
Frison-Roche, Marie Anne
巴黎政治学院 教授
简历 课程 论文 演讲 个人网页
Academic titles and diplomas
- Professor of University, first class,
- "Agrégée des Facultés de Droit",1991, first place
- Thesis "Généralités sur le principe du contradictoire (droit processuel" (General considerations on the Due Process and the Contradictionary Principle), University Pantheon-Assas (Paris II), 1988, "Très honorable avec félicitation du jury" ,
- Master of Private Law (University Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris I), mention "Bien," 1984,
- Master of Procedural Law(University Panthéon-Assas, Paris II), mention "Très bien", 1983,
- Bachelor of philosophy (Paris IV), 1987.
- Professor of University at the Institute of Political Sciences in Paris(Sciences-Po) since 2002,
- Founder and director of the "Forum de la Régulation" (Regulatory Forum) Sciences-Po, created in 2001,
- Founder and director of the "Chaire Régulation" (Researches Center on Economic and Legal Regulatory), Sciences-Po, created in 2002,
- Founder and director of the "Master de droit économique" (Economic Law Master), Sciences-Po, created in 2004 : and director of two of its sections "Droit des marchés et de la régulation " (Market and Regulatory Law), Droit européen économique (European Economic Law) .
- Les grandes questions du droit (Foundamental questions on Law), since 2004,
- Les grands enjeux de la justice, (Foundamental questions on Justice and Juridictions), with Fran?is Teitgen, since 2009,
- Droit général de la régulation, (General Regulatory Law), since 2000,
- Droit processuel du droit de la concurrence et de la régulation, (Procedural Rules in the Competition and Regulatory Law), since 2009,
- Actualités du droit de la régulation , (Analysis of in Regulatory new cases), since 2009
Editorial Responsabilitis :
- editor of the collection Cours Dalloz, Série droit privé, Dalloz publisher, created in 1993,
- editor of the collection Droit et Economie, LGDJ publisher, created in 2004,
- editor of the collection Droit et Economie de la Régulation, Presses de Sciences Po and Dalloz publishers, created in 2004,
- member of the publishing commitee of L’année sociologique, PUF, since 2001.
Scientific and administrative Responsibilities :,
- member of the Consultative Council of Internet, since 2004,
- member of the scientific Council of the Economic Commission of the French Senate, since 2002.
Scientific Activities
11 books and publications’direction of books,
3 directions of books’ collections,
28 scientifics directions of collective publications ,
229 articles : 144 contributions in colllectives publications and 85 monographies,
248 conférences.
巴黎政治学院 教授
简历 课程 论文 演讲 个人网页
Academic titles and diplomas
- Professor of University, first class,
- "Agrégée des Facultés de Droit",1991, first place
- Thesis "Généralités sur le principe du contradictoire (droit processuel" (General considerations on the Due Process and the Contradictionary Principle), University Pantheon-Assas (Paris II), 1988, "Très honorable avec félicitation du jury" ,
- Master of Private Law (University Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris I), mention "Bien," 1984,
- Master of Procedural Law(University Panthéon-Assas, Paris II), mention "Très bien", 1983,
- Bachelor of philosophy (Paris IV), 1987.
- Professor of University at the Institute of Political Sciences in Paris(Sciences-Po) since 2002,
- Founder and director of the "Forum de la Régulation" (Regulatory Forum) Sciences-Po, created in 2001,
- Founder and director of the "Chaire Régulation" (Researches Center on Economic and Legal Regulatory), Sciences-Po, created in 2002,
- Founder and director of the "Master de droit économique" (Economic Law Master), Sciences-Po, created in 2004 : and director of two of its sections "Droit des marchés et de la régulation " (Market and Regulatory Law), Droit européen économique (European Economic Law) .
- Les grandes questions du droit (Foundamental questions on Law), since 2004,
- Les grands enjeux de la justice, (Foundamental questions on Justice and Juridictions), with Fran?is Teitgen, since 2009,
- Droit général de la régulation, (General Regulatory Law), since 2000,
- Droit processuel du droit de la concurrence et de la régulation, (Procedural Rules in the Competition and Regulatory Law), since 2009,
- Actualités du droit de la régulation , (Analysis of in Regulatory new cases), since 2009
Editorial Responsabilitis :
- editor of the collection Cours Dalloz, Série droit privé, Dalloz publisher, created in 1993,
- editor of the collection Droit et Economie, LGDJ publisher, created in 2004,
- editor of the collection Droit et Economie de la Régulation, Presses de Sciences Po and Dalloz publishers, created in 2004,
- member of the publishing commitee of L’année sociologique, PUF, since 2001.
Scientific and administrative Responsibilities :,
- member of the Consultative Council of Internet, since 2004,
- member of the scientific Council of the Economic Commission of the French Senate, since 2002.
Scientific Activities
11 books and publications’direction of books,
3 directions of books’ collections,
28 scientifics directions of collective publications ,
229 articles : 144 contributions in colllectives publications and 85 monographies,
248 conférences.
- Colneric,Ninon (评:229/喜爱度:5)
- VandenBossche,Peter (评:0/喜爱度:5)
- Trute,Hans-Heinrich (评:0/喜爱度:5)
- Cohen,Dany (评:0/喜爱度:5)
- Ajani,Gianmaria (评:0/喜爱度:5)
- Karagaiannis,Syméon (评:0/喜爱度:5)
- Campione,Riccardo (评:0/喜爱度:5)
- Wouters,Jan (评:0/喜爱度:5)
- 王晨光 (评:0/喜爱度:5)
- Grewe,Constance (评:0/喜爱度:5)