
叶文才,男,博士,1962年6月出生,博士研究生导师、长江学者特聘教授,现任暨南大学药 学院副院长、暨南大学中药及天然药物研究所常务副所长。
叶教授一直围绕着揭示中药及天然药物的药效物质基础、发现新药候选化合物、制定和提高中药产品的质量标准,以及在此基础上的创新药物研究,开展了系统有效的研究工作,并取得了一些创新性的研究成果。在对40余种药用植物的活性成分研究过程中,发现了220余种新化合物、7种新骨架结构成分及一些重要的新药先导化合物。此外,还揭示了C-3和C-28双糖链三萜皂苷串联电子喷雾质谱(ESI-MSn)的重要裂解规律。主持了包括国家杰出青年科学基金和国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家“十五”重大科技专项(863项目)、国家“九五”重点科技攻关、国家新药研究基金、广东省关键领域重大突破项目在内的各类科研项目16项, 另作为主要完成人参加项目8项。已发表研究论文200余篇(其中被SCI收录的论文76篇)、申请发明专利17项(其中9项已授权)、参编著作9部, 获国家科技进步二等奖和中药二类新药临床批件各1项,在研中药一类新药2项。
在教学工作中, 叶教授讲授了2门本科生和3门研究生课程;指导硕士、博士研究生多名,其中已毕业的博士研究生13人、硕士研究生23名。毕业的研究生中,多名博士和硕士研究生的毕业论文获省级优秀论文。
1. 国家杰出青年科学基金: 药物化学(含天然药物化学) (2007年1月~ 2010年12月)
2. 国家自然科学基金:桑树中氮糖化合物与其内生菌相关性研究(2005年1月~ 2007年12月)
3. 国家十五重大科技专项(863项目)——创新药物与中药现代化研究:大黄酸治疗糖尿病肾病一类新药研究(2003年1月~2005年12月)
4. 广东省关键领域重大突破项目: 抗肿瘤中药新药白头翁总三萜的研制(2003年12月~ 2007年12月)
5. 广州市重点科技攻关项目: 抗肿瘤中药新药BTW的研制(2003年12月~ 2006年12月 )
6. 教育部科学技术研究基金重点项目: 桑树中具降糖活性的氮糖类化合物与其内生菌相关性研究 (2003年12月~2006年12月)
代表性研究论文 (SCI收录论文,* 示通讯联系人)
1. W.-K., Xu J.-K., Zhang X.-Q., Yao X.-S. and Ye W.-C.* (2007). Sphingolipids with neuritogenic activity from Euphorbia sororia, Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, in press
2. Ye W.-C.*, Fan C.-L.,Zhang L.-H., Yin Z.-Q. and Zhao S.-X. (2007). A new phenolic glycoside from the roots of Lygodium japonicum, Fitoterapia, in press
3. Li Q., Yao Z.-H., Shi Y.-H., Liu X., Yao X.-S. and Ye W.-C.* (2007). Determination of the Three-dimensional Structure of Gynoside A in Solution using NMR and Molecular Modeling, Molecules, 12, 907-916
4. Tang Q.-F., Yang C.-H., Ye W.-C., Liu J.-H. and Zhao S.-X.(2007). Preparative isolation and purification of bioactive constituents from Aconitum coreanum by high-speed counter-current chromatography coupled with evaporative light scattering detection, Journal of Chromatography A, 1144 (2): 203-207
5. Bi Y., Xu J.-Y., Wu X.-M., Ye W.-C., Yuan S.-T. and Zhang L.-Y.(2007). Synthesis and cytotoxic activity of 17-carboxylic acid modified 23-hydroxy betulinic acid ester derivatives, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 17 (5): 1475-1478
6. Zheng Y.-T., Wang G.-J., Wu X.-L., Sun J.-G., Li X.-Y., Gu Y., Lv H., Liang Y. , Yan B. and Ye W.-C. (2007). Quantitative analysis of 23-hydroxybetulinic acid, a novel anticancer substance, in the cellular environment of a human colon adenocarcinoma cell line for cellular pharmacokinetic studies, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 21 (5): 779-786
7. Qin M.-J., Li R., Wang X. and Ye W.-C. (2007). New isoflavonoid glycosides from the rhizomes of Iris leptophylla Lingelsh. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 49 (2): 213-217
8. Jiang R.-W., Zhou J.-R., Hon P.-M., Li S.-L., Zhou Y., Li, L.-L., Ye W.-C., Xu H.-X., Shaw P.C. and But P.-H. (2007). Lignans from Dysosma versipellis with inhibitory effects on prostate cancer cell lines, Journal 0f Natural Products, 70(2):283-286
9. Zhang X.-T., Zhang L.-H., Ye W.-C.*, Zhang X.-L., Yin Z.-Q., Zhao S.-X. and Yao X.-S.(2006). Four new cycloartane glycosides from Thalictrum fortunei,Chem. Pharma. Bull., 54(1):107-110
