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张显,男,1970年8月出生,1990年9月进入黑龙江大学数学系学习。1991年起跟随曹重光教授从事矩阵代数的研究工作。1992年获黑龙江大学首届“科技杯”大学生课外科技作品竞赛一等奖。1993年在《新疆大学学报》发表第一篇学术论文,同年获全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛类三等奖。1994年毕业于黑龙江大学数学系,获学士学位;并留校任助教。1997年9月,破格晋升为讲师。2001年9月,破格晋升为副教授。2001年11月去英国贝尔法斯特女皇大学攻读博士学位,从事线性控制方面的研究, 2004年12月获博士学位(Ph.D.)。同年回到黑龙江大学数学科学学院工作,并破格晋升为教授。
1 张显,曹重光, 保不变量的矩阵加群同态, 哈尔滨出版社, 2001-07-01.
2 曹重光,张显, 高等代数方法选讲, 哈尔滨出版社, 2001-11-01.
3 Xian Zhang,Xiao-Min Tang and Chong-Guang Cao, Preserver Problems on Spaces of Matrices, Science Press, 2007-01-01.
4 于宪君,曹重光,张显, 线性代数(经管类), 科学出版社, 2007-08-01.
1 Xian Zhang and Guang-Ren Duan, A note on “The parametric solutions of eigenstructure assignment for controllable and uncontrollable singular systems” by A.P. Wang and S.F. Liu, J. Appl. Math. Comput., 2009. 全文下载
2 张显, 段广仁, 离散广义线性时滞系统的有记忆状态反馈H_infty容错控制., 黑龙江大学自然科学学报, 25, 5, 561-567,572, 2008. 全文下载
3 Xian Zhang, Yuqiu Sheng and Chong Tan, Infinite Eigenvalue Assignment in Linear Time-invariant Descriptor, Proceedings of the 27th Chinese Control Conference, 782-786, 2008. 全文下载
4 姜媛, 张显, 宋国东, 线性广义系统的无源性分析, 黑龙江大学自然科学学报, 25, 4, 544-547, 2008. 全文下载
5 Xian Zhang and Xin-Rong Yang, Globally Exponentially Stabilizing Control for a Class of Continuous-time Bilinear Systems, 2008 International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation, 1, 359-363, 2008. 全文下载
6 Xian Zhang and Guodong Song, Analysis of the Passivity for Continuous and Time-invariant Linear Singular Systems, 2008 International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation, 2, 967-970, 2008, EI. 全文下载
7 Xiang Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Homomorphisms between multiplicative semigroups of matrices over fields, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 28, 2, 301-306, 2008, SCI. 全文下载
8 张显,高杨,杨雅琴, 长方广义系统的带最坏初始条件和干扰抑制的奇异线性二次优化问题, 黑龙江大学自然科学学报, 25, 1, 34-41, 2008. 全文下载
9 齐义文, 张显, 宋国东, 基于无源性分析不确定广义双线性系统的稳定性, Proceedings of the 27th Chinese Control Conference, 134-137, 2008. 全文下载
10 全新,张显, 第二类广义Bott-Duffin逆, 数学研究, 41, 2, 156-162, 2008. 全文下载
11 Xiang-Yu Gao,Xian Zhang, Additive rank-1 preservers between spaces of Hermitian matrices, J.Appl.Math. Comput, 26, 183-199, 2008. 全文下载
12 张显,魏昭辉, 基于广义动态补偿器的广义系统的特征结构配置, 莆田学院学报, 15, 2, 1-5, 2008. 全文下载
13 张显, 研究生需要培养的几种能力, 教学视点, 5, 72-73, 2008.
14 张显,生玉秋,曹重光, 理想和商环定义的教学内容设计, 中国科学教育, 5, 2, 29-30, 2008.
15 张显,张龙,谢广顺, 处理矩阵Drazin逆问题的Fitting分解方法, 中国教育导刊, 4, 73-74, 2008.
16 Chong Tan and Xian Zhang, Complete observability of a class of linear time-invariant descriptor systems, Proceedings of the 26th Chinese Control Conference, 2, 0, 200-204, 2007, ISTP. 全文下载
17 高翔宇,唐孝敏,张显, 对称矩阵空间上保逆线性映射, 黑大自然科学学报, 24, 1, 130-132, 2007. 全文下载
18 齐义文,张显, 一类离散双线性系统的全局渐进稳定控制, 第26届中国控制会议论文集, 2, 0, 309-311, 2007, ISTP. 全文下载
19 Yu-Qiu Sheng,Bao-Dong Zheng,Xian Zhang, Idempotence preserving maps on spaces of triangular matrices, J.Appl.Math. Computing, 25, 1-2, 576-589, 2007, EI. 全文下载
20 Yu-Qiu Sheng,Bao-Dong Zheng and Xian Zhang, Maps on spaces of symmetric matrices preserving idempotence, Linear Algebra Appl., 420, 576-585, 2007, SCI,EI. 全文下载
21 张显,姜媛, 线性广义系统的无源性, 2007中国控制与决策学术年会论文集, 0, 0, 6-8, 2007. 全文下载
22 Xiao-Min Tang and Xian Zhang, Additive adjoint preservers between matrix spaces, Linear and Multilinear Algebr, 54, 4, 285-300, 2006, SCI. 全文下载
23 Xian Zhang, Calculating the eigenstructure of a regular matrix pencil --- an approach based on the Weierstrass form, Int. Math. Forum, 1, 21, 1033-1041, 2006. 全文下载
24 白山,高翔宇,张显, 实对称矩阵空间到Hermitian矩阵空间保秩1的加法映射, 黑龙江大学自然科学学报, 23, 3, 396-399, 2006. 全文下载
25 张显,王国荣, 任意域上解约束矩阵方程的Cramer法则, 黑龙江大学自然科学学报, 23, 5, 637-641, 2006, 无. 全文下载
26 Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Linear k-power/k-potent preservers between matrix spaces, Linear Algebra Appl., 0, 412, 373-379, 2006, SCI,EI. 全文下载
27 Xian Zhang, Inverse-preserving linear maps between spaces of matrices over fields, Acta Math. Sinica, 22, 3, 873-878, 2006, SCI. 全文下载
28 Xiang Zhang and Nung-Sing Sze, Additive rank-one preservers between spaces of rectangular matrices, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 53, 0, 417-425, 2005. 全文下载
29 Xian Zhang and Hui-Ping Yuan, Additive rank preservers on n×n alternate matrix spaces over fields: the case that $n$ is even, J. Heilongjiang Univ. Natur. Sci., 22, 0, 664-668, 2005. 全文下载
30 Xian Zhang, The general Hermitian nonnegative-definite solution to the matrix equation AXA*+BYB*=C$, Acta Math. Academiae Paed, 21, 无, 33-42, 2005. 全文下载
31 Li-Zhu Hao and Xian Zhang, Functions preserving rank-k matrices of order n over fields, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 6, 2, 197-200, 2005. 全文下载
32 Wei-Jun Ma and Xian Zhang, Linear group inverse preserver from symmetric matrix algebras to full matrix algebras, J. Math., 25, 2, 130-134, 2005. 全文下载
33 Xian Zhang, Linear maps on symmetric matrix spaces preserving inverses of matrices, African Diaspora J. Math., 3, 1, 29-32, 2005. 全文下载
34 曹重光,张显, 关于三角矩阵代数的幂保持加法算子, 数学杂志, 25, 1, 111-114, 2005. 全文下载
35 Li-He Ma and Xian Zhang, Linear preservers of rank between spaces of matrices over fields of two elements, J. Harbin Univ. of Commerce, 21, 0, 336-339, 2005. 全文下载
