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1) 国家自然科学青年基金“城乡梯度森林土壤氮磷转化、吸收和生态化学计量”(30600473)(2007~2009),18万,主持人;
2) 江西省自然科学基金 “赣南脐橙果园氮磷循环及其化学计量”(2008~2010),2.5万,主持人;
3) 江西省教育厅科技计划“酸沉降对茶树铝循环及其茶叶品质的影响”(GJJ08055)(2008~2010),2万,主持人;
4) 中国博士后基金“土壤-茶树铝循环与茶叶铝安全”(20070421040)(2007-2008),3万,主持人;
5) 南昌大学青年教师基金“城市园林灌木养分循环初步研究”(2006~2008),0.6万,主要参加人;
6) 南昌大学分析测试基金“城市园林植物生态化学计量的研究”(2005~2006),0.5万,主持人;
7) 国家“十一五”科技攻关项目“沙区生态安全的土地利用格局优化技术研究”子课题“沙区主要植物叶片结构与生态适应性”(2005~2007),4万,子课题负责人;
8) 国家自然科学基金“章古台地区不同人工固沙林土壤N有效性研究”(2005~2007),27万,主要完成人;
9) 中国科学院研究生创新项目“土地利用变化对沙地土壤N矿化速率的影响”(2003~2004),1万,主持人。
1) Hu, X. F., Chen, F. S., Hu, H. F., Dai, L. M. Sustainability assessment for Yanbian forest region, Jilin Province, Northeast China, based on ecological footprint model. Frontiers of Forestry in China, 2007, 2(4): 290-295.
2) Chen, F.S., Zeng, D.H., Hu, X.F., Chen, G.S., Yu, Z.Y. Soil animals and nitrogen mineralization under sand-fixation plantations in Zhanggutai region Journal of Forestry Research, 2007, 18(1):73-77.
3) Chen, F.S., Zeng, D.H., He, X.Y. Small-scale spatial variability of soil nutrients and vegetation properties in a semi-arid site of northern China. Pedosphere, 2006, 16(6):778-787.
4) Chen, F.S., Zeng, D.H., Zhou, B., Singh, A. N., Fan, Z.P. Seasonal variation in soil nitrogen availability under Mongolian pine plantations in Keerqin Sand Lands, China. Journal of Arid Environments, 2006,67:226-239
5) Singh, A.N., Zeng, D.H., Chen, F.S. Effect of young woody plantations on carbon and nutrient accumulation rates in redeveloping soil of coalmine spoil in dry tropical environment, India. Land Degradation and Development, 2006, 17(1): 13-21.
6) Chen, F. S., Zeng, D. H., Singh, A. N., Chen, G. S. Effects of soil moisture and soil depth on nitrogen mineralization process under Mongolian pine plantations in Zhanggutai sandy land, P. R. China. Journal of Forestry Research, 2005, 16(2): 101-104.
7) Singh, A.N., Zeng, D.H., Chen, F.S. Heavy metal concentrations in redeveloping soil of mine spoil under plantations of certain native woody species in dry tropical environment, India. Journal of Environment Sciences, 2005, 17(1):168-174.
8) Chen, G. S., Zeng, D. H., Chen, F. S. Concentrations of foliar and surface soil in nutrients of Pinus sp. plantations in relation to species and stand age in Zhangutai sandy land, northeast China. Journal of Forestry Research, 2004, 15(1): 11-18.
9) Singh, A. N., Zeng, D. H., Chen, F. S. Ecological restoration of coal mine spoils by establishing certain woody plantations in a dry tropical environment, India. International Workshop on Ecological Processes (international conference in China). 2004. China: Shenyang.
10) Singh, A. N., Zeng, D. H., Chen, F. S., Yu, Z. Y. Restoration of opencast spoils by young teak (Tectona grandis) plantation in a dry tropical environment in India. In: Sano, M., Miyanmoto, A., and Sugimura, K. (eds.). Proceeding of IUFRO International Workshop on Landscape Ecology 2004- Conservation and Management of Fragmented Forest Landscapes. Tsukuba, Japan. 2004.
11) Gao, P., Liu, Z. X., Chen, F. S. The runoff characteristics and harmonic analysis of the soil moisture dynamics in Robinia pseudoacacia stand. Journal of Forestry Research, 2003, 14(4):295-298.
12) Chen, F. S., Chen, G. S., Zeng, D. H., Liang, C. The effects of peat and weathered coal on the growth of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica seedlings on aeolian sandy soil. Journal of Forestry Research, 2002, 13(4): 251-254.
13) Yu, Z. Y., Chen, F. S., Zeng, D. H., Zhao, Q., Chen, G. S. Soil inorganic nitrogen, microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen under pine plantations in a Zhanggutai sandy soil. Pedosphere. in press.
14) 甘露,陈伏生(通讯作者),胡小飞,田秋香,葛刚,詹书侠.2008.南昌市不同植物类群叶片氮磷浓度及其化学计量比.生态学杂志,2008,27(3): in press.
15) 陈伏生,胡小飞,葛刚.城市地被植物麦冬(Ophiopogon japonicus)叶片氮磷化学计量比和养分再吸收效率.草业学报,2007,16(4):47-54.
16) 陈伏生,曾德慧,范志平,赵琼.森林土壤氮素有效性的野外估测方法.林业科学,2007, 43(S1):83-88.
17) 胡小飞,陈伏生(通讯作者),胡岸峰,甘露,姚成义,胡海军.氮磷添加对麦冬根部养分浓度及其化学计量比的影响.热带亚热带植物学报,2007,15(5):377-382.