10. Zhang X.-Q., Ye W.-C.*, Jiang R.-W., Yin Z.-Q., Zhao S.-X., Mak T. C. W. and Yao X.-S. (2006). Two New Eremophilanolides from Xanthium sibiricum, Natural Products Research, 20(13):1265-1270
11. Zhang X.-Q., Wang G.-C., Ye W.-C.*, Li Q., Zhou G.-X. and Yao X.-S. (2006). New Diterpenoids from Andrographis paniculata, J. Integrative Plant Biology, 48(9):1122-1125
12. Zhou X.-L., He X.-J., Wang G.-H., Gao H., Zhou G.-X., Ye W.-C. and Yao X.-S.(2006). Steroidal saponins from Solanum nigrum, Journal of Natural Products, 69 (8): 1158-1163
13. Wang H., Wu F.-H., Xiong F., Wu J.-J., Zhang L.-Y., Ye W.-C.*, Li P. and Zhao S.-X.(2006). Iridoids from Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora and their hepatoprotective activities in vitro, Chem. Pharma. Bull., 54 (8): 1144-1149
14. Ji Z.-N., Dong T.T.-X., Ye W.-C., Choi R.C., Lo C.K. and Tsim K.W.K. (2006). Ginsenoside Re attenuate beta-amyloid and serum-free induced neurotoxicity in PC12 cells, J. of Ethenopharmacology, 107 (1): 48-52
15. Dai Y., Zhou G.-X., Kurihara H., Ye W.-C. and Yao X.-S. (2006). Biphenyl glycosides from the fruit of Pyracantha fortuneana, Journal of Natural Products, 69 (7): 1022-1024
16. Li H.-J., Jiang Y., Li P. and Ye W.-C. (2006). Puqienine F, a novel veratramine alkaloid from the bulbs of Fritillaria puqiensis, Chem. Pharma. Bull., 54 (5): 722-724
17. Zhang L.-H., Yin Z.-Q. and Ye W.-C.* (2006). Flavonoids from Lygodium japonicum, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 34 (12): 885-886
18. Yang M, Wang GJ, Zhao FK, Wu XL, Cao GX, Luo SN and Ye WC (2006). Assessment of 3H-23-hydroxybetulinic acid uptake kinetics in human Caco-2 cell lines, Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 27: 208-208 Suppl. 1.
19. Zhao J, Zhang XQ, Li SP, Yang FQ, Wang YT and Ye WC (2006). Quality evaluation of Ganoderma through simultaneous determination of nine triterpenes and sterols using pressurized liquid extraction and high performance liquid chromatography, Journal of Separation Science, 29(17):2609-2615
20. Yin Z. -Q., Fan C.-L., Ye W.-C.*, Jiang R.-W., Che C.-T., Thomas C. W. Mak, Zhao S.-X., Yao X.-S. (2005). Acetophenone derivatives and sesquiterpene from Euphorbia ebracteolata, Planta Medica, 71:979-982
21. Liu X, Ye W.-C.*, Mo Z.-Y., et al. (2005). Three dammarane-type saponins from Gynostemma pentaphyllum, Planta Medica, 71 (9): 880-884
22. He Z.-D., Qiao C.-F., Han Q-B., Wang Y., Ye W.-C. and Xu H.-X. (2005). New triterpenoid saponins from the roots of Platycodon grandiflorum, Tetrahedron, 61:2211-2215
23. Jiang Y., Li H.-J., Li P., Cai Z.-H., and Ye W.-C. (2005). Steroidal alkaloids from the bulbs of Fritillaria puqiensis, Journal of Natural Products, 68:264-267
24. Zhang G.-W., Ma X.-Q., Zhang C.-X., Su J.-Y., Ye W.-C., Zhang X.-Q., Yao X.-S. and Zeng L.-M. (2005). Two new ceramides from the marine sponge Ircinia fasciculate, Helvetica Chimica Acta, 88: 885-889
25. Yang M., Wang G.-J., Wang S.-J., Li X.-T., Xu Y.-P., Wang S.-P., Xiang J.-D., Pan S.-R., Cao G.-X. and Ye. W.-C. (2005). Quantitative analysis of 23-hydroxybetulinic acid in mouse plasma using electrospray liquid chromatography / mass spectrometry, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 19: 1619-1623.