36 Xian Zhang, Linear preservers of rank between matrix spaces, J. Heilongjiang Univ. Natur. Sci., 22, 1, 12-15, 2005. 全文下载
37 Xian Zhang, Additive preservers of rank on alternate matrix spaces over fields and applications, Linear Algebra Appl., 397, 0, 325-343, 2005, SCI,EI. 全文下载
38 Xian Zhang, The general common Hermitian nonnegative-definite solution to the matrix equations AXA*=BB* and CXC*=DD*$ with applications in statistics, J. Multivariate Anal., 93, 0, 257-266, 2005, SCI. 全文下载
39 Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, Linear preservers between matrix modules over connected commutative rings, Linear Algebra Appl., 397, 0, 355-366, 2005, SCI,EI. 全文下载
40 Xian Zhang, Linear/Additive preservers of rank 2 on alternate matrix spaces over fields, Linear Algebra Appl., 396, 0, 91-102, 2005, SCI,EI. 全文下载
41 Xian Zhang, Linear preservers of rank-sum-maximum, rank, rank-subtractivity, and rank-sum-minimum on symmetric matrices, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 53, 3, 153-165, 2005, SCI. 全文下载
42 曹重光,张显,唐孝敏,生玉秋, 高等代数课程建设与改革, 黑龙江教育(高教研究与评估), Z2, 19-21, 2005. 全文下载
43 马维军,寻杨,张显, 域上长方矩阵空间的加法秩保持, 北华大学学报(自然科学版), 6, 3, 193-196, 2005. 全文下载
44 寻杨,马立和,张显, 保持秩1矩阵的加法映射, 莆田学院学报, 12, 2, 1-5, 2005. 全文下载
45 Zhong-Peng Yang,Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, A matrix inequality on Schur complements, J. Appl. Math. Comput., 18, 1-2, 321-328, 2005, EI. 全文下载
46 马立和,寻杨,张显, 域上保持m\times n秩1矩阵的函数, 高师理科学刊, 12, 3, 1-5, 2005. 全文下载
47 Xian Zhang, The general common Hermitian nonnegative-definite solution to the matrix equations AXA*=B and CXC*=D, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 52, 1, 49-60, 2004, SCI, MR. 全文下载
48 Xian Zhang, Additive preservers of rank on the spaces of symmetric matrices over fields, Intern. Math. J., 5, 457-464, 2004, MR. 全文下载
49 Hui_Ping Yuan,Qing-Yu Li and Xian Zhang, Determinant inequalities of complex metapositive definite matrices, J. Heilongjiang Univ. Natur. Sci., 21, 4, 120-123, 2004. 全文下载
50 Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, Additive surjections preserving rank one and applications, Georgian Math. J., 11, 2, 209-217, 2004, MR. 全文下载
51 张显,曹重光, 域上三角矩阵空间保幂等与立方幂等的加法单映射, 数学杂志, 24, 4, 416-420, 2004, MR. 全文下载
52 张显,曹重光, 重视线性代数基本观点教学, 教育研究论坛杂志, 1, 8, 58, 2004. 全文下载
53 Xian Zhang, A Remark on Common Solutions of a Pair of Matrix Equations, Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae, 73, 151-154, 2004, MR. 全文下载
54 Xian Zhang, Additive rank preservers from triangular matrix spaces to full matrix spaces over fields, JP J. Algebra Number Theory Ap, 4, 3, 417-425, 2004, MR. 全文下载
55 Xian Zhang,Stave Thompson and Guang-Ren Duan, Full-column rank solutions of the matrix equation AV=EVJ, Appl. Math. Compu., 151, 815-826, 2004, SCI,EI,MR. 全文下载
56 Xian Zhang, Comments on , Far East J. Dynamical Systems, 6, 2, 97-105, 2004, MR. 全文下载
57 Xian Zhang, The general Hermitian nonnegative-definite and positive-definite solutions to the matrix equation GXG*+HYH*=C, J. Appl. Math. Comput., 14, 1-2, 51-62, 2004, EI,MR. 全文下载
58 Xian Zhang, Additive maps preserving Moore-Penrose inverses of matrices on symmetric matrix spaces, Linear & Multilinear Algebra, 52, 5, 349-358, 2004, SCI, MR. 全文下载
59 Xian Zhang, Idempotence-preserving maps without the linearity and surjectivity assumptions, Linear Algebra Appl., 387, 167-182, 2004, SCI,EI,MR. 全文下载
60 Li-Zhu Hao and Xian Zhang, Inverse-preserving additive maps between matrix spaces over fields of characteristic not 2, JP J. Algrbra Number Theory Appl., 4, 3, 427-436, 2004, MR. 全文下载
61 Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Additive rank one preserving operators on full matrix algebras, JP J. Algebra Number Theory Ap, 4, 3, 549-558, 2004, MR. 全文下载
62 Xian Zhang and Mei-Yu Cheng, The general common nonnegative-definite and positive-definite solutions to the matrix equations AXA*=BB* and CXC*=DD*, Appl. Math. Lett., 17, 543-547, 2004, SCI,EI,MR. 全文下载
63 Xian Zhang, Additive preservers on group inverses of matrices over fields of characteristic not 2, African Diaspora J. Math., 2, 0, 39-44, 2004. 全文下载
64 Xian Zhang, Additive preservers of rank on the spaces of $2\times 2$ symmetric matrices over fields, J. Heilongjiang Univ. Natur. Sci., 21, 4, 42-45, 2004. 全文下载
65 张显,曹重光, 关于域上矩阵广义逆的加法映射, 数学学报, 47, 5, 1013-1018, 2004, MR. 全文下载
66 Xian Zhang, Linear/Additive preservers of ranks 2 and 4 on alternate matrix spaces over fields, Linear Algebra Appl., 392, 25-38, 2004, SCI,EI,MR. 全文下载
67 Xian Zhang, Hermitian nonnegative-definite and positive-definite solutions of the matrix equation AXB=C, Appl. Math. E-Notes, 4, 40-47, 2004, MR. 全文下载
68 Chong-Guang Cao,Xian Zhang and Xiao-Min Tang, Reverse order law of group inverses of products of two matrices, Appl. Math. Comp., 158, 2, 489-495, 2004, SCI. 全文下载
69 曹重光,张显, 幂保持加法映射, 数学进展, 33, 1, 103-109, 2004, MR. 全文下载
70 Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Additive Moore-Penrose inverses preservers on full matrix algebras over fields of characteristic 3, Intern. Math. J., 4, 1, 455-461, 2003.
