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带着从巴赫到现代派音乐丰富的曲目积淀,由熹的演奏足迹遍布中国、瑞士、美国、英国、西班牙、意大利等国家的多个城市,曾在纽约卡内基音乐厅的威尔独奏厅,纽约Merkin音乐厅,芝加哥艺术中心, Lancaster大歌剧院,苏黎市音乐厅,苏黎市政大厅,圣?彼得大教堂(苏黎世),巴洛克大厅(瑞士卢塞恩),伦敦圣詹姆斯大教堂、北京音乐厅、星海音乐厅, 云南艺术剧院、昆明会堂等重要音乐演奏大厅多次举行音乐会,曾与瑞士苏黎世交响乐团、美国宾洲Lancaster交响乐团,伦敦Arco弦乐团, 北京交响乐团、昆明交响乐团合作演出。她的演奏录音曾在纽约Sino Radio, China Radio International 播出。
《美国纽约音乐会评论》报道“一个才华横溢的钢琴家,带着她非凡的音乐感染力,由熹对音乐由衷、温暖的诠释和她演奏的光彩,紧紧地联系着她和她的所有听众”纽约星岛日报报道她的音乐:“融汇多种风格,演奏技艺达到了炉火纯青的境界,前途无可限量”;美国宾州音乐评论:“通过她自己内心深处的声音,由熹保持着诠释贝多芬作品的忠诚”; 苏黎世镜报这样评价她的演奏:“由熹弹奏的肖邦是如此自如优雅,贝多芬奏鸣曲则是纯正的风格和激情的完美结合,她的音乐带着爱与灵魂”。
由熹出生于云南省昆明市,曾就读于中央音乐学院附小、附中,并被保送升入中央音乐学院钢琴系,后出国深造,先后就读于瑞士苏黎世音乐学院及美国纽约曼哈顿音乐学院,并一直以突出优异的成绩赢得这两个学院的最高奖学金,取得硕士、博士学位及演奏家文凭。在她艺术成长的道路上,曾师从于陈比纲,李其芳, 周广仁 Homero Francesch, Solomon Mikowsky, Nina Svetlanova, Robert MaDonald, Alexis Weissenberg. 等国际著名钢琴家、教育家。由熹在欧美学习期间,曾多次参加世界著名钢琴家Rudolf Bucbinder, John Perry, Yeheved Kaplinsky及Richard Good, Paul Badira-Skoda的国际钢琴大师班。
由熹曾在瑞士获Kiwanis音乐比赛一等奖。2000年, 世界著名钢琴大师维森伯格邀请她参加在瑞士卢塞恩的音乐节,并授予她“特殊演奏奖”; 此后一直不
断得到大师A.Weissenberg珍贵的悉心指导。她在纽约赢得“International Artists”头奖,并于2003年1月在纽约卡内基音乐厅举行个人独奏会纽约首演。
由熹也倾力于世界现代音乐的演奏并全力推广中国作曲家的新作: 2005, 她在伦敦世界首演了瑞士作曲家 Arturo Cuellar为钢琴与乐队所作的 Fantasy in F; 2006五月在北京国际现代音乐艺术节中与中央音乐学院少交合作,指挥杨洋,首演徐之彤的协奏曲:《岛》, 该首演录音获得全国交响乐作品三等奖; 2006年十二月在北京世界首演叶小纲的《五彩经幡》。并在2007北京国际现代音乐艺术节再次首演中国当代著名作曲家们的力作: 向民的<<倾杯序>>和徐之彤的<<词韵>>.