26. Qin M.-J., Ji W.-L., Wang Z.-T., Ye W.-C. (2005). A new isoflavonoid from Belamcanda chinensis, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 47(11):1404-1408.
27. Wang H., Ye W.-C.* , Jiang R.-W., Wu J.-J., Thomas C. W. Mak, Zhao S.-X. and Yao X.-S. (2004). Three new cyclopentanoid monoterpenes from Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora, Planta Medica, 70(4): 382-384
28. Wang H., Ye W.-C.* and Zhao S.-X. (2004). Cucurbitacin glycosides and the monoterpene jiofuran from Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora, Biochemical Systematic & Ecology, 32:87-89
29. Liu X., Ye W.-C.*, Mo Z.-Y., Yu B., Zhao S.-X., Wu H.-M., Che C.-T., JiangR.-W., Mak C.-W. and Hsiao W.-L. (2004). Five new ocotillone-type saponins from Gynostemma pentaphyllum, Journal of Natural Products, 67:1147-1151.
30. Zhang Z.-J., Zhang X.-Q., Ye W.-C.*, Wang Y., Che C.-T. and Zhao S.-X. (2004). A new 1,4-phenanthraquinone from Menispermum dauricum, Natural Products Research, 18 (4): 301-304
31. Yin Z.-Q., Wang Y., Ye W.-C.* and Zhao S.-X. (2004). Chemical constituents of Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s wort) growing in China, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 32 (5): 521-523
32. Zhang X.-Q., Ye W.-C., Zhao S.-X. and Che C.-T. (2004). Isoquinoline and isoindole alkaloids from Menispermum dauricum, Phytochemistry, 65 (7): 929-932
33. Wang H., Sun Y., Ye W.-C.*, Xiong F., Wu H.-J., Yang C.-H. and Zhao S.-X. (2004). Antioxidative phenylethanoid and phenolic glycosides from Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora, Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 52 (5): 615-617
34. Liu X., Ye W.-C.*, Yu B., Zhao S.-X., Wu H.-M. and Che C.-T. (2004). Two new flavonol glycosides from Gymnema sylvestre and Euphorbia ebracteolata, Carbohydrate Research, 339 (4): 891-895
35. Liu X., Hsiao W.-L., Che C.-T., Zhao S.-X. and Ye W.-C. * (2004). Three new dammarane glycosides from Gynostemma pentaphyllum, Chinese Chemical Letters, 15(1):46-48
36. Ji Z.-N., Ye W.-C., Rui J., Wang L. and Liu G.-Q. (2004). Patensin-induced apoptosis is accompanied by decreased bcl-2 expression and telomerase activity in HL-60 cells, Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 6(2):107-114
37. Yu R.-M., Song l.-Y., Zhao Y., Wang L., Zhang H., Wu Y.-H, Ye W.-C. and Yao X.-S. (2004). Isolation and biological properties of polysaccharide CPS-1 from cultured Cordyceps militaris, Fitoterapia, 75:465-472
38. Liu W.-K., Ho J.C.K., Cheung F.W.K., Liu B.P.L., Ye W.-C. and Che C.T. (2004). Apoptotic activity of betulinic acid derivatives on murine melanoma B16 cell line, European Journal of Pharmacology, 498 (1-3): 71-78
39. Zhou C.-X., Liu J-Y., Ye W.-C., Liu C.-H. and Tan R.-X (2003). Neoverataline A and B, two antifungal alkaloids with a novel carbon skeleton from Veratrum taliense, Tetrahedron, 59:5743-5747.
40. He Z.-D., Lau K.-M., But P. P.-H., Jiang R.-W., Dong H., Ma S.-C., Fung K.-P., Ye W.-C. and Sun H.-D. (2003). Antioxidative glycosides from the leaves of Ligustrum robustrum, 66:851-854.
41. Li H.-J., Li P. and Ye W.-C. (2003). Determination of five major iridoid glucosides in Flos lonicerae by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with evaporative light scattering detection, Journal of Chromatography A, 1008:167-172.
42. Gao X.-D., Ye W.-C., Yu C.-H., Yun Z., Tan R.-X, Li M. and Hsiao W.-L. (2003). Pulsatilloside A and Anemoside A3 protect PC12 cells from apoptosis induced by sodium cyanide and glucose deprivation, Planta Medica, 69:171-174.
43. Du J., He Z.-D., Jiang R.-W., Ye W.-C., Xu H.-X. and But P. P.-H. (2003). Antiviral flavonoids from the root bark of Morus alba L., Phytochemistry, 62: 1235-1238.