71 Xian Zhang, Linear maps preserving {1,2}-inverses of matrices on symmetric matrix spaces over fields of characteristic not 2, JP J. Algebra Number Theory Appl., 3, 2, 327-336, 2003.
72 Xian Zhang and Mei-Yu Cheng, The rank-constrained Hermitian nonnegative - definite and positive-definite solutions to the matrix equation AXA*=B, Linear Algebra Appl., 370, 2, 163-174, 2003, SCI,EI.
73 Guang-Ren Duan and Xian Zhang, Regularizability of linear descriptor systems via output plus state derivative feedback, Asian J. Control, 5, 334-340, 2003, SCI.
74 Xian Zhang, Linear operators that preserve pairs of matrices which satisfy extreme rank properties --- a supplementary version., Linear Algebra Appl., 375, 283-290, 2003, SCI,EI.
75 Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, Additive rank-one preserving surjections on symmetric matrix spaces, Linear Algebra Appl., 362, 145-151, 2003, SCI,EI.
76 Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, Some new result on the additive preserver problems, Numer. Math. J. (A), 34, 4, 143-145, 2003.
77 Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Additive {1,2}-inverse preservers on spaces of symmetric matrices over fields of characteristic not 2, JP J. Algebra Number Theory Appl., 3, 3, 435-445, 2003.
78 Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Additive group inverse preservers on full matrix algebras over fields of characteristic 3, Intern. Math. J, 3, 3, 1159-1167, 2003.
79 Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, The generalized inverse $A_{T,*}^(2)$ and its applications, J. Appl. Math. Comput., 11, 2, 155-164, 2003, EI.
80 Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, Homomorphisms from the unitary group to the general linear group over complex number field and applications, Arch. Math., 38, 3, 209-217, 2002.
81 张显,曹重光, 实数域上从正交群到一般线性群的同态, 数学学报, 45, 3, 461-468, 2002.
82 Guang-Ren Duan and Xian Zhang, Dynamical order assignment in linear descriptor systems via partial state derivative feedback, 8th Chinese Automation and computer Society Conference, 2002.
83 Guang-Ren Duan and Xian Zhang, Dynamical Order assignment in linear descriptor systems via state derivative feedback, 41th IEEE Conference on Decisi, 4, 4533-4538, 2002, EI,ISTP.
84 Xian Zhang,Zhong-Peng Yang and Chong-Guang Cao, Matrix inequalities involving the Khatri-Rao product, Arch. Math., 38, 4, 265-272, 2002.
85 Xian Zhang,Zhong-Peng Yang and Chong-Guang Cao, Inequalities involving Khatri-Rao products of positive semi-definite matrices, Appl. Math. E-Notes, 2, 2, 117-124, 2002.
86 Guang-ren Duan and Xian Zhang, Regularization of linear descriptor systems via output plus partial state derivative feedback, 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Measurement and Control, 105-110, 2002, ISTP.
87 Zhong-Peng Yang,Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Inequalities involving Khatri-Rao products of Hermitian matrices, Korea J. Comput. Appl. Math., 9, 1, 125-133, 2002, EI.
88 Chong-Guang Cao,Xian Zhang and Zhong-Peng Yang, Some inequalities for the Khatri-Rao product of matrices, The Electronic J. of Algebra, 9, 276-281, 2002.
89 Chong-Guang cao,Zhong-Peng Yang and Xian Zhang, Two inequalities involving Hadamard products of positive semi-definite Hermitian matrices, J. Appl. Math. Comput., 10, 2, 101-109, 2002, EI.
90 Xiao-Min Tang,Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, Modular automorphisms preserving idempotence and Jordan isomorphisms of triangular matrices, Linear Algebra Appl., 338, 15, 145-152, 2001, SCI,EI.
91 张显, 主理想整环上保对合矩阵的线性映射, 数学杂志, 21, 4, 421-424, 2001.
92 Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Homomorphisms between matrix multiplicative semigroups, JP J. Alg. Num. Theory Appl., 1, 3, 225-233, 2001.
93 Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Endomomorphisms of two dimensional unitary group over complex number field, JP J. Alg. Num. Theory Appl., 1, 1, 77-85, 2001.
94 Zhong-Peng Yang,Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Inequalities Involving Hadamard Products of Hermitian Matrices, Appl. Math. E-Notes, 1, 91-96, 2001.
95 Xian Zhang,Chong-Guang Cao and Ya-Hui Hu, Multiplicative group automorphisms of invertible upper trianguar matricdes over fields, Acta Math.Scientia(Ser.B), 20, 4, 515-521, 2000.
96 Xian Zhang and Yu Liu, Linear preserver on tripotent matrices over commutative principal ideal domains, J. Math., 20, 1, 23-28, 2000.
97 张显,付洪海, 强保持布尔矩阵M-P逆的共变算子对, 黑龙江大学自然科学学报, 17, 1, 9-12, 2000.
98 曹重光,张显, 特征3的域上保矩阵Moore-Penrose逆的可逆线性变换, 北华大学学报, 1, 1, 4-7, 2000.
99 Xian Zhang, A Note of Multiplicative Maps on Matrices that Preserve the Spectrum, Numerical Math. J. Chinese Univ. (English Ser.), 35-37, 2000.
100 Xian Zhang,Zhong-Peng Yang and Chong-Guang Cao, Real solutions of the equation φ^t(A)=1/n J_n, SIAM J.Matrix Anal.Appl., 21, 2, 642-645, 2000, SCI.
101 Xiao-Min Tang,Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao , Additive adjugate preservers on the matrices over fields, Northeast. Math. J., 15, 2, 246-252, 1999.
102 Zhong-Peng Yang and Xian Zhang, Covariant operators pairs on MoorePenrose inverses of matrices bettween variors, J. Math. Study, 32, 3, 245-252, 1999.
103 Xian Zhang,Chong-Guang Cao and Chang-Jiang Bu, Additive maps preserving M-P inverses of matrices over fidlds., Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 46, 3, 199-211, 1999.
104 Xian Zhang and Zhi-Hong Zhao, Linear operators preserving involrtory matrices over z_2, Heilongjiang Univ. Sci., 16, 3, 6-10,16, 1999.
105 张显, 关于秩的两个等式的充要条件的矩阵证法, 纺织高校基础科学学报, 12, 1, 75-76, 1999.
106 Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Linear operators strongly preserving M-p inverses of matrices over some antinegative commutative semirings, J. Math. Res. Eposition, 19, 3, 508-514, 1999.
