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2006.06–至  今, 大连理工大学应用数学系,博士生导师.
2004.08–至  今, 大连理工大学应用数学系,教授.
2009.04–2009.06, 香港理工大学应用数学系,Research Fellow.
         (JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow for Foreign Researchers).
2004.05–2004.07, 香港理工大学应用数学系,Research Associate.
1994.12–2000.09, 大连理工大学应用数学系,讲师.
1992.07–1994.11, 大连理工大学应用数学系,助教.
(1) Co-Guest Editor (with Profs. Chen Xiaojun and Chen Zhiping) for Pacific Journal of Optimization (SCI-E杂志): Special issue on Stochastic Programming, Vol.7, No.2, 2011.
(2) 近年来多次为下列国际知名杂志审稿:
● SIAM Journal on Optimization(SCI杂志);
● Mathematics of Operations Research(SCI杂志);
● Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications(SCI杂志);
● Annals of Operations Research(SCI杂志);
● European Journal of Applied Mathematics(SCI杂志);
● Computational Optimization and Applications(SCI-E杂志);
● Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (SCI-E杂志);
● Optimization Methods and Software(SCI-E杂志);
● Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization(SCI-E杂志);
● Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization(SCI-E杂志);
● Pacific Journal of Optimization(SCI-E杂志);
● Asia-Pacific Journal of Operations Research(SCI-E杂志).
(1) 均衡约束数学规划问题(MPEC):MPEC是约束条件中含有变分不等式或互补系统的数学规划问题,在工程设计、经济平衡、多层规划等众多领域有着广泛的应用,已经成为目前国际优化界最为活跃的研究课题之一。截止目前我们已经提出了求解MPEC的一系列有效途径,包括松弛途径、罚函数途径、以及作用集识别途径。其中通过识别在解点处的起作用指标集而开发出的一组具有“有限步终止性质”的混合算法在本研究领域是独一无二的。此外,我们还率先在国际上开始系统研究“随机型均衡约束数学规划问题(SMPEC)”,目前已经提出了光滑化隐式规划、罚函数、正则化、(quasi-)Monte Carlo逼近等多种求解途径,有关成果引起了国际优化界的广泛关注:http://www.ballarat.edu.au/ard/itms/CIAO/ORBNewsletter/issue10.shtml#11
(2) 变分不等式(VIP)与互补问题(NCP):VIP与NCP已经成为最优化理论中的基本课题之一。近年来,由于理论与实际双方面的需要,人们又开始关注含有随机变量的变分不等式(SVIP)与互补问题(SNCP)。我们论证了SNCP可以转化为特殊的SMPEC问题,进一步又得到了多种再定式;依据这些再定式,我们提出了求解SNCP的罚函数法,并且对SNCP的性质进行了较为广泛的研究。此外,我们利用变分不等式理论中的所谓效益函数给出了SVIP的再定式,并提出了求解该类问题的Monte-Carlo方法。
(3) 利用随机变分不等式这一新工具研究了含有随机因素的供应链网络问题,并建立了应用更为广泛的供应链网络的变分不等式模型,从而为研究以供应链网络为代表的复杂网络问题提供了新的工具。
● 均衡约束数学规划与双层规划
● 变分不等式与非线性互补问题
● 供应链网络优化
● Mei-Ju Luo and Gui-Hua Lin, Convergence results of the ERM method for nonlinear stochastic variational inequality problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, to appear (DOI: 10.1007/s10957-009-9534-3).
● Gui-Hua Lin, Combined Monte Carlo sampling and penalty method for stochastic nonlinear complementarity problems, Mathematics of Computation, 78 (2009), 1671-1686.
● Mei-Ju Luo and Gui-Hua Lin, Expected residual minimization method for stochastic variational inequality problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 140 (2009), 103-116.
(SCI IDS Number: 393VO)
● Gui-Hua Lin, Xiaojun Chen and Masao Fukushima, Solving stochastic mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints via approximation and smoothing implicit programming with penalization, Mathematical Programming, 116(2009), 343-368.
(SCI IDS Number: 316QI)
● Gui-Hua Lin, Huifu Xu and Masao Fukushima, Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo sampling methods for a class of stochastic mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 67(2008), 423-441.
(SCI/ISTP IDS Number: 304AA; EI Accession Number: 082211279644)
● Gui-Hua Lin, Modified relaxation method for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 30(2007), 2179-2195.
(SCI IDS Number: 237AP; EI Accession Number: 074710933960)
● Gui-Hua Lin, Xiaojun Chen and Masao Fukushima, New restricted NCP functions and their applications to stochastic NCP and stochastic MPEC, Optimization, 56(2007), 641-653.
(SCI IDS Number: 233ZU)
● Gui-Hua Lin and Masao Fukushima, New reformulations and smoothed penalty method for stochastic nonlinear complementarity problems, Optimization Methods and Software, 21(2006), 551-564.
(SCI/ISTP IDS Number: 056ZY; EI Accession Number: 06289984738)
● Gui-Hua Lin and Masao Fukushima, Hybrid approach with active set identification for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 128(2006), 1-28.