44. Yin Z.-Q., Wong W.-S., Ye W.-C. and Li N. (2003). Biologically active cis-cinnamic acid occurs naturally in Brassica parachinensis, Chinese Science Bulletin, 48:555-558.
45. Ye W.-C., Zhang Q.-W., Hsiao W.-L. Zhao S.-X. and Che C.-T. (2002). New lupane glycosides from Pulsatilla chinensis, Planta Medica, 68:183~186.
46. Jiang R.-W., Ye W.-C., Woo K.-Y., Du J., Che C.-T., But P.-H. and Mak C.-W.(2002), Molecular structures and π- π interactions of some flavonoids and biflavonoids, Journal of Molecular Structure, 642: 77-84.
47. Jiang R.-W., But P. P.-H., Ma S.-C., Ye W.-C., Chan S.-P. and Mak T. C.-W. (2002). Structure and antiviral properties of macrocaesalmin, a novel cassane furanoditerpenoid lactone from the seeds of Caesalpinia minax Hance, Tetrahedron Letters, 43:2415~2418.
48. Jiang R.-W., Han P.-M., But P.-H., Chang H.-S., Lin G., Ye W.-C. and Mak C.-W.(2002): Isolation and stereochemistry of two new alkaloids from Stemona tuberosa, Tetrahedron, 58:6705-6712.
49. Ji Z.-N., Ye W.-C.,Liu G.-Q. and Huang Y.(2002). Inhibition of telomerase activity and bcl-2 expression in berbamine-induced apoptosis in HL-60 cells, Planta Medica, 68:596-600.
50. Ji Z.-N., Ye W.-C., Liu G.-Q. and Hsiao W.-L.(2002). 23-Hydroxybetulinic acid-mediated apoptosis is accompanied by decreases in bcl-2 expression and telomerase activity in HL-60 cells, Life Sciences, 72:1-9
51. Dai Y., Ye W.-C., Wang Z.-T., Matsuda H., Kubo M., But P.P.H. (2002). Antipruritic and antinociceptive effects of Chenopodium album L. in mice, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 81:245-250.
1. 叶文才. 红曲及其提取物在制备药品、保健品或食品中的应用, 中国发明专利, 专利号:ZL 00 1 12033.6
2.叶文才,戴岳,丛晓东,朱兴祥,赵守训. 一种治疗糖尿病的药物组合物, 中国发明专利, 专利号:ZL 99 02823.6, 国际专利主分类号: A61K31/704
3. 叶文才,戴岳,丛晓东,朱兴祥,赵守训. 一种匙羹藤提取物及其制备方法和用途, 中国发明专利, 专利号:ZL 99 103588.7, 国际专利主分类号: C07J63/00
4. 叶文才,戴岳,丛晓东,朱兴祥,赵守训. 一种皂甙化合物及其制备方法和用途, 中国发明专利, 专利号:ZL 99 100722.0, 国际专利主分类号: C07J63/00
5.叶文才,戴岳,丛晓东,朱兴祥,赵守训. 一种皂甙化合物及其制备方法和用途, 中国发明专利, 专利号:ZL 99 100721.2, 国际专利主分类号: C07J9/00
6. 戴岳,叶文才,符麟军. 猪牙皂总皂苷及其制备方法与其在制备药物中的应用,中国发明专利, 专利号:ZL 02160095.3
7. 金风燮,鱼红闪,叶文才. 酶法水解白头翁皂甙糖基制备低糖基皂苷的方法, 中国发明专利,ZL 03133639.6
8. 杨敏,蒋孟军,张荣军,周尧远,曹国宪,项景德,王广基,叶文才。23-羟基白桦酸在制备抑制血管生成中的治疗或预防药物中的应用,中国发明专利,ZL 200510038469.5
9. 唐春山,叶文才,胡永美,杨小玲. 穿心莲内酯磺化衍生物及其药物组合物,中国发明专利,ZL 200510038561.1
10. 叶文才,范春林,赵守训. 23-羟基白桦酸在制备治疗或预防肿瘤和艾滋病药物中的应用,中国发明专利,CN 03152904.6
11. 叶文才,王广基,唐春山,孙旭. 橙皮苷和/或柚皮苷的制药用途, 中国发明专利,CN 200410042658.5
12. 叶文才,王广基,唐春山,孙旭. 柳穿鱼苷、蒙花苷及其组合物的制药用途, 中国发明专利,CN 200510105421
13. 孙继寅、唐春山、王广基、叶文才、孙旭. 新橙皮苷或其组合物的制药用途,中国发明专利,CN 200510055397
14. 孙继寅、唐春山、王广基、叶文才、孙旭. 枳实或枳壳有效部位或其组合物及其制备方法和制药用途, 中国发明专利,CN 200410070123
15. 汪豪,熊非,吴佳俊,叶文才,赵守训。亚麻籽木脂素总糖苷提取物的制备方法及其应用,中国发明专利,CN200510038970.1