107 张显,唐孝敏, 关于"An Adjoint Matrix of a Real Idempotent matrix"的注记, 数学研究与评论, 19, 4, 680, 1999.
108 Xiao-Min Tang and Xian Zhang, Additive adjugate preservers on trianguar matrices over fields, Hunan Anna. Math., 18, 3, 51-53, 1998.
109 Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, Semigroup automorphisms of upper triangular matrix ver integral domain, Hunan Anna. Math., 18, 3, 27-29, 1998.
110 Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, Multiplicative semigroup automorphisms of upper triangular matrices over rings, Linear Algebra Appl., 278, 13, 85-90, 1998, SCI,EI.
111 Xian Zhang, Linear operators prserviing square zero matrices over fields, Hunan Anna. Math., 18, 3, 60-61, 1998.
112 宋迎春,王富斌,张显, 一类半环上保持r-幂等矩阵的线性算子, 黑龙江大学自然科学学报, 15, 4, 25-27, 1998.
113 张显,张淑惠, 保持对合矩阵的线性映射, 黑龙江大学自然科学学报, 14, 2, 1-2,5, 1997.
114 刘玉,张显, 保矩阵M-P逆的线性算子, 南昌大学学报(理科版), 21, 4, 364-368, 1997.
115 张显, 一类半环上保持幂等矩阵的线性算子, 哈尔滨科学技术学术论丛, 1-3, 1997.
116 曹重光,张显,刘国桐, 保特征2的域上幂等矩阵的线性算子, 数学研究与评论, 16, 1, 147-149, 1996.
117 Xian Zhang, Linear operators strongly preserving the G-inverses of matrices over two semi-rings, Proceedings of The Second China Matrix Theory and Its applications Conference, 72-73, 1996.
118 Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, Additive operators preserving idempotent matrices over fields and applications, Linear Algebra Appl., 248, 327-338, 1996, SCI,EI.
119 张显,杨忠鹏, 矩阵M-P逆保持的共变算子对, 96年黑龙江省自然科学技术学术论丛(理科工程技术篇)(科学技术文), 135-138, 1996.
120 张显,曹重光, 交换整环上上三角矩阵保对合的可逆线性算子, 数学杂志, 15, 297-300, 1995.
121 张显, 交换整环上上三角矩阵的保幂等的可逆线性算子, 新疆大学自然科学学报, 10, 2, 25-27, 1993.
1 张显, 矩阵代数及其相关领域研究, 黑龙江省科学技术奖, 二等奖, 2006.
2 张显, 高等代数课程建设与改革, 黑龙江省高等教育教学成果奖, 二等奖, 2005.
3 张显, 矩阵代数及其相关领域研究, 黑龙江省高等学校科学技术奖, 二等奖, 2005.
4 张显, 基础课培养学生科研能力的教改实践, 黑龙江大学优秀教学成果奖, 一等奖, 2005.
5 张显, 矩阵方程及其应用, 黑龙江大学优秀科研成果奖, 二等奖, 2005.
6 张显, 保持问题研究, 黑龙江大学优秀科研成果奖, 一等奖, 2005.
7 张显, 矩阵代数理论及相关问题研究, 黑龙江大学优秀科研成果奖, 一等奖, 2004.
8 张显, 典型群与矩阵偏序, 黑龙江大学优秀科研成果奖, 一等奖, 2003.
9 张显, Modular Automorphisms Preserving idempotence and isomorphisms of triangular matrices over commutative rings, 黑龙江大学2002年度优秀科研成果奖, 二等奖, 2002.
10 张显, 保不变量的矩阵加群同态, 黑龙江大学2002年度优秀科研成果奖, 一等奖, 2002.
11 张显, 方程Ф^t(A)=J_n/n的实数解, 黑龙江大学2001年度优秀科研成果奖, 二等奖, 2001.
12 张显, 关于矩阵不变量的保持问题, 黑龙江大学2000年度优秀科技成果奖, 二等奖, 2000.
13 张显, 环上三角矩阵乘法半群自同构, 黑龙江大学1999年度优秀科研成果奖, 一等奖, 1999.
14 张显, 保域上幂等矩阵的加法算子及其应用, 黑龙江大学1996年度优秀科研成果奖, 一等奖, 1997.
15 张显, 典型群与矩阵代数研究, 1997年度黑龙江省教委科技进步奖, 二等奖, 1997.
1 张显,生玉秋,曹重光, 《近世代数》教学内容和教学方法的改革与实践, 黑龙江省“十一五”期间教育科学研究规划课题滚动立项项目, 2008-06-30, 2010-06-30.
2 张显,孙书利,高翔宇,马静,秦家虎, 运筹学与控制论专业教学内容与课程体系优化研究, 黑龙江省新世纪教改工程项目, 2007-12-01, 2009-12-01.
3 张显, 《近世代数》教学内容和教学方法的改革与实践, 2007年黑龙江大学新世纪教育教学改革工程项目, 2007-08-07, 2008-08-07, 0.1万元.
4 张显, 广义系统设计的参数方法, 黑龙江省博士后科研启动基金, 2005-03-01, 4万元.
5 张显, 广义系统设计和相关的矩阵代数研究, 黑龙江省教育厅海外学人科研(合作)资助计划, 2004-01-01, 2006-12-12, 6万元.
6 张显, 关于矩阵几何若干问题的研究, 国家自然科学基金, 2003-01-01, 2004-12-31, 9万元.
7 张显, 矩阵广义逆的Hadamard积不等式, 黑龙江省教育厅科研计划项目, 2002-01-01, 2003-12-01, 1万元.
8 张显, 矩阵算子和偏序理论, 黑龙江省自然科学基金项目, 2002-01-01, 2003-12-01, 1万元.
9 张显, 关于广义逆矩阵的某些问题, 黑龙江大学青年科学基金项目, 1999-08-01, 2000-12-30, 0.5万元.
10 张显, 关于矩阵集间的一些映射, 黑龙江大学科研计划项目, 1999-06-01, 1999-12-30, 0.1万元.
11 张显, 矩阵M—P逆的共变问题, 黑龙江大学科研计划项目, 1996-07-01, 1998-12-30, 0.09万元.
12 张显, 整数环上对合矩阵保持的线性算子, 黑龙江大学科研计划项目, 1996-09-01, 1997-08-30, 0.1万元.
13 张显, 半环矩阵的某些线性保持性问题, 黑龙江大学科研计划项目, 1995-06-01, 1996-12-30, 0.7万元.
