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博士生导师,于1962年武汉大学物理系毕业,1967年于中科院金属所研究生毕业,1988年晋升为研究员,1996年被评为博士导师,从事晶体结构工作廿多年,在晶体学及电子显微学方面造诣较深,数学基础扎实。曾于七十年代末用数论研究晶体几何学取得成功,在八十年代以后从事晶体及准晶体结构模型的研究,曾推导出一组计算复杂无机化合物晶胞中原子位置的公式,适合于数百种无机化合物,提出了五个准晶原子结构模型,文章发表在“Acta. Cryst.”,“Phil. Mag.”,“Phys. Rve. B”,“Phys. Rev. Lett.”,等国际一流杂志上,引用200余次,在引文中多次用到了“独立地”,“成功地”,“对问题作了正面回答”,“借用杨的命名”,“与实验结果的惊人的符合”,“完全地不同于他人的方法”,等等。由于病毒与准晶有完全相同的对称操作,故他在准晶研究方面取得的成果可以十分顺利地用于病毒的三维重构。这也是他为什么近年来将自己的研究工作转向病毒重构的重要原因。
1. Q.B. Yang, and K.H Kuo, A structure model of the icosahedral phase derived from its close relationship to the pentagonal Frank-Kasper phase, Phil. Mag. Lett. 53(1986), L115.
2. Q.B. Yang, and W.D. Wei, Description of the dodecagonal quasicrystal by a projection method, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58(1987),1020.
3. Q.B. Yang, and S. Andersson, Application of coincidence site lattice for crystal structure description: part 1. = 3 , Acta Cryst. B 43(1987), 1.
4. Q.B. Yang, S. Andersson and L. Stenberg, An alternative description of the structure of NaCd2, Acta Cryst. B 43(1987), 14.
5. Q.B. Yang, and K.H. Kuo, A new description of pentagonal Frank-Kasper phase and a possible structure model of the icosahedral quasicrystal, Acta Cryst. A 43(1987),787.
6. Q.B. Yang, and, The structure of Ti2(Ni, V) in crystalline and quasicrystalline, Phil. Mag. Lett. 57(1988), 171.
7. Z.M. Wang, Q.B. Yang, and K.H. Kuo, Description of hexagonal Frank-Kasper phase by projection mether, Acta Cryst. A 45(1989), 268.
8. A.Q. He, Q.B. Yang, and H.Q. Ye, The Fe-Nb decagonal phase and its structure model, Phil. Mag. Lett. 61(1990), 69.
9. Q.B. Yang, Quasicrystal model based on a series of supercubic crystal structure consisting of triacintahedra or Mackay Icosahedra, Phil. Mag. B 61(1990), 155.
10. J.Q. You and Q.B. Yang, Quantum ising models in transverse fields for a class of one-dimensional quasiperiodic lattices. Phys. Rev. B41(1990), 7073.
11. J.Q.You, Q.B. Yang, and J.R. Yan, Phonon properties of a class of one-dimensional quasiperiodic system, Phys. Rev. B 41(1990),7491.
12. J.Q. You and J.R. Yan, Q.B. Yang, Dynamical maps and contor-like spectra for a Class of one-demensional quasiperiodic lattices, J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 2(1990), 2093.
13. J.Q. You, J.R. Yan and Q.B. Yang, Elestronic properties of a class of one-demensional quasiperiodic system, Z. Phys. B 80(1990), 119
14. G.J. Shiflet, Q.B. Yang, D.S. Zhou and S.J. Poon, Structureal of shear planes, intersection areas and translation domeins in the A15CuLi3 Frank-kasper phase, Phil. Mag. A64(1991), 483.
15. D. Shi, H.Q. Ye, Q.B. Yang, K.H. Huo, A structural model of the icosahedral A16CuLi13 phase studied by high resolution electron micrscopy, Phil. Mag. B 63(1991), 1365.
16. Q.B. Yang, D.S. Zhou and G.J. Shiflet, There new types of dhear planes in the A15CuLi3 crystal structure, A 65(1992), 1395.
17. S.K. Mukhopadhyay, D.S.Zhou and Q.B.Yang,Effect of variation in the Cu:Mg ratios on the formation of T2 and C phases in Al 8090 alloys,Scripta Met.Et.Materiallia,26(1992),237.
18. M.F.Bartholomeusz,Q.B.Yang and J.A.Wert,Greep deformation of a two-phase TiAl/Ti3Al Lamellar alloys and the individual TiAl and Ti3Al constituent phases,Scripia Met.Et.Materialia,29(1993),389.
19. Q.B.Yang,J.a.Wert,Alternative description of the shear plane of the Rphase,Acta Metallurgica Sinica,V9(1996)P313-317.
20. J.Q.You,Lide Zhang,Q.B.Yang,Magnetotransport properties of Fibonacci semicondutor superlattices,Phys.Rev B55(1997),1314.
21. J.Q.You,Lide Zhang,Q.B.Yang,Magnetotransport properties of Fibonacci semicoductor superlattices,Phys.Rev B55(1997),15757.
22. J.Q.You, Lide Zhang and Q.B.Yang,Longitudinal magnetotranspont in long-period semiconductor superlattices, Phys. Rev. B 55(1997),155757.
23. Q.B. Yang, G.J. Shiflet, E.A. Starke, Jr,Interfacial relationship between S’(Al2CuMg) and aluminum, Atca Metallurgica Sinica, V10(1997)P304-310.
24. G.B. Hu and Q.B. Yang, Phase extension and structure analysis by the maximum entropy method. Atca Metallurgica Sinica V11(1998)P241-254.
25. X.H. Yan, L.de Zheng, Zhuping Duan and Q.B. Yang, Renormalization group approach on nanostrutural systems, Chin. Phys. Lett. 14(1997),291
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