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魏星,毕业于美国明尼苏达大学医学院,获得分子生物学博士学位。1991-1994年,在美国耶鲁大学医学院进行细胞与分子生物学的博士后工作。1994-2005年,在美国几家主要的生物技术公司工作,包括Biogen Idec和Geron。在这些公司担任过要职,包括研究员,资深研究员和主任(负责科研), 主持了数项重要 研究项目,包括人的胚胎干细胞的自我更新与分化。2005年至今,被聘为汕头大学教授,多学科研究中心干细胞研究组主任,研究生导师。魏星教授在美国长期从事细胞和分子生物学研究,尤其在干细胞研究领域成绩显著,在国际知名高水平学术期刊上发表学术论文多篇,包括PNAS和Nature Biotechnology等期刊,并获得多项国际专利,参加了多次国际学术会议和发表会议论文。干细胞研究组是多学科研究中心的主要科研方向之一,与世界上最有名的干细胞研究机构保持经常的联系,包括Geron 和 University of Wisconsin。其目标将成为世界一流的干细胞实验室。
1. 人的胚胎干细胞自我更新(Self-renewal)的机制,包括不同的生物信号转导通路及其他基因。
2. 人的胚胎干细胞分化成不同种类的细胞。
1. Geraghty, D., X. WEI, H. T. Orr, and B. H. Koller. (1990) Human leukocyte antigen F (HLA-F): An expressed HLA gene composed of a class I coding sequence linked to a novel transcribed repetitive element. J. of Exp. Med. 171:1-18.
2. WEI, X. and H. T. Orr. (1990) Differential expression of HLA-E, HLA-F and HLA-G transcirpts in human tissues. Hum. Immunolo. 29:131-142.
3. WEI, X. and H. T. Orr. (1992) HLA Class I. In Encyclopedia of Immunology, Ed. I. M. Roitt and P. J. Delves. (Academic Press, San Diego ). PP 683-685.
4. Fan, W. F., H. WEI, H. Shukla, S. Parimoo, H. Xu, P. Sankhavaram, Z. Li, and S. M. Weissman. (1993) Applications of cDNA selection techniques to regions of the human MHC. Genomics 17:575-581.
5. WEI, H., W. Fan, H. Xu, S. Parimoo, H. Shukla, D. D. Chaplin, and S. M. Weissman. (1993) Genes in one megabase of the HLA Class I region. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 90:11870-11874.
6. Xu, H., H. WEI, F. Tassone, S. Graw, K. Gardiner, and S. M. Weissman. (1995) A search for genes from the dark band regions of human chromosome 21. Genomics 27, 1-8.
7. Xu, H., H. WEI, R. Kolluri, and S. M. Weissman. (1995) A simplified approach for isolating oligo(dT) primed cDNA clones with probes generated by cDNA selection. Nucleic Acids Res. 23, 4528-4529.
8. Parimoo, S., S. R. Patanjali, R. Kolluri, H. Xu, H. WEI, and S. W. Weissman. (1995) cDNA selection and other approaches in positional cloning. Analytical Biochem. 228, 1-17.
9. Gruen J.R., S.R. Nalabolu, T.W. Chu, C. Bowlus, W.F. Fan, V. L. Goei, H. WEI, R. Sivakamasundari, Y. Liu, H. X. Xu, S. Parimoo, G. Nallur, R. Ajioka, H. Shukla, P. Bray-Ward, J. Pan, S. W. Weissman. (1996) A transcription map of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I region. Genomics 36, 70-85.
10. Sanicola M., C. Hession, D. Worley, P. Camillo, C. Ehrenfels, L.Walus, S. Robinson, G. Jaworski, H. WEI, R. Tizard, A. Whitty, R. B. Pepinsky, R. L. Cate. (1997) Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor-derived RET activation can be mediated by two different cell-surface accessory proteins. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 94, 6238-6243.
11. Ichimura T., J. V. Bonventre, V. Bailly, H. WEI, C. A. Hession, R. L. Cate, M. Sanicola. (1998) Kidney injury molecule-1 (Kim-1), a putative epithelial cell adhesion molecule containing a novel immunoglobulin domain, is up-regulated in renal cells after injury. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 4135-4142.
12. Brandenberger R., H. WEI, S. Zhang, S. Lei, J. Murage, F. Gregory, Y. Li, C. Xu, R. Fang, K. Guegler, M. Rao, R. Mandalam, J. Lebkowski, L. Stanton. (2004) Transcriptome characterization elucidates signaling networks that control human ES cell growth and differentiation. Nature Biotechnology, 22 (6), 707-716.
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