电话: +86 (0)451 8660 9013
传真: +86 (0)451 8660 8453
电子邮件: zhangx663@sohu.com
张显,男,1970年8月出生,1990年9月进入黑龙江大学数学系学习。1991年起跟随曹重光教授从事矩阵代数的研究工作。1992年获黑龙江大学首届“科技杯”大学生课外科技作品竞赛一等奖。1993年在《新疆大学学报》发表第一篇学术论文,同年获全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛类三等奖。1994年毕业于黑龙江大学数学系,获学士学位;并留校任助教。1997年9月,破格晋升为讲师。2001年9月,破格晋升为副教授。2001年11月去英国贝尔法斯特女皇大学攻读博士学位,从事线性控制方面的研究, 2004年12月获博士学位(Ph.D.)。同年回到黑龙江大学数学科学学院工作,并破格晋升为教授。
1 张显,曹重光, 保不变量的矩阵加群同态, 哈尔滨出版社, 2001-07-01.
2 曹重光,张显, 高等代数方法选讲, 哈尔滨出版社, 2001-11-01.
3 Xian Zhang,Xiao-Min Tang and Chong-Guang Cao, Preserver Problems on Spaces of Matrices, Science Press, 2007-01-01.
4 于宪君,曹重光,张显, 线性代数(经管类), 科学出版社, 2007-08-01.
1 Xian Zhang and Guang-Ren Duan, A note on “The parametric solutions of eigenstructure assignment for controllable and uncontrollable singular systems” by A.P. Wang and S.F. Liu, J. Appl. Math. Comput., 2009. 全文下载
2 张显, 段广仁, 离散广义线性时滞系统的有记忆状态反馈H_infty容错控制., 黑龙江大学自然科学学报, 25, 5, 561-567,572, 2008. 全文下载
3 Xian Zhang, Yuqiu Sheng and Chong Tan, Infinite Eigenvalue Assignment in Linear Time-invariant Descriptor, Proceedings of the 27th Chinese Control Conference, 782-786, 2008. 全文下载
4 姜媛, 张显, 宋国东, 线性广义系统的无源性分析, 黑龙江大学自然科学学报, 25, 4, 544-547, 2008. 全文下载
5 Xian Zhang and Xin-Rong Yang, Globally Exponentially Stabilizing Control for a Class of Continuous-time Bilinear Systems, 2008 International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation, 1, 359-363, 2008. 全文下载
6 Xian Zhang and Guodong Song, Analysis of the Passivity for Continuous and Time-invariant Linear Singular Systems, 2008 International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation, 2, 967-970, 2008, EI. 全文下载
7 Xiang Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Homomorphisms between multiplicative semigroups of matrices over fields, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 28, 2, 301-306, 2008, SCI. 全文下载
8 张显,高杨,杨雅琴, 长方广义系统的带最坏初始条件和干扰抑制的奇异线性二次优化问题, 黑龙江大学自然科学学报, 25, 1, 34-41, 2008. 全文下载
9 齐义文, 张显, 宋国东, 基于无源性分析不确定广义双线性系统的稳定性, Proceedings of the 27th Chinese Control Conference, 134-137, 2008. 全文下载
10 全新,张显, 第二类广义Bott-Duffin逆, 数学研究, 41, 2, 156-162, 2008. 全文下载
11 Xiang-Yu Gao,Xian Zhang, Additive rank-1 preservers between spaces of Hermitian matrices, J.Appl.Math. Comput, 26, 183-199, 2008. 全文下载
12 张显,魏昭辉, 基于广义动态补偿器的广义系统的特征结构配置, 莆田学院学报, 15, 2, 1-5, 2008. 全文下载
13 张显, 研究生需要培养的几种能力, 教学视点, 5, 72-73, 2008.
14 张显,生玉秋,曹重光, 理想和商环定义的教学内容设计, 中国科学教育, 5, 2, 29-30, 2008.
15 张显,张龙,谢广顺, 处理矩阵Drazin逆问题的Fitting分解方法, 中国教育导刊, 4, 73-74, 2008.
16 Chong Tan and Xian Zhang, Complete observability of a class of linear time-invariant descriptor systems, Proceedings of the 26th Chinese Control Conference, 2, 0, 200-204, 2007, ISTP. 全文下载
17 高翔宇,唐孝敏,张显, 对称矩阵空间上保逆线性映射, 黑大自然科学学报, 24, 1, 130-132, 2007. 全文下载
18 齐义文,张显, 一类离散双线性系统的全局渐进稳定控制, 第26届中国控制会议论文集, 2, 0, 309-311, 2007, ISTP. 全文下载
19 Yu-Qiu Sheng,Bao-Dong Zheng,Xian Zhang, Idempotence preserving maps on spaces of triangular matrices, J.Appl.Math. Computing, 25, 1-2, 576-589, 2007, EI. 全文下载
20 Yu-Qiu Sheng,Bao-Dong Zheng and Xian Zhang, Maps on spaces of symmetric matrices preserving idempotence, Linear Algebra Appl., 420, 576-585, 2007, SCI,EI. 全文下载
21 张显,姜媛, 线性广义系统的无源性, 2007中国控制与决策学术年会论文集, 0, 0, 6-8, 2007. 全文下载
22 Xiao-Min Tang and Xian Zhang, Additive adjoint preservers between matrix spaces, Linear and Multilinear Algebr, 54, 4, 285-300, 2006, SCI. 全文下载
23 Xian Zhang, Calculating the eigenstructure of a regular matrix pencil --- an approach based on the Weierstrass form, Int. Math. Forum, 1, 21, 1033-1041, 2006. 全文下载
24 白山,高翔宇,张显, 实对称矩阵空间到Hermitian矩阵空间保秩1的加法映射, 黑龙江大学自然科学学报, 23, 3, 396-399, 2006. 全文下载
25 张显,王国荣, 任意域上解约束矩阵方程的Cramer法则, 黑龙江大学自然科学学报, 23, 5, 637-641, 2006, 无. 全文下载
26 Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Linear k-power/k-potent preservers between matrix spaces, Linear Algebra Appl., 0, 412, 373-379, 2006, SCI,EI. 全文下载
27 Xian Zhang, Inverse-preserving linear maps between spaces of matrices over fields, Acta Math. Sinica, 22, 3, 873-878, 2006, SCI. 全文下载
28 Xiang Zhang and Nung-Sing Sze, Additive rank-one preservers between spaces of rectangular matrices, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 53, 0, 417-425, 2005. 全文下载
29 Xian Zhang and Hui-Ping Yuan, Additive rank preservers on n×n alternate matrix spaces over fields: the case that $n$ is even, J. Heilongjiang Univ. Natur. Sci., 22, 0, 664-668, 2005. 全文下载
30 Xian Zhang, The general Hermitian nonnegative-definite solution to the matrix equation AXA*+BYB*=C$, Acta Math. Academiae Paed, 21, 无, 33-42, 2005. 全文下载
31 Li-Zhu Hao and Xian Zhang, Functions preserving rank-k matrices of order n over fields, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 6, 2, 197-200, 2005. 全文下载
32 Wei-Jun Ma and Xian Zhang, Linear group inverse preserver from symmetric matrix algebras to full matrix algebras, J. Math., 25, 2, 130-134, 2005. 全文下载
33 Xian Zhang, Linear maps on symmetric matrix spaces preserving inverses of matrices, African Diaspora J. Math., 3, 1, 29-32, 2005. 全文下载
34 曹重光,张显, 关于三角矩阵代数的幂保持加法算子, 数学杂志, 25, 1, 111-114, 2005. 全文下载
35 Li-He Ma and Xian Zhang, Linear preservers of rank between spaces of matrices over fields of two elements, J. Harbin Univ. of Commerce, 21, 0, 336-339, 2005. 全文下载
