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1) 首都医科大学公共卫生与家庭医学学院院长
2)中国科学院研究生院生物系, “百人计划”海外特聘教授
北京 邮编100039
E-mail: wei6014@gscas.ac.cn
1978-1983: 中国医科大学就读,获医学学士学位
1983-1986: 中国医科大学就读,获医学硕士学位
1986-1987: 中国医科大学第一附属医院任住院医生
1987-1988: 英国伦敦大学皇家医学院访问学者
1988-1989: 瑞士苏黎士大学访问学者
1992-1993: 日本学术振兴学会高级客座研究员
1992-1997: 日本大分医科大学就读,获医学博士学位
1997-2000: 澳大利亚Edith Cowan大学遗传学中心博士后
1987-1990: 中国医科大学法医学系助教
1990-1993: 中国医科大学法医学系讲师
1993-1997: 日本大分医科大学医学部文部教官(日本国家公务员)
1997-2003: 澳大利亚Edith Cowan大学生物学系讲师
2001至今: 中国华中科技大学同济医学院教授
2003-2004: 深圳北京大学香港科技大学医学中心科研教育部副部长
2003至今: 澳大利亚Edith Cowan大学生物学系兼职教授
2004至今: 中国科学院“百人计划”海外特聘教授
2005-至今 首都医科大学公共卫生与家庭医学学院院长
现任中国国务院学位委员会专家组成员、卫生部全国医学培训中心副主任,中国科学院研究生院学术委员会委员、高等学校医学研究生教学资源建设委员会(预防医学)副主任委员,中国高等医学教育学会预防医学教育研究会常务理事,北京市预防医学会流行病分会副主任委员,中国科学院教材编撰委员会委员、深圳北京大学香港科技大学医学中心学位委员会委员、中国科学院博士生导师、美国Gerson Lehrman Group's Council的咨询顾问,首都医科大学学术委员会委员。
曾获 “日本学术振兴学会(JSPS)基金”、“日本文部省科学基金”、 “法国巴斯德 (Pasteur) 研究基金”、“英国The Wellcome Trust科研基金”、“第三世界学术委员会”基金、“澳大利亚国家科技部研究基金”。 目前主持“美国国家科学基金 (NSF)”、“国家863计划”、“国家973计划子项目”、 “国家自然科学基金”、“国务院医学学位改革基金”、 “华夏英才基金”、“北京市拔尖科技人才基金”等科研立项。
国际学术杂志《Genomic Medicine》中国区域主编,《Annals of Human Biology》、《Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics》编委,并为《American Journal of Medical Genetics》、《American Journal of Human Biology》、《Clinical Genetics》、《Human Biology》、《Statistics in Medicine》、《Journal of Human Hypertension》(Nature杂志发行组)等杂志的特约审稿人。国内学术杂志《首都医科大学学报》副主编、《中国妇产科临床》英文编委、《中国全科医学》英文编委、《首都公共卫生》编委
1983年以来,长期从事人类遗传学及分子遗传流行病学领域的研究及教学工作,曾获多项课题研究基金,其中包括 “美国国家自然科学基金, NSF” 、“中国国家自然科学基金”、“日本文部省科学基金”, “日本学术振兴学会基金”、“法国巴斯德 (Pasteur) 研究所研究基金”、英国“The Wellcome Trust”科研基金和“澳大利亚国家科技部研究基金” 、欧盟 (3+3),为其中5项课题的第一申请人及项目负责人。
迄今,已在国外发表学术论文50余篇,其中40余篇收录于SCI高影响因子杂志。参与著书一册,由英国著名出版社Taylor & Francis 发行。多次在美国、英国、澳大利亚、日本、印度及中国举行的国际学术会议上作论文报告,重点发言。2004年在深圳主办了国际学术会“Community Genetics in Asia”.
