
Grewe, Constance
简历 课程 论文 演讲
Université Robert Schuman - Faculté de droit - 1, Place d’Athènes, BP 66 - F - 67045 STRASBOURG Cedex e-mail : constance.grewe@urs.u-strasbg.fr
Nationality : french and german
Born in Stuttgart, Germany. Primary and secondary school in Freiburg and Frankfurt, Germany. Studies in law at the Faculty of Law in Caen, France (1967-1974). Ph.D. in 1979 at the University of Caen with a thesis on German cooperative federalism.
Professor at the University of Chambéry from 1981 to 1983.
From 1983 to 1997, Professor at the University of Caen. Responsability for the research departement ? fundamental rights ? and direction of a Master in fundamental rights.
Professor at the University Robert Schuman of Strasbourg since 1997. Head of the Institute of comparative law (1998-2000), of the research department “Institut de recherches Carré de Malberg” (IRCM) since September 2003. Direction of Master studies in comparative law since September 2006.
Research and publications
in the area of
- comparative constitutional law (Droits constitutionnels européens, P.U.F., Droit fondamental, Paris 1995 co-authored with Hélène Ruiz Fabri, Les constitutions des Etats de l’Union européenne, La Documentation fran?aise, coll. Retour aux textes, 1999 co-authored with Henri Oberdorff),
- German constitutional law (Le fédéralisme coopératif en République fédérale d’Allemagne, Economica 1981, ? Le ‘traité de paix' avec la Cour de Luxembourg : l’arrêt de la Cour constitutionnelle allemande du 7 juin 2000 relatif au règlement du marché de la banane ?, RTDE 2001, p. 1-17)
- interactions between international and domestic law (? Vergleich zwischen den Interpretationsmethoden europ?ischer Verfassungsgerichte und des europ?ischen Gerichtshofes für Menschenrechte ?, Za?RV 2001, p. 459-473 ; ? La situation respective du droit communautaire et du droit international dans le droit constitutionnel des Etats ?, in : SFDI, Colloque de Bordeaux, Droit international et droit communautaire, perspectives actuelles, Pedone Paris 2000, p. 251-282 co-authored with Hélène Ruiz Fabri ; Menschenrechte in der Bew?hrung. Die Rezeption der Europ?ischen Menschenrechtskonvention in Frankreich und Deutschland im Vergleich, Nomos, Baden-Baden 2005, 374 p. co-authored with C. GUSY).
Other Professional Activities include
Member of the University Scientific Councils in Caen and Strasbourg. From September 2003 to December 2006 Vice-President of the Robert Schuman University in charge of research.
Member of the executive comittee of the Association fran?aise des constitutionnalistes (AFDC.
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Law Journal EuGRZ (Europ?ische Grundrechte Zeitschrift).
Expert by the Council of Europe.
Appointment as a judge of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzgovina in September 2004.
简历 课程 论文 演讲
Université Robert Schuman - Faculté de droit - 1, Place d’Athènes, BP 66 - F - 67045 STRASBOURG Cedex e-mail : constance.grewe@urs.u-strasbg.fr
Nationality : french and german
Born in Stuttgart, Germany. Primary and secondary school in Freiburg and Frankfurt, Germany. Studies in law at the Faculty of Law in Caen, France (1967-1974). Ph.D. in 1979 at the University of Caen with a thesis on German cooperative federalism.
Professor at the University of Chambéry from 1981 to 1983.
From 1983 to 1997, Professor at the University of Caen. Responsability for the research departement ? fundamental rights ? and direction of a Master in fundamental rights.
Professor at the University Robert Schuman of Strasbourg since 1997. Head of the Institute of comparative law (1998-2000), of the research department “Institut de recherches Carré de Malberg” (IRCM) since September 2003. Direction of Master studies in comparative law since September 2006.
Research and publications
in the area of
- comparative constitutional law (Droits constitutionnels européens, P.U.F., Droit fondamental, Paris 1995 co-authored with Hélène Ruiz Fabri, Les constitutions des Etats de l’Union européenne, La Documentation fran?aise, coll. Retour aux textes, 1999 co-authored with Henri Oberdorff),
- German constitutional law (Le fédéralisme coopératif en République fédérale d’Allemagne, Economica 1981, ? Le ‘traité de paix' avec la Cour de Luxembourg : l’arrêt de la Cour constitutionnelle allemande du 7 juin 2000 relatif au règlement du marché de la banane ?, RTDE 2001, p. 1-17)
- interactions between international and domestic law (? Vergleich zwischen den Interpretationsmethoden europ?ischer Verfassungsgerichte und des europ?ischen Gerichtshofes für Menschenrechte ?, Za?RV 2001, p. 459-473 ; ? La situation respective du droit communautaire et du droit international dans le droit constitutionnel des Etats ?, in : SFDI, Colloque de Bordeaux, Droit international et droit communautaire, perspectives actuelles, Pedone Paris 2000, p. 251-282 co-authored with Hélène Ruiz Fabri ; Menschenrechte in der Bew?hrung. Die Rezeption der Europ?ischen Menschenrechtskonvention in Frankreich und Deutschland im Vergleich, Nomos, Baden-Baden 2005, 374 p. co-authored with C. GUSY).
Other Professional Activities include
Member of the University Scientific Councils in Caen and Strasbourg. From September 2003 to December 2006 Vice-President of the Robert Schuman University in charge of research.
Member of the executive comittee of the Association fran?aise des constitutionnalistes (AFDC.
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Law Journal EuGRZ (Europ?ische Grundrechte Zeitschrift).
Expert by the Council of Europe.
Appointment as a judge of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzgovina in September 2004.
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