36 Xian Zhang, Linear preservers of rank between matrix spaces, J. Heilongjiang Univ. Natur. Sci., 22, 1, 12-15, 2005. 全文下载
37 Xian Zhang, Additive preservers of rank on alternate matrix spaces over fields and applications, Linear Algebra Appl., 397, 0, 325-343, 2005, SCI,EI. 全文下载
38 Xian Zhang, The general common Hermitian nonnegative-definite solution to the matrix equations AXA*=BB* and CXC*=DD*$ with applications in statistics, J. Multivariate Anal., 93, 0, 257-266, 2005, SCI. 全文下载
39 Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, Linear preservers between matrix modules over connected commutative rings, Linear Algebra Appl., 397, 0, 355-366, 2005, SCI,EI. 全文下载
40 Xian Zhang, Linear/Additive preservers of rank 2 on alternate matrix spaces over fields, Linear Algebra Appl., 396, 0, 91-102, 2005, SCI,EI. 全文下载
41 Xian Zhang, Linear preservers of rank-sum-maximum, rank, rank-subtractivity, and rank-sum-minimum on symmetric matrices, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 53, 3, 153-165, 2005, SCI. 全文下载
42 曹重光,张显,唐孝敏,生玉秋, 高等代数课程建设与改革, 黑龙江教育(高教研究与评估), Z2, 19-21, 2005. 全文下载
43 马维军,寻杨,张显, 域上长方矩阵空间的加法秩保持, 北华大学学报(自然科学版), 6, 3, 193-196, 2005. 全文下载
44 寻杨,马立和,张显, 保持秩1矩阵的加法映射, 莆田学院学报, 12, 2, 1-5, 2005. 全文下载
45 Zhong-Peng Yang,Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, A matrix inequality on Schur complements, J. Appl. Math. Comput., 18, 1-2, 321-328, 2005, EI. 全文下载
46 马立和,寻杨,张显, 域上保持m\times n秩1矩阵的函数, 高师理科学刊, 12, 3, 1-5, 2005. 全文下载
47 Xian Zhang, The general common Hermitian nonnegative-definite solution to the matrix equations AXA*=B and CXC*=D, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 52, 1, 49-60, 2004, SCI, MR. 全文下载
48 Xian Zhang, Additive preservers of rank on the spaces of symmetric matrices over fields, Intern. Math. J., 5, 457-464, 2004, MR. 全文下载
49 Hui_Ping Yuan,Qing-Yu Li and Xian Zhang, Determinant inequalities of complex metapositive definite matrices, J. Heilongjiang Univ. Natur. Sci., 21, 4, 120-123, 2004. 全文下载
50 Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, Additive surjections preserving rank one and applications, Georgian Math. J., 11, 2, 209-217, 2004, MR. 全文下载
51 张显,曹重光, 域上三角矩阵空间保幂等与立方幂等的加法单映射, 数学杂志, 24, 4, 416-420, 2004, MR. 全文下载
52 张显,曹重光, 重视线性代数基本观点教学, 教育研究论坛杂志, 1, 8, 58, 2004. 全文下载
53 Xian Zhang, A Remark on Common Solutions of a Pair of Matrix Equations, Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae, 73, 151-154, 2004, MR. 全文下载
54 Xian Zhang, Additive rank preservers from triangular matrix spaces to full matrix spaces over fields, JP J. Algebra Number Theory Ap, 4, 3, 417-425, 2004, MR. 全文下载
55 Xian Zhang,Stave Thompson and Guang-Ren Duan, Full-column rank solutions of the matrix equation AV=EVJ, Appl. Math. Compu., 151, 815-826, 2004, SCI,EI,MR. 全文下载
56 Xian Zhang, Comments on , Far East J. Dynamical Systems, 6, 2, 97-105, 2004, MR. 全文下载
57 Xian Zhang, The general Hermitian nonnegative-definite and positive-definite solutions to the matrix equation GXG*+HYH*=C, J. Appl. Math. Comput., 14, 1-2, 51-62, 2004, EI,MR. 全文下载
58 Xian Zhang, Additive maps preserving Moore-Penrose inverses of matrices on symmetric matrix spaces, Linear & Multilinear Algebra, 52, 5, 349-358, 2004, SCI, MR. 全文下载
59 Xian Zhang, Idempotence-preserving maps without the linearity and surjectivity assumptions, Linear Algebra Appl., 387, 167-182, 2004, SCI,EI,MR. 全文下载
60 Li-Zhu Hao and Xian Zhang, Inverse-preserving additive maps between matrix spaces over fields of characteristic not 2, JP J. Algrbra Number Theory Appl., 4, 3, 427-436, 2004, MR. 全文下载
61 Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Additive rank one preserving operators on full matrix algebras, JP J. Algebra Number Theory Ap, 4, 3, 549-558, 2004, MR. 全文下载
62 Xian Zhang and Mei-Yu Cheng, The general common nonnegative-definite and positive-definite solutions to the matrix equations AXA*=BB* and CXC*=DD*, Appl. Math. Lett., 17, 543-547, 2004, SCI,EI,MR. 全文下载
63 Xian Zhang, Additive preservers on group inverses of matrices over fields of characteristic not 2, African Diaspora J. Math., 2, 0, 39-44, 2004. 全文下载
64 Xian Zhang, Additive preservers of rank on the spaces of $2\times 2$ symmetric matrices over fields, J. Heilongjiang Univ. Natur. Sci., 21, 4, 42-45, 2004. 全文下载
65 张显,曹重光, 关于域上矩阵广义逆的加法映射, 数学学报, 47, 5, 1013-1018, 2004, MR. 全文下载
66 Xian Zhang, Linear/Additive preservers of ranks 2 and 4 on alternate matrix spaces over fields, Linear Algebra Appl., 392, 25-38, 2004, SCI,EI,MR. 全文下载
67 Xian Zhang, Hermitian nonnegative-definite and positive-definite solutions of the matrix equation AXB=C, Appl. Math. E-Notes, 4, 40-47, 2004, MR. 全文下载
68 Chong-Guang Cao,Xian Zhang and Xiao-Min Tang, Reverse order law of group inverses of products of two matrices, Appl. Math. Comp., 158, 2, 489-495, 2004, SCI. 全文下载
69 曹重光,张显, 幂保持加法映射, 数学进展, 33, 1, 103-109, 2004, MR. 全文下载
70 Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Additive Moore-Penrose inverses preservers on full matrix algebras over fields of characteristic 3, Intern. Math. J., 4, 1, 455-461, 2003.