1.Xiong, P., Zeng, X., Song, M.S., Jia, S.W., Zhong M.H., Xiao, L.L., Lan, W., Cai, C., Wu, X.W., Gong F.L., and Wang, W. (2007) Lack of association between HLA-A, -B and -DRB1 allele and the development of SARS:a cohort of 95 SARS-recovered individuals in a population of Guangdong, Southern China. International Journal of Immunogenetics, in press. (责任作者)
2.Guo,X.H., Tian,X.Y., Pan,Y.S.,Yang,X.H., Wu,S.Y., Wang W. , and Lin,V (2007 ) Managerial Attitudes on the Development of Health Promoting Hospitals in Beijing. Health Promotion International 22: 182-190. (责任作者)
3.Cai, J., Jiang, X.J., Lin, G..S., Shen, H., Yi, F.F., Wang, X.H., Liu, H.F., Song, J. and Wang, W. (2007) Adenoviral Gene Transfer of HCN4 Creates a Genetic Pacemaker in Pigs with Complete Atrioventricular Block. Life Sciences, 80: 1746-1753. (责任作者)
4.Bittles, A.H., Black, M.L. and Wang, W. (2007) Physical Anthropology and Ethnicity in Asia: The transition from Anthropometry to Genome-based Studies. Journal of Physiological Anthropology, 26: 77-82.
5.Teng Y, Liu Q, Ma J, Liu F , Han Z, Wang W, Wang, W. (2006): Cloning, expression and characterization of a novel human CAP10-like gene hCLP46 from CD34+ stem/progenitor cells. Gene, 371:7-15. (责任作者)
6.Peng X, Zhao Y, Liang Y, Wu L, Cui S, Guo A, Wang, W (2006): Assessing the quality of RCT on the effect of b-elemene,one ingredient of a Chinese herb, againt malignant tumors. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 27: 70-82. (责任作者)
7.Yuan, J., Yun, H., Lan, W., Wang, W., Sullivan, S.G., Jia, S., and Bittles, A.H. (2006): A climatological investigation of the SARS-CoV outbreak in Beijing, PR China. American Journal of Infection Control. 234-236. (责任作者)
8.Liang, XY. , Nie SF., QU. KY., Wei S., Zhu, GB., Wang, W. (2006): Evaluation of health-related quality of life of hypertensive patients in rural area, PR China. Journal of Human Hypertension (Nature Publishing Group). 20 (3): 227-229. (责任作者)
9.Xiao, Y., Wang, W. (2006): Sodium Selenite Induces Apoptosis in Cultured Cortical Neurons with Special Concomitant Changes in Expression of the Apoptosis- related Genes. Neurotoxicology. 27(4): 478-484 (责任作者)
10.McElreavey, K., Wang, W., and. Bittles, A.H. (2005): Report: 1st Asian Genomic and Community Genetics Workshop. Community Genetics.8:130-132.
11.Jia, S.W., Wang, W., Liu, Y., and Wu, Z.M. (2005): Neuroimaging Studies of Brain Corpus Striatum Changes among Heroin Dependent Patients Treated with Herbal Medicine, U’finerTM Capsule. Addiction Biology.10,293-297 (责任作者)
12.Li, R., Cai, Z., Zhong, Z.G. and Wang, W. (2005): Abdominal ultrasound-guided embryo transfer improves clinical pregnancyrates after in –vitro fertilization: experiences from 330 cases of clinical investigations. Journal of the Assisted Reproductive Medicine. 22: 3-8. (责任作者)
13.Shao C, Xiong W and Wang W (2004) Characterization of rare DVa(Hus) allele at RH loci. Journal of Human Genetics. 49:106-108.
Wang, W., Wise, C., Baric, T., Black, M.L. and Bittles, A.H. (2003) The origins and genetic structure of three co-resident Chinese Muslim Populations: the Salar, Bo’an and Dongxiang Human Genetics. 113:244-252.
14.Wang, W., Jia HL, Wang, Q., Cai Z.M., Wei, L.H., Wang, D.B., Bittles, A.H. (2003) STR polymorphisms of ‘forensic loci’ in northern Han Chinese population. Journal of Human Genetics. 48: 337-341.
15.Wise, C., Paris, M., Morar, B., Wang, W., Kalaydjieva, L. and Bittles A.H. (2003) Single nucleotide polymorphism analysis using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry: Optimization and applications in human genetics. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry.17: 1195-1202.
16.Tian, H., Wang, W., Teng, Y., Wang, H., Hu, X., Chen, Y. and Bittles A.H. (2003) Autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa in a 5-generation pedigree in pr china. Eye. 17: 1036-1039. (责任作者)
17.Huang, Y.F., Wang, W., Han, J.Y., Zhang, S.T. Liu, C.J., Hu, Q.G., Xiong, P., Wu, X.W., Hamvas, R., Wood, N., Gong, F.L. and Bittles A.H. (2003) Association of mannose-binding lectin (MBL) LX haplotype with Chinese SLE patients. European Journal of Immunogenetics. 30: 121-124. (责任作者)
18.Wang, W., Qian, C. and Bittles, A.H. (2002) Consanguineous marriage in PR China: a study in rural Man (Manchu) communities. Annals of Human Biology. 29, 685-690.
