conventional and high temperature superconductivity
4. Theory and experiment in Metal-Insulator transition system
5. Skill of ultra-high vacuum technology and surface science
6. Scientific data process and analysis
1. Synchrotron Radiation Center, Madison, Wisconsin
2. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Brookhaven, New York
3. Jefferson Laboratory, Virginia
4. Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
5. University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
6. Florida International University, Miami, Florida
7. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee
办公地点:理工楼 7S09室
电子邮箱: scw@ruc.edu.cn
电 话: 0086-10-62511571
传 真: 0086-10-62517887
1994年 University of Science and Technology of China,
Bachelor of Science, Physics
1997年 University of Science and Technology of China,
Master of Science, Physics
2004年 Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA Ph.D., Physics
1998年9月至2004年2月 Department of Physics, Boston College,
Chestnut Hill,MA Research Assistant
2004年3月至现在 Department of Physics, Boston University,MA
Research Associate
1. Experiment on Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
2. Operation of synchrotron beamline with Ultra-Violate and X-Ray radiation
3. Theory and experiment in conventional and high temperature superconductivity
4. Theory and experiment in Metal-Insulator transition system
5. Skill of ultra-high vacuum technology and surface science
6. Scientific data process and analysis
1. Synchrotron Radiation Center, Madison, Wisconsin
2. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Brookhaven, New York
3. Jefferson Laboratory, Virginia
4. Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
5. University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
6. Florida International University, Miami, Florida
7. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee
- 中国人民大学教学资源
- 王善才老师课程教学资源