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1. 2003年度国家自然科学一等奖(并列第一);
2. 2004年度何梁何利基金科学与技术进步奖;
3. 2004年国家“五一”劳动奖章;
4. 2005年全国先进工作者;
5. 2005年云南省先进工作者;
6. 2006年首届兴滇人才奖;
7. 1999年国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴;
8. 1998年南京十大科技成果奖;
9. 1997年香港“求是”科技基金会“求是”奖集体奖;
10. 1997年中国科学院自然科学特等奖(第二);
11. 1997年中国科学院有突出贡献的中轻年专家称号等。
12. 2008年国家引进国外智力贡献奖
13. 2008年度十大地质科技成果
14. 2008年中国十大科学发现
1. 1992年2月,澄江动物化石群入选联合国教科文组织《全球地质遗迹遴选名录》中东亚优先甲等(A级);
2. 1997年5月,澄江动物化石群首发地被云南省人民政府批准为省级自然保护区;
3. 1998年11月,澄江动物化石群首发地被云南省委、省政府批准为云南省爱国主义教育基地;
4. 2001年3月,澄江动物化石群首发地被国家首批为11个国家地质公园之一;
5. 温家宝总理于2004年对澄江动物化石群的保护作了三次重要批示,9月5日的批示为“要保护澄江化石群,保护世界化石宝库,保护这个极具科学价值的自然遗产”;
6. 2006年1月,国家建设部已把澄江动物化石群首批公布为申报“世界自然遗产”名录。
1. 侯先光、扬-伯格斯琼、王海峰、冯向红、陈爱林,1999,澄江动物群—5.3亿年前的海洋动物,1-170页。云南科技出版社。
2. Hou Xianguang, Aldrige R.J., Bergstrom J., Siveter D.J., Siveter, D.J. & Feng Xianghong, 2004: The Cambrian Fossils of Chengjiang, China. The flowering of the Early Animal Life. Blackwell Publicatioin, Oxford. 233 pp.
3. Hou Xianguang, Siveter, D. J., Williams, M. & Feng Xianghong, 2002(for 2001): A monograph of the Bradoriid arthropods from the Lower Cambrian of SW China. Transaction of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 92, 347-409.
4. Hou Xianguang & Bergstrom, J. 1997, Arthropods from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang fauna, southwest China. Fossils and Strata, 45, 116 pp.
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6. 孙卫国、侯先光,云南澄江早寒武世水母化石。古生物学报,26卷(1987a), 257-271页。
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8. 侯先光、孙卫国,澄江动物群在云南晋宁梅树村的发现。古生物学报,27卷(1988),1-12页。
9. Hou Xianguang, Features and signficance of Chengjiang fauna: exceptionally preserved soft-bodied fauna from lowest Cambrian in Yunnan, China. 28th International geological Congress (Washington,D.C), 1989, Abstract 2, 75.
10. 侯先光、陈均远,云南澄江早寒武世带触手的蠕形动物,Facivermis gen. nov.。古生物学报,28卷(1989a), 32-41页。
11. 侯先光、陈均远,云南澄江早寒武世节肢类与环节类中间性生物, Luolishania gen. nov.。古生物学报,28卷(1989b),207-113页。
12. 侯先光、陈均远、路浩之,云南澄江早寒武世节肢动物。古生物学报,28卷(1989),42-57页。
13. 陈均远、侯先光、路浩之,早寒武世带网状鳞片的蠕形海生动物。古生物学报,28卷(1989a),1-16页。
14. 陈均远、侯先光、路浩之,云南澄江下寒武统细丝海绵化石。古生物学报,28卷(1989b),17-31页。
15. 陈均远、侯先光、路浩之,早寒武世高足杯状稀珍海生动物,Dinomischus (Entoprocta) 及其生态模式。 古生物学报,28卷(1989c),58-71页。
16. Chen Junyuan, Hou Xianguang, & Erdtmann, B. D., New soft-bodied fossil fauna near the base of the Cambrian System at Chengjiang, eastern Yunnan, China. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Developments in Geoscience, Contribution to 28th International Geological Congress, Washington D.C. USA, 1989, 265-278. Science Press, Beijing.
17. 陈均远、侯先光、李国详,云南澄江下寒武统海绵化石新属,Quadrolaminiella gen. nov. 古生物学报,29卷(1990),402-414页。
18. Hou Xianguang & Bergstrom, J., The arthropods of the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang fauna, with relationship and evlutionary significance. In A. M. Simonetta & S. Conway Morris (eds.), The early evolutionary significance of problomatic taxa, 1991, 179-187, Camerino, Cambridge University Press, UK.
19. Hou Xianguang, Ramskold, L. & Bergstrom, J., Composition and preservation of the Chengjiang fauna, a Lower Cambrian soft-bodied biota. Zoologica Scripta, 20(1991), 395-411.
20. Chen Junyuan, Bergstrom, J., Lindstrom, M. & Hou Xianguang, Fossilized soft-bodied fauna. National Geographic Research & Exploration, 7(1991), 8-19.