19.Black, M., Wang, W. and Bittles, A. H. (2001) A genome-based study of the Muslim Hui community and the Han population of Liaoning Province, PR China. Human Biology. 73, 801-813.
20.Kulski, J.K, Martinez, P., Shiina, H., Jacobsen, N., Wang, W., Naruse, T., Inoko, H., and Dawkins, R.L. (2001) The detection of a strong but imperfect association between HLA-A2 and the newly identified domorphic Alu insertion near HLA-G. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 53,114-123.
21.Wang, W and Bittles, A.H. (2001) Imperfect units of an extended microsatellite structure involving single nucleotide changes. Electrophoresis. 22, 1095-1097.
22.Bittles, A. H, Wang, W. Kumm, J, Di Grandi, S. Savithri, H.S., and. Appaji Rao, N. (2001) A genome-based investigation of consanguineous marriage in south India. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 32 Supp. 40-41.
23.Zhivotovsky, L.A., Suhaib, A., Wang, W. and Bittles, A. H. (2001) Deep genetic differentiation among co-resident endogamous communities and its forensic DNA implications. Forensic Science International. 119, 269-272.
24.Ahmed, S., Wang, W., Sullivan, S., and Bittles, A.H (2000) The influence of long-term inbreeding on human genome structure in three endogamous Pakistan communities. DNA Polymorphism 8, 145-149.
25.Bittles, A.H., Kumm, J, Wang, W., Di Grandi, S. Savithri, H.S., and. Appaji Rao, N., (2000) Calculating a genomic estimate of consanguinity. Journal of Medical Genetics. 37 Supp., 70.
26.Baric, T., Wang, W. and Bittles, A..H. (2000) Genetic diversity among the Salar, Bo’an, and Dongxiang Muslim populations in the Peoples Republic of China. Journal of Medical Genetics. 37 Supp., 69.
27.Baric, T., Worsley, P., Wang, W., Kalaydjieva, L., and Bittles, A.H. (2000) MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and single nucleotide polymorphism analysis in human populations. Journal of Medical Genetics. 37 Supp., 71.
28.Wang, W. and Bittles, A.H. (2000) Allelic homoplasy of STR due to variable allelic flanking sequences: SNPs in STR. American Journal of Human Genetics. 67 Supp., 220
29.Savithri, H.S., Venkatesha Murthy, H.S., Baskaran,G.,Appaji Rao, N., Kool, D., Edkins,E., Wang. W. and Bittles, A.H. (2000) Predictive testing for familial adenomatous polyposis in a rural South Indian community. Clinical Genetics 8, 57-60.
30.Savithri,H.S., Venkatesha Murthy,H.S., Baskaran, G. and Appaji Rao, N. Wang, W. and Bittles, A.H. (2000). Mutation detection and predictive testing for familial adenomatous polyposis in a rural South Indian community. DNA Polymorphism 8, 63-65.
31.Wang, W., Black, M., Qian, C., Jia, HL. and Bittles, A. H. (2000) Autosomal and Y-chromosome allele profiles in co-resident Han and Hui communities in northeast China. DNA Polymorphism 8, 167-171.
32.Wang, W., Sullivan, S., Ahmed, S., Chandler, D. Zhivotovsky, L.A. and Bittles, A.H. (2000) A genome-based study of consanguinity in three endogamous Pakistan communities. Annals of Human Genetics 64, 41-49.
33.Ahmed, S., Wang, W., Sullivan, S., Chandler, D. and Bittles, A.H. (1999) Microsatellite analysis of autosomal and Y-chromosome variation in three consanguineous communities in Pakistan. Annals of Human Biology 26, 394-395.
34.Bittles, A.H., Wang, W., Nan, L., Shuzhuo, L., Feldman, M.W. (1999) Effects of the 1981 marriage Act of China on the prevalence and patterns of marital union. Annals of Human Biology 26, 397-398.