(SCI IDS Number: 005LW)
● Gui-Hua Lin and Masao Fukushima, A class of stochastic mathematical programs with complementarity constraints: Reformulations and algorithms, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 1(2005), 99-122.
(SCI IDS Number: 088IA)
● Gui-Hua Lin and Masao Fukushima, Regularization method for stochastic mathematical programs with complementarity constraints, European Series of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 11(2005), 252-265.
(SCI IDS Number: 953VF; EI Accession Number: 06049661321)
● Gui-Hua Lin, Liwei Zhang and Liping Pang, Two projection-type methods for pseudo-monotone variational inequality problems, OR Transactions, 9(2005), 58-64.
● Gui-Hua Lin and Masao Fukushima, A modified relaxation scheme for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints, Annals of Operations Research, 133 (2005), 63-84.
(SCI/ISTP IDS Number: 901TN)
● Masao Fukushima and Gui-Hua Lin, Smoothing methods for mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints, survey paper. Proceedings of the ICKS'04, IEEE Computer Society, 206-213, 2004.
(ISTP IDS Number: BAL35; EI Accession Number: 04538753274)
● Gui-Hua Lin and Masao Fukushima, New relaxation method for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 118 (2003), 81-116.
(SCI IDS Number: 700QZ)
● Gui-Hua Lin and Masao Fukushima, Some exact penalty results for nonlinear programs and mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 118 (2003), 67-80.
(SCI IDS Number: 700QZ)
● Lin Gui-Hua and Xia Zun-Quan, Two projection-type algorithms for pseudo-monotone variational inequalities, Archives of Control Sciences, 10 (2000), 157-165.
● Lin Gui-Hua and Xia Zun-Quan, Some improved convergence results for variational inequality problems, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 2 (1999), 81-88.
● Lin Gui-Hua and Xia Zun-Quan, Some improved convergence results for pseudo-monotone variational inequalities, Pure Mathematics and Applications, 10 (1999), 173-182.
● Lin Gui-Hua, Feng Enmin, and Xia Zun-Quan, Some convergence results for pseudo-monotone variational inequalities, Pure Mathematics and Applications, 8 (1997), 339-346.
● Lin Gui-Hua and Feng Enmin, A new demonstration of a theorem for sublinear approximation, Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition, 20 (2000), 211-212.
● 林贵华、夏尊铨, 求解变分不等式的一种外逼近法的若干收敛性结果,应用数学,12 (1999), 11-14.
● Lin Gui-Hua, Wang Xilu and Jiang Shengzong, Two projection-type algorithms for solving variational inequality problems, Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, 7 (1999), 127-132.
● 林贵华, 空间l_1(X_n)中的弱紧性, 数学研究与评论, 18 (1998), 397-401.
● 林贵华, 空间l_\infty(X_n)中的弱紧性, 数学研究与评论, 18 (1998), 571-574.
● Lin Gui-Hua, A new result of projection-type method for solving variational inequalities, Northeast Operations Research and Applied Mathematics, 10 (1998), 6-9.
● 林贵华, 逼近性质的一些注记, 大连理工大学学报, 37 (1997), 8-10.
● 林贵华, 性质(u)及其在l_p(X_n)的提升, 数学研究与评论, 16 (1996), 565-569.
● 林贵华, 序列空间中的逼近性质, 大连理工大学学报, 36 (1996), 1-5.
(EI Accession Number: 96033064878)
● 林贵华, 关于序列空间中的有限维分解性质,南开大学学报, 28 (1995), 82-86.
● 林贵华, 序列空间l_p(X_n)中的两个提升问题, 大连理工大学学报, 35 (1995), 442-446.
(EI Accession Number: 95092863880)
● 林贵华, 关于向量值序列空间l_p(X_n)中的列收敛,南开大学学报, 25 (1992), 6-15.
Technical Reports:
● Gui-Hua Lin and Masao Fukushima, Optimality conditions and combined Monte Carlo sampling and penalty method for stochastic mathematical programs with complementarity constraints and recourse, Technical Report 2005-005, Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Kyoto University. See http://www.amp.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/index-e.html.
● Gui-Hua Lin, Xiaojun Chen and Masao Fukushima, Smoothing implicit programming approaches for stochastic mathematical programs with linear complementarity constraints, Technical Report 2003-006, Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Kyoto University. See http://www.amp.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/index-e.html.
(1) 主要奖励:
● JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers(日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员),2004.11-2006.11.
● 辽宁省百千万人才工程千人层次.
(2) 主持项目:
● 关于随机型均衡约束数学规划问题的研究,国家自然科学基金10771025,2008.01-2010.12.
● 关于随机变分不等式与随机互补问题的研究,高等学校博士学科点新教师专项科研基金20070141063,2008.01-2010.12.
● 随机变分不等式及其在供应链管理中的应用,大连理工大学''数学+X''交叉学科建设专项基金MXDUT073012,2008.01-2009.12.
● 均衡约束数学规划问题的理论与应用,教育部留学归国人员科研启动基金,2005.09-2007.08.
● Studies on Equilibrium and Optimization Problems under Uncertainty,日本学术振兴会科学研究金补助费-特别研究员奖励费04F04334,2004.11-2006.11.
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