16. 王广基,杨敏,叶文才,项景德,曹国宪,徐宇平,王颂佩。一种抗肿瘤药物23-羟基白桦酸脂肪乳剂及其制备方法,中国发明专利,CN 200510038425.2
17. 杨敏,王广基,曹国宪,俞惠新,徐宇平,蒋孟军,张荣军,项景德,潘栋辉,叶文才。碘(*I)- 23-羟基白桦酸及其制备方法和应用,中国发明专利,CN 200510038768.9
著 作
1.《中药辞海》(1-6卷), 编委,中国医药科技出版社,1994 ~ 2001年
2. 《现代本草纲目》, 编委,(上、下卷),中国医药科技出版社,2001年
3. 《天然药物资源开发利用》, 编者,江苏省科学技术出版社,2000年
4. 《林产化学工业全书》(1-3卷), 编者,中国林业出版社,2001年
5. 《药物化学进展》,编者,化工出版社,2003年
6. 《药学前沿》,编委,化工出版社,2004年版、2005年版
7. 《药用植物研究与中药现代化》,编者,东南大学出版社,2004年
8. 《天然药物化学实验与指导》, 编者,中国医药科技出版社,2003年
9.《植物化学分类学》, 编者,上海科学技术出版社,2005年
广东省药学会药物化学专业委员会 副主任委员
广东省药学会医药信息工作委员会 常务副主任委员
广东省海洋药物重点实验室 学术委员会委员
广东省农产品加工公共实验室 学术委员会委员
江苏省中科院植物研究所药用植物重点实验室 学术委员会委员
《中国药科大学学报》等7种专业杂志 编委
欧洲肿瘤研究学会(EACR) 会员
叶教授一直围绕着揭示中药及天然药物的药效物质基础、发现新药候选化合物、制定和提高中药产品的质量标准,以及在此基础上的创新药物研究,开展了系统有效的研究工作,并取得了一些创新性的研究成果。在对40余种药用植物的活性成分研究过程中,发现了220余种新化合物、7种新骨架结构成分及一些重要的新药先导化合物。此外,还揭示了C-3和C-28双糖链三萜皂苷串联电子喷雾质谱(ESI-MSn)的重要裂解规律。主持了包括国家杰出青年科学基金和国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家“十五”重大科技专项(863项目)、国家“九五”重点科技攻关、国家新药研究基金、广东省关键领域重大突破项目在内的各类科研项目16项, 另作为主要完成人参加项目8项。已发表研究论文200余篇(其中被SCI收录的论文76篇)、申请发明专利17项(其中9项已授权)、参编著作9部, 获国家科技进步二等奖和中药二类新药临床批件各1项,在研中药一类新药2项。
在教学工作中, 叶教授讲授了2门本科生和3门研究生课程;指导硕士、博士研究生多名,其中已毕业的博士研究生13人、硕士研究生23名。毕业的研究生中,多名博士和硕士研究生的毕业论文获省级优秀论文。
1. 国家杰出青年科学基金: 药物化学(含天然药物化学) (2007年1月~ 2010年12月)
2. 国家自然科学基金:桑树中氮糖化合物与其内生菌相关性研究(2005年1月~ 2007年12月)
3. 国家十五重大科技专项(863项目)——创新药物与中药现代化研究:大黄酸治疗糖尿病肾病一类新药研究(2003年1月~2005年12月)
4. 广东省关键领域重大突破项目: 抗肿瘤中药新药白头翁总三萜的研制(2003年12月~ 2007年12月)
5. 广州市重点科技攻关项目: 抗肿瘤中药新药BTW的研制(2003年12月~ 2006年12月 )
6. 教育部科学技术研究基金重点项目: 桑树中具降糖活性的氮糖类化合物与其内生菌相关性研究 (2003年12月~2006年12月)
代表性研究论文 (SCI收录论文,* 示通讯联系人)
1. W.-K., Xu J.-K., Zhang X.-Q., Yao X.-S. and Ye W.-C.* (2007). Sphingolipids with neuritogenic activity from Euphorbia sororia, Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, in press
2. Ye W.-C.*, Fan C.-L.,Zhang L.-H., Yin Z.-Q. and Zhao S.-X. (2007). A new phenolic glycoside from the roots of Lygodium japonicum, Fitoterapia, in press
3. Li Q., Yao Z.-H., Shi Y.-H., Liu X., Yao X.-S. and Ye W.-C.* (2007). Determination of the Three-dimensional Structure of Gynoside A in Solution using NMR and Molecular Modeling, Molecules, 12, 907-916
4. Tang Q.-F., Yang C.-H., Ye W.-C., Liu J.-H. and Zhao S.-X.(2007). Preparative isolation and purification of bioactive constituents from Aconitum coreanum by high-speed counter-current chromatography coupled with evaporative light scattering detection, Journal of Chromatography A, 1144 (2): 203-207
5. Bi Y., Xu J.-Y., Wu X.-M., Ye W.-C., Yuan S.-T. and Zhang L.-Y.(2007). Synthesis and cytotoxic activity of 17-carboxylic acid modified 23-hydroxy betulinic acid ester derivatives, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 17 (5): 1475-1478
