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姓名:萧柏春 性别:男 E-mail:
1982 南京大学数学系,数学学士
1985 比利时鲁汶大学,MBA
1990 宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿管理学院,管理科学博士
美国西东大学商学院决策与计算科学系:助理教授(1990-1994); 终身教授(1994-1998); 正教授(1999); 系主任(1995-1997)
美国长岛大学商学院管理系: 终身教授/正教授 (1998-); 系主任(2003-)
香港中文大学系统工程与工程管理系: 访问教授 (1996-97, 2004-05)
四川大学工商管理学院: 教授,服务管理研究所所长 (2000-)
北京大学光华管理学院: EMBA客座教授(2004-)
南京大学商学院: EMBA客座教授(2003-)
复旦大学管理学院: EMBA客座教授(2005)
·Feng, Y. and B. Xiao. 2005. A Continuous-Time Seat Control Model for Single-Leg Flight with No-Shows and Optimal Overbooking Upper Bound, European Journal of Operational Research, in print.
·Xiao, B., Y. Feng and E. Roche. 2005. Switching Costs and Electronic Markets. Annals of Operations Research 135, 179-196.
·Y. Feng and B. Xiao. 2005. Integration of Pricing and Capacity Allocation for Perishable Products, European Journal of Operational Research, in print.
·Feng, Y. and B. Xiao. 2002. Optimal Threshold Control in Discrete Failure-Prone Manufacturing Systems. IEEE on Automatic Control, No.7.
·Feng, Y., P. Lin and B. Xiao. 2002. An Analysis of Airline Seat Control with Cancellations. In Yao, D.D., Zhang, H. and Zhou, X.Y. (eds.), Stochastic Modeling and Optimization, with Applications in Queues, Finance, and Supply Chains, Springer-Verlag.
·Feng, Y. and B. Xiao. 2001. A Dynamic Airline Seat Inventory Control Model and Its Optimal Policy. Operations Research, Vol.49, 938-949.
·Feng, Y. and B. Xiao. 2000. A Continuous-Time Yield Management Model with Multiple Prices and Reversible Price Changes. Management Science, Vol.46, No.5, 644-657.
·Feng, Y. and B. Xiao. 2000. Optimal Policies of Yield Management with Multiple Predetermined Prices. Operations Research, Vol.38, No.2, 332-343.
·Feng, Y. and B. Xiao. 2000. A New Algorithm for Computing Optimal (s, S) Policies in a Stochastic Single Item/Location Inventory System. IIE Transactions, in print.
·Feng, Y. and B. Xiao. 2000. Revenue Management with Two Market Segments and Reserved Capacity for Priority Customers. Advances in Applied Probability, Vol.32, 800-823.
·Feng, Y. and B. Xiao. 1999. Maximizing Revenues of Perishable Assets with a Risk Factor. Operations Research, Vol.37, No.2, 337-341.
·Xiao, B and Y. Feng. 1997. Alternative Solutions and Classification Power in LP Discriminant Models. Annals of Operations Research, Vol.74, 113-127.
·Amar, A. and B. Xiao. 1997. An Optimal Comprehensive Cost Model for Generalized m x n Job Shops. International Journal of Production Research, Vol.35, No.4, 1011-1130.
·Xiao, B. 1995. The Linear Complementarity Problem with a Parametric Input. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.81, 420-429.
·Xiao, B. 1995. Multiple and Unacceptable Solutions in Nonlinear Programming Discriminant Analysis. American Journal of Mathematics and Management Sciences, Vol. 14, No.3-4, 267-288.
·Xiao, B. and P.T. Harker. 1994. A Nonsmooth Newton Method for Variational Inequalities, Part I: Theory. Mathematical Programming, Vol.65, 151-194.
·Xiao, B. and P.T. Harker. 1994. A Nonsmooth Newton Method for Variational Inequalities, Part II: Numerical Results. Mathematical Programming, Vol.65, 195-216.
·Xiao, B. 1994. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Unacceptable Solutions in NLP Discriminant Analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.78, 404-412.
·Xiao, B. 1994. Decision Power and Solutions of LP Discriminant Analysis. Decision Sciences, Vol.25, 335-336.
·Xiao, B. 1994. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Unacceptable Solutions in LP Discriminant Analysis. Dec
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