35.Bittles, A.H., Wang, W., Di Grandi, S., Cahill,J., Savithri,H.S., Venkatesha Murthy,H.S., Baskaran, G. and Appaji Rao, N. (1999) A DNA-based analysis of long-term human inbreeding. Journal of Medical Genetics 36 supp., 31.
36.Savithri, H.S., Venkatesha Murthy, H.S., Appaji Rao, N., Cahill, J., Wang, W. and Bittles, A.H. (1998) Genomic analysis of long-term consanguinity in a rural south Indian community. Annals of Human Biology 25, 290-291.
37.Kishida, T., Wang, W., Fukuda, M. and Tamaki, Y. (1997) Duplex PCR of the Y-27H39 and HPRT loci with reference to Japanese population data on the HPRT locus. Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine 51, 67-69.
38.Okazaki, K., Kishida, T., Wang, W., Fukuda, M., Nakamura, M. and Tamaki,Y (1996) STR typing of buccal swabs for paternity testing with reference to Japanese population data on D20S85, D14S118, and D14S543 loci. Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine 50, 404-411.
39.Fukuda, M., Kishida, T., Wang,W and Tamaki, Y. (1996) STR typing in a deficiency case of disputed paternity. Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine 50, 422-426.
40.Fukuda, M., Tamaki, Y., Kuroki, K., Kishida, T. and Wang,W. (1996) Production of monoclonal anti-thymine-dimer antibody and its use for detection of STR alleles. Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine 50, 343-348.
41.Kishida, T., Fukuda, M., Wang, W. and Tamaki, Y. (1996) Determination of sibship by microsatellite typing in a deficiency case of disputed maternity. Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine 50, 361-365.
42.Kishida, T., Wang, W., Fukuda, M. and Tamaki, Y. (1996) Two deficiency cases of disputed paternity: sibling or half-sibling? Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine 50, 78-81.
43.Kishida, T., Fukuda, M., Okazaki, K.,Wang, W. and Tamaki, Y. (1996) DNA typing by triplex affinity capture (TAC) PCR. Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine 50, 255-257.
44.Wang, W., Fukuda, M., Kishida, T. and Tamaki, Y. (1996) Quintuplex PCR amplification of microsatellite. Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine 50, 231-236.
45.Kishida, T., Tamaki, Y., Kuroki, K., Fukuda, M. and Wang, W. (1995) PCR amplification of D2S44 (YNH24) alleles. Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine 49, 299-301.
46.Tamaki, Y., Fukuda, M., Kishida, T. and Wang,W. (1995) Preparation of multi-locus cocktail by liquid-phase reassociation. Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine 49, 251-254.
47.Wang, W., Okazaki,K., Kishida, T., Fukuda, M. and Tamaki, Y. (1997) Subtyping of D20S85 STR alleles by single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. Forensic Science International 86, 187-192.
48.Wang, W., Kishida, T., Fukuda, M. and Tamaki, Y. (1996) The Y-27H39 polymorphism in a Japanese population. International Journal of Legal Medicine 109, 157-158.
49.Wang, W., Liu., Y.,H and Jia, J.T. (1991) Modified method for showing Gc subtypes and the discovery of two new variants of Gc subtypes from Chinese. Journal of China Medical University 20 Supp., 29-32.
50.Qi, S. W., Jia, J. T. and Wang, W. (1991) Ultrasensitive Silver staining for the detection of protein genetic markers and its application to forensic practice (In Chinese). Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine 6, 123-125.
51.Qi, S. W., Jia, J. T. and Wang, W. (1990) Transferrin (Tf) phenotyping in Chinese Han and its detection in bloodstains (In Chinese). Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine 5, 97-99. In Chinese.
52.Qi, S. W., Jia, J. T. and Wang, W. (1989) Genetic Polymorphisms of: a-1-antitrypsin and transferrin, and their application to Forensics (In Chinese). Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine 4, 117-120.
53.Wang, W. and Jia, J.T. (1987) Phenotyping of phosphoglucomutase (PGM1) subtypes in Chinese, with special reference to new variant PGM1 China. Medicine Science and Law. 27, 280-283.
Bittles, A.H., Savithri, H.S., Venkatesha Murthy, H.S., Wang, W., Cahill, J., Bhaskaran, G. and Appaji Rao, N. (2001) Consanguineous marriage, a familiar story full of surprises. In Health and Ethnicity, eds. H. Macbeth and P. Shetty, Taylor and Francis, London. pp 68-78.
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