6. Zheng Y.-T., Wang G.-J., Wu X.-L., Sun J.-G., Li X.-Y., Gu Y., Lv H., Liang Y. , Yan B. and Ye W.-C. (2007). Quantitative analysis of 23-hydroxybetulinic acid, a novel anticancer substance, in the cellular environment of a human colon adenocarcinoma cell line for cellular pharmacokinetic studies, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 21 (5): 779-786
7. Qin M.-J., Li R., Wang X. and Ye W.-C. (2007). New isoflavonoid glycosides from the rhizomes of Iris leptophylla Lingelsh. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 49 (2): 213-217
8. Jiang R.-W., Zhou J.-R., Hon P.-M., Li S.-L., Zhou Y., Li, L.-L., Ye W.-C., Xu H.-X., Shaw P.C. and But P.-H. (2007). Lignans from Dysosma versipellis with inhibitory effects on prostate cancer cell lines, Journal 0f Natural Products, 70(2):283-286
9. Zhang X.-T., Zhang L.-H., Ye W.-C.*, Zhang X.-L., Yin Z.-Q., Zhao S.-X. and Yao X.-S.(2006). Four new cycloartane glycosides from Thalictrum fortunei,Chem. Pharma. Bull., 54(1):107-110
10. Zhang X.-Q., Ye W.-C.*, Jiang R.-W., Yin Z.-Q., Zhao S.-X., Mak T. C. W. and Yao X.-S. (2006). Two New Eremophilanolides from Xanthium sibiricum, Natural Products Research, 20(13):1265-1270
11. Zhang X.-Q., Wang G.-C., Ye W.-C.*, Li Q., Zhou G.-X. and Yao X.-S. (2006). New Diterpenoids from Andrographis paniculata, J. Integrative Plant Biology, 48(9):1122-1125
12. Zhou X.-L., He X.-J., Wang G.-H., Gao H., Zhou G.-X., Ye W.-C. and Yao X.-S.(2006). Steroidal saponins from Solanum nigrum, Journal of Natural Products, 69 (8): 1158-1163
13. Wang H., Wu F.-H., Xiong F., Wu J.-J., Zhang L.-Y., Ye W.-C.*, Li P. and Zhao S.-X.(2006). Iridoids from Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora and their hepatoprotective activities in vitro, Chem. Pharma. Bull., 54 (8): 1144-1149
14. Ji Z.-N., Dong T.T.-X., Ye W.-C., Choi R.C., Lo C.K. and Tsim K.W.K. (2006). Ginsenoside Re attenuate beta-amyloid and serum-free induced neurotoxicity in PC12 cells, J. of Ethenopharmacology, 107 (1): 48-52
15. Dai Y., Zhou G.-X., Kurihara H., Ye W.-C. and Yao X.-S. (2006). Biphenyl glycosides from the fruit of Pyracantha fortuneana, Journal of Natural Products, 69 (7): 1022-1024
16. Li H.-J., Jiang Y., Li P. and Ye W.-C. (2006). Puqienine F, a novel veratramine alkaloid from the bulbs of Fritillaria puqiensis, Chem. Pharma. Bull., 54 (5): 722-724
17. Zhang L.-H., Yin Z.-Q. and Ye W.-C.* (2006). Flavonoids from Lygodium japonicum, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 34 (12): 885-886
18. Yang M, Wang GJ, Zhao FK, Wu XL, Cao GX, Luo SN and Ye WC (2006). Assessment of 3H-23-hydroxybetulinic acid uptake kinetics in human Caco-2 cell lines, Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 27: 208-208 Suppl. 1.
