
Cohen, Dany
简历 课程 论文 演讲
38, Bd Richard Lenoir
75011 Paris - FRANCE
Professional Experience
Since feb. 2007
Professor of private at Sciences-Po Paris
2005 - 2007
Director of the Institut d’Etudes Judiciaires (Institute of Judicial Studies, preparation for the entry exam for bar school) at l' Université Paris XIII
2002 - 2004
Evaluation, for the National Committee of Evaluation for four law schools : Paris X-Nanterre, Nantes, Pau and Versailles-Saint-Quentin
1997 - 2007
Creation and management of D.E.S.S in litigation (which is today professional Master 2 in litigation), University of Paris XIII
Since 1994
Professor, University of Paris XIII (procedural law, private international law, human rights, intellectual property) ; creation of Institute of Judicial Studies in 1995
1992 - 1994
Creation and management of D.J.C.E. (dipl?me de juriste-conseil d' entreprise) (degree for legal council for companies) and creation of the Institute of Judicial Studies at Cergy University
1989 - 1991
Director of D.E.S.S de droit de la distribution (Professional Master 2 in distribution rights), University of Maine, Le Mans
Since 1985
Professor of private law
1982- 1985
Secretary-writer at the Hague Conference of private international law
Since 1975
Lawyer, Paris Bar (main fields : arbitration, business law, international law, Human rights, intellectual property)
1984 Agrégé of law schools (competitive State examination); Doctor of law ; Laureat at the Chancellory of the Universities of Paris and of the University of Paris II
1979 D.E.A. (Master 2) of general private law (University of Paris II)
1977 D.E.A. (Master 2) of environmental law (University of Paris I)
1976 D.E.A. (Master 2) of public law (University of Paris II)
Principle Publications
? Categories of people, equality and differentiation in the civil code, L' Harmattan, 2006
? Nationality and citizenship, in Figures of citizenship, L' Harmattan, 2006
? From the choice of evaluation criteria to a conception of law, in measuring the economic effectiveness of law, LGDJ 2005
? Authenticity and authorship of works of art, Les Petites Affiches, 2004
? Discrimination in French business law, works of the Capitant association, LGDJ 2002
? The recent evolution of extradition in France, in the Collections (2001-2002) of the French committee of private international law
? The death penalty in the United States, Report of the investigating commission of the International federation of Human rights (a collective report), FIDH, 2001
? The liberty of scientific research, the liberty of research and its limits, 2001
? Loft Story : the work-game (in collaboration with Laurent Gamet), Droit social 2001
? The right to..., in Mélanges Terré, 1999
? Is the CEO an ordinary delinquent ?, in the penalization of economic life, Dalloz 1997
? Art, public and market, Archives of the philosophy of law, 1996
? Restoration of contemporary works of art and the rights of the artist, in Publication of the Geneva center of art law, 1996
? The liberty to create, in Liberties and fondamental rights, Dalloz, 1ère éd. 1995, 12è éd. 2006
? The judicial control of visits and investigations of the DGCCRF (in collaboration with Marie-Anne Frison-Roche), note to JCP 1994
? Application of international fiscal conventions and conflicts of laws, (in collaboration with J.P. Bertolas), note to the Critical review of international private law, 1993
? The European Convention of human rights and French international private law, Critical review of international private law, 1989
? The Cour de Cassation (French supreme court) and the separation of administrative and judicial authorities, thesis Paris II 1984, Economica 1988
? Note about the decision of the Parisian court of appeals, October 25 1977, Dalloz 1978 p.278 (company, bankruptcy proceedings, paying off of debts)
Principal Conferences and Communications
From 2007 to 2004
Scientific direction of conference ? Rights and economics of the civil trial ?, co-organised by the Sciences po head of regulation and the Court of cassation (10 conferences from January to December).
To the frontiers of commercial liberty: the monopolies of exploitation inherent in intellectual property, in ? What commercial code for tomorrow ? ?, Paris, Sénat (still to be published).
Critique of the judge and outrage in the time of democracy and of the rights of the defendant, CERAP, Paris (still to be published).
Introduce class actions to French law ?, Cour de cassation (French supreme court)(still to be published).