21. Ramskold, L. & Hou Xianguang, New early Cambrian animal and onychophoran affinities of enigmatic metazoans. Nature 351(1991), 225-228.
22. Hou Xianguang, The arthropod Naraoia from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang fauna. In M. Siverson (ed.), Lundadagarna I Historisk Geologi och Paleontologi, Lund, 1993, Abstract, 12.
23. Jin Yugan, Hou Xianguang & Wang Huayu, Lower Cambrian pediculate lingulids from Yunnan, China. Journal of Paleontology, 67(1993), 188-198.
24. Hou Xianguang & Bergstrom, J., Palaeoscolecid worms may be nematomorphs rather than annelids. Lethaia, 27(1994), 11-17.
25. Hou Xianguang & Bergstrom J., Cambrian lobopodians, ancestors of extant onychophorans. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 114(1995), 3-19.
26. Hou Xianguang & Bergstrom J., The Chengjiang fauna, a clear window to early metazoans structure. International Cambrian Explosion Symposium (April 1995, Nanjing), Programme and Abstracts, 15.
27. Hou Xianguang, Bergstrom, J. & Ahlberg, P., Anomalocaridids from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang fauna of Southwest China. International Cambrian Explosion Symposium (April 1995, Nanjing), Programme and Abstracts, 5.
28. Hou Xianguang, Bergstrom, J. & Ahlberg, P., Anomalocaris and other large animals in the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang fauna of southwest China, Geologiska Foreningens i Stockholm Forhandligar, 117(1995), 163-183.
29. Rigby, J. K. & Hou Xianguang, Lower Cambrian demosponges and hecactinellid sponges from Yunnan, China. Journal of Paleontology, 69(1995), 1009-1019.
30. Hou Xianguang, Siveter, D. J., Williams, M., Walossek, D. & Bergstrom, J., Appendages of the arthropod Kunmingella from the early Cambrian of China: its bearing on the systematic position of the Bradoriida and the fossil record of the Ostracoda. Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society of London, B 351(1996), 1131-1145.
31. Hou Xianguang, Lower Cambrian Arthropods from Southwest China. Bradoriids and Chengjiang arthropods. Ph.D. thesis, Uppsala University, 1997, Uppsala, Sweden.
32. Hou Xianguang & Bergstrom, J., Three additional arthropods from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Fauna, Yunnan, Southwest China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 37(1998), 395-405.
33. Bergstrom, J. & Hou Xianguang, Chengjiang Arthropods and Their Bearing on Early Arthropod Evolution. In: G. D. Edgecombe (ed.), Arthropod Fossils and Phylogeny. Chichester, West Sussex, 1998, 151-184, New York.
34. 侯先光,澄江生物化石群。生物学通报,34卷12期(1999),6-8页。
35. 侯先光、陈爱林,生命的演化进程。云南科技出版社,1999,28-76页,昆明。
36. Hou Xianguang, New rare bivalved arthropods from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Fauna, Yunnan, China. Journal of Paleontology, 73(1999), 102-116.
37. Monge-Najera J. & Hou Xianguang, 500 Millones de Anos de Evolucion: Onicoforos, los Primeros Animales due Caminaron (Onychophora). Evolucion y Filogenia de Arthropoda. Bol. S. E. A., 26(1999), 171-176.
38. Monge-Najera J. & Hou Xianguang, Disparity, decimation and the Cambrian “explosion”: comparison of early Cambrian and Present faunal communities with emphasis on velvet worms (Onychophora). Revista de Biologia Tropical, 48(2000), 333-351.
39. 侯先光,生命演化的大霹雳—澄江生物群与后生动物的崛起。科学月刊,32卷(2001),530-539页。
40. Hou Xianguang, Earthshaking Discovery, Human Treasure. An International Symposium on Exploring the History of Life on the Earth: Paleontology in China during the Last 15 Years, Beijing, China, 2001, Abstract, 24.
41. Hou Xianguang, The Early Cambrian Chengjiang Fauna in Yunnan, China: the Oldest Animals on Earth. The 17th International Symposium in Conjunction with Award of the International Prize for Biology, The Origin and Early Evolution of Metazoa, Kyoto, 2001, Program and Abstract, 9-13.
42. Bergstrom, J. & Hou Xianguang, Cambrian Onychophora or Xenusians. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 240(2001), 237-245.
43. Bengtson S. & Hou Xianguang, The integument of Cambrian chancelloriids. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 46(2001), 1-22.
44. 侯先光,云南澄江生物群。陈毓川主编,中国地质学会80周年学术文集,地质出版社,2002,54-61页,北京。
45. 侯先光,云南澄江生物群在古生物学中的地位及意义。云南——从古到今的演变(综合学术)研讨会论文摘要集,昆明,2005,20-21。
46. Hou Xianguang, Aldrige R.J., Siveter David J., Siveter, Derek J. & Feng Xianghong, New evidence on the anatomy and phylogeny of the earliest vertebrates. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 269(2002), 1865-1869.