18) 胡小飞,陈伏生,葛刚.森林采伐对林地表层主要特征及其生态过程的影响.土壤通报, 2007,38(6):1213-1218.
19) 陈伏生,曾德慧,范志平,陈广生,Singh, A. N. 沙地不同树种人工林土壤氮素矿化过程及其有效性研究.生态学报,2006,26(2):341-348.
20) 陈伏生,曾德慧,范志平,陈广生,于占源,赵琼.章古台沙地樟子松人工林土壤有效氮的研究.北京林业大学学报,2005,27(3):6-11.
21) 陈伏生,曾德慧.耕种对沙地土壤全磷空间变异性的影响(EI).中国环境科学,2005, 13(S):85-88.
22) 陈伏生,曾德慧.林龄与管理措施对沙地樟子松人工林土壤氮素有效性的影响.西南林学院学报,2005,25(4):69-74.
23) 曾德慧,陈广生,陈伏生,冀晓燕.不同林龄樟子松叶片养分含量及其再吸收效率.林业科学,2005,41(5):21-27.
24) 陈伏生,曾德慧,陈广生,范志平.开垦对草甸土有机碳的影响.土壤通报,2004, 35(4):413-419.
25) 陈伏生,曾德慧,陈广生.土地利用变化对沙地土壤全氮空间分布格局的影响.应用生态学报,2004,15(6):953-957.
26) 陈伏生,曾德慧,何兴元.森林土壤氮素转化与循环.生态学杂志,2004,23(5):126-133.
27) 陈伏生,曾德慧.科尔沁沙地退化草场土壤养分的空间结构分析.草业学报,2004,13(1): 39-44.
28) 陈伏生,曾德慧,王桂荣.泥炭和风化煤改良盐碱土的效果分析(EI).辽宁工程技术大学学报.2004,23(6):861-864.
29) 赵琼,曾德慧,陈伏生, 陈广生,于占源,冀晓燕.樟子松人工林土壤磷素状况初步研究.生态学杂志,2004, 23(5):224-227.
30) 陈伏生,王桂荣,张春兴,曾德慧.施用泥炭对风沙土改良及蔬菜生长的影响.生态学杂志,2003,22(4):16-19.
31) 陈伏生,曾德慧,陈广生,王桂荣.风沙土改良剂对白菜生理特性和生长状况的影响.水土保持学报,2003,17(2):152-155.
E-mail: chenfush@hotmail.com; chenfush@yahoo.com
Tel: 0791-3969534 (office)
Dr. Fusheng Chen
Current Position: Associate professor, Laboratory for Basic Biology, College of Life Sciences, Nanchang University
Corresponding address: No. 999, Xuefuda Road, Honggutang New District, Nanchang city, 330031, China, P. R.
Telephone: 86-791-3969534
Fax: 86-791-3969533
E-mail: chenfush@yahoo.com, chenfush@hotmail.com
Education Background:
2000.8-2005.7: M.S. & Ph.D., Major in Plant Ecology, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, China.
The dissertation title for Ph.D. degree is “Soil Nitrogen Transformation and Its Availability under Sand-fixed Plantations in Zhanggutai Region”.
1993.9-1997.7: B.S., Major in Forestry, Department of Forestry, Jiangxi Agriculture University, Nanchang, China.
Professional Experience:
2007.1-present: Associate Professor, Laboratory of Basic Biology, College of Life Sciences, Nanchang University, Nanchang, 330031, China
2005.7-2006.12: Assistant Professor, Department of Bioscience, College of Life Sciences, Nanchang University, Nanchang, 330031, China
1997.8-2000.7: Lecturer, Department of Forestry, Jiangxi Agriculture University, Nanchang, 330047 China
Research Interests:
My primary interest is to understand nitrogen and phosphorus transformation and cycling among the atmosphere-soil-plant systems. My research approaches involve long- and short-term field studies, spatial and temporal analysis to the element distribution and transformation and system models for element cycles.
1) Forest soil nitrogen and phosphorus transformation, plant nutrient absorption and leaf carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry along an urban-rural gradient in Nanchang city, 2007-2009, National Natural Science Foundation of China
2) Nitrogen and phosphorus cycling, and their stoichiometric ratio under orange plantations in the southern Jiangxi province, 2007-2010, Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province
3) Influence of acid or nitrogen deposition on aluminum absorption, transport and allocation in tea plants, and the quality of tea. 2008-2010, Scientific and Technological Item in Education Bureau of Jiangxi province.
4) Leaf structure and their adaptation for major plants in sandy region, 2005-2007, Cooperation with Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
5) Ecological stoichiometry of urban garden plants in Nanchang city, 2005-2006, Analysis Fund, Nanchang University
6) Soil nitrogen availability under different artificial sand-fixed plantations in Zhanggutai region, 2005-2007, National Natural Science Foundation of China
7) Effects of land use change on sandy soil nitrogen mineralization, 2003-2004, Graduate Student Research Fund, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2005.8-present: Courses for undergraduate students in Nanchang University: Basic Ecology, Ecological Engineer for Garden, Biostatistics and Biology Introduction; Courses for graduate students: Ecological Monograph, Plant Monograph, Experimental Methods and Techniques in Ecology, and Garden Plants and their Landscape.
1997.8-2000.8: Courses for undergraduate students in Jiangxi Agriculture University: Botany and Dendrology.
Honors, Awards and Recognitions:
2007: Excellent Youth Teacher of Higher Education in Jiangxi Province
2005: Excellent Graduate in Liaoning Province
2004: Scholarship of Graduate Student by the President of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2002: Excellent Graduate Student of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2001: Excellent Student of Graduate College, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1996: Excellent Forestry Undergraduate in China
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