71 Xian Zhang, Linear maps preserving {1,2}-inverses of matrices on symmetric matrix spaces over fields of characteristic not 2, JP J. Algebra Number Theory Appl., 3, 2, 327-336, 2003.
72 Xian Zhang and Mei-Yu Cheng, The rank-constrained Hermitian nonnegative - definite and positive-definite solutions to the matrix equation AXA*=B, Linear Algebra Appl., 370, 2, 163-174, 2003, SCI,EI.
73 Guang-Ren Duan and Xian Zhang, Regularizability of linear descriptor systems via output plus state derivative feedback, Asian J. Control, 5, 334-340, 2003, SCI.
74 Xian Zhang, Linear operators that preserve pairs of matrices which satisfy extreme rank properties --- a supplementary version., Linear Algebra Appl., 375, 283-290, 2003, SCI,EI.
75 Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, Additive rank-one preserving surjections on symmetric matrix spaces, Linear Algebra Appl., 362, 145-151, 2003, SCI,EI.
76 Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, Some new result on the additive preserver problems, Numer. Math. J. (A), 34, 4, 143-145, 2003.
77 Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Additive {1,2}-inverse preservers on spaces of symmetric matrices over fields of characteristic not 2, JP J. Algebra Number Theory Appl., 3, 3, 435-445, 2003.
78 Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Additive group inverse preservers on full matrix algebras over fields of characteristic 3, Intern. Math. J, 3, 3, 1159-1167, 2003.
79 Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, The generalized inverse $A_{T,*}^(2)$ and its applications, J. Appl. Math. Comput., 11, 2, 155-164, 2003, EI.
80 Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, Homomorphisms from the unitary group to the general linear group over complex number field and applications, Arch. Math., 38, 3, 209-217, 2002.
81 张显,曹重光, 实数域上从正交群到一般线性群的同态, 数学学报, 45, 3, 461-468, 2002.
82 Guang-Ren Duan and Xian Zhang, Dynamical order assignment in linear descriptor systems via partial state derivative feedback, 8th Chinese Automation and computer Society Conference, 2002.
83 Guang-Ren Duan and Xian Zhang, Dynamical Order assignment in linear descriptor systems via state derivative feedback, 41th IEEE Conference on Decisi, 4, 4533-4538, 2002, EI,ISTP.
84 Xian Zhang,Zhong-Peng Yang and Chong-Guang Cao, Matrix inequalities involving the Khatri-Rao product, Arch. Math., 38, 4, 265-272, 2002.
85 Xian Zhang,Zhong-Peng Yang and Chong-Guang Cao, Inequalities involving Khatri-Rao products of positive semi-definite matrices, Appl. Math. E-Notes, 2, 2, 117-124, 2002.
86 Guang-ren Duan and Xian Zhang, Regularization of linear descriptor systems via output plus partial state derivative feedback, 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Measurement and Control, 105-110, 2002, ISTP.
87 Zhong-Peng Yang,Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Inequalities involving Khatri-Rao products of Hermitian matrices, Korea J. Comput. Appl. Math., 9, 1, 125-133, 2002, EI.
88 Chong-Guang Cao,Xian Zhang and Zhong-Peng Yang, Some inequalities for the Khatri-Rao product of matrices, The Electronic J. of Algebra, 9, 276-281, 2002.
89 Chong-Guang cao,Zhong-Peng Yang and Xian Zhang, Two inequalities involving Hadamard products of positive semi-definite Hermitian matrices, J. Appl. Math. Comput., 10, 2, 101-109, 2002, EI.
90 Xiao-Min Tang,Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, Modular automorphisms preserving idempotence and Jordan isomorphisms of triangular matrices, Linear Algebra Appl., 338, 15, 145-152, 2001, SCI,EI.
91 张显, 主理想整环上保对合矩阵的线性映射, 数学杂志, 21, 4, 421-424, 2001.
92 Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Homomorphisms between matrix multiplicative semigroups, JP J. Alg. Num. Theory Appl., 1, 3, 225-233, 2001.
93 Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Endomomorphisms of two dimensional unitary group over complex number field, JP J. Alg. Num. Theory Appl., 1, 1, 77-85, 2001.
94 Zhong-Peng Yang,Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Inequalities Involving Hadamard Products of Hermitian Matrices, Appl. Math. E-Notes, 1, 91-96, 2001.
95 Xian Zhang,Chong-Guang Cao and Ya-Hui Hu, Multiplicative group automorphisms of invertible upper trianguar matricdes over fields, Acta Math.Scientia(Ser.B), 20, 4, 515-521, 2000.
96 Xian Zhang and Yu Liu, Linear preserver on tripotent matrices over commutative principal ideal domains, J. Math., 20, 1, 23-28, 2000.
97 张显,付洪海, 强保持布尔矩阵M-P逆的共变算子对, 黑龙江大学自然科学学报, 17, 1, 9-12, 2000.
98 曹重光,张显, 特征3的域上保矩阵Moore-Penrose逆的可逆线性变换, 北华大学学报, 1, 1, 4-7, 2000.
99 Xian Zhang, A Note of Multiplicative Maps on Matrices that Preserve the Spectrum, Numerical Math. J. Chinese Univ. (English Ser.), 35-37, 2000.
100 Xian Zhang,Zhong-Peng Yang and Chong-Guang Cao, Real solutions of the equation φ^t(A)=1/n J_n, SIAM J.Matrix Anal.Appl., 21, 2, 642-645, 2000, SCI.
101 Xiao-Min Tang,Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao , Additive adjugate preservers on the matrices over fields, Northeast. Math. J., 15, 2, 246-252, 1999.
102 Zhong-Peng Yang and Xian Zhang, Covariant operators pairs on MoorePenrose inverses of matrices bettween variors, J. Math. Study, 32, 3, 245-252, 1999.
103 Xian Zhang,Chong-Guang Cao and Chang-Jiang Bu, Additive maps preserving M-P inverses of matrices over fidlds., Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 46, 3, 199-211, 1999.
104 Xian Zhang and Zhi-Hong Zhao, Linear operators preserving involrtory matrices over z_2, Heilongjiang Univ. Sci., 16, 3, 6-10,16, 1999.
105 张显, 关于秩的两个等式的充要条件的矩阵证法, 纺织高校基础科学学报, 12, 1, 75-76, 1999.
106 Xian Zhang and Chong-Guang Cao, Linear operators strongly preserving M-p inverses of matrices over some antinegative commutative semirings, J. Math. Res. Eposition, 19, 3, 508-514, 1999.
107 张显,唐孝敏, 关于"An Adjoint Matrix of a Real Idempotent matrix"的注记, 数学研究与评论, 19, 4, 680, 1999.