19. Zhao J, Zhang XQ, Li SP, Yang FQ, Wang YT and Ye WC (2006). Quality evaluation of Ganoderma through simultaneous determination of nine triterpenes and sterols using pressurized liquid extraction and high performance liquid chromatography, Journal of Separation Science, 29(17):2609-2615
20. Yin Z. -Q., Fan C.-L., Ye W.-C.*, Jiang R.-W., Che C.-T., Thomas C. W. Mak, Zhao S.-X., Yao X.-S. (2005). Acetophenone derivatives and sesquiterpene from Euphorbia ebracteolata, Planta Medica, 71:979-982
21. Liu X, Ye W.-C.*, Mo Z.-Y., et al. (2005). Three dammarane-type saponins from Gynostemma pentaphyllum, Planta Medica, 71 (9): 880-884
22. He Z.-D., Qiao C.-F., Han Q-B., Wang Y., Ye W.-C. and Xu H.-X. (2005). New triterpenoid saponins from the roots of Platycodon grandiflorum, Tetrahedron, 61:2211-2215
23. Jiang Y., Li H.-J., Li P., Cai Z.-H., and Ye W.-C. (2005). Steroidal alkaloids from the bulbs of Fritillaria puqiensis, Journal of Natural Products, 68:264-267
24. Zhang G.-W., Ma X.-Q., Zhang C.-X., Su J.-Y., Ye W.-C., Zhang X.-Q., Yao X.-S. and Zeng L.-M. (2005). Two new ceramides from the marine sponge Ircinia fasciculate, Helvetica Chimica Acta, 88: 885-889
25. Yang M., Wang G.-J., Wang S.-J., Li X.-T., Xu Y.-P., Wang S.-P., Xiang J.-D., Pan S.-R., Cao G.-X. and Ye. W.-C. (2005). Quantitative analysis of 23-hydroxybetulinic acid in mouse plasma using electrospray liquid chromatography / mass spectrometry, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 19: 1619-1623.
26. Qin M.-J., Ji W.-L., Wang Z.-T., Ye W.-C. (2005). A new isoflavonoid from Belamcanda chinensis, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 47(11):1404-1408.
27. Wang H., Ye W.-C.* , Jiang R.-W., Wu J.-J., Thomas C. W. Mak, Zhao S.-X. and Yao X.-S. (2004). Three new cyclopentanoid monoterpenes from Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora, Planta Medica, 70(4): 382-384
28. Wang H., Ye W.-C.* and Zhao S.-X. (2004). Cucurbitacin glycosides and the monoterpene jiofuran from Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora, Biochemical Systematic & Ecology, 32:87-89
29. Liu X., Ye W.-C.*, Mo Z.-Y., Yu B., Zhao S.-X., Wu H.-M., Che C.-T., JiangR.-W., Mak C.-W. and Hsiao W.-L. (2004). Five new ocotillone-type saponins from Gynostemma pentaphyllum, Journal of Natural Products, 67:1147-1151.
30. Zhang Z.-J., Zhang X.-Q., Ye W.-C.*, Wang Y., Che C.-T. and Zhao S.-X. (2004). A new 1,4-phenanthraquinone from Menispermum dauricum, Natural Products Research, 18 (4): 301-304
31. Yin Z.-Q., Wang Y., Ye W.-C.* and Zhao S.-X. (2004). Chemical constituents of Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s wort) growing in China, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 32 (5): 521-523
32. Zhang X.-Q., Ye W.-C., Zhao S.-X. and Che C.-T. (2004). Isoquinoline and isoindole alkaloids from Menispermum dauricum, Phytochemistry, 65 (7): 929-932
33. Wang H., Sun Y., Ye W.-C.*, Xiong F., Wu H.-J., Yang C.-H. and Zhao S.-X. (2004). Antioxidative phenylethanoid and phenolic glycosides from Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora, Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 52 (5): 615-617
34. Liu X., Ye W.-C.*, Yu B., Zhao S.-X., Wu H.-M. and Che C.-T. (2004). Two new flavonol glycosides from Gymnema sylvestre and Euphorbia ebracteolata, Carbohydrate Research, 339 (4): 891-895
35. Liu X., Hsiao W.-L., Che C.-T., Zhao S.-X. and Ye W.-C. * (2004). Three new dammarane glycosides from Gynostemma pentaphyllum, Chinese Chemical Letters, 15(1):46-48
36. Ji Z.-N., Ye W.-C., Rui J., Wang L. and Liu G.-Q. (2004). Patensin-induced apoptosis is accompanied by decreased bcl-2 expression and telomerase activity in HL-60 cells, Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 6(2):107-114
37. Yu R.-M., Song l.-Y., Zhao Y., Wang L., Zhang H., Wu Y.-H, Ye W.-C. and Yao X.-S. (2004). Isolation and biological properties of polysaccharide CPS-1 from cultured Cordyceps militaris, Fitoterapia, 75:465-472
38. Liu W.-K., Ho J.C.K., Cheung F.W.K., Liu B.P.L., Ye W.-C. and Che C.T. (2004). Apoptotic activity of betulinic acid derivatives on murine melanoma B16 cell line, European Journal of Pharmacology, 498 (1-3): 71-78
39. Zhou C.-X., Liu J-Y., Ye W.-C., Liu C.-H. and Tan R.-X (2003). Neoverataline A and B, two antifungal alkaloids with a novel carbon skeleton from Veratrum taliense, Tetrahedron, 59:5743-5747.