47. Hou Xianguang & Bergstrom, J., The Chengjiang fauna, the oldest preserved animal community. Paleontological Research, 7(2003), 55-70.
48. Bergstrom, J. & Hou Xianguang, Cambrian arthropods: a lesson in convergent evolution. In: Legakis A., Sfenthourakis S., Polymeni R. & Thessalou-Legaki M. (eds): The New Panorama of Animal Evolution, Pensoft Publishers, Sofia, 2003, 89-96, Moscow.
49. Bergstrom, J. & Hou Xianguang, Arthropod origin. Bulletin of Geosciences, 78(2003), 323-334.
50. Zhang Xi-guang, Hou Xian-guang & Christian C. E., Evidence of lophophore diversity in Early Cambrian Brachiopoda. Proc. R. Soc. Lond B 270(2003), 65-68.
51. Hou Xianguang, Bergstrom, J. & Xu Guanghui, The Lower Cambrian Crustacean Pectocaris from the Chengjiang Biota, Yunnan, China. Journal of Paleontology, 78(2004), 700-708.
52. Hou Xianguang, Ma Xioaya, Zhao Jie & Bergstrom, J., The lobopodian Paucipodian inermis from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang fauna, Yunnan, China. Lethaia, 37(2004), 235-244.
53. Gabbott S. E., Hou Xianguang, Norry M. J. & Siveter D. J., Preservation of Early Cambrian animals of the Chengjiang biota. Geology, 32(2004), 901-904.
54. Zhang Xi-guang & Hou Xian-guang, Evidence for a single median fin-fold and tail in the Lower Cambrian vertebrate, Haikouichthys ercaicunensis. J. Evol. Biol. 17(2004), 1162-1166.
55. Hou Xianguang, Stanley G.D., Zhao Jie & Ma Xiaoya, Cambrian anemones with preserved soft tissue from the Chengjiang biota, China. Lethaia, 38(2005), 193-203.
56. Bergstrom J. & Hou Xianguang, Early Palaeozoic non-lamellipendian arthropods. In: Koenemann S. & Jenner R.A. (eds): Crustacea and Arthropod Relationships, 2005, P. 73-93. Taylor & Francis.
57. 侯先光、Bergstrom J.,恐虾动物是异常节肢动物还是似节肢动物的蠕形动物?戎嘉余主编,生物的起源、辐射、与多样性演化,华夏化石记录的启示。北京科学出版社,2006,139-158页(中文),847-850(英文),北京。
58. Hou Xianguang, Bergstrom J.,Ma Xiaoya & Zhao Jie, The Lower Cambrian Phlogites Luo & Hu re-considered. GFF, 128(2006), 47-51.
59. Hou Xianguang, Bergstrom J. & Yang Jie, Distinguishing anomalocaridids from arthropods and priapulids. Geological Journal, 41(2006), 259-269.
60. Zhang Xi-guang, Hou Xian-guang & Bergstrom, J., Early Cambrian priapulid worms buried with their lined burrows. Geological Magazine, 143(2006), 743-748.
61. Aldridge R. J., Xianguang Hou, Siveter David J., Siveter Derek J. & Gabbott S., Systematic and Phylogenetic Relationships of Vetulicolians. Paleontology, 50(2007), 131-168.
62. Bergstrom J., Hou Xianguang & Ulf Halenius, Gut contents and feeding in the Cambrian arthropod Naraoia. GFF, 129(2007), 71-76.
63. Liu Yu, Hou Xianguang & Bergstrom, J., Chengjiang arthropod Leanchoilia illecebrusa (Hou, 1987) reconsidered. GFF, 129(2007), 263-272.
64. Zhang Xiguang & Hou Xianguang, Gravitational Constraints on the Burial of the Chengjiang Fossils. Palaios, 22(2007), 448-453.
65. Zhang Xiguang, Bergstrom, J., Bromley, R.G. & Hou, Xianguang, Diminutive trace fossils in the Chengjiang Lagerstatte. Terra Nova, 19(2007), 407-412.
66. 侯先光、杨杰,远古海洋生态群落图。大自然探索,2008,1月号,15-21页。
67. 杨杰、侯先光、董渭,昆明地区下寒武统节肢动物Guangweicaris Luo, Fu et Hu, 2007的再研究。古生物学报,47卷(2008),115-122页。
68. Hou Xianguang, Siveter D.J., Aldrige R.J. & Siveter, D.J., Collective Behavior in an Early Cambrian Arthropod. Science, 322(2008), 224.
69. Hou Xianguang, Clarkson, E. N. K., Yang Jie, Zhang Xiguang, Wu Guangqing & Yuan Zibo, Appendages of Early Cambrian Eoredlichia (Trilobita) from the Chengjiang biota, Yunnan, China. Transaction of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 99(2009), in press.
70. Ma Xiaoya, Hou Xianguang and Bergstrom J., Morphology of Luolishania longicruris (Lower Cambrian, Chengjiang Lagerstatte, SW China) and the phylogenetic relationships within lobopodians. Arthropod Structure & Development, 30(2009), in press.
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