108 Xiao-Min Tang and Xian Zhang, Additive adjugate preservers on trianguar matrices over fields, Hunan Anna. Math., 18, 3, 51-53, 1998.
109 Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, Semigroup automorphisms of upper triangular matrix ver integral domain, Hunan Anna. Math., 18, 3, 27-29, 1998.
110 Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, Multiplicative semigroup automorphisms of upper triangular matrices over rings, Linear Algebra Appl., 278, 13, 85-90, 1998, SCI,EI.
111 Xian Zhang, Linear operators prserviing square zero matrices over fields, Hunan Anna. Math., 18, 3, 60-61, 1998.
112 宋迎春,王富斌,张显, 一类半环上保持r-幂等矩阵的线性算子, 黑龙江大学自然科学学报, 15, 4, 25-27, 1998.
113 张显,张淑惠, 保持对合矩阵的线性映射, 黑龙江大学自然科学学报, 14, 2, 1-2,5, 1997.
114 刘玉,张显, 保矩阵M-P逆的线性算子, 南昌大学学报(理科版), 21, 4, 364-368, 1997.
115 张显, 一类半环上保持幂等矩阵的线性算子, 哈尔滨科学技术学术论丛, 1-3, 1997.
116 曹重光,张显,刘国桐, 保特征2的域上幂等矩阵的线性算子, 数学研究与评论, 16, 1, 147-149, 1996.
117 Xian Zhang, Linear operators strongly preserving the G-inverses of matrices over two semi-rings, Proceedings of The Second China Matrix Theory and Its applications Conference, 72-73, 1996.
118 Chong-Guang Cao and Xian Zhang, Additive operators preserving idempotent matrices over fields and applications, Linear Algebra Appl., 248, 327-338, 1996, SCI,EI.
119 张显,杨忠鹏, 矩阵M-P逆保持的共变算子对, 96年黑龙江省自然科学技术学术论丛(理科工程技术篇)(科学技术文), 135-138, 1996.
120 张显,曹重光, 交换整环上上三角矩阵保对合的可逆线性算子, 数学杂志, 15, 297-300, 1995.
121 张显, 交换整环上上三角矩阵的保幂等的可逆线性算子, 新疆大学自然科学学报, 10, 2, 25-27, 1993.
1 张显, 矩阵代数及其相关领域研究, 黑龙江省科学技术奖, 二等奖, 2006.
2 张显, 高等代数课程建设与改革, 黑龙江省高等教育教学成果奖, 二等奖, 2005.
3 张显, 矩阵代数及其相关领域研究, 黑龙江省高等学校科学技术奖, 二等奖, 2005.
4 张显, 基础课培养学生科研能力的教改实践, 黑龙江大学优秀教学成果奖, 一等奖, 2005.
5 张显, 矩阵方程及其应用, 黑龙江大学优秀科研成果奖, 二等奖, 2005.
6 张显, 保持问题研究, 黑龙江大学优秀科研成果奖, 一等奖, 2005.
7 张显, 矩阵代数理论及相关问题研究, 黑龙江大学优秀科研成果奖, 一等奖, 2004.
8 张显, 典型群与矩阵偏序, 黑龙江大学优秀科研成果奖, 一等奖, 2003.
9 张显, Modular Automorphisms Preserving idempotence and isomorphisms of triangular matrices over commutative rings, 黑龙江大学2002年度优秀科研成果奖, 二等奖, 2002.
10 张显, 保不变量的矩阵加群同态, 黑龙江大学2002年度优秀科研成果奖, 一等奖, 2002.
11 张显, 方程Ф^t(A)=J_n/n的实数解, 黑龙江大学2001年度优秀科研成果奖, 二等奖, 2001.
12 张显, 关于矩阵不变量的保持问题, 黑龙江大学2000年度优秀科技成果奖, 二等奖, 2000.
13 张显, 环上三角矩阵乘法半群自同构, 黑龙江大学1999年度优秀科研成果奖, 一等奖, 1999.
14 张显, 保域上幂等矩阵的加法算子及其应用, 黑龙江大学1996年度优秀科研成果奖, 一等奖, 1997.
15 张显, 典型群与矩阵代数研究, 1997年度黑龙江省教委科技进步奖, 二等奖, 1997.
1 张显,生玉秋,曹重光, 《近世代数》教学内容和教学方法的改革与实践, 黑龙江省“十一五”期间教育科学研究规划课题滚动立项项目, 2008-06-30, 2010-06-30.
2 张显,孙书利,高翔宇,马静,秦家虎, 运筹学与控制论专业教学内容与课程体系优化研究, 黑龙江省新世纪教改工程项目, 2007-12-01, 2009-12-01.
3 张显, 《近世代数》教学内容和教学方法的改革与实践, 2007年黑龙江大学新世纪教育教学改革工程项目, 2007-08-07, 2008-08-07, 0.1万元.
4 张显, 广义系统设计的参数方法, 黑龙江省博士后科研启动基金, 2005-03-01, 4万元.
5 张显, 广义系统设计和相关的矩阵代数研究, 黑龙江省教育厅海外学人科研(合作)资助计划, 2004-01-01, 2006-12-12, 6万元.
6 张显, 关于矩阵几何若干问题的研究, 国家自然科学基金, 2003-01-01, 2004-12-31, 9万元.
7 张显, 矩阵广义逆的Hadamard积不等式, 黑龙江省教育厅科研计划项目, 2002-01-01, 2003-12-01, 1万元.
8 张显, 矩阵算子和偏序理论, 黑龙江省自然科学基金项目, 2002-01-01, 2003-12-01, 1万元.
9 张显, 关于广义逆矩阵的某些问题, 黑龙江大学青年科学基金项目, 1999-08-01, 2000-12-30, 0.5万元.
10 张显, 关于矩阵集间的一些映射, 黑龙江大学科研计划项目, 1999-06-01, 1999-12-30, 0.1万元.
11 张显, 矩阵M—P逆的共变问题, 黑龙江大学科研计划项目, 1996-07-01, 1998-12-30, 0.09万元.
12 张显, 整数环上对合矩阵保持的线性算子, 黑龙江大学科研计划项目, 1996-09-01, 1997-08-30, 0.1万元.
13 张显, 半环矩阵的某些线性保持性问题, 黑龙江大学科研计划项目, 1995-06-01, 1996-12-30, 0.7万元.
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- 黑龙江大学物理科学与技术学院:《EDA教程——EDA技术及应用》第四章 VHDL的基本描述语句(蔡喜平)
- 黑龙江大学物理科学与技术学院:《EDA教程——EDA技术及应用》第四章 VHDL的基本描述语句(蔡喜平)
- 黑龙江大学物理科学与技术学院:《EDA教程——EDA技术及应用》第四章 VHDL的基本描述语句(蔡喜平)
- 黑龙江大学物理科学与技术学院:《EDA教程——EDA技术及应用》第二章 VHDL的基本模型结构(蔡喜平)
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