40. He Z.-D., Lau K.-M., But P. P.-H., Jiang R.-W., Dong H., Ma S.-C., Fung K.-P., Ye W.-C. and Sun H.-D. (2003). Antioxidative glycosides from the leaves of Ligustrum robustrum, 66:851-854.
41. Li H.-J., Li P. and Ye W.-C. (2003). Determination of five major iridoid glucosides in Flos lonicerae by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with evaporative light scattering detection, Journal of Chromatography A, 1008:167-172.
42. Gao X.-D., Ye W.-C., Yu C.-H., Yun Z., Tan R.-X, Li M. and Hsiao W.-L. (2003). Pulsatilloside A and Anemoside A3 protect PC12 cells from apoptosis induced by sodium cyanide and glucose deprivation, Planta Medica, 69:171-174.
43. Du J., He Z.-D., Jiang R.-W., Ye W.-C., Xu H.-X. and But P. P.-H. (2003). Antiviral flavonoids from the root bark of Morus alba L., Phytochemistry, 62: 1235-1238.
44. Yin Z.-Q., Wong W.-S., Ye W.-C. and Li N. (2003). Biologically active cis-cinnamic acid occurs naturally in Brassica parachinensis, Chinese Science Bulletin, 48:555-558.
45. Ye W.-C., Zhang Q.-W., Hsiao W.-L. Zhao S.-X. and Che C.-T. (2002). New lupane glycosides from Pulsatilla chinensis, Planta Medica, 68:183~186.
46. Jiang R.-W., Ye W.-C., Woo K.-Y., Du J., Che C.-T., But P.-H. and Mak C.-W.(2002), Molecular structures and π- π interactions of some flavonoids and biflavonoids, Journal of Molecular Structure, 642: 77-84.
47. Jiang R.-W., But P. P.-H., Ma S.-C., Ye W.-C., Chan S.-P. and Mak T. C.-W. (2002). Structure and antiviral properties of macrocaesalmin, a novel cassane furanoditerpenoid lactone from the seeds of Caesalpinia minax Hance, Tetrahedron Letters, 43:2415~2418.
48. Jiang R.-W., Han P.-M., But P.-H., Chang H.-S., Lin G., Ye W.-C. and Mak C.-W.(2002): Isolation and stereochemistry of two new alkaloids from Stemona tuberosa, Tetrahedron, 58:6705-6712.
49. Ji Z.-N., Ye W.-C.,Liu G.-Q. and Huang Y.(2002). Inhibition of telomerase activity and bcl-2 expression in berbamine-induced apoptosis in HL-60 cells, Planta Medica, 68:596-600.
50. Ji Z.-N., Ye W.-C., Liu G.-Q. and Hsiao W.-L.(2002). 23-Hydroxybetulinic acid-mediated apoptosis is accompanied by decreases in bcl-2 expression and telomerase activity in HL-60 cells, Life Sciences, 72:1-9
51. Dai Y., Ye W.-C., Wang Z.-T., Matsuda H., Kubo M., But P.P.H. (2002). Antipruritic and antinociceptive effects of Chenopodium album L. in mice, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 81:245-250.
1. 叶文才. 红曲及其提取物在制备药品、保健品或食品中的应用, 中国发明专利, 专利号:ZL 00 1 12033.6
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著 作
1.《中药辞海》(1-6卷), 编委,中国医药科技出版社,1994 ~ 2001年
2. 《现代本草纲目》, 编委,(上、下卷),中国医药科技出版社,2001年
3. 《天然药物资源开发利用》, 编者,江苏省科学技术出版社,2000年
4. 《林产化学工业全书》(1-3卷), 编者,中国林业出版社,2001年
5. 《药物化学进展》,编者,化工出版社,2003年
6. 《药学前沿》,编委,化工出版社,2004年版、2005年版
7. 《药用植物研究与中药现代化》,编者,东南大学出版社,2004年
8. 《天然药物化学实验与指导》, 编者,中国医药科技出版社,2003年
9.《植物化学分类学》, 编者,上海科学技术出版社,2005年
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