International commercial arbitration, Barreau de Lyon
Electronic commerce : aspects of international law (Journées d' études CNRS/Université de Montréal), Montréal
The control of company concentration, Seminar at school of lawyers of Lyon
The European directive of May 22 2001 relative to the rights of the author (Lyonnais section of the International association of intellectual property, 2002)
Fall 2000
Invited professor, University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
Defendant' s rights in criminal business law, Conference, University of Poitiers
The competent judge in matters of competition, Ateliers of Competition, Ministry of finance
The European court of Human rights and French criminal proceedings, Annual conference of the syndicate of lawyers in France
The impact of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human rights on criminal rights Europe-United States, Annual congress of the American Bar Association, Atlanta
1989 and 1991
Communications at the Conference of the International association of criminal law, Syracuse
The equitable criminal trial in light of the recent jurisprudence of the CEDH, Annual conference of the International Bar Association, Strasbourg
International judicial cooperation and the comparison of offenses, International Law Association, Paris
简历 课程 论文 演讲
38, Bd Richard Lenoir
75011 Paris - FRANCE
Professional Experience
Since feb. 2007
Professor of private at Sciences-Po Paris
2005 - 2007
Director of the Institut d’Etudes Judiciaires (Institute of Judicial Studies, preparation for the entry exam for bar school) at l' Université Paris XIII
2002 - 2004
Evaluation, for the National Committee of Evaluation for four law schools : Paris X-Nanterre, Nantes, Pau and Versailles-Saint-Quentin
1997 - 2007
Creation and management of D.E.S.S in litigation (which is today professional Master 2 in litigation), University of Paris XIII
Since 1994
Professor, University of Paris XIII (procedural law, private international law, human rights, intellectual property) ; creation of Institute of Judicial Studies in 1995
1992 - 1994
Creation and management of D.J.C.E. (dipl?me de juriste-conseil d' entreprise) (degree for legal council for companies) and creation of the Institute of Judicial Studies at Cergy University
1989 - 1991
Director of D.E.S.S de droit de la distribution (Professional Master 2 in distribution rights), University of Maine, Le Mans
Since 1985
Professor of private law
1982- 1985
Secretary-writer at the Hague Conference of private international law
Since 1975
Lawyer, Paris Bar (main fields : arbitration, business law, international law, Human rights, intellectual property)
1984 Agrégé of law schools (competitive State examination); Doctor of law ; Laureat at the Chancellory of the Universities of Paris and of the University of Paris II
1979 D.E.A. (Master 2) of general private law (University of Paris II)
1977 D.E.A. (Master 2) of environmental law (University of Paris I)
1976 D.E.A. (Master 2) of public law (University of Paris II)
Principle Publications
? Categories of people, equality and differentiation in the civil code, L' Harmattan, 2006
? Nationality and citizenship, in Figures of citizenship, L' Harmattan, 2006
? From the choice of evaluation criteria to a conception of law, in measuring the economic effectiveness of law, LGDJ 2005
? Authenticity and authorship of works of art, Les Petites Affiches, 2004
? Discrimination in French business law, works of the Capitant association, LGDJ 2002
? The recent evolution of extradition in France, in the Collections (2001-2002) of the French committee of private international law
? The death penalty in the United States, Report of the investigating commission of the International federation of Human rights (a collective report), FIDH, 2001
? The liberty of scientific research, the liberty of research and its limits, 2001
? Loft Story : the work-game (in collaboration with Laurent Gamet), Droit social 2001
? The right to..., in Mélanges Terré, 1999
? Is the CEO an ordinary delinquent ?, in the penalization of economic life, Dalloz 1997
? Art, public and market, Archives of the philosophy of law, 1996
? Restoration of contemporary works of art and the rights of the artist, in Publication of the Geneva center of art law, 1996
? The liberty to create, in Liberties and fondamental rights, Dalloz, 1ère éd. 1995, 12è éd. 2006
? The judicial control of visits and investigations of the DGCCRF (in collaboration with Marie-Anne Frison-Roche), note to JCP 1994
? Application of international fiscal conventions and conflicts of laws, (in collaboration with J.P. Bertolas), note to the Critical review of international private law, 1993
? The European Convention of human rights and French international private law, Critical review of international private law, 1989
? The Cour de Cassation (French supreme court) and the separation of administrative and judicial authorities, thesis Paris II 1984, Economica 1988
? Note about the decision of the Parisian court of appeals, October 25 1977, Dalloz 1978 p.278 (company, bankruptcy proceedings, paying off of debts)
Principal Conferences and Communications
From 2007 to 2004
Scientific direction of conference ? Rights and economics of the civil trial ?, co-organised by the Sciences po head of regulation and the Court of cassation (10 conferences from January to December).
To the frontiers of commercial liberty: the monopolies of exploitation inherent in intellectual property, in ? What commercial code for tomorrow ? ?, Paris, Sénat (still to be published).
Critique of the judge and outrage in the time of democracy and of the rights of the defendant, CERAP, Paris (still to be published).
Introduce class actions to French law ?, Cour de cassation (French supreme court)(still to be published).
International commercial arbitration, Barreau de Lyon
Electronic commerce : aspects of international law (Journées d' études CNRS/Université de Montréal), Montréal
The control of company concentration, Seminar at school of lawyers of Lyon
The European directive of May 22 2001 relative to the rights of the author (Lyonnais section of the International association of intellectual property, 2002)
Fall 2000
Invited professor, University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
Defendant' s rights in criminal business law, Conference, University of Poitiers
The competent judge in matters of competition, Ateliers of Competition, Ministry of finance
The European court of Human rights and French criminal proceedings, Annual conference of the syndicate of lawyers in France
The impact of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human rights on criminal rights Europe-United States, Annual congress of the American Bar Association, Atlanta
1989 and 1991
Communications at the Conference of the International association of criminal law, Syracuse
The equitable criminal trial in light of the recent jurisprudence of the CEDH, Annual conference of the International Bar Association, Strasbourg
International judicial cooperation and the comparison of offenses, International Law Association, Paris
- Colneric,Ninon (评:229/喜爱度:5)
- VandenBossche,Peter (评:0/喜爱度:5)
- Trute,Hans-Heinrich (评:0/喜爱度:5)
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