由熹于2006年2回国任教,现为中央音乐学院钢琴系副教授。在她2007—2008年的主要演出计划中,将在星海音乐厅, 大庆歌剧院,瑞士Bruettisellen音乐厅, 苏黎市政大厅, 墨西哥城音乐节举行个人独奏会及在美国多个城市巡回演出, 2007年12 月, 她应邀赴台湾教育大学讲学.2008年5月获得文化部“霍英东”优秀教师奖。
“A supremely gifted pianist, overwhelmingly generous with her musicianship, Xi You is a purveyor of delights who clearly respects her audience with whom she communes in total sincerity”
Darrell Rosenbluth
New York Concert Review
Xi You, pianist
Ms. You has performed recitals, chamber music concerts and concertos with a broad repertoire from Bach to contemporary works throughout Switzerland, Spain, Italy, the United States, and in her native China. Her performances include major solo recitals at Carnegie Hall Weil Recital Hall in New York, Merkin Concert Hall in New York, Chicago Fine Arts Center, Fulton Opera House in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Zurich Tonhalle, Zurich City Hall, St. James Church in London, Beijing Music Hall, and Kunming City Hall, among others. As a concerto soloist, Ms. You has performed with the Zurich Chamber Orchestra, Lancaster Symphony Orchestra, Beijing Symphony Orchestra, Kunming Symphony Orchestra and London Arco String Orchestra. Her performance was broadcast by Sino Radio in New York.
In Spring 2005, her Merkin Concert Hall debut was enthusiastically reviewed in the influential journal New York Concert Review. In October 2005, she gave the world the premiere performance of Arturo Cuellar’s Fantasia in F for Piano and String Orchestra in London. In January 2006, as the winner of “2005 Extraordinary Performance Award,” she was invited by “Artists International” to give a recital at Carnegie Hall Weil Recital Hall again. At the end of May 2006, Ms. You played with the Youth Symphony Orchestra of the Central Conservatory of Music and present the world premiere of “The Island” for Piano and Orchestra from Xu Zhi Tong at the Beijing Modern Music Festival. In the 2006-07 season, She has world premiered 6 piano pieces written by Chinese composers, such as “Qing Bei Xu” by Xiang Min and “The Poem” by Xu Zhi Tong. Ms. You has given solo recitals at Beijing Concert Hall, Guang Zhou Concert Hall, Bogotá Grand Concert Hall, Da Qing Opera House for the opening recital, Grand Hall of People, Beijing and Stadthaus Zurich in Switzerland. In the 2007-2008 season, she will give recital at Bruettisellen Arts Centre Switzerland, Mexico City Music Festival, will give master class and recital at TaiWan Education University and Tian Jing Conservatory.
Xi You began her piano studies at the age of five in Kunming, China, where she was born, and performed her first public recital at age eight. At the age of ten she won the Kunming Children’s Piano Competition. After graduating from the Middle School attached to the Central Conservatory of Music, as one of the top students, Ms. You was selected by the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing without audition. She studied with Prof. Li Chi Fang at the Conservatory and received her Bachelor’s degree there.
Ms. You was awarded the Concert Diploma and Soloist Diploma with the highest honor by the Zurich Conservatory in Switzerland as a student of Homero Francesch. While studying at Zurich Conservatory, she received a prestigious full scholarship from the Culture Department of Zurich City. In the United States, Ms. You again won a full scholarship to study at the Manhattan School of Music, where she received her Master’s of Music and Performance Diploma. During her studies in New York, her teachers were Solomon Mikowsky, Nina Svetlanova, and Robert McDonald. Xi You has played for Zhou Gung Ren, Rudolf Buchbinder, John Perry, Yeheved Kaplinsky, Richard Good and Badura-Skoda. Her talent caught the attention of Maestro Alexis Weissenberg, who invited her to perform at his Festival in Switzerland, where she was awarded the “Special Prize.” Ms. You was winner of the many national and international piano competitions which including the Kiwanis Music Prize in Switzerland and the “Artists International” award in New York. Xi You is currently piano professor at Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, China.
Her unique mixture of brilliant technique, musical understanding and intuition make Xi You an extraordinary artist with a beautiful balance between strength, sense and sensibility.
  • 中央音乐学院教学资源
  • 由熹老师课程教学资源
举报cucdc网友 2008/8/19 4:15:34


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